The Gingerbread House (All Welcome - Open Rp)

Started by Aislinn, July 28, 2013, 11:50:52 PM

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*Walk out to the entry way to see who had entered.*
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


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Welcome can i get you any thing.  I am sure their is something to eat or drink around here some where.
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


"Can I eat the entire house?" Ariel laughs softly and shakes her head. "No thank you, Tiarune. All I need is some good conpany! How are you?"
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"I am doing well so far no one has gone screaming for the hills.  but the day is still young for there is time for that even yet."
*shake my head at the thought*
"Beside that it is nice to have a place to relax on my travels.  Even with the Imps becoming a problem at times.  So be careful in the addict.  its the only place I have yet to clean them out of.  How are you doing Ariel?"
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


"I'll be sure to steer clear of the attic," she says with a laugh. "I'm doing okay, I suppose! Still sick and recovering, but I'm feeling better, so that's a plus."
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"If your still recovering you should be resting.  Standing around will not do at all."
*move at quick pace to get behind you before sweeping you off your feet into a bridal carry then walk into the Sitting area.  I then place you on one of the couches in the room*
"Now no more moving around."  ;D
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


She is startled at the sudden movement, but is nonetheless thankful. "Thank you! It is nice to relax, when you are sore and sick, after all," Ariel says with a kind smile.
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"At lease your sick here and not on the road any more."
*Moves to the door way to grab a few thing from another room*
"You sure you do not want any thing."
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


"Hmm, I'll take a water, if you don't mind," she calls out after Tiarune.
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"Ok one Water coming up."
*heads to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water.  After grabbing the Glass I set it down before filling up to grab some wood from the stove in the kitchen.  Once I have a load of wood i fill the glass up with water before returning to the sitting room*
"Here you go Ariel."
*Hand you the glass of Water before placing the wood next to the fire pit.*
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


"Thanks, hun!" Ariel says with a bright smile as she takes a sip of the water, then tucks her feet underneath her to keep them warm. "How are you enjoying E so far?"
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"It an intersting place from what I have seen. Being stuck as a none member is no in but when is it ever."
*places several logs in the fire pit before lighting them*
"But good bin come to thous that wait."
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


Quote from: tiarune on July 31, 2013, 06:13:53 PM
"But good bin come to thous that wait."

"but good Things come to thous who wait."
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


Blythe returns to the House, looking a little tired but pleased, and he says, "Hello, my guests! My apologies for being away so long, but sometimes as one of the masters of the house, I leave to partake of business in the lands of E and "RL," mysterious places that devour my time. But I have returned and brought souvenirs to decorate my home with!"

Blythe sets down a large bag and pulls a few things out.

"A new weapon for my armory, so that I can defend the Gingerbread House from harm."

"A new tapestry to hang on the wall...."

"And a set of medallions as gifts for my guests..."


*Looks closely at the sword and frown lightly.  Touching the pummel to get a feel for the steel see if I can feel any imperfections in the steel.*
"its a Good looking sword but seems off. How is the balance because I can not see imperfections in the steel."
*Running my finger along the flat I close my eyes trying to find what felt wrong with the blade.*
"where did you buy the Sword?"
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


Blythe says, "Hmmm. It is possible that the weight of it is imbalanced, but it is a bastard sword, and they tend to be heavy and ungainly, although a strong person with reach can be a deadly foe with one in hand. The steel is good, but it is a hand and a half thickness, which makes it a little awkward to wield." He offers the blade to tiarune and says, "Perhaps if I can find another, you would be willing to spar with me and test it's efficacy? I purchased it from a bazaar in the East, so perhaps a trial run with the blade is necessary."


"hmm I wonder if the Black Smith is trying something new.  Most eastern Swords are not bastard swords.  The blade could have travel to the East."
*take the blade into my hands resting the flat along my left forearm.  holding up to the light i could not see anything wrong with the steal but i could feel the weight seem to be more in the Point making it a little off balance.*
"I have a new blade as well if you do not mind a simple three point spar.  We can test them out."
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.

Red Woman

Red comes back into the cottage, has a seat on the coach and sighs "Pfff, that was a long but satisfying walk in the woods.
Saw some imps on the way back. They were a bit nasty, but nevertheless harmless.
What time is it anyway? Everybody seem to have fallen asleep. Too much bubbly or booze?
Well I might take a nap myself"

* Curls up on the couch, cuddling a bit towards Blythe * "Hmm, nice. Talk to you later"


Violet enters the cottage with a happy smile on her face, her silken skirts whispering about her ankles, "I just thought I'd drop in for a visit. Is anyone about?" she calls.


*Poke my head out from around a corn down a hall to see who was called out.*
"yea in the back working on a few things; Give me a Minute to finish up.  And I will be right out."
*Loud banging of metal on metal could be heard from the room as I try to finish my project i am working on.*
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


*come walking down the hall wiping my hands clean with a cloth before wiping the dust off my face to show the tribal mark under my left eye.*
"Sorry about that trying to get a metal working shop set up in the back.  Any ways I'm Tia"  *Offer a hand out.*
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


"Hi Tiarune! I'm Violet!" She replies, smiling and giving him her hand. "I thought it might be a good day to come by. I hope I'm not disturbing you."


"Not at all.  I finish what I could.  Now may I have the Honor of escorting you to the sitting area so you may relax."
*I offer my arm to escort you to the sitting area.*
Life holds many wonders, you need only to look and you shall find them.


She takes Tiarune's arm and lets him him escort her, "It is wonderful meet such a gentleman. Tell me, do you live here?" She asks, her expression curious.