
Northern Town [L-H]
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A school divided a vampire werewolf group rp ( always accepting )

Started by xwickedsmilesx, June 16, 2010, 05:33:14 PM

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Kaiser Maverick

He had a perverted smile on his face,thinking that could shower together and save wahat but that wouldnt fly."Ladies first."he offered.


I rolled my eyes at his expression and  grabbed a change of clothes and a few toiletries. Taking a quick shower I blew out my hair and got dressed. Wearing a little black pleated skirt and a bright blue halter top and my long red hair hanging strait down my back. "All yours" I said coming out looking fresh and happy, and smelling like fresh jasmine.

Kaiser Maverick

He smiles and goes to take a shower.He came out smelling like old spice as that was all he had left.He walked out in black jeans,a red Tshirt and high top shoes."Ready?"


"Yeah, sure." I said grabbing a pair of sunglasses and pushing them onto my head and slipping on my heals. "Let's go to the cafe." I said with a bright smile.

Kaiser Maverick

He smiles and walks with her.He wanted to hold her hand but wasn't sure."


"excuse me." I said quickly as we entered the Cafe hurrying to the kitchen. I could feel my hands shaking lightly and cursed myself for not bothering to feed yeasterday. sticking one glass in the microwave I drank one cold hating the dead teprature of it but desporate to quench the horrible burning hunger. I finished the first glass just and the second finished warming. Quickly rincing the first glass and came out and sat down at my normal spot by the window already feeling better. Taking a sip I waited for Kiryu to join me and everyone else to show up.

Kaiser Maverick

He joins her carring a try of enough unheathy food to kill a elephant.“Ahh breakfast."


I rolled my eyes "thats not breakfast that a heart attack on a plate." I said laughing

Kaiser Maverick


 I wrinkled my nose "I don't know how you eat that junk." I said laughing

Kaiser Maverick


I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. "I wonder where everyone is." I said glancing around the empty room.

Kaiser Maverick


I shrugged and took another sip "I totally bailed on Rogal yeasterday. And I wonder if Lyk and Eva are ok." I said Tracing the edge of my glass thinking about yeasterday.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


I smiled and looked away feeling embarrassed. "Thank you" I said softly feeling weird. I couldn't decide if I liked this or not it'd been a long time since I'd been embarrassed by a guy by anything he said.

Kaiser Maverick


"Why do you like?" I asked suddenly. I didn't get it, I didn't get how any Were could fall for a vampire after all their shared history.

Kaiser Maverick

“We may be were and vamp but we're still boy and girl."


"That's like say we're cat and dog but diffrent genders so it's ok." I shook my head, "I'm sorry I'm not like Eva, I know the world and I know this," I motioned between the two of us "would be hard if not impossible not to mention danger as hell. I don't  want to get into anything half way then realize it was a mistake and both of us have to pay the consequences anyway."

Kaiser Maverick

“But what if Im willing to pay the consequences?What if Im willing to risk everything?"


I took a sip of my drink and had to steady my nerves. I took a deep breath and let it out thinking quickly and came to a quick decision. "I like you Kiryu, a lot. And thinking about it I know I'm not going back to my old life so I don't have much to lose, you do. Before you make the decision I'm going to make something perfectly clear. I've been under a mans rule for over a hundred years, I was recently freed. If we are together it's going to be dating, I want to have fun I don't want anything serious unless I choose it. I'm not going to bind myself to another guy who will have a significant say in my life. That and Rogal and I are a pair, I like him and he serves me willingly." I sat back and took another sip wondering how Kiryu would take it.

Kaiser Maverick

iryu watched and listened intently.He wondered about the life she lived and what trials and tribulations she endured.He ddn't want to pity her but he felt some sense of sorry for her.He took another bite out of his hot dog and took a sip of root beer.“I-I have no problem with it."he said looking down.He wasn't about to let some. he cared about slip through his fingers.“I understand about you and Rogal.Im willing to accept that wholeheartedly."he said as he raised his head with a full smile and a small blush.