
Northern Town [L-H]
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Test Your Limits F Seeking M and F~Continually Updated~

Started by LimitlessNikkie, September 20, 2011, 11:59:29 PM

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Three's a Crowd(M/F/F or M/M/F)
It had started off casual with three friends deciding sex shouldn't be tied to relationships and making a packed with each other that while they lived with each other it would be the three of them. A friends with benefits arrangement. No strings, not complications, no attachments, always had a date and never had to worry about being screw over. there were only a few rules to make everything go smoothly and to prevent conflict, no falling in love, no jealousy, no monopolizing(sharing is caring), and no regrets.
It should have been easy and for a while it was but somethings can't be helped and when emotions start to play a role clouding judgment and making everything difficult can the three of them move past their hurt feeling and save their friendship or will things forever change for the young college student who thought they could escape a broken heart. (This will need a lot of collaboration and is planned to be rather long)


A Little Business With Your Pleasure
Sarah a young vibrant romance writer fresh out of school was thrilled to finally get an agent assigned to her by her publishing house. Sparks fly when she met John and even though he seemed indifferent to her the imaginative girl couldn't help thinking about him a few too many time. With a love life as dead as every plant in her apartment she falls easily into the fantasy of wrapping her body around his and tumbling to the nearest horizontal surface.
Unconsciously he ends up as the hero of her newest book and her secrets and fantasies are unleashed when she submits the book for his review and he reads between the lines. John is flattered if a bit embarrassed as he reads the story young Sarah has created easily recognizing himself from the way she described 'Ron' and the little habit he knew he possessed that Ron seemed to have as well.
He know he has to talk to her about it but can't seem to figure out a way how and with the steamy images created by her writing alive in his mind the image he'd held of her as young and untouchable are shattered forever. With a meeting with Sarah just a half hour away he still had no idea how he's going to handle this little problem.[/s]


A Little Extra Credit
From a small town going to a large university was intimidating in the extreme. Sarah fell easily into the traps of distractions littering the campus, from parties to clubs she did it all sometimes to the point of ignoring what should have mattered most, classes. Finals were right around the corner and with her grades in the toilet she was in major trouble. About to lose her scholarship she worked her ass off and managed to pull up her grade in almost all her classes, save one.
She wasn't normally seductive but she like everyone else had heard the rumors of girls sleeping with their teachers to get ahead and she had a natural pull towards the forbidden. It was the last day of classes when she approached John a sway in her step and a wicked look in her eyes intent on getting her grade up to passing by any means necessary.[/s]


Opposites Attract
She'd always been exactly what everyone especially her parents expected her to be. She was perfect, poised and a bit dull at times. She'd gone to a private school and excelled, forfeiting a social life and dating in favor of pleasing her parents. She thought she was happy, for filled. She was wrong.
18 and taking her first steps away from her parents and into a whole new world she was unsurprised you were around. You'd always been at the high society functions she'd been forced to attend. The boy the girls giggled over and her parents forbid her from talking to. The boy who teased her for her dull studious nature and taunted her at every turn. With a record as black as a starless sky she thought she knew everything about him from the rumor mill. Again she was wrong.
With a twist of fate she'd stuck with you (reason up for discussion) and her world will take an unexpected turn, an in the process she'll discover parts of herself she didn't even know existed.[/s]


Being a Princess Sucks(loosely based on medieval England)
She'd grown up in the castle but was extremely luck in many fashions, where her sisters were cloistered within the castles walls groomed within an inch of their lives she the youngest of the lot was gifted with a measure of freedom. Able to behave in a ways completely outside normal allowances for a female  because of her fathers blessing she grew up head strong and rebellious.
She didn't know she was contracted to marry until a year before she was to be given to a prince she'd never met. A man she'd heard of as arrogant, strict and structured. Just the description had her shuttering at the though of actually having to marry him. She plead with her father to give her, her freedom but with conflict brewing he told her no, that it was her turn to help her kingdom.
So now she has to meet her betrothed and figure out a way to either live with the life others had decided for her or how to get out of it before it's too late.


Power Struggle
At one time the two powerful families had been friends. There had been dinner parties and shared vacations and trips. For ten years the two children played together as the parents laughed and all was well. But on the girls tenth birthday something happened and the families turned from the best of friends to the bitterest of enemies. For the next decade the parents taught that same hate to their children until the kids regarded eachother with cool distaste tossing aside the memories of childhood companionship.
The girl was 19 the first time she met him outside the social circle of her parents society. They were an ocean away from their meddling parents for the first time alone together. Fate threw them together once more so they could find out for themselves if the hate they'd been taught was enough to keep the two of them apart or if another unnamed force was powerful enough to draw them together once more.


Darker Desires
It was an innocent dare that led the 21 year old girl to the club the infamous bondage club that night. Her best friend an adventurous blond with a taste for pain had been determined to bring a little spice into her friends sex life. It was a busy night the club full of woman dressed in every color of the rainbow showing off more skin then some strip clubs and men equally as revealing. The girl felt out of place the moment she walked threw the door but still somehow managed to catch your attention.
Maybe it was her innocents, maybe her obvious interest despite her unease. Whatever it was you were drawn to her and in the following weeks showed her how to truly enjoy her body and opened her up to experience she never would have dreamed she herself would have as you awakened her darker desires.[/s]


Breaking Rules
Sarah was  a silver spoon fed trust fund kid who could have anything she wanted as long as it could be charged to her shiny black credit card. Her parents were rarely in the same contry let alone the same content. She spent most of the year at an expensive all girls boarding school but summers she spent in her sprawling beach house on the Florida coast. She'd always been under the care of John while at home, a man who was part body guard part baby sitter.
The last few years she'd spent much of her time at home on the beach avoiding John and dating her way through the packs of vacationers that were as temporary there as she herself was. During her last summer at the beach house the crush she'd had on John since she was a little girl came into full bloom. With time running out she persued him wanting to taste at least what she'd yearned for for years.[/s]


Poly Family (F/F/M/M)
This is a four person game that's rather self explanatory. I want to try to play out a poly family with a touch of Dom/sub tendency within these couples/ I want to start with two distinct couples and having them come together to form a solid loving poly family. I have no defined character ideas set at this time though loosely I picture the males being more dominate but not far into that life style though at this time all is negotiable. please Pm if your interested in this game roles and details needs to be discussed before hand.


A Need So Wicked
Sarah was a criminal, a famous head line making criminal who got off on the fame her name could generate. She flaunted her success leaving a calling card and a chocolate kiss at the scene. She was a modern cat burglar who roamed New York's darkened streets taunting the cops and scaring the wealthy. in the last few years she'd bested some of the best security in the city and the people were crying out for her arrest.
John was the investigator who's job it was to arrest her, many times he had no idea who close he'd been to her. She loved watching him getting as close as she could. Though she knew she could never have him, even speaking to him would be to dangerous she couldn't help how drawn to him she felt. One night too long spent tarrying, watching him, he caught her, cornered her. How would she possibly escape?


Are You My Maker?(Vampire)
Sarah woke up after the night of her 21st birthday with her head feeling like it was splitting open and her neck aching. Fingertips caressed the skin of her neck coming away sticky with her own blood. She felt her stomach turn and knew what had happened, fractured memories coming back to her scattered and scarred. A scream constricted her throat and she pressed her back against the wall trying to breath past the slowly building burning sensation, hunger clawing at her being dissolving her senses.
A smooth cultured laugh floated through the air towards her. A man cloaked in shadows nothing but the moon light flashing in his eyes and the lines of his body visible in the near lightlessness. "Who...who are you." Sarah asked her voice tentative and broken fear laced heavily through it. "who do you think?' The man replied the smirk evident in his voice.[/s]


Fall From Grace
Sarah had been a pinnacle in the comunity, a teen who volunteered in the comunity , was on the news for her comunity work. She was a star athlete a cheerleader, valedictorian accepted to every college she applied to. No one would have though her life could go so wrong. Sarah went to school and while for the first year she was fine making grades no saw her and only got sparing calls.

She'd left behind a boy friend back home who she was supposed to be having a long distance relationship with but as time passed Sarah seemed to draw further and further away from everyone in her old life. her family equated it to her striking out on her own and forming her own life but when she missed her mom's 50Th birthday with not so much as a call they all knew something was wrong. Sarah wasn't the type of girl to forget things of that nature.

Unknown to them Sarah had gotten hooked up with a bad crowd while in school. She started partying and sleeping around. When her boyfriend come to get her John found a very diffrent girl. Sarah was not the sweet girl with a quick wit and a sharp mind filled with a playful infectious innocents anymore. her eyes were hard and distant as John forcibly took her from school and made her come up determinded not to let  her slip away from him.


But I love you
Falling in love is far too easy to do especially when your sixteen with stars in our eyes blown away by the brilliance of an older man. Sarah was 10 when she first met John the younger brother of one of her fathers friends, a man still 10 years her senior who did little more then dote on the little girl that obviously had a bit of a crush. Years past and Sarah's interest in John waxed and waned as he visited and disappeared sometimes for years at a time. The last time she saw him when she was 13 he's teased her about her insecurities and told her how beautiful she was boosting her self-esteem and cementing himself a place in her heart.

Three years later John moved back to her home town and was invited to a party at her parents house. Little did he know that while Sarah lived her life dating and being social she'd nurtured a love for him that was more then a little inappropriate. When she'd learned John would be coming back she dumped her boy friend of two years and worked harder then ever to make herself into the perfect girl. She was old enough she reasoned to make her own choices. It was time for John to see her as more then just a little girl, the daughter of one of his friends but as a woman, a woman who could love him as he deserved.


A Gentle Mastering(D/s)
Sarah had known she was a sub since she was sixteen. Introduced to the world of D/s through literature and media Sarah thought she knew what she was in for. But the further she sunk into the dark and murky world the more out of depth she was. She found only the worst of that world that could be both gentle and cruel. She found master who were more abusive then loving, she twisted herself into knots trying to fit into a media driven image of a sub. She tried desperately to find someone who could both conquer and love her.

By the time she was twenty two she was tired. She was tired of being hit by men who liked to hit woman for fun, exploiting her desires for their gain. She was ready to give up on the game. She was broken a shadow of the once confident lively girl. Her job took her someplace new. A fresh start she though, a place where she could start new leaving all that D/s stuff behind her. She wouldn't make the same mistakes here. She'd find some nice vanilla guy who made her smile and would never get off on causing her more pain then pleasure.

That was until she met you. You'd been a master for a long time now and knew the difference between discipline and inflicting pain. You were forceful a commanding presents but there was something in your eyes that demanded her trust even as you promised to never hurt her. The draw between the two of you was electric. You could see she was hurt, broken even. You knew better the to mess with a broken sub but something about her was too great to resist and soon found yourself drawing her ever so slowly back into the world she thought she'd forever left behind.[/s]


My Illusive Muse
John was an artist, a man who was acclaimed during his own life time for his realism, his ability to capture the essence of his subjects. His art shows were unique in that they would be focused around a single subject usually a girl and his art ranging from paintings to sculptures to even the rare photo would capture the different facets of the subject. His images were emotional and beautiful, heart wrenching at times and always honest.

Sarah was just a girl struggling through life. she grew up a child to a single mother and had never know a day of easy comfort in her life. She'd worked everyday in her life and in truth knew no other way to live. Drugs and depravity were things right around the corner and while she wished they wouldn't touch her it was inevitable.

John saw her by change. She was cutting across the park just as the street lights were flicking on. Her head was bent down her shoulders hunched as if to make herself small as she cut through the park that while safe enough during the day took on a sinister quality at night. He only saw her for a few brief moments and for one second as she walked her head lifted and her eyes met before she turned a corner and was gone.

That one moment was enough to capture his interest. He knew right then he;d found his new muse. He had to have her, had to. The compulsion to capture her image, immortalize a person had never been so strong before but he knew he had to have her, no one else would do this time. He'd go to any lengths.


Taking Advantage
Sarah was many things but what was most obvious was she was pretty. She discovered this in high school when she started going to public school rather then her all girls school. Her beauty was made known to her in a series of looks too lewd for her to quiet grasp at first, whistles that followed her down hallways and a sharp spike in popularity with guys who were more then pleased to chase after her in the hopes of 'tapping that'.

When she was 17 she lost her parents to a tragic car accident and swiftly after that the state proclaimed her fit to care for herself. She got a job and then another one but she never seemed to last at any of them. She never fit in well or something just went wrong. The lack of jobs made things unstable for her. It was one of her few friends from the gym that suggested stripping. It's not that bad she'd said, You'd be great at it and wouldn't have to worry about money.

At first Sarah was apposed to the idea but with rent due as well as the pg&e bill she took the plunge and auditioned and was hired that day. At first she worked as a waitress serving drinks and basically kept an eye on things and was a walking advertisement for the other girls, but the longer she was there the more the patrons seemed to take an interest in her and soon she was on the stage more and more till she had her own solo strip tease.

John was a regular patron of the club a friend of the owner and one of the guys who was known to treat the girls well and wasn't too slimy. Sarah caught his eye from the moment she showed up. She held an innocents that just wasn't seen in a girl working in a strip club. She intrigued him. She seemed to blossom in from of his very eyes going from standoffish and a bit shy to a flirt able to wield her body like a weapon.

It was a cold day in winter when Sarah's boss found out she was only 17 no where near the 21 year old age limit needed to even enter the club let alone work there. She found herself jobless again with bills due and since she'd moved in with some of the other girls while she'd worked there she was now homeless. what was a girl to do?[/s]


Breaking Free
Sarah grew up in a very sheltered home. She was home schooled until she was 12 when she started attending a girls finishing school. She was always a bit withdrawn from the other girls and something of a loner preferring the company of a good book to that of a loud giggly group of girls. I guess it was to be expected given her upbringing. Her mother was the silent, submissive type who did anything and everything her father said without comment and her father though rarely there was a forceful man, demanding rather then asking and often in a foul mood. Sarah wasn't in the least sad to leave home. She wasn't particularly close to either of her parents and in fact lead a rather lonely life.

When she graduated from Finishing school it was expected she would enter society and make a good marrage, after all that's all girls were good for, making a good marrage, but Sarah wasn't from the 18th century nor did she think as such. No at the age of eighteen she defied her parents and took a job at a local music store that catered to the metal, punk crowd. She got her lip pierced and a tattoo down her ribs and by twenty one was bartending at a local club. Her parents were threatening to disown her if she didn't come back and do as they asked but she seemed happy enough just were she was.


A Deals, A Deal
Sarah grew up poor. Not food stamps and pay check to pay check poor but watching her mother hook it just to pay for food, evicted every three months and living in shelters poor. She'd never known a day of comfort in her young life. There was no father to speak of and while she was a smart girl she was so pulled down by the life she lead that at thirteen it looked like she would end up turning tricks just like her mother if she didn't get picked up by child protective services first.
Tragity struck when her mother died of an OD. In one fell swoop the only security in Sarah's young life vanished. There was no family, no friends who would take her in. Sarah for all her determination and hard work was out of options. She was trapped in the life she only wanted to escape.
Starving on the street Sarah was picked up by the most unlikely of guys. John had a weakness for pretty girls. As a low rung mob member he enjoyed a few minor perks, picking up poor girls and using them as he pleased being one of them but for some reason unknown to Sarah John's boss just about blew a gasket when he saw John pull her into the shadowy room.
The other man was older about 40 with greying hair at the temples. He clocked John in jaw and hauled Sarah into another room. There a deal was struck he offered her something she never thought to have. A way out. He offered her a place at a private school and a college education as long as she promised to in 10 years repay his successor as they saw fit.
Sarah knew it was a skewed deal and she shouldn't take a thing from the mob but she was being offered more then she could ever dream of so young and foolish took the deal. For ten years Sarah lived a happy life. They never contacted her, never spoke to her. Most of the tie she could forget she'd even made the deal until the 10 year mark came and a strange man showed up at her door to collect.


Umm No...Thank You???
Sarah was an orphan, adopted by a wealthy family at age 7. Her parents were unable to have children of their own and seemed desperate to have a child though the reason for that desperation didn't become evident until Sarah was 17. At 17 Sarah learned of the contract, the archaic contract that her parents entered into long before she was even born. The contract that binds their first daughter to in marriage to the Blackwood's first son.
Sarah was more then pissed when she found out, obviously but she loved her parents and could see the desperation in their faces when they asked her to do it, pleaded with her to do it. After months of trying to find a way out of the mess of the contract Sarah finally agreed to be the arranged bride to a guy she'd never met.


This Isn't Right
Nothing is as easy as it seems. Sarah had been in love with Mark since she was 12 years old. They'd been best friends for years so when they started dating in middle school and stayed together through the war grounds that was high school no one was surprised when Mark proposed to Sarah. Sarah of course was thrilled and accepted without a second though. Everyone congratulated them and patted them on the back but Sarah's parents insisted she still attend school even though she would rather follow Mark.
After a great deal of bickering the love birds agreed to a long term relationship to satisfy their parents. They both agree a little space apart might even be good for them, to develop new interests and find themselves as individuals rather then a couple.
Everything was going well until Sarah met John. John was a great guy. They met during a study group and just clicked, the way that best friends click, like they'd known each other for years. John read the same books Sarah did, listened to the same music. They even went to the same bars and clubs to unwind, that they hadn't met yet was remarkable.
After a few months John is Sarah's best friend. They talk every day without fail and most days saw each other at least a couple times. John was who Sarah could talk to about everything, classes, friends, Mark. Soon she felt closer to John then she had to Mark in years and she couldn't deny that there were feelings there. Feelings that had very little to do with friendship.


Pa De Deux in Bed
Sarah's life revolved around doing it one more time. Just one more plie, one more rond de jambe, one more chasse. Sarah was focused beyond anyone could understand. At three she started ballet for fun, her mom wanted her to have a well organised physical activity, but she seemed to find herself when she placed her hand on that bar.
Since then she seemed born to dance and her mm loved it and supported her at ever turn. At thirteen she auditioned for and was accepted to the Royal Ballet School in London. She made history by making the Royal Ballet Company by age 16 and then became a solo dancer by 17. It was simply unheard of.
Sarah couldn't have been more pleased with the way her life was going but there was something missing, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. It wasn't until she got a new pa de deux partner that she figured it out. Sex. She was missing a partner in her life that did more then lift her up and while she knew it was completely inappropriate she couldn't help the fact that she was lusting after her new partner.


When the light bearer fell 200 angels fell with him. Two hundred angels fell from grace for believing in the charismatic angel of light. Some were pleased, some dejected, Sarah was broken. It took time unmeasured to for Sarah to lift herself out of the ash's and find herself again. She was depressed more then one could measure and it took her a very long time to find hope again but she did find it again. Time has a way of healing all wounds.
In the end Sarah was lost. She wondered trying to find a purpose in a world that had no use for her anymore. No one believed in angels anymore, not angels like her anyway. They didn't believe in the metaphysical in their world but in a world that had long since past them by.
Sarah found pleasure in things she could never indulge in up in haven. Lust became the thing she sough after most until one morning she was awoken by the shadow of wings across her bed. The light bringer had come to congratulate her in becoming the embodiment of the sin and asked a very simple thing of her. There was a man, a very upstanding man. Lucifer wanted him to fall and the challenge of the task tickled Sarah enough that she took it on with a smile.


One Wrong Note
Sarah was not what you'd call an average girl. she'd been seven the first time she'd gone down the street to the local bar to get her mom. Her mom had been a big deal in the local music scene, a rocker girl with a taste for dangerous men but that all changed when she got pregnant, at least you'd think it would. Instead Sarah's mom spent a great deal of her time trying to relive her glory days and dragging Sarah along for the ride.
Sarah grew up rough to say the least. She was tough with a smart mouth and a quick fire temper. She was the type of girl that could hang with the guys and no one would bat an eye but she grew up protected too. Those tough guys who thought nothing of taking another woman home for the night and then dumping her off the next day would punch the lights out of any guy who would even dare approach Sarah.
In her teens it was a constant frustration but as she grew up she learned to appreciate it and how to get around those rules as well. Twenty one found her tending bar in one of the roughest places in a collage town known for parties. She could flirt with the best of them but there was no question the if she couldn't take care of herself (and there were very few situations where that was an issue) that she would definitely have help from on of the burly bikers or washed up rockers who had her back.
John was a new to the town Musician trying to make a name for himself. They first met when he played a gig at Sarah's bar. There was  no doubt he was attractive, every female in the bar was panting after the guy but it was Sarah that caught his interest. Maybe it was because of her looks, that devil may care attitude, the go fuck yourself glare or her unattainable air. whatever it was he was like a moth to a flame and though she'd never admit it Sarah was hardly immune to john's charms.
But John was everything Sarah had taught herself to avoid. He was the stereo type that had nocked up her mom then fled to the next state and beyond. He was the type of guy who liked a challenged, a conquest and once he was done moved on. He was the type of guy Sarah never messed with because while she could deal with a lot of shit in her life a broken heart wasn't one she wanted to contend with.


Hold That Pose
Sarah had been modeling since she was 16 years old. She knew she was beautiful. People had been telling her that for as long as she could remember. No one ever looked beyond the surface of things and for a long time that was a problem for her but by 21 she was ok with it. She was more then happy to have people look at her and adore her, lavish her with attention and to be in complete control of everything and everyone around her.
Sarah could walk on set late, with a hang over and bags under her eyes and they would fall all over themselves to get her ready. Sarah couldn't tell you why as far as she was concerned she was no better then anyone else but hell if they were going to treat her like a queen might as well enjoy it right?
She was 22 when her second serious relationship blew up in her face. Dating just wasn't something she was good at. Sarah was always in control and while she would never admit it because it would ruin her image she craved someone who could take a firm hand with her and control her so for a brief moment she could just let go of the reins and breathe.

John was a male model who'd done a few shoots with Sarah in the past. He'd only ever had passing interest in her because she was beautiful but she was such a spoiled brat she was hardly worth the trouble but that changed when the two of them were paired up to work together again in an ad campaign for a designer who's collection was aptly named Sensual Temptation and features a lot of suits for the men and corsets and thigh highs for the woman. John knew it would be great for his career and the shoot appealed to his own personal love for the culture of D/s that he privately subscribed to, but the thought of dealing with little miss perfect was less then appealing but he agreed none the less hoping she'd matured since their last meeting.


Think Again (D/s)
Sarah was the kind of girl guys just loved to hate. She was a shark among Minos. Her early life was rather privileged with a mother who never had to get a job and a father who was CEO of a fortune five hundred company. Nothing more was expected of Sarah then to marry well and do some charity work. No one really looked at the pretty girl and though she was worth anything. For some that might have been alright but not for Sarah. Sarah was jealous of her lazy brother who was lavished with attention from their father just because he was a male and to be the company heir. It pissed Sarah off to no end. So what did she do? She worked.

Sarah graduated first high school early then collage, then law school and on her first time passed the bar in three states, California, New York, and Florida. She specialized in tax law as well as criminal law doing a smattering of civil affairs when the need arose and took a job at a major law firm and in seven short years became partner. But with all that success came a reputation. She was a cold fish, a ball buster. She didn't date so she was a dyke. Things of that nature. None of it was true really, she was tough but no more then any of the men in the boys club. No the problem was she never dated a guy who could keep up with her, they all ended up getting jealous of her, her success her job, and that simply didn't work.

John was a new hot shot in town a transfer from Chicago who was working in the DA's (District Attorney) office as an ADA (Assistant District Attorney). Sarah was at arraignment with one of her clients trust fund kids who's been caught driving drunk again and was looking at getting his licence pulled when she met him for the first time and sparks flew. Something about that dark strong powerful man lit a fire under her skin. He emanated a kind of command that that all but made her tremble. After that first meeting she simply could not get him out of her head and found herself hoping one of her clients would get into some criminal trouble just so she might see him again.