
Northern Town [L-H]
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The Gingerbread House (All Welcome - Open Rp)

Started by Aislinn, July 28, 2013, 11:50:52 PM

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VisionBaby, glanced up to the one who asked her a question, she had been so lost in thought letting the other two have their talk, she spaced out. Grining softly she shook her head. "Oh, no thank you, I am not yet finished with my drink I have now." She nodded her head, in the direction of her mug, which was still half full." Another smile on her face, she showed the other her doodle, of a cat. "Nothing much, just a doodle to help me to think more on my story is all."


Quote from: VisionBaby on November 18, 2013, 09:41:14 AM
VisionBaby, glanced up to the one who asked her a question, she had been so lost in thought letting the other two have their talk, she spaced out. Grining softly she shook her head. "Oh, no thank you, I am not yet finished with my drink I have now." She nodded her head, in the direction of her mug, which was still half full." Another smile on her face, she showed the other her doodle, of a cat. "Nothing much, just a doodle to help me to think more on my story is all."

She looked at VisionBaby, wow! That is a cool cat! *she took a few steps closer to get a better look*
Have you drawn anything else? *walks over and tries to sit near her, and smiles*


~decides its been far too long since she's wandered into the House, carrying her cup of tea and a journal.....settling down in the large chair near the fireplace~
"I am the one thing in life I can control
I am inimitable I am an original
I'm not falling behind or running late
I'm not standing still,
I am lying in wait.”


~Once again enters the quiet building, smiling at the feel of the warmth radiating from the fireplace. Curling up in her favorite chair and opening her journal to begin the enjoyable process of recording thoughts from the day.~
"I am the one thing in life I can control
I am inimitable I am an original
I'm not falling behind or running late
I'm not standing still,
I am lying in wait.”


~Enters the house carrying a stack of firewood cut from several fresh pine tree logs, that had fallen from old age.  Bringing them in he places them next to the fireplace before adding one log to the fire to fill the room with the scent of pine~
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


*Pokes her head around the door* Hello? I heard this was a fine place to come in from the cold and find some friendly faces.

*She crosses the room and rubs her hands in front of the fire.* I brought brownies!


~Looks up~  Welcome take a seat and this is a good place to kick back and relax.
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


I brought kittens to liven the place up! *releases four small balls of fur into the house* I hope nobody is allergic *grins*

Seems to be quiet in here this year.


I am not sure if anyone as allergy to them.  *Watches them run around*  As for being quiet it changes with the tides.
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


Kittens are always welcome. Let them run, and explore. They seem to hold the natural ability to locate every nook and corner, especially in a place like this.

Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


*Ana enters the tan home, her bare feet crossing the threshold coming dangerously close to a pouncing ball of fur with it's claws extended. Once inside the chill of the cool night air melted away from her body, her silver eyes darted from one corner to another. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She called out into the silence, without waiting for an invitation she strode across the floor, gliding so smooth it appeared as if she wasn't even walking. She sunk down in the tattered green recliner near the fire, the rough denim of her jeans creasing at her inner thighs as she crossed her legs, Indian style on the chair.*


She hurriedly bundled her way through the heavy wooden door to the cottage, droplets of rain falling on the floor inside of the threshold as she struggled to close the sturdy frame against the wind outside,

“Christ, that's wet!”

The door caught, finally and sealed the small, cosy house from the roaring tempest outside. She regretted wearing just a jumper and some jeans. This was full on, wet weather gear kind of rain. She hadn't expected the journey here to be quite as long and arduous as it had been but here she was, her naïvety lessen somewhat. But there was something she needed to do, and quickly.

Pulling of her shoes and socks, she placed them neatly in front of the roaring wood fire to dry before hunting around the room for a blanket or something to wrap her shivering body in. Her bare feet padded softly against the wooden boards of the floor as she called out,

“Hello? Is anybody in?”


Ana jumped up, startled out of her slumber. She spotted the woman dripping wet and rose from the recliner.
"Hello there, I am not sure where the owners of this home are. Are you traveling also?"
She quietly questioned the girl. Doing a quick survey of the warm room she snatched an old itchy wool throw from the back of the recliner she slept in. She extended the blanket to the new woman,
"Sorry it is all I see and it will help at least"


There was a set of pictures hanign on one of the walls and she went over for a closer look.  They were oils of some kind, spring landscapes featuring lush meadows and idyllic woodland...

"Hello there, I am not sure where the owners of this home are. Are you travelling alone?"

The voice made her jump back from the pictures and turn back towards the centre of the room. A loud yelp of surprise escaped from her mouth. Breathing heavily, she addressed the woman who was quickly searching the room and soon handed her a woollen throw. The itchy fibres rubbed against her smooth skin, irritating it slightly but at least it was warm and that was all she needed at the moment.

"Umm, yeah, I was just passing through and got caught in the storm." She gestured to the window where outside the rain and wind was buffeting the small cottage, "I'm Martina. It's nice to meet you."


"Hello Martina, I am Ana"
She pulled her blonde curls up into a messy bun with a few swift movements of her small hands.
"I was travelling also, just exploring though. I happened to stumble upon this place after a few days. I am quite famished I hope the residents arrive soon."
She wandered through the small open area of the house past the furniture and looked around admiring the pictures and art lining the walls. She soon found the kitchen and sat on a old wooden stool looking on the counters at the empty baskets and bottles and felt her stomach growl, it had been days since she last ate anything. She eyed the cupboards and refrigerator, she wondered if anyone would notice a small amount of food gone. She would typically never take anything without first getting permission but she was unsure if anyone even occupied the house still and when they would be back.


Crashes through the roof of the house, flying a pink unicorn.

"Hey, guys!" Stumbles around, dazed from the fall, holding a basket of blueberry muffins

"I got you some... uh..." Collapses, falling face-first in his delicious snack treats


Short walks through the woods. Leaning on his staff to rest a bit, he becomes conscious of wood smoke. It is a delight in these lovely, dark and deep woods. He decides to see where it is coming from and walks toward the origin of the smoke.

After a bit, he comes upon a house, smoke coming from the chimney. He admires the house albeit a bit puzzled by the dazed pink unicorn nearby.

Short knocks on the door and when no one answers, he opens the door slightly to find a man seemingly unconscious on the floor, his face in a basket of baked goods of some sort.

Seeing no one else he enters the house, walks up to the man and pokes him with his staff. Then he looks up and sees the hole in the roof. Shaking his head and wondering just what kind of party was held here, he walks to the kitchen, gets a beer and stands over the man as he opens his beer and takes a drought.

Then, ignoring the man, Short's attention is drawn to the hole in the roof. He looks at the hole from different angles and after pondering it a bit, he thinks to himself, "This shouldn't be too hard to fix."

Then he puts another log on the fire, takes off his rucksack, and sits on the couch and enjoys his beer.   
This could get messy.


The door opened without a squeak or sense of unease, I eyed the denizen with slight concern, my eyes darting over the surroundings. Each wall not bare, but not a poster, which was immediately relieving, but it had not been complacency which kept me living as long as I had. To fall into traps was unwise and that meant even the non-conspicious areas must be regarded with a skeptical nature, or face the hangsman noose and dance the jigs on the gallows steps.

For it was not the most legal of careers I given my life to, blood, soul and mind. To me the crashing of the waves over the bow of the ship was pure ecstasy coupled with the saline wind over my face.

I dread each time I left the safety of my crew, though not a Captain I had risen despite obvious sexism to the place of first mate on board the Dread Dancer, a vessel like none could compare, whether it moved with such ease through the untold currents, like a bird cruising without restraint through those waves, not exactly a large ship, but still unmatched in it's beauty with a figurehead pilfered from a pillaged Spanish Galleon. I myself was born Lyons, France to a upper class living and promise to be a symbol for others.

I chose better.

Finally I stepped beyond the periphary, with my beautiful long blonde locks betraying or so you thought someone of pure innocence, but don't mistake the angel gaze for one who never seen battle, I had cut down many a person without compassion, for in fighting for ones life, it became less of what was right, and more of how to survive.

I head towards a seat, crossing my legs over, my rapier clear to all, indicating two things, I was prepared for the worse and that I was no ordinary woman. Maybe they may even learn the name Francesca Dillimond, my upper title, my prison. No instead I was Flambe, that's what the wanter posters said. And I encouraged for to me my old life was gone, this was life now, occasionally respite on shore, but absolute freedom and friendship on the waves.

Loyalty above all.


The resounding crash in the wood gives Kamryn a start. She looks up to the treetops to see dust and flakes of wood softly falling to the ground in graceful spirals. Curiosity written over her face, she tightens the laces of her coat and shifts her pack back onto her shoulders.

As she makes her way closer to the groaning sound of timber, Kamryn feels her own heart beat pounding in her chest. It had been a long time since she ventured far from her hiding places; an seemingly eternity since she heard the sound of her own voice in conversation. Too long she had kept herself tight and rigid. Her solitary world had nearly driven her mad but it was needed and freeing for her.

Now was a new adventure; a new step into a new world.

Her dark eyes darted from side to side as she saw the cottage appearing through the graceful trees. She stops, pulling back the long black curls from her face; her fingers shaky as she ties the tresses securely down her back. Her sudden burst of bravery explodes at the sound of a staff shuffling ahead of her. She slinks back against the tree, her breath hitching in her throat as she watches the stranger venture inside.

And she doesn’t have time to mull over the guest before another is soon moving towards the entrance. Her blonde locks dance in the light and for a moment; Kamryn feels a stab of longing---for that kind of confidence and grace.

She takes a deep breath, stealing herself to her decision once again. She takes a step and another until she finds her hand on the doorknob, pushing it open to be blasted with the warmth of a fire and an inviting room.

Her eyes drop to the man on the floor; stepping over him gently as she becomes immediately aware of other eyes open her. She glances in their general directions but her senses are flying all over the room—taking in everything and anything at once. She finds the closet chair to the door; her back against the wall as she sinks down deep----and with courage looks up with a genuine, greeting smile.

"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed. "


Short's hands tighten around his staff and he becomes instantly on guard when he hears hears the door opening. Being a stranger in this land, he is always alert. Although, to be honest with himself, he rarely if ever finds trouble. He has heard of no legends of discord in these woods and has found none. But one can never be too careful.

In an instant, the door is open. She stands in the doorway and Short is taken by the beauty of her dark eyes and long, black hair. His muscles relax and his grip on his staff relaxes. He sees her glance his way, and before he can doff his hat, she is looking around the room, seemingly taking in everything in the room at once. "And who can blame her," he thought to himself. "Traveling alone has its risks. She is wise to be alert."

With amusement Short watches her step over the unconscious man. He wonders if someone as beautiful as her often has the occasion to step over someone in that condition very often. 

Watching her take a chair, Short unconsciously nods with approval noticing that she has her back to the wall and is staying close to the door. "She is a smart one, indeed," runs through his mind.

When she has sat, Short watches her as she looks up and smiles. The smile is friendly and genuine. She seems to bring an aura of kindness to the place. He looks at her, doffs his hat, and introduces himself. "Greetings. I am Short and have recently arrived myself.

"I have found beverages in the kitchen" he says pointing with his staff, "and I would be honored to serve you if you wish. Do you have a preference?"
This could get messy.


Kamryn’s decision to venture into this new corner of the world was not made quickly or without purpose. For quite some time---her itch to travel had climbed up her back. It had been a comfortable place; her solitude---feeling she had put her desire to roam to bed. The wandering wind calls when it calls and no matter how hard she closed it off; it whipped around her heart until she all she could do was submit.

So here she now sits; gazing over the room both in trepidation and excitement. The future was a new mystery that she was excited to explore. The smile that passes across her lips is to both calm her nerves and to open herself up again.

And immediately her eyes are drawn to the man that she had seen enter the dwelling earlier. The staff at his side draws her gaze as she moves to his face. She exhales the breath she didn’t realize she was holding as he speaks.

"Greetings. I am Short and have recently arrived myself. I have found beverages in the kitchen and I would be honored to serve you if you wish. Do you have a preference?"

Kamryn shifts her pack from her lap to her feet, pushing it gently to the side to keep her path clear. Her voice cracks a bit as she speaks; her eyes never leaving his,

“Hello Short---my name is Kamryn and I’m happy to meet a fellow traveler. A cup of hot tea sounds heavenly at the moment---the bitter cold outside has crept far into my bones.”

She smiles more brightly as she snuggles into the chair a bit more, letting the cold shiver roll over her and out her toes. “So you have recently come here hmm? Enjoying yourself?”
"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed. "


“Hello Short---my name is Kamryn and I’m happy to meet a fellow traveler. A cup of hot tea sounds heavenly at the moment---the bitter cold outside has crept far into my bones.”

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Kamryn. That is a beautiful name," Short responded. He thought about doffing his hat again, but decided against it. He realized he had doffed twice since her arrival, and didn't want to overdo it, which he probably had done already. "Remember," he said to himself, "first impressions are important, so don't screw this up." He nodded to himself in agreement.

Realizing he had been lost in thought, he snapped back to alertness. "It is cold outside, and you must be cold. Let me stoke up the fire." He walked to the fireplace and poked the fire with his staff. The he put another log on the fire, poked it a bit more, and then turned to Kamyrn. "That should help warm you up.  And a hot cup of tea will help as well."

Short went to the kitchen and brewed a pot of tea. Then finding the good china, he put the pot and two teacups on a tray.  He rummaged around for some sugar and lemon, and put that on the tray as well.

He hoped he was doing it correctly. Usually his trips to the kitchen were for beer. But it seemed to look okay. To him at least.

He carried the tray into the main room, stepping over the unconscious man, whose face was still in the plate of baked goods. Setting the tray on a nearby table, he said, "It is a pity the man ruined the muffins." He poured a cup of tea for Kamryn and himself and handed her the cup resting on the saucer.

“So you have recently come here hmm? Enjoying yourself?”

"Yes, I have recently come here. And it is a wonderful and amazing place," he said sipping his tea. "The fellow travelers I have met have shown me great kindness and hospitality. It is a wonderful place."

Enjoying the silence that ensued as they drank their tea, Short realized that an unconscious man laying in the middle of the floor was not making a good impression on his guest. "Excuse me a minute," he said as he picked up the man under his arms and dragged him off into a side room.

Coming back into the main room, Short said, "can I pour you some more tea?" Or perhaps we can look about this house some. I have been here a short time myself and haven't been anywhere except here and the kitchen. Or if you choose to sit and warm yourself by the fire, that is fine as well."
This could get messy.


The ease to which he approached her was appreciated; greatly. It was rare for Kamryn to find her voice with a stranger and to have someone be so kind and inviting---was a bit thrilling. Like the start of a chess match; the pieces were set and the speed and strategy of the game was yet to be determined.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Kamryn. That is a beautiful name,"

She starts at that a bit; the small but sweet compliment making her jump a bit in her seat. She takes the fleeting moment to take him in further; enjoying the play of his eyes as he looks in her direction. Her breathing softens as he moves; no threats directed but just invitation.

"It is cold outside, and you must be cold. Let me stoke up the fire."

Kamryn is about to jump up to help but instead sits back and begins to untie the laces of her coat. The deep navy wool of her coat pools around her on the seat; showing her deep purple tunic snuggled fitted to her with a simple leather belt. Her black pants are tucked into her long boots and she wiggles her toes and hands as the fire comes back to life.

"That should help warm you up.  And a hot cup of tea will help as well."

As he walks towards the kitchen she says, “Thank you---that feels marvelous.”

She stands up when she hears the sound of the china and water being poured. The domestic nature of it makes her giggle to herself; her eyes darting in his direction as her curiosity continues to build. She slides glances in his direction; enjoying his mix of confidence and kindness—drawing her in despite her natural care.  As she begins to walk to the kitchen to help, a beautiful painting catches her eye. She stands on her tiptoes, swaying a bit as she regards the rolling hills and deep blue color of the water in the scene.

She turns back as he enters the room; laughing out right as he steps over the man on the floor. “I guess we really should make sure he doesn’t need anything---but the poor man truly seems at ease with his pillow of muffins”

"It is a pity the man ruined the muffins."

Kamryn nods at that as she takes the cup from him. She adds a bit of sugar and purrs as the warmth of it hits her throat. The heat flushes her cheeks as she looks up at him over her cup.

"Yes, I have recently come here. And it is a wonderful and amazing place. The fellow travelers I have met have shown me great kindness and hospitality. It is a wonderful place."

She takes an audible breath as she responds, “That’s good to know. I value the confidence of others so that’s always delightful to hear. And from the look of this place---it’s well loved and well used. It’s a good indication that I might find---a place to rest here.”

She glances over to the muffin man again; his stillness beginning to worry her now. “I hope he’s just had a wonderful few days of fun.”

"Excuse me a minute”

Kamryn puts down her tea cup as her fellow guest moves the unconscious man to a safer location. She crouches down, gathering what she can of the mess onto the tray. She’s dusting off her hands as he re-enters the room.

"Can I pour you some more tea?" Or perhaps we can look about this house some. I have been here a short time myself and haven't been anywhere except here and the kitchen. Or if you choose to sit and warm yourself by the fire, that is fine as well."

The moment he says the words, “look around the house” her interest is spurred. Her eyes smile as her natural need to always move—dances across her face. She reaches past him as she nods, grabbing the teapot and refreshing both their cups.

“Lead on---I appreciate a guide and this house seems like a good place to start”

"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed. "


Short nods. "It would be my pleasure to show you around. But, alas, I have not been seen much of this house myself. Perhaps we can look the place over together." The moment the word 'alas' left his lips, Short winced. "No one says 'alas' anymore," he said to himself. 

Short stood and walked toward Kamyrn. Short noticed that she had taken off her cloak. He tried not to stare, but admired her snugly fitting tunic and her lithe, fit body. 

Without thinking, Short tried to smooth the wrinkles out from his well-worn jeans and his plain blue shirt and sucked in his gut. He turned to her and said, "you know, since arriving here, I have had the opportunity to eat marvelous food, and, regretfully, have surrendered to those opportunities."

Then, realizing he couldn't hold his breath forever, he inhaled and let his gut expand. As he felt his gut expand, he thought to himself, "The lady seems kind and understanding. Her kind comments regarding the unconscious man, lead me to believe this.  So I will let the chips fall where they may."  Still lost in his own reverie, the thought drifted through his mind, "And a name like 'ShortStaffed' is not one to bring confidence to a beautiful lady, anyway.

Holding out his hand to assist Kamyrn standing, she rose. Short took a few steps and noticed a painting on the wall he has not noticed before. He stood before it and looked at the rolling hills and deep blue color of the water in the scene and it reminded him of his love for the outdoors and his desire to return to nature. Then, glancing out the window, and seeing the miserable weather, he decided that perhaps a better time would be when the weather is a bit more pleasant. 

Turning from the painting and his thoughts of the great outdoors, Short turned and noticed a hallway leaving the room as well as a staircase leading to the second floor. He was fully aware of what was probably upstairs and, knowing the rules of the house, he turned and walked down the hall.

As they started down the hall, Short stopped and turned to Kamyrn, and looking her into her eyes he said, "When you see Lilia, please tell her I saw her comment at the Doormat and appreciate it very much. I give her my sincere thanks. Also, please relate to Lilia that Monday and Tuesday are long work days for me and I may not be around."

Then, he continued to meander down the long hall, Short stopped and looked at the paintings on the walls. The hallway was noticeably cooler as they got farther away from the fireplace. Not wanting to get too far away from the heat, Short decided to try the next door they came to and see what is on the other side. He figured a place this wonderful would have something of note to see behind the closed door.

A couple more steps taken, he reached the closed door. Short put his hand on the knob, and as he tried to look suave and build up suspense, he turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

And on the other side of the door, was a broom closet. Looking in he saw a mop bucket, still with dirty water in it, a mop and assorted cleaning supplies. There was nothing to do now but laugh. And as he laughed loudly at his failed suaveness, he turned to Kamyrn and said, "I guess I will follow you and let you try the next door."

This could get messy.


*i walk up to the front door and knock to see if anyones home* hello anyone there?