Dragon Age ( Origins, mostly ) [ F/F ]

Started by Hemingway, March 14, 2011, 09:03:02 AM

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I don't normally use canon characters. In this case, however, there are two characters I would love to put in a room and see what happens. Care to take a guess?

Leliana and Isabela.

This is likely to be more of a one shot, but there are ways in which it could go long-term as well. It will not have anything to do with the events of the recent Dragon Age 2, so you have nothing to fear in terms of spoilers. You simply need to be familiar enough with the characters ( one of whom is a character in Dragon Age 2, but also appeared in Origins ) to convincingly play either of them. Beyond that, I'm open to just about anything. If this sounds interesting at all, please take a look at my ons and offs, and shoot me a PM!