Thinking of running again: D&D, or Maid? [Humanoid Bondage/Consensual]

Started by kongming, August 01, 2011, 06:56:29 AM

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Cool, I'm never really sure how much people know for D&D so I prefer to err on the side of redundant information. I figured you probably knew about it since you were talking about Knockback but maybe not.


Yeah, I know the basic optimization tricks, at least.  Stuff like using Dungeon Crasher and Zhentarim Soldier for the Fighter, or how many different cool things you can get by dipping Cloistered Cleric, that sort of thing.  The rest, I tend to reference guides and handbooks for.


So, I've looked over the rules for creating a steamjack, and I'm glad the Tome of Awesome throws out Wealth By Level, because the things are freaking expensive. Assuming A) I'd be allowed to play a 'jack and B) my "WBL" would be all invested in myself, a Heavy Labor Jack would still run 20K of the 43K allotted to a 10th level character (without class levels), and a Light Labor Jack would be 16K of the 27K allotted to an 8th level character (the minimum levels to play them, by ToA rules). It's still a potentially fascinating concept, particularly with a high-grade cortex to simulate a higher Int score, but the costs involved could make it unworkable.


If you ended up being someones Jack, you could pool the money. As a warcaster I definitely want one.

Hm... out of curiosity; who's heard of the Sharn and their stats for being a PC?


They're from the barbarian lands to the far east, right? Or am I thinking of the Skorne?

Pooling money to be a Jack would definitely be preferable, especially since I've now found the rules for scratchbuilding a 'jack in Liber Mechanika. Though consider my vote firmly at Level 10 now.


Anauroch: The Empire of the Shade. They are my single favorite example of the fact that WotC is hilariously inept when dealing with ECL. Even worse then Black Ethergaunts, and that's saying something.

I suppose I'll throw my vote for 10 as well.


*is probably going to have to track down a copy of Liber Mechanika, herself, since regular Magic Items are apparently quite rare and expensive in-setting, and the Mechanika rules in the core rulebook aren't exactly easy to read through*

And I already voted for 10, myself, though I also freely admitted that I have an ulterior motive for doing so. ^^;


Quote from: SomeGuy on August 09, 2011, 05:18:18 PM
Anauroch: The Empire of the Shade. They are my single favorite example of the fact that WotC is hilariously inept when dealing with ECL. Even worse then Black Ethergaunts, and that's saying something.

I suppose I'll throw my vote for 10 as well.

Oh, they're a Faerun race. That explains everything,really...though I'd wonder how they compare to hatchling phaerimms in terms of ECL-player-race stupidity.

EDIT: It's also occurred to me that if "my" character is going to be a party-collective contribution of that sort, and there's a Bodger Mechanik and a Warcaster in the party, we might collectively have the feats necessary to have crafted all the components personally and get them for half price, allowing a bit more variety (and a better brain, most importantly). Hopefully the GM comes back soon, to either approve this plan or shoot it down before we invest much more thought into it.


Dunno about that, don't think I've ever seen the stats on those.

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ECL 9, 4 HD and 5 LA. 9 arms, 3 bite attacks, Regeneration 2/lawful, DR 10/cold iron or lawful, SR 20, evasion, immune to mind stuff or any sort of polymorph, can make 'hex portals' out to 20ft away which they can see, attack and cast spells through. Speaking of spells, they cast as both a 6th level sorcerer and a 6th level favored soul which is explicitly stated stats with class levels. +8 Str, +10 Dex, +10 Con, +8 Int, +8 Wis, +10 Cha. Oh, they also get Alertness, Multiattack and Multi-Weapon Fighting as bonus feats.

Oh, and they can take a full-round action and a standard action every turn.


Okay, that's kinda nuts.

(For comparison, a Phaerimm is a Underdark-dwelling abberation that looks like this, who while unimpressive stats, are notable for having sorcerer casting equal to their total hit dice that stacks with other spellcasting. Hatchlings are ECL1, so a Phaerimm Hatchling Sorcerer 9, at CR/ECL10, casts as an 18th level sorcerer.




I'm pretty sure we've still got openings, since kongming has stated that she's looking at character concepts to decide who to accept, rather than just blindly accepting the first few people to sign up.  You should probably pitch your character concept if you want to have a chance to join, though.


I'm actually pretty new to D&D but honestly  3.5 I can play well as well as pathfinder.. even IRL I usually play someone to round out the party some.


Oh yeah, character concepts. Well, my 'primary' by now is obviously the Team Pet Steamjack, but if kong will accept a Token Male teammember, I'd probably be playing a Khadoran ex-patriate, either a Widowmaker sniper or a former Man-O-War pilot (a melee brawler now, with or without a custom suit of steam armor).


Well, to begin with, the game is set in a third-party campaign setting called Iron Kingdoms.  The 3.5 books are no longer being supported by the company that publishes it, but most of them are available legally for purchase as pdfs online, assuming you aren't the type to illegally download things like that.  You should probably try to familiarize yourself with the setting in one way or another, since it's going to be a pretty big part of the game.

The opening post also contains a link to some free online fan-generated content for 3.5 in general that you should probably download, since this game will be making use of it.  It's going to be a more optimized, higher-powered game in general, from the looks of things, so you shouldn't really need to 'round out' anything.  Just come up with a character that you'd like to play, and see if kongming thinks you'd fit in. ^^

Quote from: TheGlyphstone on August 09, 2011, 07:28:06 PM
Oh yeah, character concepts. Well, my 'primary' by now is obviously the Team Pet Steamjack, but if kong will accept a Token Male teammember, I'd probably be playing a Khadoran ex-patriate, either a Widowmaker sniper or a former Man-O-War pilot (a melee brawler now, with or without a custom suit of steam armor).

Hmm.  You know, you being a Steamjack would actually bring up some interesting possibilities for the group as a whole, now that I think about it.  Warjacks are generally restricted to militaries only in the Iron Kingdoms, but many mercenary companies also have special permission to use them, though they usually have obsolete models bought off the black market.  Having our group be a mercenary company could explain at the very least how a number of the characters know one another...

My character concept is, of course, a Silver Dragon. ^^ Specifically, one with a massive scar across her chest, and who has been in hiding for a while and is now curious about the world outside her lair.  Ideally, it'll be a character that's really fun to roleplay.


Custom Jacks are private property, so while you can't buy production models if you have one specially made...

Here's a bit of intro/background for my character. More to come.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Born in Bastion city (well, Ceryl technically) Mara was born to the Ryland family who had served in the city guard for generations, though recently some had begun seeking out a Letter or Marquis. They were a large family, though not nobles. The Rylands has long held the 'outsiders' in disdain, seeing their city as not just the Bastion of Arcane but the true bastion of civilization. They see the lands as being locked in a forever repeating cycle of catastrophes and betrayals, the Protectorate of Menoth in particular is reviled along with the Orgoth which the Ryland family has kept the stories of for generations. For over 400 years Rylands were brought up on horror stories of the Orgoth and the fact that they had merely been driven off and while the kingdoms continue to squabble the Orgoth have been rebuilding and studying the technologies that had been used to drive them out. They don't have any actual proof, but even the most disbelieving of Rylands have conceded it was possible and the idea had a solid standing in logic.

Mara was always fascinated with the legends of Dragons, the tale of the Dragon Father wiping out an entire Orgoth fleet with such ease they didn't dare send another was intended as a prime example of power being in the hands of the irresponsible. Instead Mara took away a something different, I want power like that.


Yeah - weapon mounts and top-grade cortexes are Military-restricted equipment, but steamjacks can be owned privately. The biggest expense is their coal consumption, which is why I'm planning to ask kongming (assuming this whole 'Jack' plan isn't shot down from the start) if I can have some sort of experimental high-efficiency engine that increases operating time.

Idle thought: A 'jack with an Arcanum-grade cortex (top-of-the-line, military use only unless you steal one) has Intelligence 10, the same as an average human. They can't talk, but they do have fingers - could you teach a 'jack to use sign language?


Hmm.  Theoretically, it would be possible...  You might even be able to teach it to read and write. :P

Wow.  Now I'm definitely hoping I get accepted. ^^; It looks like there's a lot of interesting roleplaying that could result between our characters, SomeGuy...


Now that'd be interesting, and definitely something to explore - just how human can a 'jack get, in the same way scientists did experiments on monkeys/orangutans. It's moving the concept quite a bit away from the semi-comedic idea of the warcaster using her 'jack as a sex toy, but that's not really a bad thing with the previously mentioned ethical concerns.

Anyways, a 14HD light warjack would be CR9 if it had no unusual abilities, so an ECL10 character by ToA rules. Only 107 HP though, equivalent to a level 10 fighter with Constitution 16. Only AC20, too, so pretty fragile.


Hmm.  If that's for a Warjack with no unusual abilities, and then we could buy things like heavier armor and weapons with WBL, that would be pretty much ideal...

*just found the Mechanik's Drill weapon*



Heavier armor is an optional Component, and it's not too expensive (1,500 for +6 at the cap), but it has a problem of grossly reducing the 'jack's speed...-5ft. for every 2 points of armor added, and with a speed of only 25ft. to begin with. 3,500 does buy me an Superheavy Engine that adds +10ft speed, I guess, but that still only leaves me with AC26. Not a very sturdy tank, really.

With regards to weapons, it's also technically illegal for 'jacks to have built-in weapon mounts if they're not military, or to carry actual melee/ranged weapons if they have fists. The way most people get around this is "improvised weaponry"...giant pruning shears or mining hammers that just happen to work as well on flesh as they do on solid stone. That said, a Large spear/polearm will be good enough for most purposes.


Hmm.  We could try enchanting or making Mechanikal improvements to the existing armor, then.  AC 26 and a +3 enhancement bonus to AC would be more respectable, right?  Maybe toss on a Mechanikal shield, too...

How lucky for us that a Mechanik's Drill is also a tool, then. ;D


I'm not sure about the legality of attaching accumulators and rune plates to a 'jack to mechanikally enchant its hull. But that'd be a great idea if it worked.

Also, building Mechanika is CONFUSING. Do we have anyone planning on being an Arcane Mechanik?


fallensaviour mentioned playing a Bodger, but I don't think we have any Arcane Mechaniks on the table. ^^;

As far as Mechanika go, since they're about as common in IK as regular magic items are in other settings, while actual magic items in IK are usually these rare, unique items with their own personal histories, one idea that had crossed my mind was that we could just reflavor regular magic items as being Mechanika, while the actual magic items could be reflected by more specialized rule-sets, like Weapons of Legacy or the Item Familiar feat.

The rules for Mechanika were a frequent complaint about the setting in the research I did about it, so I don't think we'd be the first group to implement this particular solution...


Since I'm taking leadership (Pre-req for Warcaster) I was going to have my cohort probably be an Arcane Mechanik.

Edit- Isn't there an awaken construct spell?