Anyone want to do a zombie story?

Started by LeeshaLynn, February 16, 2012, 06:56:09 AM

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I might be interested in doing a zombie story with a group.  I saw a couple others but they got filled up already so that is why I thought I'd try and see if I have any luck with a group :D  Feel free to post here or send me a PM if you're interested.  I'd like at least four people before we could start.  I was thinking we could all kinda just 'meet' up.  All sorts of things we could do and I'd love to hear any more ideas!!! 


I also 'might' want to.... :P
I've never done a group story though. If you don't mind newbies, I'd like to imagine running from zombies, climbing trees and jumping onto roofs to make a leap into the river, to swim to the other shore, to get back to the safehouse, only to discover it isn't safe anymore  ;D
Sounds great,

James Moriarty

This sounds fun to me, as well.  If this gets going, I would love to participate!


Well wow I wasn't expecting replies so soon :D  If we can get another, at least we can start it out.  If you both want to post a character profile that would be wonderful and we can wait on number 4!!  Don't worry, I'm a group noob too lol.  We'll learn together ;)


I'm not a group noob, so if you need someone who can stay outside the game who you can ask questions to and such, I could volunteer for that.  Otherwise I'll try to think on a character.
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That is super awesome of you Andy Z :D  I'd love to have you be a character and if there are any major questions I can PM you yeah?

So we all have four...lets start making our character profiles....though if anyone else wants to join, please feel free and post.  Whee I'm excited lol.


Not a problem at all ^_^  If you have any messenger programs, you can PM me and I'll add you so that you can ask me questions.

Personally, I've always wanted to fortify a Walmart in the event of a zombie apocalypse.  It'd be difficult but there's enough stuff there that you could last for weeks.

I'm still trying to find a picture and get an idea together, but I'm thinking about a character who needs some sort of medication.  Possibly anti-psychotic and she goes into hallucinations if she can't get it.  That way, once we get into siege stuff, something will have to happen to help her out.
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If you are still open I would love to participate in a zombie RP! :D


Andy, sounds good (and exciting!!!) I'll PM you with my yahoo info.  Then talk to you about a few things.

Still waiting on peoples bios though

Of course we are still open!!  Feel free to post your bio :D  I'll be posting mine later today.  Hopefully we can start soon!!


I'm unsure of what the bio should entail because I'm unsure of the location, time, and circumstances of the story we're talking about. In general, I'd be a university student or maybe an independent, up-and-coming taxi-driver in a town that's still recovering from the loss of their previous taxi-hero, "Two-stop Andy". I begin in my silver and orange, leather taxi-driving uniform, with purple gloves, aviator sunglasses, and a headband that reads "I AM THE WHEEL". It will later be revealed that Two-Stop-Andy was my father, and yes, the town will get over his death. Only then will we be able to face the zombies.
I'm kidding, obviously. Let me know some details of the story - will it just be the couple of us alone, will we be surviving in a larger camp, will we be trying to get somewhere, will I need survival skills (in which case, I'm a feral child who has grown up in the woods and has ABSOLUTELY NO TROUBLE surviving and I can smell zombies thirteen miles away... I wear wolf-furs and howl at the moon. [kidding, again]), etc...

Despite my silly comments, I'm actually really looking forward to this one!

James Moriarty

I agree with Meow -- let's flesh out a little more of the details.

My inclination for this one is to go with a Chat Simpleton kind of character -- big, strong, college football player kind of guy who isn't too bright, but who can run fast and hit hard and doesn't have a lot of conscience.  A little like the Woody Harrelson character in Zombieland, but younger and not quite as bad-ass (yet!).



Right..we gotta get a bit more specific.  I like the idea of us HAVING to meet somehow a group surrounds us making us go into a walmart or something and having to stay there for awhile...the whole building could be boarded up...and now we are all stuck with 'strangers' who we are FORCED to live with for awhile...that could prove to be interesting...especially if there are conflicts


Are you still open? I'm pretty new to RP but I'd love to do a zombie story.

Just let me know what you need from me for a character sheet =)
O/O - - - - - Requests

Sorry if my replies are coming slowly for the next week or so - I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP though.


Yes we are still open.  I will post a sheet in probably 20 min for everyone to fill out and submit...sorry it's my b-day today and I've been kinda busy this evening...but I'll get to it soon :D  (and a huge welcome as well )


Quote from: LeeshaLynn on February 17, 2012, 06:57:47 PM
Yes we are still open.  I will post a sheet in probably 20 min for everyone to fill out and submit...sorry it's my b-day today and I've been kinda busy this evening...but I'll get to it soon :D  (and a huge welcome as well )

Thank you very much for the welcome and happy birthday!

O/O - - - - - Requests

Sorry if my replies are coming slowly for the next week or so - I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP though.


Thank you!!  (though I'm not a fan of getting older lol.) is a basic template.  Feel free to fill it out best to your knowledge.  Then we can start getting going :D  I'm excited to see everyone's character.  I'll post mine in another little bit lol.

Special Skill(s):
Deficient skill(s)
Mental Stability: ( Known mental or emotional issues.)

If you can, please provide a picture (human, no anime please) or a link to one

Physical Description
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Sexual Preference:
Sexual Style:
Sexual Strength(s):
Sexual Weakness(es):



Special Equipment:


Basic:Not sure what goes here.
Name:Henry Ericson
Status/Occupation:Telecomms/Engineering for a railway company
Special Skill(s):Good mapreader, Amateur MMA, so great stamina/fitness
Deficient skill(s)Not a leader, nothing beyond first aid for medical skills and poor aim
Mental Stability: Prone to guilt, but otherwise solid

Physical Description:Well built and coarse - broken nose, boxers ears and scarred/callus hands. Very short hair and a beard.
Eye Color:Green
Hair Color:Mousy brown, going grey in the sides/back
Weight:230lbs, mostly muscle
General:Not sure what goes in here - clothes? Blue jeans, tan boots, a shirt and a green jacket.

Sexual Preference:Women
Sexual Style:Dom
Sexual Strength(s):Stamina and strength (for moving partners about)
Sexual Weakness(es):Poor foreplay

Personality:Quiet but capable in close zombie-combat and can haul a butt-load of kit about. Very stubborn, a bit old fashioned, could make a mess of himself in an empty room. Loyal, but slow to trust. Once a good laugh, but time, loss and the end of the world have curbed his sense of humour -  now very dark and smiles as though he was just going through the motions.

Bio:Once a telecomms specialist for his company, he retrained as an engineer when they offered him the training scheme. A capable amateur mechanic and mixed martial artist, he has a dislike for firearms that stems from his difficulty in hitting the broad side of a barn. He lost his young family when the plague broke out - he was working on a track upgrade a days journey from the nearest city, saving his life but preventing him from being able to protect his wife and son's. Has been wandering ever since, looking for a new purpose.

Special Equipment:And old hiking bag he salvaged from his empty home, full of pockets and with some typical survival kit in, but mostly empty space for salvage, supplies and ammo. A steel pole he picked up on his travels from a machine shop - about 2 1/2 feet and 4 kilos of solid stainless steel that doesn't rust or need sharpening and caves in zombie skulls whenever they're in reach. Has his toolbox in his bag too, just in case.

This was the closest I could find to the character I have in mind - awesome:
O/O - - - - - Requests

Sorry if my replies are coming slowly for the next week or so - I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP though.


very nice!!!  Feel free to add a photo if you can find one you like!!!


Just to make sure, we're starting this out at the very beginning of the zombie apocalypse, right?  When people are just starting to turn and we're not fully sure what's going on.
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Quote from: AndyZ on February 17, 2012, 09:39:59 PM
Just to make sure, we're starting this out at the very beginning of the zombie apocalypse, right?  When people are just starting to turn and we're not fully sure what's going on.

That's a good point - how far into the apocalypse is it? Also, what am I supposed to put under the Basic tag at the top of the sheet?
O/O - - - - - Requests

Sorry if my replies are coming slowly for the next week or so - I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP though.


Well I was thinking that it would be during the beginning, and should have stated that earlier.  Like I said, I'm still new to this, so I apologize. 
Hope this helps and not much about your character info has to be changed...just a few things.  Sorry about that. 

----What we'll do is make sure ALL of our characters are in a Walmart (late at night...doing whatever or buying whatever) when they'll find out about the zombies and go from there, (staying there, boarding the place up) It'll just be a bunch of strangers, stuck together (which might cause conflict, love, sex, romance, fights etc.) trying to figure out what's going on...-------------------


Oh, I happened to put that there on nothing lol.  I took out the colons now :P


Quote from: LeeshaLynn on February 17, 2012, 09:49:54 PM
Well I was thinking that it would be during the beginning, and should have stated that earlier.  Like I said, I'm still new to this, so I apologize. 
Hope this helps and not much about your character info has to be changed...just a few things.  Sorry about that. 

It's fine - now he has a reason to kick zombie ass (to get to his family) and his kit can just be junk from the back of his car he pulls together while he's on the way back from the job in his bio. Sorted.
O/O - - - - - Requests

Sorry if my replies are coming slowly for the next week or so - I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP though.


Name: Veronica "Vix" Xelchas
Status/Occupation: Student
Special Skill(s): Technological aptitude
Deficient skill(s): Medication dependence
Age: 20
Mental Stability: She requires a half a pill of Zoltan anti-psychotic medicine each day or she starts to see hallucinations.  They start out hazy and indistinct unless stressed, but the longer she goes without it, the worse the lapses become.

If you can, please provide a picture (human, no anime please) or a link to one

Physical Description
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Sexual Preference: Virgin, but attracted to women
Sexual Style: Innocent (for now)
Sexual Strength(s): Virtual knowledge (well-read)
Sexual Weakness(es): Inexperienced

Personality: Mostly quiet, sometimes overexcited, often terrified during a particularly bad episode of psychosis.

Bio: Vix fits the classic definition of "geek" by some.  She tries to wear it as a badge of honor, for it denotes intelligence and savvy, but it doesn't mean that she hasn't had to give up a lot along the way.  Of course, little of that was her choice, because most of her friends stopped talking to her once her "episodes" started up.  She does her best to keep things under control, but that takes meds, and she only has so much money in order to get by.  It doesn't help that she can't seem to stop spending her money on the latest gadgets and gizmos the moment that they hit shelves, either.

Special Equipment: Laptop, iPhone, Pepper Spray

The picture should handle the physical details; I'm terrible at estimating them.
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Name: Henry 'Sugar' Javier Ramirez
Status/Occupation: Criminal
Special Skill(s): Fast talking, street smarts, handguns, rifles, and shotguns proficiency, leadership
Deficient skill(s): Endurance, light feet, first aid, and mechanics
Age: 34
Mental Stability: Known anger issues.
Physical Description
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 185 lbs.
General: For clothing he wears cowboy boots, black jeans, and a button up black t-shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, and a leather jacket.

Sexual Preference: Women
Sexual Style: Mostly dominant
Sexual Strength(s): Foreplay, teasing, well endowed
Sexual Weakness(es): Tends to be a bit rough even when he doesn't mean to be.

Personality: A bit of a loner, he has a shorter temper than some, bold, a bit sinister.

Bio: Born in El Paso Texas, Sugar, as he was known down there, was a criminal from age 11. His family life was stricken with poverty, alcoholism, and abuse. This lead to him living almost entirely off of the streets, burglarizing homes, stealing from shops, and getting into fights. He wasn't apart of any gangs, like other children in his situation, but was instead a loner. He fended for himself, fought for himself, and stole for himself. At the age of 20 he began taking odd jobs for people, and lived out of a small apartment in Del Rio Texas, which lead to his first real criminal job. He was hired to make sure a drug deal was done properly, which it wasn't, and resulted in the deaths of 6 drug dealers. Sugar was the only one alive, and took both the drugs and money for himself to sell on the street. Years pass, and he has been apart of all sorts of illegal activities. But currently he is stopping in at Walmart to pick up some toothpaste when... Havoc!