女人 Nyonin: Reign of the Empress [Fantasy Story Set in Female Dominated Japan]

Started by Mediocre Author, April 12, 2024, 10:42:50 PM

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Toyamato Ichiro
Full Name: Toyamato Ichiro
Attributes: Brawn Average, Speed Average, Cunning Average, and Charisma Excel.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
General Description: Ichiro is most commonly dressed in a black kimono.  He keeps his hair free and loose, more than once having been mistaken for a woman at first glance as a result.  However, when he plans on meeting someone for a romantic encounter, he's apt to put it up in a proper topknot.

Personality: Kind and genial, Ichiro has strength but chooses not to use it except as a last resort.  He's used to being stronger than everyone around him and knows the damage he can do by accident.  He's also a shameless flirt, fully knowing that few women have seen a large number of men to begin with.
History: Ichiro was born to a loving and caring mother who was shocked and a bit fearful to have been born a boy.  When he grew sick in childhood, she had already resolved herself to his most likely fate.  However, he was tough and determined, and his ki was strong, enabling him to pull through and recover.  Only then did she truly love and accept him.  He was then brought to the capital and has never left since.

He met his father only once, back in his childhood, who was proud to hear everything about his son withstanding the disease.  It was then that Ichiro chose to take on his father's surname of Toyamato, wanting to ensure that anyone who was related to his father in some way would know his heritage.  Although he fully understands the family situation, he quietly feels that everything is rather messy, and it's fortunate indeed that cousins don't end up together.

In adolescence, his strength grew far past many of his female counterparts without his even doing more than basic exercise, and a few accidents happened in regards to his temper, which he deeply regrets but have been forgotten.  Even so, when it's not a matter of life and death, he prefers to settle affairs with discussion.

That's not to say that he's unfamiliar with life and death, since there have been several attempts on his life.  Even as a child, he understood that his death would prevent the births of thousands of children across the province.  Given no choice, he's come to accept the positives of the situation.

Weapons & skills

Abilities: Your character can have 3 special abilities which border on inhuman feats. This world is low-magic, so all abilities should be disguised as natural talent. Techniques such as Ki, Chakra, or Breath manipulation are all good examples. This is not a superhero game, and overpowered characters will have to be toned down in order to be accepted. If you  have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Weapon: A katana along with a bow and arrows.
  • Rapid healing: Ichiro can heal in hours a wound that might be outright fatal or even take weeks of medical care.
  • Feign Death: Ichiro can slow his breathing and metabolism so as to appear to be dead.  More than once, he's had to use this tactic to feign committing seppuku when he would otherwise have been captured.
  • Ki Transfer:Ichiro can pass on his ki with physical contact (clothing/armor counts) to someone who is wounded.  Doing so tires him a little for a single person and keeps him from healing as quickly.  Healing a second person exhausts him.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: Mediocre Author on April 14, 2024, 08:10:58 PMAlright, so from the inception of this game, I knew that I'd probably need help making things go smoothly, so I asked @Aethyrium to help out as Co-GM.
I am here to help!

Quote from: AndyZ on April 14, 2024, 08:16:10 PMWow, that was quick.  Okay, I'll get to work on Ichiro.
Yeah, with the initial idea being 3-7 players, we already have more submissions than that. So, want to avoid having too many people make characters that might not get selected, since we ultimately want to stick to the initial roster limit.


Quote from: Aethyrium on April 14, 2024, 08:38:11 PMI am here to help!
Yeah, with the initial idea being 3-7 players, we already have more submissions than that. So, want to avoid having too many people make characters that might not get selected, since we ultimately want to stick to the initial roster limit.

I didn't realize we were up to 7 already, but I admit I haven't been counting.  I tossed him up but it's okay if I don't get picked.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on April 14, 2024, 08:50:10 PMI didn't realize we were up to 7 already, but I admit I haven't been counting.  I tossed him up but it's okay if I don't get picked.
Up over 7 even! There have been a few submissions that went in via PM.

No decisions made yet, though, we want to let everyone who's had a chance to work on a sheet a chance to finish up and what not. But thank you in advance for potential understanding, we appreciate it. <3


Ikedia Okoro

Full Name: Ikedia Okoro
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'8
Weight: 275lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
General Description: The first thing you'll notice about Okoro is his height. He is without a doubt one of the tallest people to sever set foot in Japan, standing at 6'8 while barefoot. The next is that his frame is almost as ridiculous as his height, and he seems to be absolutely bristling with dense muscles from head to toe.  He has several tribal brands and tattoos from his time back in Africa before he was exiled. He has rather soft features for someone so large and has quite the baby face whenever he shaves off his facial hair, which can grow into a rather sturdy beard if he lets it.

His eyes are a fierce shade of slate gray, almost like they were carved from Mt. Fuji itself. His long hair is shaved on the sides, while the middle is braided and goes down his back, although it can be worn up like a traditional chonmage(top knot) for ceremonial purposes if necessary. He dresses simply, tending to wear kimonos and hakama custom-made for him, but since he has so few he often wears simple working clothes.

Personality: Okoro is a quiet, contemplative individual who always seems to be watching those around him.  He is a man taken from his home, and even after years in Japan, he is still distrustful of the alabaster faces all around him, aware that he is not only a commodity as a man, but an oddity as such a large man, with such a strikingly different skin tone.

If you make it past his barrier, you'll find he's quite inquisitive and rather funny and can be protective of those he cares about, beyond his duties of course. He likes to lose himself in training, and it's one of his ways of getting away from it all, as well as reading and spending time with animals whom he seems to have a natural bond with.

Despite his personal feelings, he serves with honor and distinction, willing to put life and limb on the line to protect his lord. He is rather shy, despite what his stature may lead you to believe, and while he is confident in matters of the physical or the mind, he isn't what you'd call a "people person". While he knows he shouldn't, he does get some small joy in knowing his mere presence can terrify those who would stand against the Nanbu Clan, and he smiles a bit when he hears the hushed whispers about the "Black Oni" that stalks the halls of the castle.

History: Okoro was born in a village in Nigeria, and all his life he was the biggest, the strongest, the fastest boy in the village. He was destined for great things the Elders all said. But as he grew more popular with the Elders and the girls of the village, he grew more hated in the eyes of the other boys. One day, when they were out hunting, they tried to kill him, but he overpowered them and in the struggle, he killed Tenzeni, the leader of the group who had always held the most animosity for him. When he came back to the village, the other boys had already spread the lie that he killed Tenzeni in cold blood.

He was barely injured, and when they found the other boys body, his face was nearly unrecognizable for how hard Okoro had hit him...had beaten him to death. His parents denied the claims, but with the word of nearly all the boys in the village and the evidence, their words fell on deaf ears. The Elders deliberated and gave his family two choices. Death, or Exile. They chose exile, and Okoro was shipped out of the country, to be sent to Japan along with a number of supplies to be exchanged with the Japanese.

 A boy of such exemplary stature and breeding stock made the negotiations fall heavily in their own favor. A storm beset the ship when they were nearly ashore, and Okoro was nearly swept overboard, but with help from the sailors, he kept the ship from capsizing and they docked safely. He has been properly in the service of Nanbu Megumi and the Nanbu Clan since his arrival in Japan several years ago. He has learned their ways, and has accepted that this is his life now. Since he can't leave, he has decided he will give his all and strike fear into the hearts of those who stand against them.

Weapons & skills

  • Weapon: Ōdachi, Iron Tetsuubo, Daikyū Yumi(Extra Large) Bow
  • Kitae rareta niku[Tempered Flesh]:Through a mix of instinctual ki manipulation and his naturally sturdy body, Okoro's body is tougher than a bull's horn, and can turn aside club, arrow, and blade in the same manner a Samurai's armor would. Due to the upbringing of the warriors in his village, combined with the techniques he has learned from the Nanbu Clan, Okoro can infuse his skin and muscles with ki, hardening it to the point it is capable of withstanding direct impacts and blows for a time before he is forced to retreat, and deflecting them at a perfect angle.
  • Onimusha[Oni Warrior]: While already incredibly fast and strong, Okoro can enhance his prodigious strength into the supernatural realm, with his ferocity and appearance resembling a demon, hence the technique's name "Onimusha". When utilizing this strength he has been witnessed flipping oxen overhead, outpacing a horse, and holding back a dozen opponents without moving, just to name a few.
  • Kami no te[God Hand]: This technique is called such not in that it is a powerful unarmed technique, but because when used, Okoro can withstand any blow and redirect it back to his opponent with the strength and force increased. By increasing his heart rate, he slows his perception of time, allowing him to catch a strike at the perfect moment and turn it back on the one who meant him harm, with double the power.

The Terror of the Nanbu Clan, Okoro the Black Oni.


Shigeno Yui

Full Name: Shigeno Yui
Poor - Brawn
Average - Speed
Excel - Cunning
Excel - Charisma
Age: 21
Gender: Intersex (She was born with a female body but male reproductive organs)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Very pale red that verges on pink

General Description:
Shigeno Yui is the absolute embodiment of beauty. She is most often seen in lush, extravagant, tightly fitted kimonos and high class, sparkling jewelry. Her long lengths of hair are often tied loosely into two twin tails and covered by a thin veil that signifies her as a saint. And her face is often painted to the highest degree with makeup mostly focused on accentuating her unique eyes. Everything about her attire is almost always immaculate and pristine.

That is only in the public eye however. In reality Yui is much less proper in private. She most often prefers baggy and comfortable clothing that’s quite often a size or two too big for her. She lets her hair fall where it may and it often gets quite tangled and messy because of this. Her usually very proper and prim posture falls apart and she is quite often seen lazing around wherever it is she is staying.

She often also wears a Japanese doll mask when traveling.

In general Yui’s personality is quite different depending on her company. With strangers and in public or political addresses she is very mannerly and proper. She can often be seen smiling and generally being cordial and jovial. She never shows signs of anger or frustration and appears as the perfect saintly figure she tries to present. With her retainers and friends however she’s very different. Her personality in these cases can be summarized as needy. She can be bratty quite often but is also sweet and caring in her own maliciously compliant way. She whines at and pokes fun at those close to her and is generally quite a menace but she still cares deeply for those who she lets see her true colours outside of her “Saint Persona”. She has massive gremlin energy and finds fun in things like pranks and crass jokes. She is also deadly loyal and protective of those close to her as she finds it quite difficult to open up to almost anyone.

The Shigeno Clan ruled quite peacefully over the Hokkaido region for quite a time. Being separate from the mainland violence was at a minimum for the most part. Trade of luxury goods was also a common export of the area leading to prosperity. Things were for the most part good for the inhabitants of the region. However with the harsh climate being as it was, food and crops were often a worrisome topic for the domain of the Shigeno Clan. Still they usually got by relatively well even if the margins were slim. There was the occasional winter where everyone did not survive but it wasn’t a stark problem. That was until the illness hit.

With the lack of labour to work the fields after the male population dwindled and with many of the areas that were once incredibly important fertile crops for the region becoming overrun with madmen and no longer being farmable things became dire. Death from malnourishment in the winter months became more and more common in the region and there was almost never enough food to go around. Fearing more and more death the ruling clan began trading with clans from the mainland for food during the harshest winters. However it was clear that this strategy was unsustainable for the region. Still with no other way out this continued for almost 200 years.

That was until the birth of Shigeno Yui. The exact details of Yui’s birth aren’t exactly known by the public but they are widely speculated about. Many say that the Daimyo gave birth while she was at prayer in Hokkaido’s most prestigious temple and this resulted in her blessing. Some claim that her blessing was a gift given to the Daimyo for her incredible piety and commitment to the spirits and the gods. Either way word that the goddess Inari Okami had blessed the region with a saintly born child spread like wildfire within the region. These claims were further backed up by record breaking crops year after year ever since Yui was born. Some claimed that it was simply coincidence, that the birth of the Daimyo’s child just so happened to coincide with the turning of good fortune for the weathers in Hokkaido. However most were convinced and Yui was deemed a gift from the heavens.

As she grew her “Saintly Abilities” seemed to continue to manifest and word of her deeds traveled far and wide and even reached the ears of the Daimyo Nanbu. Tale of her incredible feats were numerous but a specific rumor pricked the ear of the Daimyo. It was said by some that the blessing given to Shigeno Yui was not only magical and spiritual ability but also the ability to father children as a woman. When she came of age the Daimyo Nanbu traveled to the region and found out for herself. Confirming the rumors she would not leave until she eventually bartered a deal with Yui’s mother to finally relinquish her. It cost her quite a fortune as losing their saint was not something the Shigeno clan wished to do under any circumstances but with enough convincing and promises of incredible amounts of wealth and regular shipments of food to the region Yui was eventually sold and became a part of the Nanbu Clan.

Since then Yui has become a key political and economic chess piece for the region. She has been trained in the ways of a shinobi and learned to defend herself as well as techniques for stealth. She regularly takes part in political assassinations and espionage for the Daimyo Nanbu as a spy and information gatherer. Her ability to draw out information is exceptional and her “Saintly Persona” allows her to almost always completely avoid detection as she is the last person people suspect.

Weapons & skills

  • Weapon: Yui carries and often wears Neko-te disguised as nail extensions as apart of her attire. She additionally always has a small flintlock pistol on her at all times which she only uses in emergencies.
  • Blessing of Inari: Yui has the ability to impregnate women and as such is considered incredibly important to the Daimyo. Some in the ruling class see having another woman father their children as being more “pure” than from men and as such Yui is used as a bargaining chip both financially and politically for the Daimyo. The fact that as a “breeder” she does not require a formal escort in the same sense that men do is also highly valuable.
  • Saintly Performance: Yui’s singing and dancing are said to have magical effects to them. She is incredibly skilled in traditional singing, instruments and dance, as is standard for a noble lady of her sort, but with her performances comes supernatural effects. Those who bear witness to her performances are said to have a mystical charming effect placed upon them. The effects seem to enthrall them to her. During this time they become much more susceptible to her words and suggestions. Additionally those enthralled in her charm seem to have more difficulty telling lies.
  • Silver Tongue Yui has had to watch what she has said since she could speak. As such her ability to navigate and appropriately choose direction in conversation is almost superhuman. She seems able to figure exactly what someone wants to hear almost every time without fail and as such is able to talk her way into and out of things very easily.

Here's my addition to the group! ^_^
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞


Alright friends, the time for selection has come!

As mentioned, this blew up and had more character submissions that the roster limit mentioned at onset. We considered expanding to fit everyone, but decided to keep to it to tell the story initially envisioned.

To that end, we've got to make some cuts. It wasn't easy, there were a dozen very fun ideas for a game with only 7 seats. But after some consideration, here are the players/characters that we've decided to take:

@Miss Nyx

Plus of course myself and Mediocre Author.

Once more, thank you everyone for your submissions. If there are openings in the future, we'll definitely look to reach out. Until then, we hope to have the chance to write with you in the future!

-M & Aethy



I look forward to further announcements.

I may hunt for a better FC picture.

I remain open to connections. I'll work on some thoughts that way later.

Will there be an E-based OOC or a Discord?
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Yay! I'm very excited

Hoping to work on some connections myself soon for Yui and totally open to receiving PMs if anyone has any ideas themselves on ways our characters can intermingle. 

I personally would prefer to do OOC on discord but I can make do with one on E as well if that's what the group wants to do. 
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞


There will be a discord (and an OOC thread on E). Details to come soonishlyer... Or so.


Okoro is open for connections as well if anyone has any ideas before I go over all the sheets and come up with some rough thoughts.


"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others." - Winston Churchill

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Tuttle on May 14, 2024, 10:34:54 PMIs there room for another by any chance?
Unfortunately no, not currently. There's a possibility we could expand the cast in the future, but at the moment we're full. 



"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others." - Winston Churchill