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Started by JackTheTipper, February 22, 2024, 04:25:31 AM

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DC: Year 20XX (5 years following Batman Beyond)


Justice League Beyond is a freeform sandbox game set in the DC universe in 20XX, a few years following the events of  Batman Beyond. The game will allow players to write heroes, villains and neutral parties with original twists to fit them into this setting. There will be scope for a wide variety of content however the game is a sandbox and will be heavily player-driven. I will be looking to see players be very proactive with seeking connections and scenes, starting open scenes and trying their best to be active participants. The game will begin in March 20XX with elements inspired from the JLU and Batman Beyond episodes. Aside from Terry McGinnis, players are encouraged and allowed to create their own template for one of the legacy characters.

The status of the original Trinity.

Batman - Still Kickin'
Wonder Woman - Ascended to Godhood
Superman - Retired. Announced his successor. Playing golf and spending time with his wife.

The game will focus on the newly-established League , the way neutrals try to fit in and the conflict between the groups. The Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman) will be an important role in the game, and yes Terry is the Batman here.

Player character - player character conflict will be encouraged but not forced.

The Core
Superman - [ME]
Batman - Terry McGinnis [KnowThySire]
Wonder woman - OPEN
Green Lantern - Deathnote
Flash - OPEN
Aquaman - Reserved
Original or Mantle - OPEN
Additional Leaguers - OPEN
This game is recruiting. Please post here to state interest or ask questions and send me CS's via PM.

Character Sheet
[floatright][img]picture goes here[/img][/floatright]

[b]Alias:[/b] Legacy or Original. What is your "Super" callsign.
[b]Alter Ego:[/b] ex) Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Dinah Lance.
[b]Affiliation:[/b] (Leaguer, Legion of Doom, Titan, Independent, what's your faction?)
[b]Appearance:[/b] Physical Description goes here. Height, Weight, any notable physical markers or
[b]Origin Story:[/b] Who is your character and what is their origin?
[b]Potential storyline(s):[/b] (what do you want to do with your character and who would you like to collaborate with?)
[b]Powers & Abilities:[/b]
[b]Ons & Offs:[/b] What kind of woman/man is your type? (I'll clothesline you if you say good personality)
[b]Played By:[/b]

The Green One

Oh this.... I like the possibilities... I think I'd go for eiter a Green Lantern or Flash, or maybe a Riddler or Joker if that's allowed.

Not available for new stories

Callie Del Noire


Damn, one of my favourite series. I'm tentatively interested, and would likely seek out Batman/Terry if no one else is interested. I'm a big fan of Batman Beyond. Though it's been a bit since I've seen the series.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on February 22, 2024, 09:27:37 AMCurious as to what god role Wonder Woman has ascended to. 
She's been promoted to Guardian of the Multiverse. She's essentially a herald to the Presence. She is the last check for multiverse level threats.



Rel Mayer


Potentially interested but I have a question,

"Superman - [Reserved]
Batman - Terry McGinnis [OPEN]
Wonder woman - OPEN
Green Lantern - OPEN
Flash - OPEN
Aquaman - OPEN

Are these the only roles you're recruiting for, and are you only looking for a maximum of six writers (Not including yourself, I assume you plan to write Superman?). Are you open to pitches for heroes that aren't listed here e.g. a bat-person who is not Terry, or a version of Cyborg for example.


Quote from: VVitch on February 22, 2024, 02:32:13 PMPotentially interested but I have a question,

"Superman - [Reserved]
Batman - Terry McGinnis [OPEN]
Wonder woman - OPEN
Green Lantern - OPEN
Flash - OPEN
Aquaman - OPEN

Are these the only roles you're recruiting for, and are you only looking for a maximum of six writers (Not including yourself, I assume you plan to write Superman?). Are you open to pitches for heroes that aren't listed here e.g. a bat-person who is not Terry, or a version of Cyborg for example.
Those are just the necessary roles that need to be filled first. I'm open to quality characters that fit the setting. The idea is that you're suppose to have a character assume the mantle of a preexisting legacy hero. 



Fucking finally. I read this new 52 series years ago. I’m tentatively throwing my hat in because a long while has passed since my last group RP, but I’m game to play Terry McGinnis.
There can only be one king.


There can only be one king.


Quote from: VoluptuousVixen on February 22, 2024, 01:14:51 PMIs Big Barda or Black Canary Open?
Big Barda maybe...but Dinah Lance is unlikely to be a hero because she'd be too old. You can do "a" Black Canary.


KnowThySire can have Terry, I realistically don't have time for another game. If I do in the future I might do another character, maybe a bat family or something. But for now enjoy.


Thanks, Rustic. Damian Wayne is in the Batman Beyond comics if that’s a choice for you further down the line.
There can only be one king.


Tentatively interested in Kaldur'ahm with strong Young Justice influences as Aquaman's successor? I'd be open to talk with Jack about what he'd like to do with Mareena and/or Andy (or if someone would be interested in playing Mareena or Andy!).


What should be the template for character sheets?

Also, a silly question, but since E's revamping I can't see a spot to bookmark threads. Any tip here would be appreciated.
There can only be one king.



To answer the question. We will accept additional leaguers outside the core 7, the core seven are just the foundation of the new League. We will recruit an original character to round out the core 7, however it will be decided by the core who they want to recruit at the start of the game. The core 7 are just the decision makers of the league, they're like a council if that make sense. 


There can only be one king.


Alias: Batman
Alter Ego: Terry McGinnis
Affiliation: Leaguer
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Appearance: Terry's boyish, teen charm had matured through his college years to that of a smoldering adult's. His hair kept to his sleek-styled black - length longer, crowning a sprouted, 6'2" frame built for combat. Eyes a crystal blue unlike his birth parents.
Origin Story: Meeting the fabled Bruce Wayne among a bunch of beat down Jokerz seemed like an eternity ago. To think, his life would forever be changed by taking up the old man's mantle as Batman to become Neo-Gotham's 'Batman of Tomorrow'. Terry found solace in the mask ever since his father's murder by Derek Powers, Bruce's former business partner & MIA supervillain; Blight. The tricky part was balancing his social life of his mother, little brother, girlfriend Dana Tan & best friend Max. Even moreso once in college. Terry had to ask Dana to agree to a break in order to let her focus on her studies better in Metropolis. Now graduated himself with a degree in business by some miracle, he's accepted the offer once given to him to become a full-time Justice League member where who knows what lies in store for him.
Potential storyline(s):
- Original Batman; Role-model, boss, surrogate father & possible biological father? The old man still kicking, Terry has the pleasure of Bruce's delightfully brooding mentorship every night.
- Original Superman; Terry remembers him recruiting him as a leaguer when a teen. Sad to see him retire. Occasionally, finds him convincing Bruce to be his golf partner.
Powers & Abilities: Street smarts, brawn & one heck of a state-of-the-art batsuit.
Ons & Offs: A woman who has an edge to her often catches Terry's vigilante eye. That's what drew him to Dana, Melanie Walker - or Ten - & even Max once or twice if it wasn't for their friendship. Perhaps, he's more alike Bruce than he'd like.
Played By: KnowThySire

(Terry approved & ready for action)
There can only be one king.


Alias: Superman
Alter Ego: Franklin Irons
Affiliation: Leaguer
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: Franklin is a somewhat tall (6'4") man of Black American descent. He has the sharp looks of a polished business professional,well-kept and squared away, he's usually adorned in sharp corporate professional attire, he possess an intelligent laser-like stare and exterior befitting a man of steel.

Origin Story: Franklin is the grandson of none other than John Henry Irons. A confidant and fire forged friend of Clark Kent. He has no ancestral connection to Krypton, being born a native human earthling, however like much of the public, he harbored a fascination for the man of steel as well the culture of Krypton, his inquisitive nature coupled with his talents in bioengineering and proximity to Superman, lead him to engineering a sort "super serum" , enabling him to become a man of steel, much like his
grandfather, though in a very different sort of way.

Franklin works as an executive at AmerTek pharmaceuticals. He sits on the board, as director of public relations.

Potential storyline(s):
World's Finest - Superman / Batman introductory story.
New Trinity - Batman / Superman / Wonder Woman centered story.
Kingdom Come - New Superman / Old Superman story

Powers & Abilities: Due to creating and administering a "Super Serum", Franklin exhibits the full range of abilities of a fully powered Kryptonian. Laser beams, Super Strength, Speed, Ice Breath, X-ray Vision, all of the above. His powers are roughly equivalent to that of a younger Clark Kent.

Ons & Offs:  Franklin is a sucker for exotic styles in women. Anything out of the norm is something that draws his attention, whether it be eye, hair color or height. His tastes run the gamut. Sometimes you want Chinese,  Latin or Carribean, or maybe fusion.
Played By: Me


Is there any chance I could play a completely new Green Lantern or does he have to have been established for a while in order to be a part of the core 7?