Untitled X-Men Group. (Interest Check, Open recruiting)

Started by Strifesblaze7, July 09, 2013, 08:29:37 PM

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Probably female, not totally certain yet. Would it be possible to work in something with a Venom-type symbiote?
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Well let me know when you are, please. And what did you have in mind, I may not be opposed if it seems reasonable enough.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Alright. Mystique and Destiny ok for the parents? If so, definitely female.

On the symbiote - I have to dig into the history a bit more, but most likely a new offspring of one of the Venom family that bonds to her shortly before the game starts. Mostly it's something I've been craving, but it fits together well for this character. It would let me limit her shapeshifting more but still keep the clothes morphing thing, and would let me do the 'new superpower' thing still with her being in the 18-20 year old range.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Those parents could work and I think we could give the symbiote a shot.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Ok. Will the backstory on this include current events, or break away from canon at some point? Particularly around House of M onward ...
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


It will be largely mine and my co-gm(If I ever find one's) creation. I want to include Sentinels and things like that.
Is there a point where nobody cares


Right, but since this is a next generation sort of thing, did House of M, Civil War, ect happen? If not, did the timeline diverge sometime earlier, or is it completely AU?
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


I would say it broke off after, as much as I hate to use it, it would be after the marvel universe civil war.
Is there a point where nobody cares


After some digging, it looks like the Agony Symbiote is the best fit without breaking canon. I'll try to have my character up sometime today.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Is there a point where nobody cares

Etah dna Evol

I just figured I would mention that I am still interested in this.


Is there a point where nobody cares


How much detail do you want on the bio? I have some stuff I can leave open for GM use, or I can use Mr Sinister and tie it all together if that wouldn't interfere with anything.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Doesn't have to be a full life story. Give me like two paragraphs and we should be good.
Is there a point where nobody cares


First draft, anyway. Kinda want to make her a polyglot like Mystique, but I'm not sure how well I could pull it off.

Name: Adela Darkholme/Agony
Sex: Born/Usually Female Shapeshifter
Sexuality: Pansexual, Switch
Birthplace: New York
Parents: Raven Darkholme (Mystique), Irene Adler (Destiny)
Appearance: 5’8”, blue skin, black hair, violet eyes. Still looking for pictures.
Metamorph: Like Mystique, she can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human or humanoid being of either sex. Unlike Mystique, her control is not yet exact enough to reliably duplicate retina patterns or fingerprints, and she is so far unable to mimic clothing on her own. She can take on the appearance of someone larger or smaller than herself, however her mass does not change and maintaining such a form puts a strain on her.
Due to the weakened state of the symbiote, and the incomplete bond, she currently only has partial symbiote powers:
Superhuman Strength: Agony amplifies the strength of its host. She can currently lift approximately 1 ton.
Superhuman Durability: Agony's body is highly resistant to physical injury, capable of withstanding assault from high-caliber bullets as well as attacks from super powered individuals. When distributed at a typical thickness over Adela's body, the Symbiote is capable of absorbing bullets from small-arms weapons firing conventional ammunition. The Symbiote is however particularly vulnerable to both sonic and heat-based attacks.
Superhuman Stamina: Agony is also capable of surviving in harmful areas for long periods of time such as underwater or in toxic gases, the symbiote filtering breathable air to the host.
Accelerated Healing Factor: The symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer.
Genetic Memory: The symbiote possesses some limited psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from its hosts and even other people and symbiotes simply by touch. It can however, be forced to forget information if the symbiote is inflicted with heavy trauma.
Wall-Crawling: The symbiote also replicates Spider-Man’s ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.
ESP (Spider-Sense): Agony also possesses an extrasensory ability similar to Spider-Man’s spider-sense.
Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing and camouflaging with its surroundings.
Metabolic Acid Generation: Agony can also use her metabolism to spit acid, which could burn through most substances, however the full extent or limit and range of her acid projectiles are unknown.
Metabolic Chemical Absorption: Agony can even absorb chemicals (such as Spider-Man's artificial webbing.) This ability has not been shown in any of the other LF symbiotes.

Intense Sound: The symbiote is extremely sensitive to high frequencies of sound and Sonic attacks.
Intense Heat: The symbiote is also vulnerable to intense levels of heat.

Combat Training: While lacking in field experience, she has received basic training in hand to hand combat from Mystique.
   Adela is the daughter of Mystique and a clone with the memories of the original Destiny. While they stayed together as a couple, Adela was raised primarily by Destiny - Mystique was often away for long periods of time in her fight against anti-mutant groups. Between missions, Mystique trained her to fight and in the use of her power, however she did not take to violence or deception as well as Mystique herself did. This, and Mystique’s attitude toward regular humans, put a strain on their relationship as Adela grew older and more independent. She remained close to Destiny.
   Mystique led a raid on a lab running super soldier experiments, primarily on mutants. Unknown to Mystique, Agony was also being held and experimented on there, and was freed during the fighting. Agony secretly followed Mystique home, and chose Adela as a host during the night. Mystique quickly found out, and insisted on removing and destroying the symbiote. Adela refused, and ran away from home to protect Agony. Realizing they would need help, they sought out the X-men.

What are you looking for in a co-GM, exactly?
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Cut a couple of powers out, even if they are only partial, it is a big list. Please and thank you.

As for a co-gm. I would like someone who is active, and willing to talk about the story and help if I need.
Is there a point where nobody cares


May have to to scrap it and try to come up with something else then. The last two are specific to Agony, could maybe take them out. Other than that though, it's already cut down to basic symbiote biology and crippled in strength.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


11 powers on one person is a bit much, partial or not.
Is there a point where nobody cares


2 people, somewhere between 3-5 core powers broken down into individual applications, and two big weaknesses. In any case I'll save her for a game better suited to her and see what else I can think of.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


I wouldn't call her two, the agony symbiote will still use her body, that really is just one person. Saying that the symbiote is seperate is like saying that Mac Gorgin and Venom or Eddy Brock and Venom were not the same, they were, the symbiote just drew out their negativity.
Is there a point where nobody cares


The symbiotes are fully sentient on their own, to me that makes them people. Anyway, withdrawing them from consideration for this game and I won't be using Mystique. May still be interested if I come up with something other than a shapeshifter I'd like to play.
Ons/Offs - Updated 10/8/14 to reflect my switch to Liege and attempt a bit more clarity.
Absences - Updated 3/26/15


Is there a point where nobody cares

Etah dna Evol


Name: Henry “Hank” Proud, some documents list him as Henry Kinney.
Alias: Teufel Hunden, some government documents refer to him as Weapon XXX
Age: Unsure, but hospital records put his birth in 2001. Which would make Hank somewhere in his early twenties.
Sex: Male
Sexuality : Bisexual
Birthplace: San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona

  • Father: James Proudstar (Warpath)
  • Mother: Laura Kinney (X-23)

  • Adamantium Laced Claws and Skeleton: Skeleton as well as joints, laced with unbreakable metal. Has a single claw on each hand that is longer than Wolverines or X-23’s.
  • Mutant Healing Factor: Teufel Hunden is a Lupine mutant with a fully functional healing factor and everything that generally goes along with it, except for immortality because his healing factor functions more like X-23’s.
  • Superhuman Durability: Like his father Teufel Hunden can withstand superhuman impacts without injury.
  • Superhuman Physical Prowess: Much Stronger, tougher, faster, much more agile and much more coordinated than anyone even at the very peak of human ability.
  • Superhuman Senses: Like all Lupine mutants, sight, sound, touch, taste, all of these senses are much more vivid and in-depth than any normal human.


  • Combat Training: A highly trained Marine Corps Infantryman and Scout Sniper, Hank has the tactical knowledge and reflexes of a highly trained combat veteran.
  • Marksmanship: Hank is an expert marksman and does not shy away from the usage of firearms.
  • Marine Martial Arts Program: Hank is an expert at hand to hand combat, having become a black belt in the MMA program.
  • Military Skills: Having been a Marine for many years Hank is familiar with Intelligence reports, medevac reports, troop leadership procures, writing orders, standard operating procedures and other kinds of military habits, strategy or consideration.
  • Tracking and survival: Having very evolved senses, having been a hunter in his youth on the Apache reservation and having become a Marine Scout Sniper, Hank can follow people through urban and rural settings using a plethora of techniques.
The circumstances of the female clone of Wolverine known as X-23, meeting and mating with the Mutant known as Warpath are unknown. As are the conditions of John’s birth. John’s paternity to these individuals has been verified through DNA testing.

Hank was raised by his uncle John Proud on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. Some governmental organizations have wondered if John Proud was in fact John Proudstar, the mutant known as Thunderbird who had been thought dead for some time.

Hank’s childhood was comparable to anyone else’s on the San Carlos Reservation. He was athletic, played football in junior high and high school. After graduation, he followed his uncle into the United States Marine Corps. Hank graduated from Paris Island for Boot Camp, then Camp Lejeune infantry school and then Quantico Virginia for Scout Sniper training.

From Quantico, Lance Corporal Proud served several rapid combat deployments, over the next few years gaining an assortment of medals. This was the end of Hank’s public military record. Somehow in the course of his service in the Marine Corps, Hank became intertwined with some form of the Weapon X program.

He seems to have gained Weapon X’s attention when his mutant powers began to assert themselves in his early twenty’s, in particular his accelerated healing ability. His skeleton and joints were laced with Adamantium in a manner similar to Wolverines, he only has a single claw on each hand however, that is longer than Wolverines or X-23’s.

Sergeant Henry Proud was recently discharged by the United States Marine Corps and the young former Marine sought out the X-Men. He hopes they can help him deal with his faulty memory, and his fully emerged mutant powers.


Is there a point where nobody cares

Etah dna Evol

JROTC instructor might be cool. I'm guessing 25you've or so is to old to be a student. I can even make him an older retired Marine.