
Northern Town [L-H]
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The knights ( closed to Artemis and aRegularGuy)

Started by Emma20, July 30, 2014, 09:52:41 AM

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( ok sorry for a very very stupid title )

The king sighted, he needed to know where his daughter was, he had to find her. He remembered that he had to give her to his revisor who had to retire anyways, so she had grown up with him and his wife, but now it was time to get her back. The only problem was that he did not know how his daughter would look now, nor where she actually was.

Infront of him were his most trusted knights. " I want you all to begin your mission" he said before he waved his hand, signalising that he had finished talking, he had told them about what they were to do before, or technically all he could tell them was that she was in a town somewhere in the kingdom. And if it was one thing this kingdom had, then it was a lot of towns and villages.

Daphne sighted, she had finished helping her grandmother with the flower arrangements, so now there was only to get fresh water, though to get that she needed to go to the forest. " why do I have to do all the boring assignments, why can't I do something else, like actually sell the flowers" she thought


Daphne had just filled the bucket with water, when she thought she saw a dark shadow. " come with us " a voice said. Daphne turned quickly, there was a man clad in a dark black cloak. " wh- who are you?" She stuttered and started to back away, she tripped on a branch that was on the ground, making the water in the bucket fall over her. Her long dark hair got even darker, and it soaked her clothes, right now she was glad that she was not clad in white because then it could have been a problem. The man came closer. " your not going anywhere Daphne" the man said.

" how do you know my name ?" Daphne asked and frowned. The man took out a knife from his pocket " it does not matter because your going to die"

Daphne closed shivered in fear as the man came closer, the knife beamed in the sunlight.

" this is it I'm going to die" she thought. She could not hear anything , this was bad. The chances of anyone being in the forest around dinner time was slim. But it could not hurt could it ?

" help" she screamed as loud as she could.


Ser Apocaleone Armageddon had been a recent addition to the rank of knightood appointed by the king himself. He had been a wandering mercenery for years and had the skills in sword that even gods envied or so he'd like to say. People were always sceptical about the choice his highness made in knighting him, knowing how arrogant Apocaleone could be.

"A knight is meant to always speak truth! And what is more of a truth than the greatness of my prowess in battle." he had replied to them. The King had noticed him in his younger years aiding in battles for the kingdom, and so impressed was he that he wanted Apocaleone all to himself. Though the king wouldn't dare confess the full extent of impression he left on the royal mind knowing full well how compliments went through that big head of his.

He arrived on the nick of time to see the distressed damsel being saved by Ser Arthur. He knew where he would be needed as he moved forward to intercept the rogue Black Knight.

The Knight stopped abruptly in surprise whe Apocaleone intercepted his escape and then threw something on the ground before him, summoning thick unbreathable smoke that blinded Apocaleone and paved a way for the rogue Knight's escape.

"Damn! This famous face makes many a descent Knights fall back into cheap tactics like a cornered rat." he said half to himself as he looked around to see that the Knight had already escaped.

His Claymore was unsheathed in lieu of expected battle and it was a testament to his strength that he was weilding the large sword single handedly.


Daphne nodded " im ok thanks" she muttered and looked at the knights. Who would have thought that, she had screamed for help and out came two knights. That was at least not bad.

" thank you sirs for helping me.. I need to get home its getting dark, if you dont have somewhere to stay for the night there is a tavern in my village that always has room available" she said and took the bucket up again, she filled it and looked at the knights again. " if you want you can follow me, i dont walk very fast" she added and started to walk back to her home.

She was sure that her grandparents would get mad at her, but hopefully the knights would follow so that they would have no other choice than forgetting about it. Her grandfather at never liked knights, he always hid from them, when she was little she had always imagined that he had done something unforgivable, but now as she was more grown up she imagined that it simply was because he was afraid of the knights with no particular reason whatsoever.

The lights shone in two houses, the tavern and in her house. " well thats the way to the tavern" she muttered and pointed slightly. She had not wanted to see if the knights had followed because she was a bit afraid that it had all been a dream. She shaked her head a bit before walking home, the house was about to fall apart. " i wonder if we even are able to manage when the winter comes this time" she thought and entered the house. She placed the bucket by the door, gave a brief explanation to her grandfather who had been waiting up for her, and then went to sleep after she had changed to her nightclothes.