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Recruiting for a pirates game (NC-H Freeform)

Started by Elven Sex Goddess, January 16, 2010, 12:43:06 AM

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Elven Sex Goddess

Surrender your booty!

High seas adventure set in the backdrop of the enchanting topography of Caribbean. From Barbados to the Virgin Islands, modern day pirates roam the clear warm blue waters of the Caribbean. Instead of a fast heavily armed frigate. Jet skis, speedboats, sailboats and yachts now are the tools of this modern day pirates. Who like their ancestors of lore past. Are a wanderlust bunch that craves the rush of adventure. The freedom to roam, the freedom to take adventure to the limits.

Instead of plundering the ships of the Spanish Armada. Now it's the plunder of the fat cats of Wall street and the European union. No longer a all inclusive boys club. Where the one or two gal is a rarity. Its a new day and new age, as lady pirates abound in equal enmity.

Where does the modern day pirate of the Caribbean come from? From everywhere, from all walks of life. The college student that went with friends down to one of the many hot party spots of the Caribbean for spring break. The white and blue collar workers.  Bored with their mundane existences. The modern adventurer, the modern day rogue. All lured by the romaticism of the Caribbean.

Like bike clubs on the mainlands. These modern day pirates, might be your OB-GYN or your Denny's waitress. But where ever you draw your background from. All still live by the code. The code of the pirate.

Character sheet

Sexual orientation:
Background:   (At least three paragraphs of in depth background)

Positions open

Regular folks - from the free loafers to the rich brats.
Law enforcement of the Caribbean

Additional background notes

Just like the pirates of the Caribbean of lore.   These modern day pirates also often operate under the age old system of letter of privateer.    Letters of intent from such organizations as United States Drug Enforcement Agency, or perhaps even Interpol.    The privateers hired to root out and go after the drug smuggling routes that weave through the west Indies.   

Major Major

Now this should be fun!

Got a sample character for us?

Elven Sex Goddess

here is a example of a character. 

Name:  Johnny Jo Rims
Gender:  Female
Sexual orientation:   Heterosexual (dabble bisexual)
Age:  24
Description/picture:  Johnny is 5'1” 109 lbs,  blue eyed blond beauty.

Occupation  Pirate and to the rest of the world.  A entrepreneur who owns a small time water sports shop in the Caribbean. 

Background   Johnny has the southern accent going on, from her origins.  Which is from western Tennessee.   How Johnny came to be in the Caribbean.   Well before we get to that.   Lets first address her name.   See her father so wanted a boy.    For her parents had already had six girls.  The day of her birth.   Her father had been out with some of the boys.   They had gone on to Bristol to watch the Nascar race there.     When Johnny decided to come earlier then what was expected.   Her father made it just in time for the delivery.   However, he is still very much three sheets to wind inebriated.    So even though he witness his seventh daughter to be born.   When it came time to fill out the birth certificate information.  His mind set is still on the boy he wanted.  The two names are her grandfathers.   Johnny Rims and Joe Scott.   

Now Johnny grew up in rural western Tennessee.   The biggest thrill on Friday nights after the football game.  Was heading to hang out at the local Sonics.   Johnny of course was involved in all extra activities in school.  Such as on the cheer leading squad.      She also was on her Peabody high school varsity swim team.     Which would gain her a  collegiate athletic scholarship for the swim team at the University of Florida.   So off to University of Florida goes Johnny.  With the notion she be a history major.    It's that notion that leads to her decision that first year in college.  That on spring break she go with a bunch of other friends to the Caribbean.    So Johnny and a group of her girlfriends sign up to work for Carnival cruise lines during the spring break.     

So the five friends are hired to work as temp help on one of the seven day Caribbean cruises.   As porters, cruise ship house keeping,  wait staff for the dining lounges aboard the cruise ship.    Of course  on their free time and when the cruise ship made ports.  They could head off the cruise ship and make for the clubs and sights of the that particular port.    It is on the way back with a schedule stop in  Antigua.    That Johnny out with her posse meets Stewart.   The eighteen year old Johnny is swept off her feet.  With the salvage hunter Stewart more.  Well just a hired hand,  the young handsome twenty one year old.    So much so is she taken in by Stewart.  That in one day it causes her to uproot and over turn her life around.   As Johnny jumps ships and stays in Antigua.   

It's been six years for Johnny in the Caribbean.    For the longest her parents didn't talk to her for dropping out of college.    Stewart lasted a year.   As he got recalled back to the states.   Turns out he was actually twenty four when she met him.   A agent for the Drug Enforcement agency.   He though would be the one that would unwittingly open the doors into the realm of the modern day pirates of the Caribbean.    Johnny in these past six years has moved to various islands of the Caribbean.   Learned to speak both French and Spanish as well as some Carib.   She worked various jobs from life guard,  waitress at a club and diners.   To being a clerk in a tourist shops.      However,  life of a pirate is rewarding.   So now Johnny has open up her own water sports rental shop.   



"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


Hmmm... Not sure how you intend to work this. Unless they just raid ships in the middle of nowhere, they'd be killed anywhere else...

Even there. Pretty sure an Fighter jet, apache, or even a battleship would just blow you out of the water...

So, how do you plan to make this world? Because I am kind of interested.


Not true at all, my friend. Pirates are very much a modern-day thing, and a big problem in both the Caribbean and off the coast of Africa and the Middle East. Of course a modern-day vessel would blow a motorboat out of the water, but the problem is detection. If you don't know where they are, you can't shoot at them.

I'm sure we all remember the incident mid-last year about the Somali pirates who kidnapped several Americans. This is a completely valid plot.

I'd like some more details, but I'm tentatively interested!
"I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am"

My Desires:

On and Off Thread

Major Major

I have an idea now.

If the situation called for it, would you take the commander of a sort of mobile pirate/privateer base?

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Carlissa on January 16, 2010, 07:52:06 AM
*Ponders* Would pregnancy fit into this?...

Sure can give it a try.   You can approach it from different angles. 

Quote from: Odin on January 16, 2010, 08:03:40 AM
Hmmm... Not sure how you intend to work this. Unless they just raid ships in the middle of nowhere, they'd be killed anywhere else...

Even there. Pretty sure an Fighter jet, apache, or even a battleship would just blow you out of the water...

So, how do you plan to make this world? Because I am kind of interested.

Quote from: bradten on January 16, 2010, 12:13:21 PM
Not true at all, my friend. Pirates are very much a modern-day thing, and a big problem in both the Caribbean and off the coast of Africa and the Middle East. Of course a modern-day vessel would blow a motorboat out of the water, but the problem is detection. If you don't know where they are, you can't shoot at them.

I'm sure we all remember the incident mid-last year about the Somali pirates who kidnapped several Americans. This is a completely valid plot.

I'd like some more details, but I'm tentatively interested!

Odin your thinking in terms their going to pull along side a ship.   Broadside and board like pirates of lore.    Even then what reason would a battleship be sent out.

bradten your correct, through not quite like the pirates in the news   Those that go after the big cargo ships alone.    Drawing from inspired sources.  Such as Fool's Gold and Overboard  those movies with the rich with their mega yachts.   So the pirates through subterfuge,  stealth  pirate yachts like this.    Instead of using cutlass and flintlock pistols.    The new tools of the trade are tranq darts,  tasers.     So a character that is a former marine an sniper.   Takes out the bodyguard on watch at night on the yacht with a tranq dart.   Is an example on how it could work.

An Odin, even if a group of the pirates attacked and commandeer a cruise ship.    It be more in terms of say a bank heist.    Even if the pirates didn't have something to jam the radio or cell phones from the cruise ship.    They have enough time to rob the passengers and take off before even a apache gunship could be sent or fighter jets.   

Quote from: Major Major on January 16, 2010, 01:34:19 PM
I have an idea now.

If the situation called for it, would you take the commander of a sort of mobile pirate/privateer base?

A good idea, it could have been a drug lords lair.     Taking a inspiration from out of the movie Into the deep.   A modern day pirate who was or is a lawyer got  it as payment for  defending the drug lord in court.      Or  a very old hide out spot is found.  That once was used by the pirates of past lore.      As for someone assuming the role as commander/captain or even calling themself admiral.    That is also a good idea,  a figure that bonds everyone together.   A person that coordinates the pirates.   That does work out the so called modern day letter of intents of a privateer.      So the pirates can get such nifty electronic hi tech gear in jamming radios, cell phones.   

Think in terms of those above movies listed.   Add along Captain Ron and others.     The characters can be more then just pirates,  rogue agents for the agencies.   They are modern day adventurers,  they can also hunt the multitude of sunken treasure.   Their people that have shucked the day to day tedious existences of mundane life.    They are risk takers.    They dive in shark infested waters.  They push the envelope.    They use such stunts as using para sails to board ships. 

Make no mistake their still outlaws of the seas.   Thus the code, that is what binds them.    Yet they can also be modern day Robin Hoods of the sea.   The United States openly assisting Cuban boat people.   Might stir a international political fiasco.   However, privateers that swarm in and take on Cuban gunships to help these people escape.     Are expendable and well also not tied in directly to the source of who is behind it, say the president.   The possibilities of story to be written are endless in this environment.   That gives us hot babes in sexy bikinis.  Hot looking guys running around in their swim trunks and showing off six pack abs.     

Major Major

On the same token, ESG. would you be looking at all for a "First Mate", pun very much intended?

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Major Major on January 16, 2010, 04:13:57 PM
On the same token, ESG. would you be looking at all for a "First Mate", pun very much intended?

Aye, with equal pun very much intended in response.  Johnny enjoys shimmying up the mast.   

Major Major

Very well, I'll scrape a character together.

Name: Duncan "Steeljaw" Irons

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Straight, though with slight bi-curious leanings on occasion

Age: 27


Occupation: Store clerk in JJ Rims' shop, and First Mate in her Piracy

Background: Duncan prefers not to talk much about his background, really. He clams up tight about it when pressed, so most people don't pry. What he does let away indicates he's of mixed English and Canadian birth, and may have come from a broken family. He's a clever guy, but hides it behind a facade of a genial, blithering idiot.

He graduated from university several years ago with a degree in both Business Administration and Accounting, just before the Global Economy collapsed, and has since spent his time drifting from one place to another, looking for excitement, until he arrived at JJ's shop, and found himself rather smitten by her. And when he found out how exciting her life was, he asked if he could tag along.

Now, he's mostly works quietly in her shop, with an air of vagueness about him; but whenever she say that it's time to hunt, he'll grin and join her, showing just why they call him "Steeljaw". He's fond of working out and boxing to keep fit, and also is a pretty good shot with any form of hand-held weapon, like a pistol or a taser.


Would a semi-crazy high school cheerleader be a problem?
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Carlissa on January 16, 2010, 04:41:01 PM
Would a semi-crazy high school cheerleader be a problem?

No not at all.   As long as she is sixteen years of age or older.   Though I see her more as a hanger on.  Not one that actually boards.  More perhaps used as a look out.  Or perhaps to access and gain information.   Taking in account your prior post and fetish of pregnancy.  It is what draws you to the cabal of pirates.  That lawless anything goes attitude and openness.   As an example on how to fit her in. 

Major Major

Elven Sex Goddess

MajorMajor,  Duncan works just fine.    ;)

Major Major

Anything you'd like me to add/change/remove?


I guess could be a stowaway, then when I am found out, I could be used as a fake decoy or negotiator or something...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Major Major on January 16, 2010, 04:55:45 PM
How does Duncan up there look?

Perhaps a bit more detail in what he studied in college.  To give him skill sets to draw upon.   Such as Johnny is a avid swimmer and pretty good.  Giving her endurance to swim distances and quic, as an example of what I am talking about.

Quote from: Carlissa on January 16, 2010, 05:02:30 PM
I guess could be a stowaway, then when I am found out, I could be used as a fake decoy or negotiator or something...

Misunderstanding, it is not like we have one ship as envisioned.  Say like a Black Pearl.     Were talking about pirates that use speed boats,   jet skis, etc...   

Now we can twist this, to say your a runaway from say Miami.    You stow away on a cruise ship to the Caribbean.   And this Cruise ship is hijack by Johnny and the pirates for a robbery.     Your found out during the holdup.    You leap onto one of their speed boats as they get away.    An they learn you were a stow away.         Johnny takes you on.    Giving you a place to live.   Makes you go to high school on the island.    Thus incorporating you into the story.   As Johnny sort of acts as a defacto big sister for her.     While Duncan acts as say like a big brother.   Thou with your penchant for wanting to be pregnant.  You have other ideas. 

How does that sound and work for you.


Oh, well I thought we would have like a main boat, like a yatch or something...

That sounds fine, but she would want to be with the crew. If she goes to high school, wouldn't there be certain points in the RP in which she couldn't be in?
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Carlissa on January 16, 2010, 05:27:10 PM
Oh, well I thought we would have like a main boat, like a yatch or something...

That sounds fine, but she would want to be with the crew. If she goes to high school, wouldn't there be certain points in the RP in which she couldn't be in?

Hey she doesn't have to go to high school.  Can just have it Johnny takes her under wing and she is just one of the pirates.  Where ever works is fine.   As long as you have a enjoyable character that you have fun with.   


Well, the last thing I want to do is create problems lol, so if she would get in the way, just say so. But I DID make her a cheerleader for a reason...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".

Major Major


"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".

Major Major

Who knows by now?

But what I meant more was, there's a main character in it who is a cheerleader, and gets into all sorts of rediculous situations, because she hates her powers and wants to get rid of them.


Oh...well I never watched Heroes before, so I wouldn't know...
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".