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Started by Revna, April 01, 2017, 02:11:51 AM

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Quote from: yuki92 on April 04, 2017, 06:31:19 AM
i didn't expect to see Miyuki here, but it's awesome...  yay

I always thought the 46/48G produced good models  ::)


So many pretty students! *drools*

I am working on my CS. I'd like to take one of the scholarship slots with my boy, Timothy Ishenden.

BTW, what country is the RP set in? And in what general area?


Quote from: Haibane on April 04, 2017, 06:56:52 AM
So many pretty students! *drools*

I am working on my CS. I'd like to take one of the scholarship slots with my boy, Timothy Ishenden.

BTW, what country is the RP set in? And in what general area?
I know I want to make it European; as they have 18 YO drinking laws.
However, I have yet to fully do a country yet >.<

OH! Before I forget everyone; just because you have mentor's and mentored, doesn't mean you can't mess around or that you can't have a relationship with someone else!

The drama will be delicious if we can find a mentored that is dating either another mentored or another mentor while their own mentor starts to get feelings for them! Delicious drama!! >.<


Nice twist. Tim is going to be goggle-eyed at all these gorgeous Japanese girls.

Somewhere hottish in Europe would work well - Italy, S France, Spain, Greece. An Adriatic or Greek Island? Maybe the college pays so much in taxes to the local island council and govt (the Greek govt would be desperate) that they can do pretty much what they like? Even outside campus?


Quote from: Haibane on April 04, 2017, 07:05:10 AM
Nice twist. Tim is going to be goggle-eyed at all these gorgeous Japanese girls.

Somewhere hottish in Europe would work well - Italy, S France, Spain, Greece. An Adriatic or Greek Island? Maybe the college pays so much in taxes to the local island council and govt (the Greek govt would be desperate) that they can do pretty much what they like? Even outside campus?

I like the Greek Island thought, I shall think about it when I wake up ^.^


Quote from: Wicked Emi on April 04, 2017, 07:15:25 AM
I like the Greek Island thought, I shall think about it when I wake up ^.^

Europe is nice, Greece is awesome. Was planning for Milky to have traveled to Europe for a photoshoot or two.  ;D


Quote from: Lord Zanicus on April 02, 2017, 05:37:13 AM
Name: Ethan Vaughn
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Mentor/Mentored: Mentor
Detailed Appearance: Ethan stands at six feet flat with an athletic build and weighing at 180 pound. With fencing as his choice of sport and formula-one racing for hobby, Ethan have high stamina and can be very fast on his feet. He also earned a couple of stab wounds — one on his left shoulder, another on his right chest just under the collar bone and a scar over his left kidney — in his early years and from a reckless attempt at dueling without wearing any armour.
Personality: Serious, outspoken, resourceful and action-oriented. A risk-taker who live in the moment. Interested in and talented at extreme sports. Quick decision-making, calm and creative. His confident demeanor may come across as arrogance to others.
Bio: Ethan grew up under the care of his wealthy grandfather and caretakers, in a mansion where he was groomed into a gentleman. Despite of the strict upbringing however, the boy did occasionally pursue after his own drive and dreams. Not entirely restricted by the law of the House. Fortunately, the company of nobles he hang around with weren't into drugs, so the only obsessive influence he got himself into was with wine and women. His love for something thrilling then led him to invest and manage his own racing company, a gift from his grandfather for his eighteenth birthday where he occasionally become a driver/racer for.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Sexual ons: Oral, doggystyle, secret (in locker, beside someone sleeping, etc.), squirmer and feisty victim.
Sexual offs: Scat, urine, rimming, mutilation and vomiting.
Player's O/O's
Additional Photos — None
In case you didn't know
The model you're using is Sean O Pry I believe ^.^


Character proposal:

Player: Haibane
Name: Timothy Ishenden ('Ish' or 'Ishy' to his close friends)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mentor/Mentored: Mentored

Detailed Appearance: Timothy is very slender and even fragile in his build. He stands 5' 5" and has pale skin although it tans easily. His limbs are delicate and finely shaped; his stomach flat and smooth with a hint of muscle. His thighs are soft and not very muscular. A very quick glance at him in a crowd might cause you to think he was a girl. He has gold-white hair cut in a neat bob and large dark sensuous eyes that carry a teasing enquiring look. Between his legs he carries something much larger than you'd expect on such a slight boy though he's by no means huge; just above average. Due to a rare hormone imbalance Timothy has an entirely hairless body apart from his scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. His body never developed hair follicles at all giving his skin a unique, alabaster sheen and clarity.

Personality: Timothy is a fairly quiet boy and enjoys applying himself to hard work. He can be a loner and is happy to study on his own all day but he can jump out of his serious quiet side and become quite gregarious as long as he is in the familiar company of his peers and able to relax. His physical attributes have caused him some difficulty in the past with bullying and he has unsurprisingly been accused of being girly. He can react by either shutting himself away from such abuse or lashing out at his tormentors which got him in trouble at a previous school. He likes to read political and military history to relax and enjoys electronic music (trance, chill, psy, ambient, etc) which he finds calms and clears his mind and helps him study.

Bio: An avid reader and writer with a strong interest in the sciences, Timothy seeks to study astrophysics at one of the prestigious science-facing English universities or in America, possibly at MIT. His dream is to become a researcher at CERN, Switzerland. He is extremely gifted at mathematics and finds the structure of numbers an irresistible and challenging joy. His English mother and American father are financially very secure and supportive of their son's desire to be a success in his chosen field. They elected to apply to Medlock for him where they felt he'd not only receive the finest education but where the uniquely structured counselling programme would help him to overcome the slight inferiority complex he has developed through past traumas. Regrettably the college was fully booked but the principal offered the lad a scholarship which had a few strings attached but these obligations seemed trivial to his parents in return for having their gifted son study at such a respectable place.

Timothy is a virgin though he has of course the usual teen fantasies and lusts.

He enjoys dancing to trance music and has some appealing moves.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, though he is slightly curious about, you know, the other stuff. He has a special attraction for Japanese girls, possibly because his body type and the typical Japanese female share a physical similarity.

Sexual ons: Japanese girls, submitting, bondage, shaven girls, cuddling and kissing. 
Sexual offs: Vore, Gore, bad hygiene, smoking, bathroomy stuff!
Player O/Os
Additional Photos

(Note: he isn't a cross-dresser at game start but his story arc should head in that direction and the above images give an idea of him wearing pretty things).


Name: Gordon Jones
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Mentor/Mentored: Mentor to Timothy Ishenden

Detailed Appearance: Gordon is tall, roughly 185 cm, and about 90 kg, with a rather toned physique. Well developed arms bear a tattoo on the right forearm, and a small scar on the left tricep. A large tattoo takes up much of his chest, and there is a small one on the top of his back. . His penis is rather large (see additional photos), almost like he should be in porn. His hair is cropped short in a modified undercut, with tousled chestnut hair on top of a slightly angular face. He has small gauges in his ears, but no other piercings. Light hazel irises flecked with white give a piercing gaze, and coupled with a talented tongue, he can be quite intimidating. He often sports stubble on his cheeks and chin, but the rest of his is shaved smooth to show off his physique.

Personality: Gordon is a rather sadistic individual, but not without charm. While he revels in the misery of those under him, he's rather practiced in finding the absolute limit he can push a person to before they'll become completely defiant. As an extension, he's fond of what's referred to the carrot and stick method of training; alternating between pleasant activities to build trust and affection, and sadistic punishments and practices meant to establish dominance. Due to a life spent mostly as a spoiled twat, he seems incapable of treating anything seriously, and his speech and mannerisms reflect this. Gordon is very self-conscious about his appearance, spending quite a bit of time and energy working to improve it.

Bio: Gordon is the only son of the lead research chemist for Regenem, the pharmaceutical company that uses Medlock academy for their testing ground. Because of this, he is used to getting his way when it comes to the inner workings of the school. After graduating with high marks in a more...conventional school, he was asked by his mother to enroll as a mentor to ensure that the data the school gives them regarding their tests is accurate. Gordon, of course, didn't object, once he learned what the official purpose of the school was. He'd been given pick of the litter for his mentor, and chose Timothy Ishenden, a cute little thing that filled his head with thoughts of breaking him down. Oh, this would be a fun couple years.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Sexual ons: domination, oral sex (giving and receiving), anal sex (giving and receiving), feminization, sissies, check F-List in signature for more.
Sexual offs: gore, mutilation (branding aside), poo, being dominated
Player's O/O's
Additional Photos


Everyone must have their sheet completed by Monday to keep their spot.
New people are always welcome! Even after we start as there are many ways to add new people ^.^
Monday is when I will be coupling everyone, which is why I'm saying sheets must be done by then :D


I am going to go without a partner for now, so Tim is a 'floater'. Also of course I'd need to agree to be placed opposite another player since compatible O/Os and character development are critical. So far none appeal to me so Tim would be without a mentor at game start unless another mentor player shows up.

Relikai and I have a 'mentor free' set of scenes we can do to keep things moving along, at least initially.

If we never get a balance of mentors and mentored, what's the plan?


Quote from: Haibane on April 09, 2017, 12:01:00 PM
I am going to go without a partner for now, so Tim is a 'floater'. Also of course I'd need to agree to be placed opposite another player since compatible O/Os and character development are critical. So far none appeal to me so Tim would be without a mentor at game start unless another mentor player shows up.

Relikai and I have a 'mentor free' set of scenes we can do to keep things moving along, at least initially.

If we never get a balance of mentors and mentored, what's the plan?
This is going to need an announcement I feel. I will also be posting this in the OOC

I will be pairing people off with their five top on's and off's according to your sheet. Beyond that, you will have to talk to the partner I assign you.
If you have a preference, you may pm your preference. However, if I feel you are unpairable, I will ask you to leave the rp if you're a mentored as the only person who could be your mentor currently is the history teacher. That being said, if you are a mentor and don't have a pairing, then you can stay just open.

If I cannot pair you with a mentor Haibane, then your mentor will be the teacher until a mentor is available. It just wouldn't make since for there to be more mentored than mentor's. Especially since your character is there on scholarship.

I will allow people to make second characters if they wish. Maybe you can convince someone to pair up with your person. Otherwise, as I have said, you will be paired with the teacher.


After thinking and talking this over, I have decided there just isn't enough people to continue this how I wanted too and MagicalPen has a lot going on in his life and Yuki is in a bad spot right now. I know some of you have been planning; I give full consent for you guys to go your own way with a 1x1. I will be trying this idea again during the summer to hopefully find more people to join.

If anyone else wants to try this plot before then, please pm for consent. Thanks!