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Roleplay ideas - open to everyone

Started by Koren, April 11, 2011, 04:32:29 AM

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Welcome all to my requests thread for NON-adult rping.

These plots are open for everyone from member to the as of yet unapproved. Members I ask to please contact me through PM,  while anyone who is waiting to be approved can contact me simply by posting below in this thread. The only reason I ask for this is simply to make it neat.

For people who havent written with me before, I do prefer longer posts, but I am willing to do rps with shorter ones so all requests are welcome and will be concidered. Im also willing to plot beforehand as much as I am willing to make it up on the fly.

World Running
Racheal is training herself in a warehouse district. She is testing her parkour skills after a bit of a bad injury. Her runner buddies are all slowly starting to head home as they live further away and the sun is starting to set so in a few hours she will have to stop. Her knee is starting to hurt and she has already had a bit of a fall earlier in the day and has a little bit of a limp. when she needs to rest she climbs to the roof and watchs the few people in the area, sometimes focusing on one if they catch her eye. She has good parkour skills and spends most of her time practicing. Little does she know that she is being watched by someone who has taken up space near by on a rooftop. And that someone is about to introduce themselves,

Completely open as far as who this mysterious person is and what they want with Racheal as well. Could go good or bad and its always good to add a bit of creativity into the world as well.

Mathais is the head of the mounted guard in old times. He is getting a bit old for these times, over thirty, and usually doesn't do patrols but he watched to keep an eye on some new recruits. Just having finished up with an arrest on a group of smugglers down near the tunnels he is now riding out again from the guard house, a fresh horse and route picked out, one he isn't familar with. They put him down here because it is in the poor sector and the regular patrols have been having trouble with thieves and assults. He is well known in the city, and well liked but Mat knows full well that wouldn't stop the city turning on him if they had to. he is still a guard after all and the guard represents the crown which isnt well liked in this area.

This is completely open once again. I imagine that he would have some sort of partner on his trips that he would work with and that they would either get into trouble or they would find themselves transfered. Completely up for discussion

Modern Hunter
Its a world were strife and chaos often occur and there isnt much security around. Guns and the like have evolved and so have the security measures to deal with them, when a gun shot can be fired from another country and remotely controlled to complete an assassination. Caryle is an assassin, although not like the others. While many of his brethren distance themselves from the crime and hide places they cant be touched, he takes pride in continuing old skills, approaching with stealth and finishing things off with his long bow, or blade, which security often cant counter those methods. The only difficult part is the escape.

Perhaps he meets someone while he is escaping, or he refuses to kill one of his targets who later comes and finds him. Or even one of his employeers tracks him down later on. Im really interested in doing this story so please dont hesitate to ask.

Broken Healer
Aino is the last of a long line of travelling healers on the desert nation of Mitharos. The healing groups she travels with has been around for centuries, starting with six families and their children and are the best healers in the country and people will travel miles to get to the next place they are expected. Their generations have carried on the tradition all this time. But when war started in Mitharos the families were torn. Should they go into the war zones to help or just carry one what they were doing, helping all equally? Eventually they decided to just keep doing what they were doing. But then things went bad. The enemy, knowing of the group started to target them. In the first attack they lost two of the six families and two more were sadly depleted. The group of a hundred dropping down to a meer sixty. The friendly party put them into hiding and gave them protection but when a bomb went off only seventeen remained.
They decided to split up, to run from the war and save their three family lines in other parts of the world, coming together when it was safe.
Aino refused to leave. Four others stayed with her, but they died too, only hours ago. Now Aino is stuck in the middle of a skirmish, helping and treating those that she can, cutting loose the lives of those that have no hope. And she desperately needs help.

I think that the explaination above mostly covers it and the situation, so the rest is open for discussion as far as where people would want to go from here.

The Blacksmith
Life is hard in the small town on the outskirts of the capitol. They are a farming community but many of their people have left to find work closer to the cities. Especially for Jamie. The blacksmith in the town for the last fifteen years he recently lost partical usage of his left arm. But work hasn't slowed. his new apprentice is helping him but at the same time he still does most of the work himself. He makes everything from house hold items to farming tools and even swords and daggers for the protectors of the town. This means he meets a lot more people.

Prison Fighting
Dale ran one of the best bank robbing groups in a hundred years. Until one of their crew ratted them out. In the firefight Dales men got killed and he ended up in hostipial.
Its five months later and he has just been sentenced to life in prison. He's been in jail before. But not in high security in the roughest jail on the west coast. Dale has only been in jail for three days and hes already been in a couple of fights. he knows how to take care of himself and the other inmates are already learning that its not the best idea to mess with him.

There will be more plots to come and I shall make more of an effort to keep this updated in the future.



Kora!  ^_^  I feel like I would be hogging you if I picked one of your requests, but if you want, I like your Horserider idea.  I can wait a bit tho, and see if any one else nibbles :3
Yes, I'm a ninja. 
No, I won't make you a sandwich.

My O/O's, Introduction, Non-Adult and Adult RP requests, and RP's!


Not hogging at all. I was on one site a few years back where I think I had five or six threads going with one person at once.

Nice Irony that i liked your furturisic idea and you like my 'olden times' idea. :D

We can roleplay out the Horserider idea but I will leave it open in case anyone else likes it too. I dont mind roleplaying similar threads
Any ideas for a character you might use?


Haha, good point, Kora!  The space-faring adventure that I poised is a tad out of my comfort zone tho.  I'm trying to broaden my writing abilities in my own way: fantasy + adventure and a little bit of outer space!  And I'm always a sucker for ye olde traditional fantasy, hence your idea.

As for what I wold play, I was thinking either a ruffian/thievish girl who keeps stealing from the guard and running across Mathias..... or a new recruit who's completely wet behind the ears and fumbles everything.

Yes, I'm a ninja. 
No, I won't make you a sandwich.

My O/O's, Introduction, Non-Adult and Adult RP requests, and RP's!


hahaha. Yeah, for me it is the other way around. I do so many roleplays in a sci-fi setting that I;m quite use to that, and the way it all works, but its hard to find a really good olden times site

I personaly like the idea of the new recurit. Maybe They are both on patrol in the same area and when Mat sees him he calls him over or something to make sure he actually is doing his job?


New Plot Ideas

Broken Healer
Aino is the last of a long line of travelling healers on the desert nation of Mitharos. The healing groups she travels with has been around for centuries, starting with six families and their children and are the best healers in the country and people will travel miles to get to the next place they are expected. Their generations have carried on the tradition all this time. But when war started in Mitharos the families were torn. Should they go into the war zones to help or just carry one what they were doing, helping all equally? Eventually they decided to just keep doing what they were doing. But then things went bad. The enemy, knowing of the group started to target them. In the first attack they lost two of the six families and two more were sadly depleted. The group of a hundred dropping down to a meer sixty. The friendly party put them into hiding and gave them protection but when a bomb went off only seventeen remained.
They decided to split up, to run from the war and save their three family lines in other parts of the world, coming together when it was safe.

Aino refused to leave. Four others stayed with her, but they died too, only hours ago. Now Aino is stuck in the middle of a skirmish, helping and treating those that she can, cutting loose the lives of those that have no hope. And she desperately needs help.

Young Faith
Hayley lives a large city. During a horrible bus crash she found herself with a shard of glass through her heart and blood on her head. She found herself floating and an angel before her with one choice. Her injuries were bad but not deadly if she got help quick enough. She could send her back with the chance she may be able to live and go on, or for her kindness she would take her to heaven and make her an angel too. She accepted. but heaven has many different rules, and many strange creatures and she is completely out of touch. She has wings, but no idea how to use them and she has no idea what to do with herself.
**Note** Your character does not have to be an angel. Come up with anything you want

The Blacksmith
Life is hard in the small town on the outskirts of the capitol. They are a farming community but many of their people have left to find work closer to the cities. Especially for Jamie. The blacksmith in the town for the last fifteen years he recently lost partical usage of his left arm. But work hasn't slowed. his new apprentice is helping him but at the same time he still does most of the work himself. He makes everything from house hold items to farming tools and even swords and daggers for the protectors of the town. This means he meets a lot more people.

Some new ideas I came up with. All of them are open. Looking for anyone else to roleplay with.


I'd love to enter into your "school's out" fantasy with Yasmine.......I also am not approved for membership...but am willing to start a role-play with you.


Hehe, a clumsy, fumbling, unsure of himself young man (or woman?) who only wants to do a good job, but seems to have Murphy's Law as his ever-constant ally?  Tee hee!  I haven't done much role play as a male before, but I'd be willing to give it a try ^_^
Yes, I'm a ninja. 
No, I won't make you a sandwich.

My O/O's, Introduction, Non-Adult and Adult RP requests, and RP's!


I'll get that started Kozue

When I type it up I'll title it "Horse guards"
Not sure if you say my earlier post to you but maybe he is on patrol in the same area as Mathais and he calls him over to check that he isn't fumbling or stuffing stuff up?


^_^ yes, I did notice your reply, and your reference to my character as male.  That is why I asked.  :)  It was more of a question about your preference.  Did you want my character to be male or female?  And it was a reference to your reply.  I liked your idea of having my character be fumbling ^_^  Sorry if it came across as confusing.  Let me know when you get the thread up, and i'll go post ^_^
Yes, I'm a ninja. 
No, I won't make you a sandwich.

My O/O's, Introduction, Non-Adult and Adult RP requests, and RP's!


Yes, I'm a ninja. 
No, I won't make you a sandwich.

My O/O's, Introduction, Non-Adult and Adult RP requests, and RP's!


Kora, I'd be able to add to the "Modern Hunter" scene...

That is, if you don't have too many offers on your plate already!  Let me know the best way to pass along my idea, caio!


Nice to meet you jtscape88.
Your unapproved so just post it here as you cant PM people yet.
what did you have in mind?


Quote from: Kora on April 20, 2011, 07:39:50 AM
Nice to meet you jtscape88.
Your unapproved so just post it here as you cant PM people yet.
what did you have in mind?

I really like where you were taking it.   

I think that it'd be fun to start with your character staking me out one night.  Go with it, maybe we could have a run in and a verbal exchange just to make it doubly awkward.  See where it goes?


I like that actually.
Be interesting seeing how she would get out of it or what he would think of her following him.

Interested in rping it or were ou just wanted to add an idea?




I have updated this topic to allow for a more precise and interesting range of ideas after all this time and because Id love to get into some non adult focused rping with whoever is interested.

Feel free to have a read and dont hesitate to ask if you like any of the ideas