Tales of Might and Magic: Heroes{Pathfinder}{Full}

Started by Eternal Blade, June 22, 2011, 05:33:25 AM

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Eternal Blade

Where are we?(Setting)
Along the eastern coast, there are no kingdoms, but rather a plethora of near countless of city states. Many change names too often to remember, while other have held the same name for several generation, and still others rise and fall like the wind. The eastern lands are jagged forest filled mountains and hills, along a pristine coast that’s ripe with lawlessness. Barbarians rule the land, and pirates rule the seas. The only beacons’ of hope for civilization in this land are the city states themselves, and alas, they are more interested in feuding over slights long forgotten or warring for land they don't need and can't keep.

What is our situation?(Plot)
Our story begins as our heroes are waking from an encounter they aren’t likely to forget. On their way back from Blackthorn Isle, they were besieged by a sorcerer who had flown out from the mainland and within seconds had sunk the ship. As they wake on a black sand beach near jagged rocks, they realize they no longer possess the gem they had been asked to retrieve from the forsaken island by a priest of Sarenrae, and no doubt images of the dark robed mage from the night before cross their minds.

Why does this game have the same title as another game I've seen?
Now hopefully that got your attention. This is a side game for Black Howling’s ‘Tales of Might and Magic’ which will be specific to heroes, that is goodly characters. This game will take place on same continent, in the same setting as the game he is running, but in a different region of that continent. I am a much different GM than BH, so you’ll have to deal with it. I also don’t have a lot of experience with running RPG’s online, so if you wish to participate, you’ll have to deal with that as well.

What’s allowed in?
Core Content: All core content is allowed, that is to say that everything from the core or primary book of Pathfinder is allowed in.

APG(Advanced Players Guide) Only certain content from this book is allowed in, and only with My approval, which means you have to ask first, and there is the possibility that I will refuse. Primary among the content I may allow is: Alternate Racial Features, Alternate Class Features, Class Archetypes, and some of the APG’s classes.

No other content is allowed. I’ll not repeat this again.”

What’s Required to get into the game?
Submit a character Sheet: I’ll require a fully filled out and public CS from Plot Hooks, before even considering your character.

Submit a Back Story: I’ll also require you to submit a back story of about 1-5 paragraphs(Paragraphs being about 3-6 sentences). Length does not necessarily impress me, I’d prefer a good detailed back story over one that has a bunch of useless detail about how many ladies of the night your character has been with.

Wait: Yes, wait. I’ll chose from the character that I like the best, and I think will work the best. Party cohesion matters a great deal to me, so make a character that can work well with a group.

What are you looking for in a group?
Melee Combatant: This is the backbone of a party, so it deserves placing at the top. A good melee combatant should have maneuvers that can control the front line of combat, should have a high to near unassailable AC(Armor Class), and should be able to deal damage enough to pose a serious threat to the parties enemies.

Examples: Fighter, Barbarian, and Paladin.

Party Support: If the Melee combatant is the backbone of a group, this is the muscles that hold bone in place. A good support character should be able to heal the party up, and should be able to buff the party(either for offense or defense, but preferably both).

Examples: Cleric, Bard, and Druid.

Specialist Skills: This is the character that gets the group by when magic and might have failed. A good Specialist Character should be able to scout, deal respectable damage to the parties enemies, and to generally be able to get past obstacles that the rest of the group finds themselves lacking for.

Examples: Rogue, Ranger, and Bard.

Magic/Artillery: The group is bound to need some artillery support, and mages do that better than anyone else(usually). A mage should be able to do many other things besides send out slaying spells. They should be able to figure out what’s magical and what’s not, they should be capable of pulling off that spell that saves the party time or resources, on top of flaying the parties enemies with slaying spells.

Exapmples: Wizard, and Sorcerer

Wild Card: This is one of the trickier roles to fill due in part to the fact that they often lack a focus. Wild Card character should be able to fill the gaps in the party, that is to make sure that a parties weak spots do not come to haunt them if possible. They should also be capable of filling in for other characters if the need arises.

Examples: Bard, Ranger, and Druid.

I’m only accepting 5 characters for this campaign.

How do I build my character for this game?
Point Buy: You have a 35 point buy to work with. I find that this point buy gives you more than enough to make a highly effective character, but still doesn’t allow a character to just do everything.

Starting Level: I’m starting the characters at 5th level. This gives them one ability increase, and three feats, along with whatever their class/race grants.

Starting Gold: I’m starting you guys with 21,000 gold pieces to work with. This is a lot of gold for your level, but don’t for a second think you won’t need it.

Starting Health Points: Your first HD(hit dice)is maxed, every level thereafter is half HD+2.

Example: A character with a D8 HD, and a constitution of 14(+2 modifier), would have a total of 42 hit points at 5th level before counting in any gained from favored class bonus.

Transparency: : Make sure I can see what level you got which feat and from what source, and where your favored class bonus went. It takes you maybe 15 minutes longer if you’re being slow, and saves me 20 minutes per every character sheet I read.


I am interested, in particular looking at the direction of the magic / artillery build, possibly making it a mage that is capable of working as a 'booster' for the melee combatant though.

Anyhow, you have my interest, if I'm allowed to take notice of this opportunity.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.

Black Howling

Well of you have my interest, of course. I'm working right now on Melee role. Human Barbarian, you know the basic concept as I've already thrown it at you. I'll have him up soonish, hopefully.

Eternal Blade

Quote from: Wintercat on June 22, 2011, 05:40:33 AM
I am interested, in particular looking at the direction of the magic / artillery build, possibly making it a mage that is capable of working as a 'booster' for the melee combatant though.

Anyhow, you have my interest, if I'm allowed to take notice of this opportunity.
You're welcome to take the opportunity. :-)

Quote from: Black Howling on June 22, 2011, 05:43:22 AM
Well of you have my interest, of course. I'm working right now on Melee role. Human Barbarian, you know the basic concept as I've already thrown it at you. I'll have him up soonish, hopefully.
Yeah I know. :-)

Black Howling

Question: Would the invulnerable Rager archetype and Guarded life Rage power be cool?

Eternal Blade


Working ahead, trying to note down things as they come up in my mind, fairly far on already, but a question if I might.

On Wizards & Learning New Spells...

Do you require a wizard that wants to start with more spells known to buy the scrolls and then pay the cost of writing them into a spellbook at the start, or is it permissionable to assume the spells are learned from a master / other wizard willing to teach them?

The Core Book gives the option of wizards copying spells from other wizards spellbooks, usually at a fee, but this costs noticeably less than scrolls.
To compare:

Spell Level || Scrolls    || Copying from another Wizard's Spellbook
0                || 12g 5s   || 2 gp 5 sp
1                || 25g        || 5 gp
2                || 150g      || 20 gp
3                || 375g      || 45 gp
4                || 700g      || 80 gp
5                || 1,125g   || 125 gp
6                || 1,650g   || 180 gp
7                || 2,275g   || 245 gp
8                || 3,000g   || 320 gp
9                || 3,825g   || 405 gp

In addition, whether its a scroll or copying fee from another wizard's spellbook, the actual process of writing a new spell still costs double the fee for writing it. (Or rather, the book lists that copying fee is 50% of the spell's writing costs, in general) Orisons: 5 gp, 1st: 10 gp, 2nd: 40 gp, 3rd: 90 gp, 4th: 160 gp, 5th: 250 gp, 6th: 360 gp, 7th: 490 gp, 8th: 640 gp, 9th: 810 gp.


Sorry, just wanted to ask now, because I am thinking of buying extra spells, and would prefer to know which of the 2 you prefer a player using, if the copying fee 'cheaper path' is only available for certain spells in certain situations and its 'learning through bought scrolls' otherwise, or if the option is present at character generation.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.

Eternal Blade

Quote from: Wintercat on June 22, 2011, 08:03:58 AM
Working ahead, trying to note down things as they come up in my mind, fairly far on already, but a question if I might.

On Wizards & Learning New Spells...

Do you require a wizard that wants to start with more spells known to buy the scrolls and then pay the cost of writing them into a spellbook at the start, or is it permissionable to assume the spells are learned from a master / other wizard willing to teach them?

The Core Book gives the option of wizards copying spells from other wizards spellbooks, usually at a fee, but this costs noticeably less than scrolls.
To compare:

Spell Level || Scrolls    || Copying from another Wizard's Spellbook
0                || 12g 5s   || 2 gp 5 sp
1                || 25g        || 5 gp
2                || 150g      || 20 gp
3                || 375g      || 45 gp
4                || 700g      || 80 gp
5                || 1,125g   || 125 gp
6                || 1,650g   || 180 gp
7                || 2,275g   || 245 gp
8                || 3,000g   || 320 gp
9                || 3,825g   || 405 gp

In addition, whether its a scroll or copying fee from another wizard's spellbook, the actual process of writing a new spell still costs double the fee for writing it. (Or rather, the book lists that copying fee is 50% of the spell's writing costs, in general) Orisons: 5 gp, 1st: 10 gp, 2nd: 40 gp, 3rd: 90 gp, 4th: 160 gp, 5th: 250 gp, 6th: 360 gp, 7th: 490 gp, 8th: 640 gp, 9th: 810 gp.


Sorry, just wanted to ask now, because I am thinking of buying extra spells, and would prefer to know which of the 2 you prefer a player using, if the copying fee 'cheaper path' is only available for certain spells in certain situations and its 'learning through bought scrolls' otherwise, or if the option is present at character generation.

I would assume your character has been traveling for some time, and is no doubt a part of the wizard community. The idea that wizards allow other wizards to copy spells from their spell books in the first place, is that their is a certain bond of sorts between wizards. They all want to have the privilege to know what others of their skills have come up with, and so they stick together to a certain extent. So, yes, I would allow you to say you've copied from other wizards spell books.

That would have you at the cost of writing, plus the cost of that wizards charge for the privilege to copy. So a 0 level spell would cost a grand total of 7 gold 5 silver, and a 3rd level spell would cost a total 135 gold. Keep in mind that I would require you to be capable of making the spellcraft checks on a role of a 10, in order to even have this option(it shouldn't be hard for a wizard).

Sorry if my wording was hard to understand or if my math was off at all, I'm getting pretty tired at this point.

Black Howling

Kreios Argaron
5th Level Human Barbarian

Kreios was born in a small village off the eastern border of the Galtean Empire. His early years there were peaceful, which was saying a a lot since the boy would grow to know a life of chaos. When he was only 10 years old a band of mercenaries looking for quick cash swarmed their village, taking him and many of the others as slaves. Seen as a good specimen for the already great strength he showed for a boy his age, he was sold to a Galtean mining plantation. There they put the boy to work with three other slaves pushing a large crank that pumped a special fluid used in alchemy from the ground. By the time he was thirteen the other three slaves had died, and he was able to push the crank by himself.

Kreios was one of the strongest slaves in the camp, and he often found himself needing to fight the others in order to get certain things like food or clothing. Through it all though, the cruelty he watched only instilled within him a hate for ordered law and a want to keep things such as this from happening. This tempered, and he quickly grew harder and harder for the guards to control. At age 15 he kept under chain most of the time. Though he kept aiding others when he could, insisting that they would need to band together in the face of the treachery they faced. By the time he was nearing age seventeen he had earned the trust of many of the slaves, and was seen by the Galtean guards as a growing problem.

Things changed Shortly after Kreios turned 17 though, when he witnessed one of the guards trying to rape a paid servant. He tried to stop the man, but when the guard drew his sword on Kreios, the boy snapped. He went into a blind fury, somehow wresting the blade from the man's grip, and impaling the guard with his own sword. He quickly took the blade after that, and cut the chains that held him to his working place. He escaped from the slave camp then, killing several more guards and freeing as many of the other slaves as he could. From there he took off, seeking to find solace elsewhere in the land.

Unfortunately Kreios found he was an outlaw in the country now, and no matter where he ran in the empire the Guards tended to find him. After two years straight of making his way by the sword, and getting hunted for both his crimes and the lack of a mercenaries charter; he finally left. He traveled eastwards, toward the coast where he was sure his crimes wouldn't follow him. There he started on the path of adventure, hating the slur barbarian that was tagged upon him do to his ferocious fighting style. Eventually he met with a group of others, and has since traveled alongside them. Though something deep inside him burns for a chance at revenge against Galtea. For what they did him; and more importantly what they do to their people on a daily basis.

Eternal Blade

Quote from: Black Howling on June 22, 2011, 08:38:17 AM
Kreios Argaron
5th Level Human Barbarian

Kreios was born in a small village off the eastern border of the Galtean Empire. His early years there were peaceful, which was saying a a lot since the boy would grow to know a life of chaos. When he was only 10 years old a band of mercenaries looking for quick cash swarmed their village, taking him and many of the others as slaves. Seen as a good specimen for the already great strength he showed for a boy his age, he was sold to a Galtean mining plantation. There they put the boy to work with three other slaves pushing a large crank that pumped a special fluid used in alchemy from the ground. By the time he was thirteen the other three slaves had died, and he was able to push the crank by himself.

Kreios was one of the strongest slaves in the camp, and he often found himself needing to fight the others in order to get certain things like food or clothing. Through it all though, the cruelty he watched only instilled within him a hate for ordered law and a want to keep things such as this from happening. This tempered, and he quickly grew harder and harder for the guards to control. At age 15 he kept under chain most of the time. Though he kept aiding others when he could, insisting that they would need to band together in the face of the treachery they faced. By the time he was nearing age seventeen he had earned the trust of many of the slaves, and was seen by the Galtean guards as a growing problem.

Things changed Shortly after Kreios turned 17 though, when he witnessed one of the guards trying to rape a paid servant. He tried to stop the man, but when the guard drew his sword on Kreios, the boy snapped. He went into a blind fury, somehow wresting the blade from the man's grip, and impaling the guard with his own sword. He quickly took the blade after that, and cut the chains that held him to his working place. He escaped from the slave camp then, killing several more guards and freeing as many of the other slaves as he could. From there he took off, seeking to find solace elsewhere in the land.

Unfortunately Kreios found he was an outlaw in the country now, and no matter where he ran in the empire the Guards tended to find him. After two years straight of making his way by the sword, and getting hunted for both his crimes and the lack of a mercenaries charter; he finally left. He traveled eastwards, toward the coast where he was sure his crimes wouldn't follow him. There he started on the path of adventure, hating the slur barbarian that was tagged upon him do to his ferocious fighting style. Eventually he met with a group of others, and has since traveled alongside them. Though something deep inside him burns for a chance at revenge against Galtea. For what they did him; and more importantly what they do to their people on a daily basis.
Make you CS public. :-(

Black Howling

Eternal Blade


Quote from: Black Howling on June 22, 2011, 08:44:52 AM
Done; that's the first time I've ever done that. :(

I have to say, Blades even more militant and that makes him a bit more sexy >.> ~Flees~

Working on a specialist btw. <3

Black Howling

Switched pictures. Sorry for being wishy washy on that, but I decided the other one just didn't seem barbaric enough.


Faedra, Crimson Wizard
Large Portrait

Faedra is a fairly young elven woman, mere 125 years of age, and for an elf, she's out of her teens but just starting her way to the challenges of life. Her hair is golden blonde, her eyes are the shade of roasted hazelnut, and her lips are like fine coral, often raised in a small smirk. She wears a long robe hiding her form for most part, but this is mainly what she feels comfortable in. Fashioned to appear more like a simple dress, she might not seem like anything but a travelling scribe if not for a few details that stand out.

Her eyes have a fierce, intelligent look about them. There's an aura of magic about her, a sustained magical essence waiting to be brought forth. There's a pair of rings in her hands, and a necklace usually slipped around her neck but its end resting at the start of her cleavage, hidden away under the cloth but visible to a careful observer. High on her brow a small headband tries to vanish beneath her hair, sharpening her mind a little more making her a touch more dangerous foe to face.

Faedra adopted a nickname 'Crimson Wizard' in the past for enjoying little spells, prestidigitation to amuse children and common folk for a bit now and then, and try and ease them to feel comfortable around magic. She is a kind person at heart, but she is also able to harden herself to the point that a 'necessary evil' does not stand as something too cruel to do, if it can save lives.

She is refined and courteous, when she wants to be, but she's no diplomat and she is certainly not a very adept liar either. She is a little more of a recluse at times, studying magic with the interest of someone who is truely enchanted by it. One of the best ways to win her favor is to present her with scrolls of spells she does not yet know by heart, for her to study and include to her growing collection of spellbooks.

Faedra was born to a pair of wizards, and received training in magic from an early age. She was often found admiring her mother's jewelry, and particularily how it was made. She took up learning to fashion little things, craft them with her spare time and little allowance, surprising her parents early on with the creation of little magical 'toys' that lasted a little while only, but it still showed she had the gift.

She was giving training on how to create jewelry, how to make accurate sculptures, and how to craft weapons and armor, should the need ever arise. Her parents took up educating her about magic, and about enchanting things by giving items some magic that lingered, and how to bind that magic within the object.

Though she had enjoyed a safe, happy life so far, she felt the road was calling because there was a limit how much she could learn at home. Little adventures gathered her a bit of coin and she was always happy to share theory with other mages that she came across, often trying to trade knowledge of particularily interesting spells. Little by little, it became more than a hobby, and more of a pursuit.

She began to take some more risks to acquire rare spells, but as the risks increased, so did the too-close-encounters with serious injury or even death. That thought in mind, she sought for people that she could trust to protect her back, and who she would be willing to protect and aid in return. With her study of crafting magic items, she hoped to be able to convince people of her usefulness, at least eventually when her power was strong enough, and to have a way to acquire those spells still eluding her.

Gold Spent & Where
Starting Gold: 21,000 gp
:::: Magic Gear ::::
-4,000 gp, Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (Skill: Knowledge (Nobility))
-2,500 gp, Bag of Holding (Type 1)
-2,500 gp, Ring of Sustenance
-2,000 gp, Amulet of Natural Armor +1
-2,000 gp, Ring of Protection +1

Remaining Gold: 8,000 gp

:::: Mundane Gear ::::
-400 gp, Masterwork Composite Longbow
-302 gp, Masterwork Dagger
-45 gp, Wizard's Spellbook x3
-4 gp, Arrows x4 (80 arrows)
-3 gp, Pouch, Belt x3
-2 gp, Backpack
-5 sp, Blanket, Winter
-1 sp, Bedroll

Remaining Gold: 7,243 gp 4 sp

:::: Spell Studies ::::
Level 0: Know all spells already.
Level 1: Know 9 spells naturally, bought 30, at 15 gp each, total payment: 450 gp
Level 2: Know 4 spells naturally, bought 47, at 60 gp each, total payment: 2,820 gp
Level 3: Know 2 spells naturally, bought 25, at 135 gp each, total payment: 3,375 gp

Remaining Gold: 598 gp 4 sp
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.

Callie Del Noire


This looks awesome, I would love to throw my hat into this ring. If your looking for a Wild card I would adore rolling up an Alchemist, Nothing like explosions to add a bit of spice to life. This is of course with your approval of such a class. If not I can replace it with a Druid.

original artwork by karabiner

Callie Del Noire

Black Howling

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Black Howling on June 22, 2011, 11:51:26 AM
For which role? Support or wild card?

Works as both don't they? I'm thinking support (Melee/Ranged)


Hehe meant to have her to you but I kinda passed out again, working on the equipment now and will get the story up as well. <3


Born on the streets of a nameless city-state, Celestia grew to know more hardships than any child really should ever learn. For much of her growing years she fought for her food, stole what she could from vendors, steal from the rich and with the other kids around her she learned the best houses that held the best food and coin to spend. She and several of the other nameless children who'd grown on the streets would spend their days following these rich around, stealing from their pockets, begging for money. That is, until she was caught.

She'd been waving through crowds slipping in and out of their pockets, her own growing heavy as theirs grew lighter. They were all entranced by the performance before them, never knowing the entire thing was a set up. The music that filled the air, and the soft gasps from the crowd was enough that Celest believed the crowd would never notice. Never once did they think their gasps were one of shock as the girl before them tripped. It was cold, to this day she remembers it was cold, and windy, and her hand was still in the pocket of a nobleman's jacket, her fingers wrapped around his coin pouch when he grabbed her wrist.

The struggle began there, with the crowd giving the two room to wrestle, him trying to subdue her, and she, fighting to get away. Suddenly the man released his grip, and stared down at Celestia in shock, no, in pain. As he slumped over, gasping out she noticed the dagger sticking from his spine and her name echoed in the air, not her true name, but her street name. Tearing her eyes from the man she noticed the fear in her friends eyes and began to ran. Quickly her friend had caught up, and they ran side by side, hand in hand through the streets as people screamed and guards chased.

Sincerely scared, she didn't stop running, even as her friends grip slipped from hers and the promise of meeting at their little cubby of a home was shouted into the air. It was minutes, or perhaps hours later that Celestia thought it safe enough to slip "home" but when she got there, no one was inside. The dark, dank cubby in the city wall was empty, so she waited, and waited. For two days she waited, not leaving the safety of her shelter until word came from one of the other beggars. Her friend was gone, taken from the city to serve the family of the one she'd killed.

Blaming herself, Celestia set out, determined to make amends on her friend behalf by working with the church, doing odd jobs where her "skills" were needed. All the while keeping an ear to the ground, listening for anything that would tell of where she might find her friend. Honing her skills, waiting for the day she can at least repay her and her debt.

((Lemme know if I need to edit anything.))

Eternal Blade

Quote from: Wintercat on June 22, 2011, 10:57:21 AM
Faedra, Crimson Wizard
Large Portrait

Faedra is a fairly young elven woman, mere 125 years of age, and for an elf, she's out of her teens but just starting her way to the challenges of life. Her hair is golden blonde, her eyes are the shade of roasted hazelnut, and her lips are like fine coral, often raised in a small smirk. She wears a long robe hiding her form for most part, but this is mainly what she feels comfortable in. Fashioned to appear more like a simple dress, she might not seem like anything but a travelling scribe if not for a few details that stand out.

Her eyes have a fierce, intelligent look about them. There's an aura of magic about her, a sustained magical essence waiting to be brought forth. There's a pair of rings in her hands, and a necklace usually slipped around her neck but its end resting at the start of her cleavage, hidden away under the cloth but visible to a careful observer. High on her brow a small headband tries to vanish beneath her hair, sharpening her mind a little more making her a touch more dangerous foe to face.

Faedra adopted a nickname 'Crimson Wizard' in the past for enjoying little spells, prestidigitation to amuse children and common folk for a bit now and then, and try and ease them to feel comfortable around magic. She is a kind person at heart, but she is also able to harden herself to the point that a 'necessary evil' does not stand as something too cruel to do, if it can save lives.

She is refined and courteous, when she wants to be, but she's no diplomat and she is certainly not a very adept liar either. She is a little more of a recluse at times, studying magic with the interest of someone who is truely enchanted by it. One of the best ways to win her favor is to present her with scrolls of spells she does not yet know by heart, for her to study and include to her growing collection of spellbooks.

Faedra was born to a pair of wizards, and received training in magic from an early age. She was often found admiring her mother's jewelry, and particularily how it was made. She took up learning to fashion little things, craft them with her spare time and little allowance, surprising her parents early on with the creation of little magical 'toys' that lasted a little while only, but it still showed she had the gift.

She was giving training on how to create jewelry, how to make accurate sculptures, and how to craft weapons and armor, should the need ever arise. Her parents took up educating her about magic, and about enchanting things by giving items some magic that lingered, and how to bind that magic within the object.

Though she had enjoyed a safe, happy life so far, she felt the road was calling because there was a limit how much she could learn at home. Little adventures gathered her a bit of coin and she was always happy to share theory with other mages that she came across, often trying to trade knowledge of particularily interesting spells. Little by little, it became more than a hobby, and more of a pursuit.

She began to take some more risks to acquire rare spells, but as the risks increased, so did the too-close-encounters with serious injury or even death. That thought in mind, she sought for people that she could trust to protect her back, and who she would be willing to protect and aid in return. With her study of crafting magic items, she hoped to be able to convince people of her usefulness, at least eventually when her power was strong enough, and to have a way to acquire those spells still eluding her.

Gold Spent & Where
Starting Gold: 21,000 gp
:::: Magic Gear ::::
-4,000 gp, Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (Skill: Knowledge (Nobility))
-2,500 gp, Bag of Holding (Type 1)
-2,500 gp, Ring of Sustenance
-2,000 gp, Amulet of Natural Armor +1
-2,000 gp, Ring of Protection +1

Remaining Gold: 8,000 gp

:::: Mundane Gear ::::
-400 gp, Masterwork Composite Longbow
-302 gp, Masterwork Dagger
-45 gp, Wizard's Spellbook x3
-4 gp, Arrows x4 (80 arrows)
-3 gp, Pouch, Belt x3
-2 gp, Backpack
-5 sp, Blanket, Winter
-1 sp, Bedroll

Remaining Gold: 7,243 gp 4 sp

:::: Spell Studies ::::
Level 0: Know all spells already.
Level 1: Know 9 spells naturally, bought 30, at 15 gp each, total payment: 450 gp
Level 2: Know 4 spells naturally, bought 47, at 60 gp each, total payment: 2,820 gp
Level 3: Know 2 spells naturally, bought 25, at 135 gp each, total payment: 3,375 gp

Remaining Gold: 598 gp 4 sp
I need you to list what Arcane Bond you have. If it's the bonded item, I need to know which item you are bonded to, and if it's the familiar, I need you to list down the statistics for the familiar.
Quote from: Lady Lunarius on June 22, 2011, 05:48:22 PM
Born on the streets of a nameless city-state, Celestia grew to know more hardships than any child really should ever learn. For much of her growing years she fought for her food, stole what she could from vendors, steal from the rich and with the other kids around her she learned the best houses that held the best food and coin to spend. She and several of the other nameless children who'd grown on the streets would spend their days following these rich around, stealing from their pockets, begging for money. That is, until she was caught.

She'd been waving through crowds slipping in and out of their pockets, her own growing heavy as theirs grew lighter. They were all entranced by the performance before them, never knowing the entire thing was a set up. The music that filled the air, and the soft gasps from the crowd was enough that Celest believed the crowd would never notice. Never once did they think their gasps were one of shock as the girl before them tripped. It was cold, to this day she remembers it was cold, and windy, and her hand was still in the pocket of a nobleman's jacket, her fingers wrapped around his coin pouch when he grabbed her wrist.

The struggle began there, with the crowd giving the two room to wrestle, him trying to subdue her, and she, fighting to get away. Suddenly the man released his grip, and stared down at Celestia in shock, no, in pain. As he slumped over, gasping out she noticed the dagger sticking from his spine and her name echoed in the air, not her true name, but her street name. Tearing her eyes from the man she noticed the fear in her friends eyes and began to ran. Quickly her friend had caught up, and they ran side by side, hand in hand through the streets as people screamed and guards chased.

Sincerely scared, she didn't stop running, even as her friends grip slipped from hers and the promise of meeting at their little cubby of a home was shouted into the air. It was minutes, or perhaps hours later that Celestia thought it safe enough to slip "home" but when she got there, no one was inside. The dark, dank cubby in the city wall was empty, so she waited, and waited. For two days she waited, not leaving the safety of her shelter until word came from one of the other beggars. Her friend was gone, taken from the city to serve the family of the one she'd killed.

Blaming herself, Celestia set out, determined to make amends on her friend behalf by working with the church, doing odd jobs where her "skills" were needed. All the while keeping an ear to the ground, listening for anything that would tell of where she might find her friend. Honing her skills, waiting for the day she can at least repay her and her debt.

((Lemme know if I need to edit anything.))
You need to list what strength bonus your composite bow has on the weapon notes(special properties), and you need to bring down your amulet of natural armor from a +2 to a +1.

I'll get to everyone else in just a moment.

Eternal Blade

Quote from: Isengrad on June 22, 2011, 11:28:10 AM
This looks awesome, I would love to throw my hat into this ring. If your looking for a Wild card I would adore rolling up an Alchemist, Nothing like explosions to add a bit of spice to life. This is of course with your approval of such a class. If not I can replace it with a Druid.
After taking time to look over the Alchemist, I'll go ahead and let it in. It's unlike anything I've ran for before, so it requires me to read about it more in depth. If a wild card class comes along that's more familiar to me, I may chose it just on the simple basis that it requires less work on my part, but you can go ahead and make up either the Alchemist or the Druid.
Quote from: Callie Del Noire on June 22, 2011, 11:50:25 AM
Leaning towards an inquistor type :D
Quote from: Black Howling on June 22, 2011, 11:51:26 AM
For which role? Support or wild card?
Quote from: Callie Del Noire on June 22, 2011, 11:59:50 AM
Works as both don't they? I'm thinking support (Melee/Ranged)
I would have to disagree, I don't really see the inquisitor being capable of pulling off support role. It is a decent choice for Wild Card, but there are far better classes out there for it, and while the team work feats could allow you to pull off support role, that would require everyone in the group to pick them up as well. The team work feats being APG content mostly, and none of them from the core book, I'm disallowing this class for use.

Callie Del Noire

Bummer.. sorry to have wasted your time..

I thought their class ability let them use teamwork as if the other person had it. I'll take her down.