Kislev Calls for Aid - A Warhammer Story (Interest Check)

Started by Primarch, May 04, 2024, 04:32:55 PM

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Quote from: RedPhoenix on May 07, 2024, 01:39:58 PMReally tempting. I’ve read a lot of warhammer fantasy stuff but I expect most of it is out of date by now.

Would a witch hunter that’s been sent attached as a sort of commissar/spy type role to a larger army of reinforcements from the empire fit in with the premise here?

A Witch Hunter would fit in great, but a part of the plot is that the actual armies being sent by the big factions are unlikely to arrive in time, which is why our characters are all individuals arriving significantly ahead of any slow moving armies on the march. 

QuoteAre you envisioning the siege being a prolonged affair that is a constant backdrop to a sandbox rp?
Exactly. We'll split the RP between 'sandbox' within a city under siege and occasionally do big action threads when Chaos launches an assault.


Nifty! When I have a moment I’ll see if I can get a character to come together.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Turfed the Elf and made this up. Hope it works.

Character: Bjorn Ironbeard
Player: Tuttle

Role: Outcast Engineer

Abilities/Special Traits:
  • Ballistics Expert: Bjorn is a master of all things ranged, be it crossbows, cannons, or trebuchets, he can put a stone right down the throat of a dragon if needed.
  • Entrenchment: There are those who can build defences, and then there are those who can BUILD defences. Bjorn is second to none when it comes to siting defences and ensuring any attackers will pay dearly.
  • Crackshot: Not one to rely on others when it comes to causing death on a personal level, Bjorn also operates a long-rifle that he uses to pick off enemy "officers" from a distance well beyond the range of your average sharp shooter. 

  • Long-rifle: A rifle as tall as Bjorn and mounted with a Prospectors Spyglass that gives him the ability to reach out and touch someone at great range.
  • Gyrocopter: Bjorn has a Gyrocopter with a mounted Brimstone Gun that he either uses for combat, or spotting for artillery units while directing their fire.
  • Ring of Thori: A magical ring that grants Bjorn the ability to cast a sheet of flame in front of him. This is a desperate last move for him since he carries enough powder on his person to blow himself skyhigh should he accidentally ignite himself.
  • Hammer: A one handed hammer embedded with runes of stamina and strength should he ever end up in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Genius: Dwarves are far smarter than many other races give them credit, notably when it comes to pursuits they're interested in. Bjorn is no different and shows a certain genius when it comes to anything mechanical or explosive.
  • Blunt: Though Bjorn is a great warrior, he is no politician, and is much given to speaking his mind or openly seeking truth where others would prefer only silence.
  • Hardy: He's a Dwarf. He's hard to kill, stubborn, thick skulled, and stronger than most.
  • Dependable: If he says he will help you, he will help you. If he says he will get the cannon operational, he will do it. He's there when you need him no matter the danger.
  • Boisterous: He likes his mead, he likes his food, and he likes to fight. Call him a tavern brawler, or a pest, neither is wrong. 

  • Bjorn is nearly 150 years old and has been fighting for two thirds of that. He is one of the scattered Norsca Dwarves from the Karak Drak region.
  • His Clan have been at war with Chaos and their minions for hundreds of years and he is more than happy to continue that family tradition.
  • Bjorn is an Outcast Engineer, which means he learned his trade outside the normal path taken by Master Engineers common in Dwarven Armies. In some cases he is not unlike the Skaven, testing the limits of what is possible at great risk to his own life and those of others. 
  • Bjorn has been in Kislev for sometime recently, assisting with the upgrading of that cities defences. Now, with Praag threatened, his he been dispatched to aid in its defence.

  • Pending...
  • Pending...
  • Pending...
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others." - Winston Churchill


Character: Matilda Ormafilia, Captain of the Guard of the Countess of Nuln
Player: RedPhoenix

Role: Witch Hunter
Abilities/Special Traits:
  • Charming. Whether it be in a rowdy tavern or a tight-laced court, she knows how to speak respectfully, defuse explosive situations, and verbally maneuver to show those in power how what she wants is what they want. She's especially good at mimicking accents and mannerisms to appear as though is from nearly any walk of life or part of the world as needed.
  • Lighting Fast. Whether her sword leaping from it's sheath to plunge unexpectedly into an adversary's heart, or a quick-change disguise in a moment out of view, or just mastering the latest dance craze with ease, Matilda can move with an amazing speed and precision when she needs to.
  • Insightful. Matilda has a gift for knowing when others are lying to her, rooting out secrets, and discovering what is hidden. It's been a long time since she's lost a hand of cards without meaning to.
  • Legerdemain. And even if she is losing honestly, she can usually just cheat and get away with it if she's so inclined. On that same note it's been a very long time since a locked door or a tightly-clutched purse was any real impediment to her.

  • The Eye of Verena. A beautifully crafted necklace on a silver chain with a pendant that shows an open eye over the scales of justice. It is said to be blessed so that the one who wears it may see through illusion and deceptions of Chaos. Matilda is almost never without it.
  • Myrmidia's Kisses. A somewhat mirthful name for the pair of pistols that Matilda always has on her person, although usually only one is visible. These guns were made by a Tilean inventor as a gift for the Countess of Nuln, who tired of them quickly and gifted them in turn to her only operative she declared pretty enough to carry them. The expertly forged bullets are blessed by the Church of Myrmidia.
  • Rhya's Mercy. A fast acting paralytic poison of Matilda's own design. It is usually coating at least two daggers carefully hidden on her person. The herbs she uses to mix are sacred to Rhya, who gave it both it's name and it's especially strong potency against creatures of Chaos and the Old Night.
  • The Ormblade. The last gift of her mentor, the old witch hunter's sword is an exceptionally well made rapier of unknown origin. The mark of the twin-tailed comet is prominently displayed on the basket hilt. Matilda has always thought it seems especially lucky in her hands, and especially unlucky in anyone else's.

  • Calculating. She expects a lie in every glance, a dagger hidden in every fold of cloth, an ambush in every shadow. She's always thinking five moves ahead.
  • Pragmatic. Just because she believes in the good fight doesn't meant she's going to let herself be outmaneuvered or outgunned. She knows how to pick and choose her fights, keep her soldiers fed and happy, and keep ignorant nobles off her back. She doesn't think about 'dishonorable' tactics such as seduction, backstabbing, poison, and manipulating politics to get an edge.
  • Dedicated. For all her willingness to don disguises, tug the strings of webs of lies, and strike at the least honorable moments, her soul is pure and will stay that way. She truly believes that eradicating the cults of chaos from the land is best thing a woman of her talents can do, and she uses her abilities not just to hunt the wicked but protect the innocent alike.
  • Protective. She's learned not to show it off too much or it will be seen as something to exploit by her enemies, but Matilda has a soft spot for the weak and helpless. She remembers being a hungry kid not that long ago, and hates seeing others in similar situations.

  • A child of a Tilean merchant whose mother died soon after birthing her, Matilda ran away from her father at a very young age after he had sold his goods in Marienberg and passed out drunk and forgotten to feed her yet again. Young Matilda ran right into a witch hunter who saw her stolen gold and had use of a thief with small hands, so offered to spare her from the guard if she helped him. Matilda helped him by climbing through small spaces in the tavern to sneak through the ceiling of a room where a mutant was in hiding. It was the most horrifying thing she had ever seen, but she dodged it's misshapen claws and distracted it with quick thinking just long enough to pick the lock and let in the witch hunter. She dove under his blade and hid behind him as he killed the terrifying creature. From then on Matilda knew what she wanted to do with her life. 
  • The Witch Hunter quickly found he couldn't be rid of the precocious and excitable child and agreed to let her accompany him after giving up on finding her father. As they traveled the land she learned his name was Otto von Totheim, although many called him the Old Orm of Ostland. The comparison to a snake was not a compliment. She learned that he had found himself cast out of the courts of Altdorf as he had investigated too many well off families, and the lies they had told about him had followed him throughout the Empire as he tried to right wrongs despite what it had cost him.
  • Matilda was a fast student, and the two of them made an exceptional team. But as she grew into a woman, Otto realized she would need to know what he couldn't teach her, and so as payment for a very heroic deed in Nuln, he convinced a courtier of the Elector Countess herself, a lady named Greta Preiss, to take her in as an adopted daughter. Matilda was furious at first, and wanted to stay on the road with the witch hunter, but he told her he'd taught her all he could of blades and guns and cultists, and that now she had to learn what he couldn't teach her.
  • In the Court of Nuln, Matilda learned of a different sort of power entirely. She saw how Otto had been duped and his reputation ruined because he never understood this part of the world. She learned she could hunt the forces of chaos and enemies of the Countess just as easily in a beautiful court dress as she could in traveling boots. She saw how her initial impression of Greta as delicate and weak was entirely wrong, but exactly what Greta found is useful to make others think. And so Matilda learned the power of deception and charm, and how to make it work for her rather than be her undoing. Nevertheless she stayed in practice with her blades and guns and the training the witch hunter had given her as well. She grew into a very formidable woman and took the name Ormafilia, daughter of the snake in a mishmash of Gothic and Tilean words, as the name she had been born to meant nothing to her. She became a favorite of the Countess, who began to give her special assignments to root out traitors and agents of chaos throughout her city.
  • Eventually, Matilda was given a formal rank of Captain within the army of Nuln, and attached to one of its special regiments. In this task Matilda saw many men who reminded her of Otto, men who were strong and brave but knew nothing of the fight that could end them at any moment - if they insulted the wrong Baron or made themselves a useful scapegoat for a guilty priest. And so instead of the typical witch hunter's role of ferreting out their sins at every moment, she protected them instead - going out of her way to ensure that her boys (as she saw them) were always safe from the meddling of the malicious and the incompetent in power. The soldiers of her regiment loved her for it.
  • When the call went out to aid Kislev, Matilda volunteered. All those years at Court in Nuln had left her restless for the road, and the limited experience she had patrolling Wissenland seemed to pale next to an adventure in unknown lands. Reluctantly, the Countess agreed to send her ahead as part of a special attachment of scouts and advisors to coordinate the arrival of the formal army, which would take months yet to raise and drill.

  • Pending....
  • Pending....
  • Pending....
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Raven Rawne

Interesting concepts,  especially given the lore of Praag. The Witch Hunter better have her vampire slaying kit at hand, for sure.  As for the engineer, we need to ensure a steady supply of powder and whatever the copter uses as fuel. It may be interesting.

As for myself, I am writing the Warrior Priest. As much as I like wizards,  Praag is tainted with Chaos and spellcasting is especially dangerous there. All the more reason to bring in a priest of Sigmar who can push back at least some of the corruption. If only their art was not stuck in the eighties...


Quote from: Tuttle on May 07, 2024, 11:56:50 PM
Character: Bjorn Ironbeard
Player: Tuttle

Role: Outcast Engineer

An Outcast Engineer works fine, my only concern would be if he's flying about in a Gyrocopter it removes him from the party and might make some of the RP a little awkward? But I'll leave it to you if you're happy.

Quote from: RedPhoenix on May 08, 2024, 02:07:27 AMCharacter: Matilda Ormafilia, Captain of the Guard of the Countess of Nuln
Player: RedPhoenix

Role: Witch Hunter

A Witch Hunter in service to the Countess of Nuln is a great fit, but unless there's some lore I've missed a Witch Hunter (especially a female one, as women have very limited options in service to the Empire, as is the same issue Raven encountered above) isn't going to be given a rank & title in the Empire's army.

Raven Rawne

A Countess can give a rank in her city state army if she wishes so, I would argue. Armies are founded and financed by the cities and states, even if they ultimately answer to the Emperor. You can't rule out Elector Counts and even lesser lords from using their ultimate power - nepotism. If the Countess says so, people obey. Even if just to save their careers.

So while under normal circumstances,  a woman has no place in the Imperial army, this is a big exception from the rule. She hot a tank from the Countess, who basically was like, "I pay for this army, I can do this". Whether the rank would be respected outside the Court is an entirely different matter.

And well, the gyrocopter can have a rough landing within thr first couple days, or run out of fuel.  There are ways to get rid of it, should it make RP harder. One might argue that the Bretonnian knight fighting from horseback would also distance him from others fighting on foot.


Quote from: Raven Rawne on May 08, 2024, 05:12:47 AMA Countess can give a rank in her city state army if she wishes so, I would argue. Armies are founded and financed by the cities and states, even if they ultimately answer to the Emperor. You can't rule out Elector Counts and even lesser lords from using their ultimate power - nepotism. If the Countess says so, people obey. Even if just to save their careers.

So while under normal circumstances,  a woman has no place in the Imperial army, this is a big exception from the rule. She hot a tank from the Countess, who basically was like, "I pay for this army, I can do this". Whether the rank would be respected outside the Court is an entirely different matter.
While I appreciate the stance of "what an Elector-Count(ess) says, goes" & if there's precedence in the lore for a Lady Witch Hunter being made a Captain of the Guard (or something similar) I'm happy to run with it, but if it exists I don't see it.

QuoteAnd well, the gyrocopter can have a rough landing within thr first couple days, or run out of fuel.  There are ways to get rid of it, should it make RP harder. One might argue that the Bretonnian knight fighting from horseback would also distance him from others fighting on foot.

Agree, which is why I made the point but didn't rule it out.
At the very least for my Questing Knight there's plenty of precedence for Bretonnian Knights fighting on foot (the Virtue of Empathy, which I could certainly work into his app if it would make things more amicable). 

Raven Rawne

The knight is a lesser, almost non issue in the case of a siege like now. Unless they do a sally forth and strike at the besieging army outside the walls, he has little to no means of using a warhorse on the walls proper. At least in the first stage of the siege I imagine there will be a lot of action outside, but then, the rest can have or aquire horses. I planned that my WP has no horse and reached Praag with other people, since I am going for a particular vibe there.

As for the female captain, I have no precedent to point at. Just the basic case for nobles being nobles and doing whatever they want.


I'll withdraw the character then, good luck with the game!
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Raven Rawne

Obviously it is your choice, but you could also alter that one bit, if that's okay with you that is. I don't think the GM had issues with anything but the army rank, least I don't see any other points being discussed. It's a shame that you withdrew her, since it allowed for so much extra content within the rp, having a witch hunter on board I mean.

On an unrelated note, should I put Spells in a separate category on the character sheet, so it is known what the character can cast?


Quote from: RedPhoenix on May 08, 2024, 08:13:58 AMI'll withdraw the character then, good luck with the game!

Unfortunate but best of luck going forward!

Quote from: Raven Rawne on May 08, 2024, 08:23:02 AMOn an unrelated note, should I put Spells in a separate category on the character sheet, so it is known what the character can cast?

You can probably summarise with a point on 'magic' under the special traits section?


Quote from: RedPhoenix on May 08, 2024, 08:13:58 AMI'll withdraw the character then, good luck with the game!
I think you should keep her in! Witch Hunters don't really have rank anyway, they're more like Witchers that people are actually sometimes happy to see. You don't need a rank or title. "Witch Hunter" is it's own thing, and far more interesting than being a noble, in my opinion.
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others." - Winston Churchill

Raven Rawne

Here is my submission. Any critigue appreciated, naturally. And yes, I know that's a lot of spells. I can cull the list but then, guy is almost 50. He could learn them over the years.

Character: Volkmann Kroch
Player: Raven Rawne

Role: Warrior Priest of Sigmar
Abilities/Special Traits:

  • Warrior Priest of Sigmar - Volkmann is a holy man of Sigmar, and as such, his body and spirit are fortified against corruption of Chaos. His presence is a beacon of the Heldenhammer's power, making beings of Darkness take note, and fear. He can also call upon the blessing od Sigmar through prayers.
  • Order of the Torch - trained in the tradition of the Torch, Priest Kroch specialize in defensive prayers that shield from corruption and bodily harm, cleanse from the power of Chaos, as well as inspire the men around him.
  • Protector of Mankind - The warrior priests thake the duty of preserving Sigmar's Empire literally and without hesitation. Thus, they are unshaken in face of death, if it means protecting the Empire.
  • Inspiring - a man living true to his creed, wearing scars of his battles, Volkmann is an inspiring figure, much like most, if not all Warrior Priests of Sigmar. Through words and deeds, he inspires courage.
  • Ostlander - If not for the peculiar, half Kislevite accent with heavy R's, K's, Volkmann couldn't hide his Ostlander roots even ig he tried. They say in Ostland they make soup from stones, but only one at a time, to not waste good rocks. He is frugal, knows how to repair almost anything around the homestead and loathes wastefulness.
  • Blessing of Sigmar - the priest calls upon Sigmar's name to bless and cleanse of corruption. Can be used on people, animals, houses, whatever. A priestly blessing that actually works.
  • Hammer of Sigmar - The priest's warhammer is imbued with Sigmar's divine power. It glows and deals increased damage to those touched by Chaos.
  • Armour of Righteousness - A nimbus of divine power protects the priest from harm.
  • Beacon of Courage - The power and majesty of Sigmar fills the priest, making them shine out like a beacon in the night. Any frightened or terrified ally that can see the affected priest is inspired by their faith and bravery.
  • Deny the Heretic - The priest prays over an inanimate object, such as a door or wall, and greatly strengthens it.
  • Healing Hand - The touch of Sigmar's priest heals the wounds of an injured person.
  • Immaculate Flesh - Denying the power of Chaos with fiery passion, the priest implores Sigmar to protect themselves and others from the Ruinous Powers' perverting ways, making mutation impossible.
  • Soulfire - The purifying flames of Sigmar surround the priest, as his wrath manifests on earth. Deals fire damage on conntact.
  • Benediction - The Warrior Priest passes the blessings of the Heldenhammer on to the brave men around him, bolstering their courage and strength in the battle to come. Used before combat.


  • Blessed Hammer - two handed, made entirely of steel with brass gilding, depicting the Imperial Cross and the Twin Tailed Comet over the large, and heavy, head. It sports armor penetrating spikes on top and bottom, as well as a thick spike at the back. It burns flesh of those corrupted by Chaos, as if it was white hot to them.
  • Ring of Jade - magical ring that channels force of the Life Domain, it's power gradually heals the wearer. For instance, a superficial cut fully heals in an hour.
  • Magic Acorn - a single acorn, green as if still alive, marked with magical runes. It boosts the owner's strength and endurance. A gift from a friend.
  • Half plate armor - blackened steel plate, gilded with brass symbols of Sigmar over it. Consists of a breastplate, a high gorget that together with pauldrons, cover the priest's neck and head up to his nose A steel circlet around the head, with spikes protruding outward. A pair of plate gauntlets and a set of tassets strapped to the bottom of the breastplate round the look. Underneath the plate, there's a mail hauberk, covered by floor length crimson robes, also adored with symbols of Sigmar. On closer inspection it shows signs of field repair in a few places. Purity seals and prayers on strips of parchment hang from the pauldrons.
  • Book of Sigmar - a tome encased in steel and leather, hanging from a chain at the priest's waist.
  • Brass Hammer pendant - a blessed badge of office, worn over the plate armor and hung on a steel chain

  • Unbreakable - When Ostland hardiness and resilience are tempered by the fires of Sigmar, it creates a man who will not complain, will bear whatever the world throws at him, and will not give up, no matter what.
  • Protector - Knowing he has the strenght of body and spirit, Volkmann is hellbent of protecting the innocent, even at great personal cost.
  • Direct - The hammer does not beat around the nail, it strikes it hard and decisively. So does the priest deal with anythin in his path, be it a beast, frightened soldiers or a corrupt noble. Sigmar shows the way forward, and there is no bypassing the difficult parts.
  • Zealous - nothing matters more than serving Sigmar. There is no room for women, drink or cards, or any other meaningless distractions on the path of rightousness.


  • Volkmann Kroch came to the world as the third son of a homesteader from Hasselhund, Ostland. He grew up in the village, under the massive trees of the Shadow Foreest, just north from the Middle Mountains, carving his life alongside his family in the hostile land. They farmed land and kept animals, sold excess produce to wandering tradesmen. A tough but honest life.
  • He was taken in as a novitiate by the travelling Priest of Sigmar when he was ten. His family supported the boy's decision to join the clergy, since the priests were universally revered. nine years later, he emerged as a priest himself, ready to travel through the Ostland and carry Sigmar's wisdom.
  • Now forty six, Priest Kroch is a veteran of eight war campaigns beside troops of Ostland, as well as a myriad of smaller skirmishes and hunts. Over the years he fell beasts and wicked men alike, both under the canopy of the Shadow Forest, as well as farther north, even in Kislev.
  • Over his war filled years of service, Volkmann usually marched with infantry regiments, sympathizing with the common soldier. He respects the nobility, but his heart goes to the common people of whom he sees himself as a sworn protector.
  • He still visits his home village and meets with his family. They are a source of purpose, to keep up the fight so that good people can live in peace.
Once the messengers went South, calling for aid to Kislev, Volkmann took his hammer and walked North, so that the people of Ostland may be spared from the fires of war.[/list]

  • Pending....
  • Pending....
  • Pending....


For whatever it might be worth, military careers (at all ranks) are explicitly open to women in the 4th edition of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG (which has brought Graeme Davis back on board as a key writer of setting material, for the first time since the original edition).

That, of course, might not match whatever Games Workshop comes up with to sell its latest army of miniatures for the wargame.  ;)

In any case, I think that Matilda looks like a fun character!
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 7/6/24)


Raven Rawne

Thanks, I thought that he would be well suited as a strong support and kind of "off tank". Holding ground and such. He also allows for many plot hooks, given that a WP can help with staving off corruption in the city, restoring morale and such. Plenty of opportunities for errands to bless the wells, reconsecrate shrines and such. He won't be spectacular in battle, not in the sense a wizard would be - causing havoc with area spells etc. But, with 2 front liners and a sniper/demolitionist,  we have room for a wizard.


I don't know.. I'm interested.. but part of me wants to do a pernicious elf. (Former Lothern Sea Guard, on the basis all elves used to have the Citizen Soldiery rule) 

I know I could probably do the same thing with a Boyar.

Not sure I trust running a mage. Though I'm curious to try.

Either Gold or Grey (or Ice witch) but no idea why one of the chosen handmaidens would be here.


Quote from: Rashol on May 10, 2024, 12:57:33 PMI don't know.. I'm interested.. but part of me wants to do a pernicious elf. (Former Lothern Sea Guard, on the basis all elves used to have the Citizen Soldiery rule)

I know I could probably do the same thing with a Boyar.

Not sure I trust running a mage. Though I'm curious to try.

Either Gold or Grey (or Ice witch) but no idea why one of the chosen handmaidens would be here.

Some solid options! You likely have a bit of time to decide though we'll hopefully kicker sooner rather than later.

I'll set up a Discord server later today, we can use it to plot/discuss and what you have. Won't be obligatory to join it but I've found them to be very useful, especially in smaller games.