God U (The Boys/Gen-V alternate universe Freeform Game) Recruitment

Started by RainyHigh, January 02, 2024, 12:03:14 AM

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Quote from: RainyHigh on January 03, 2024, 07:49:40 AMWell I'm glad that you were tempted at least. :)

Far too much so.  And I definitely haven't been considering character ideas at all.  Certainly not.  ;)
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)


Foxy Deville's Buffy/Analytica is approved!

Provost/Vice-Chancellor: Buffy is also one of the options for this role. I know another player mentioned that they might also want to try for this role maybe, but I'll leave this question here for anyone: Does anyone else might want to apply a character for Vice-Channcelor/Provost? If so, let me know! I'll look at all CSs to see who might be the best fit.

Quote from: Andronica on January 03, 2024, 09:28:00 AMPlanting a flag of massive interest! I might come out of hiatus for this... but I'll PM you my concept first, @RainyHigh, to see if she'll be a good fit.

Woohoo! Glad you might come out of hiatus to write for God U. Hype~

Quote from: inkybus on January 03, 2024, 09:39:39 AM@RainyHigh is Mindmaster's power to read/hear thoughts known to the general public? And I really should have asked this before anything else, but are Thunderdome matches mandatory?

No worries, but it is mentioned here (specifically Godolkin Student Rankings) that Thunderdome matches are NOT mandatory.
Mindmaster's powers are known as he was a superhero in his younger years. So, some people may be wary of him for sure.

Update: Added a new blurb to Game Information and Rules:
♛ Writing POV: Character posts must be written in third-person POV.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Also I gotta say, those Pusheen beans are a spot on choice of avatar, Rainy!

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: RainyHigh on January 03, 2024, 10:12:41 AMFoxy Deville's Buffy/Analytica is approved!

And here she is!

Character Name: The Right Honourable Augusta Elizabeth Berkshire-King, 19th Baroness Lovelace (usually called Buffy by friends and Lady Lovelace by others)
Super Hero Alias: Analytica (rarely used)
Writer Name: Foxy DeVille
Faceclaim: Alina Lewis

Age: 31
Gender Identity: Female (cis)
Sexuality: Pansexual and Aromantic, she enjoys the pleasures of many but doesn’t form strong emotional bonds with them beyond platonic
Role: admin staff/officer (potential Provost)

Physical Description: An attractive woman with an aristocratic bearing. Dresses very chic with a bit of a throwback flair. Her epic rack is a gift from God… via a very talented cosmetic surgeon.
Height: 5’ 9”
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brunette


Biography: Augusta Elizabeth Berkshire-King was born in Cambridge, England, to a noble British father and an American mother from a family of Boston Brahmins. She is descended from Ada Lovelace and was named Augusta in her honor, however she prefers to be called Buffy, a pet name for Elizabeth. Her parents separated amicably when she was young so she grew up dividing her time between the US and the UK. As both parents came from old money, Buffy grew up asking for nothing. She was given only the best, whether it was gifts or her education. And when a well-placed connection let her family know about Compound V and that they had some available, what parent wouldn’t want their little girl to have superpowers?

In Buffy’s case this was an uncanny ability to process and analyze data. Such a talent made academics a breeze and she was set to attend Harvard when representatives from Godolkin University came calling to offer her a place at their prestigious place of learning. Buffy accepted and while she performed exemplary in subjects related to brand building she failed to find actual crimefighting to be of any interest to her. Due to these mixed results, Vought International was unsure of what to do with Buffy. They initially thought about making her a hero, coming up with the name Analytica and paying for a very thorough breast enhancement to increase her marketability. But after a few misadventures it was decided the best use of Buffy would be working for Vought directly.

Over the next several years Buffy used her talents for the benefits of many departments within Vought. While she found the work mentally stimulating, Buffy felt like a comely cog in the corporate engine. The old boy’s club was strong, even against a Supe like her with a set like that. When a faculty position at her former university opened up, Buffy successfully pursued it. Now she analyzes the progress of the students and makes recommendations to Vought about who could be best used where. She also takes the most promising under her wing, not out of altruism but so she has influence over the Supes community for generations.

Super Powers:
Intuitive Probability Calculation: Buffy has an instinctive ability to see the outcome of multiple potential scenarios almost instantaneously. This allows her to pick a correct password, find someone's weak spot, and know exactly the right thing to say by extrapolating the best choice from numerous possibilities.
Total Recall: Her ability to make her uncanny deduction is aided by her photographic memory, allowing Parisa to remember important facts and learn new information easier.
Quantum Reality Manipulation: By perceiving possible outcomes and psionically increasing or decreasing the likelihood of a particular one occurring, Buffy can cause improbable events to occur. This enables her to create effects that mimic an almost unfathomable amount of “luck.”
Enhanced Physique: No, not her implants. She has twice the stamina and durability as a normal human as well as Olympic level strength. Buffy is highly resistant to toxins, disease, and the temperature extreme as they are only half as effective against her, which is good considering some of her lifestyle and wardrobe choices. She heals twice as fast as a normal human, five times with complete rest. Her vision is also very sharp and can see in the dark as well as a nocturnal animal.

♜Mathematics and Physics
♜Public Relations and Marketing
♜Fashion and Style
♜Tennis and Swimming
♜Fluent in French, conversational in Spanish and Italian

Data Needed: Buffy’s talents require her to be able to observe and understand the situation. She is less capable when she doesn't fully comprehend what is happening. Superhuman beings and paranormal events are more difficult to predict than more mundane happenings. Her calculations can definitely be fallible. The more information and understanding she has, the better her predictions are.     
Do The Math: Buffy has to figure out the probability of an effect before causing it to occur. The more improbable the event, the more time and effort is required. Attempting to rush this can lead to disaster. Even before gaining her abilities Buffy would use her hands while making calculations. Being unable to gesture severely hinders her ability to crunch the numbers needed to use her capabilities.
Brains Over Brawn: While her body is quite fit Buffy is still mortal and lacks any formal hand-to-hand combat training as of yet.
Addictive Personality: She is prone do overindulging in vices and this could affect her decision making or hamper her abilities.
Mental Overload: Combining intuitive probability calculation and total recall could lead to cognitive overload or fatigue. Constantly processing vast amounts of information and possibilities can be mentally taxing, potentially leading to burnout or decision paralysis.
High Frequency Sounds: Like all Supes, Buffy is vulnerable to these, moreso because the noise disrupts her concentration.

Likes: Attention, luxury goods, shopping, feeling smarter than other people, partying, casinos, yoga, dancing, hiking, swimming and sunbathing (sometimes nude), British sport teams and athletes, big dogs, champagne cocktails, recreational drugs, Swinging Sixties pop culture
Dislikes: American sports, people making fun of the name Buffy, boredom, being outsmarted, cooking (because she’s terrible at it), unfashionable clothing, not getting her way, being underestimated, people who think they are a moral authority, a significant amount of current pop culture, bigotry (she’s better than everyone else equally)

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: F-List
Top 5 Ons: Exhibitionism, Anal, Oral, BDSM (she's a bratty bottom and a pleasure domme). Implants have made her breasts quite sensitive and she loves attention being paid to them, both gentle and not gentle at all.
Top 5 Offs: Pregnancy risk, things too messy to be cleaned up quickly, anything causing lasting harm, vore, romance (unless she’s manipulating someone)

Other Important Information:
♙Lives off-campus in a pricey apartment as well as having other residences elsewhere because she’s not a poor
♙Her one true love is her dog Argos, named after the faithful one in the Odyssey
♙Speaks with a Transatlantic accent due to being born British and Boston Brahmin, not to mention being pretty pretentious
♙Drives a silver 1958 Aston Martin DB Mark III
♙Armed with a Beretta Minx for self-defense… and in case she wants to shoot someone


Quote from: RainyHigh on January 03, 2024, 10:12:41 AMNo worries, but it is mentioned here (specifically Godolkin Student Rankings) that Thunderdome matches are NOT mandatory.
Mindmaster's powers are known as he was a superhero in his younger years. So, some people may be wary of him for sure.
I can't believe I missed that...

Good to know, though. Did the Dean bring any baggage with him? As in, are there scandals on his hero past record? Unsavoury things that the media picked up on and that might have been semi-successfully buried by Vought?


Character Name: Shizuka Takeda
Super Hero Alias: F.A.I.Z. (Function Ascension Integrator Zero-type)
Villain Alias: N/A
Writer Name: Yukina
Faceclaim: Hiroe Igeta

Age: 20
University Year: Junior
Roommate Preference: Individual (Though she is prone to taking in a roommate if Vought pulls strings)
Gender Identity: Femme (She/They)
Sexuality: Sapphic (Into those with She/Her, She/They, and They/Them pronouns) Asexual (Fine with cuddling, kissing, and a hint of body worship, but not much else), Unsure if Mono or Poly
Role: Student

Physical Description: Shizuka is a woman of Japanese-French descent commonly found wearing business suits or the occasional dress in public. When in the privacy of her room, she honestly sticks to her underwear and a long comforter wrapped around her in order to deal with the overstimulation of such stuffy outfits being required across the day.
Height: 5'4" (5'6" when F.A.I.Z. System is active)
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Black

♟Fiscally Conscious

Biography: Shizuka Takeda was born to her French father, Elouan, and her Japanese mother, Yasumi. With Elouan an author and Yasumi a violinist, it was truly a house of the arts. If the power their daughter had been born with has been sound control or illusions, they might have be right at home. However, Shizuka was enthralled with the way things moved and that didn't involve the bow of Yasumi.

Elouan could see that maybe it was best to let the young prodigy go her path, but Yasumi had been raised as a perfectionist and she saw making sure her daughter was well versed in the arts, particularly her own, as paramount for college applications. Hence, despite the science fairs their child was winning being a clear sign she definitely had the rigor for it anyway, Shizuka was drilled in the basics of violin no matter the cost each day after school.

It was one day when the pair were bickering in the car on her 14th birthday that Elouan finally stood up and tried to defend his daughter's pursuits a bit more openly on the way back from one of those fairs when it seemingly left him distracted from the road. Within seconds, the family was left in the path of oncoming truck. Shizuka cried out for her parents, but all she could see were the droplets of blood on her mom's phone as things started to go black. In almost like a desperate plea, the phone began dialing 911 by itself as she passed out.

Waking up in the hospital, she found out that Vought had paid for her medical bills since their truck had been delivering had been delivering merchandise when it crashed into family's car. She also apparently had the ability to interphase with technology if the way she freaked out the systems along with herself as she found out she was the only one who had survived the crash. While she had gained everything as the company practically adopted her after that and actively funded her delves into technology, she had effectively lost everything.

The technopath's relationship with her mom had had been tense, she was dead and everything about it was worse now. The R&D eventually somewhat became her family, but all she could see was the hole they barely filled. Ultimately though, she got engrossed in her work in order to try and deal with her pain and developed the F.A.I.Z. System, her desperate attempt at hopefully making a suit that could allow her to prevent the needless losses of life like she had experienced.

Eventually, she was enrolled to Godolkin University on Vought's dime in order to further her use and expertise with her suit. She had honestly had felt a bit conflicted with the company throughout her college years. She personally felt responsible for distracting her dad by fighting with her mom, but there was always those small inklings in the back of her head. Incidents like Stormfront's coded dogwhistles in her social media tirades and the more recent revelations regarding Compound V were hard to ignore. Hence, as of this year, she's currently in this odd spot where she's been growing disillusioned with the company, but only seeks to lose the last few things she has in the world if she dare steps out of line.

Super Powers:
♞ Technopath: Technology simply just speaks to Shizuka in the way she can interphase with any object within a six foot radius that holds a power source or network to activate their functions. 
♞ (3 Powers, But in One Paragraph) The F.A.I.Z. System/FAIZ Buckle: Shizuka's magnum opus of her works, a high tech belt that can manifest a nanotech armor through dialing in a code through the F.A.I.Z. Cellular and inserting it into the Buckle. The suit provides her:
-Durable defense with proper environmental sealing

-Increased strength (enough to stop cars being thrown at her, but not exactly strong enough to regularly throw them without a good show of effort)
-A tactical AI assistance to properly read the battlefield by scanning and tracking by way of heat and movement
♞ F.A.I.Z. Cellular: What looks like a high tech flip phone is the device she inputs codes for the functions of the F.A.I.Z. System. Bending the open phone at a side tilt converts it to a functional laser emitter. Codes inserted into the phone can modify the type of shot (rapid fire or continuous beam primarily).

♜ Trilingual: Shizuka knows English, Japanese, French
♜ Device Design: As a result of her powers, Shizuka seems just have an intimate knowledge of how things work when they're practically as much living beings as the humans around her.
♜ Shoot Aikido: Vought has arranged instructors to for Shizuka to learn what is effectively a combat practical version of aikido.
♜ Violin: While she is a bit rusty, Shizuka has the basics of the violin drilled into her by her late mother

♖ Technology Barren Areas: When modern cities are practically full of friends and connections for Shizuka to use, empty areas like forests and deserts for her feel chillingly empty. The poor thing can't light a campfire to save her life unless she has an actual torch to do it.
♖ Normal Human Physiology: When outside of her F.A.I.Z. System, Shizuka honestly has little going for her in dangerous situations besides her crafty brain. Disabling her is as simple as stealing her tech or not giving her time to activate it.
♖ Red Tape: Ultimately to maintain funding for her projects, she has to go along with the demands of Vought. Particularly when all of her money and property is practically theirs. Hence, she might need to do some things she would prefer not to in order to keep off the street.
♖ Shizuka has signs of being on the spectrum and seems to only have so many spoons to use per day. She seems to overdraw them a lot.
♖ High Frequencies

Likes: Designing and refining new technology, A good book, Chocolate, Jazz, The F.A.I.Z. System (it is practically her daughter in her eyes), Quiet Spaces 
Dislikes: Camping (she truly finds it torture), Parties, Lemons (the fruit), Lemons (technological duds), Cars

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: N/A
Top 5 Ons: Romance, Cuddling, Body Worship
Top 5 Offs: Anal, Bathroom Things, Snuff

Other Important Information:
♙ Due to her refusal to step into cars, the company has given her a personal motorcycle.
♙ Shizuka prefers looser clothing, but wears a business-like wardrobe due to keeping up the company's image


I’ve only seen a little bit of The Boys, but I’m more than willing to do some research, if needed, to understand the lore! 

I’m definitely interested in joining! Just need some time to figure out a FC to start out with! 😌

Also, I’m confident you’ll make a fantastic GM, Rainy! 

O/O | A/A | MM



You know I am in!

Has anyone made a teleporter yet?  Is that a thing?  I’ve got some ideas already


Quote from: Andronica on January 03, 2024, 10:15:52 AMAlso I gotta say, those Pusheen beans are a spot on choice of avatar, Rainy!

Thanks, Andronica~  It is a hypnotizing avatar for sure. I find myself staring at it sometimes.

Quote from: inkybus on January 03, 2024, 11:28:36 AMI can't believe I missed that...

Good to know, though. Did the Dean bring any baggage with him? As in, are there scandals on his hero past record? Unsavoury things that the media picked up on and that might have been semi-successfully buried by Vought?

My first few posts contain many words, so it's no biggie. I'm sure others might have had similar thoughts as well.

And about good old Dr. Davis. He's got a reputation for being ethical and using his powers responsibly. So there won't be any stories that Vought buries. I don't plan on him being a dark character, just someone who will dampen upsets between people at the university (if it's during his work hours--though he can return to campus if it's an emergency).
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Quote from: Mellific on January 03, 2024, 01:46:19 PMI’ve only seen a little bit of The Boys, but I’m more than willing to do some research, if needed, to understand the lore!

I’m definitely interested in joining! Just need some time to figure out a FC to start out with! 😌

Also, I’m confident you’ll make a fantastic GM, Rainy!

OMG, hey Mel! So excited to see you are interested!

Quote from: Swashbuckler on January 03, 2024, 02:47:31 PMRainy!!!

You know I am in!

Has anyone made a teleporter yet?  Is that a thing?  I’ve got some ideas already

And Swash too! This is awesome. Teleportation is still off the table as far as I know, but I do have three new CS that I still need to review. Just handling some IRL business first.

edit: Quickly went to check powers of the three new CS I got in, and someone has noted this power:
Quote♞ Short Visual Teleportation: Jun can teleport to a different spot she can perceive within a hundred meters of her, every thirty seconds.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Ah, ok, thanks for checking Rainy!   

I will keep my interest (obviously) but will come up with a new concept


We will be having another approved character posted soon by Malia Magnus Wolfe! Welcome aboard Freya Reed/ Firebug! Woohoo~

QuoteAh, ok, thanks for checking Rainy! 

I will keep my interest (obviously) but will come up with a new concept

No problem~

Lookout! Inkybus has an approved character coming in soon. Welcome to God U Jun/Vex!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


I am open to discuss ties to other characters with Jun, just let me know in here or through PMs.

Character Name: Jun Alexandra Miller
Super Hero Alias: Vex
Writer Name: inkybus
Faceclaim: art by Fernanda Suarez

Age: 19
University Year: 1st
Roommate Preference: roommate of Catriona Muir
Gender Identity: female
Sexuality: bisexual, single and open to polyamory
Role: student

Physical Description: a plain-looking young woman who puts on the minimal amount of make-up to appear normal. She wears casual clothes, plain like her whole being, at all times. Her skin is paler than average and her fingernails are, somehow, pitch black. Her hair is wavy, mostly straight and only rarely styled: she usually leaves it loose and natural. Her eyebrows are a bit thicker than what most people would say is conventionally beautiful, with a mole just above the left eyebrow, near her temple. Lastly, her eyes express her willfulness: they are a light gray, like steel, and often just a bit more bloodshot than average.
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Eye Color: gray
Hair Color: chestnut

♟ Arbitrary
♟ Cynical
♟ Lazy
♟ Patient
♟ Stubborn
♟ Vengeful

Daughter of a second-generation immigrant who worked for Vought, her mother agreed to the medical procedure to make her daughter a supe in return for a good amount of money and the opportunity to buy a house downtown at good contractual conditions.

Jun's powers manifested the first time when she was fighting with another kid for a toy she wanted: one moment, they were pulling the toy and wrestling with the other kid to so they let it go, the next, it suddenly vanishes from their grip and Jun 'feels' her own Hammerspace the first time. After that, Vought took an interest in her because their experiment worked and it was possible for her to become a supe for the next generation.

Before Vought's meddling, Jun had made a friend, with whom she was very tight: when they were around twelve years old, Jun fell in love- but it was not to be. Her friend was involved in an accident and fell into a coma: the family did not have the money to pay the bills and the medicine, as well as the procedures to help Jun's friend. The plug was pulled, she died and Jun blamed Vought for the overpriced medicine that would have saved her, subconsciously swearing that she'd make the responsible ones pay.

Jun managed to hide her hatred for Vought up to this day, never venting the wrath at the core of her heart.

Super Powers:
♞ Short Range Teleportation: Jun can teleport to a different spot she can perceive within a hundred meters of her, every thirty seconds.
♞ Hammerspace: Jun can store items in a dimensional space and then summon them to her - she can't have more items than would fit in a wardrobe sized six feet in width, seven feet in height and two feet of depth respectively.
♞ Spatial Awareness: a sixth sense that extends ten meters out (32'9") counting from her forehead - in this area, Jun is aware of all mass that exists, effectually giving her the option to fight with her eyes closed and even deafened in hand-to-hand combat, if she chose to do so.
♞ Enhanced Reflexes: Jun always was a terror in dodgeball, easily twisting out of the way and catching throws meant to get her out - when the Vought powers kicked in, after just a few hours of training she was able to easily avoid firearms.
♞ Enhanced Speed: reflexes mean nothing, without the ability to keep up - but she can and is able to move at speeds that would have an olympian sprinter green with envy and the bodily coordination to make human gymnasts weep.

♜ Baseball
♜ Card counting
♜ Kickboxing
♜ Firearms
♜ Pickpocketing
♜ Sneaking around

♖ Spatial Encumbrance: Jun can only store and summon items that she can lift and carry with medium difficulty and which fit into her spatial wardrobe.
♖ Smoke/Fog/Fine airborne dust: in an environment with particles in the air, her Spatial Awareness is dampened and she feels as though her sight is clouded by mist, furthermore it is very irritating to run and do things with eyes open and unprotected when there is smoke, sand or dust in the air.
♖ Human durability and stamina: Jun is a tough cookie compared to average girls, but she is not even in peak condition for a human and even an average but solid punch to the dome will still have an effect.
♖ High frequencies: as every supe, she also cannot stand sounds in a particular high frequency.

Likes: card games (blackjack and poker especially), chicken, iced coffee, rock music and spring.
Dislikes: mornings, school, arrogant bullies, formal clothes and formality itself.

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: click here.
Top 5 Ons: risky public sex, voyeurism, light bondage, body writing, clothed sex.
Top 5 Offs: pain, watersports, scat, bestiality and filth.

Other Important Information:
♙ Date of Birth: 19th April
♙ Her lifestyle is more spartan than most other students, eschewing many luxuries in her private life
♙ Some say that it was her who beat up and broke the legs of a notorious bully at her highschool right before the final exams, but there is no proof
♙ Jun's cousin manages a small but good diner near God U and gives her and her friends reasonable discounts when they eat there
♙ Jun sandbags a lot with her powers: Vought employees who know about her Hammerspace, Teleportation and Spatial Awareness are loathe to give that information and it takes a lot of digging to find out. Jun has, to date, not made items appear out of thin air and has only used her Teleportation as a quick 10-meter jump forward, without all the tricks she could usually employ. Higher ranking Vought employees know she can do more, as well as her reasons for not doing so.
♙ Jun's ranking will not exceed 10th rank in her year until she stops holding back and goes all out. But because she wants to keep her powers a secret to ambush unwary opponents with, it will take big trouble for her to use her full potential.


Oh, you need to re-add your O/O link, @inkybus 
I forgot to mention that--sorry!

Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker



I would like to reserve Ksenia Barasheva for my face, if thats okay c:


Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker

Malia Magnus Wolfe


Character Name: Freya Reed
Superhero Alias: Firebug
Writer Name: Malia Magnus Wolfe
Faceclaim: Natalya Krasavina

Age: 19
University Year: freshman
Roommate Preference: double room
Gender Identity: female
Sexuality: Pansexual, Aromantic for now
Role: Student

Physical Description: Tall for a girl, slim and seemingly toned build. Normally wears her reading glasses when not at the gym. Normally wears her hair down. Tends to wear a lot of layers. Jumpers over a blouse then a fleece-lined coat. This is for two main reasons, the first being to avoid any thought about being cold even if she has to sweat a little bit. The second to hide her amazing figure, as she is really wants to be taken seriously as a hero. Though on occasion, does wear slightly more revealing clothes when the mood takes her.
Height: 5'9
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde

♟ Smart
♟ Kind
♟ Attention-seeking
♟ Ambitious/hungry
♟ Optimistic
♟ dependable

Biography: Freya is an orphan. An unwanted pregnancy at a Samaritan's Embrace-sponsored hospital. She was put into foster care, and sent around the system. She was a good student, almost always the top of her class. Always smiling, and kind people. Despite the chaos of her childhood, she grew up to be a well-adjusted and normal person, at least on the surface. Her powers manifested in her teens. At the start, Freya noticed that whenever she got a headache, something near her would start smoking. The pencil she was holding, her hairbrush. Of course she began experimenting.

The first disaster happened when she was practising inside an abandoned building, and it caught fire. It was too much for her to control, so she evacuated and called the fire department. She was terrified that the fire would spread and untold chaos would ensue. So she stayed nearby, watching. But when the fire department came and put the fire out, she was entranced. So many people came just because she called. All she did was make a single phone call and a small army appeared. When one fireman came over to her and asked if she was the one who called it in and congratulated her it awoke something in her. The firefighters all began clapping. Calling her a hero for recognising the problem. If they arrived any later, then the fire would have been unmanageable. Freya really liked that feeling.

Firebug, that was what she was. Someone who started a fire to have the fire fighters arrive and see them in action. Obviously, she began to cover her face and even help in the rescue attempt. She liked being called a hero. She liked the sense of control she had over the situation. It was similar to the feeling she had when playing chess. Having control over a small area. Obviously, she made sure no one was ever hurt when she set fire then put them out, but people were starting to see a pattern. She finished school with top grades, and decided to attend Godolkin University.

Super Powers:
Fire and heat manipulation:  Ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire within very close range of herself. Can engulf her entire body in fire/heat it up, while also absorb other forms of heat around her and potentially dropping the temperature around her
Carbon Body: Has a body that can withstand high heat when it is exposed to heat on reaction. She has no control over this.
♞ High durability: Her carbon body has has high durability, similar to Translucent's carbon body but to a lesser degree.
♞ Friction Generation: With her ability to control kinetic energy, she has figured out a way to stick to hard surfaces.
♞ Potentially Pyrokinetic flight: Can use her ability to manipulate heat to generate enough thrust to become airborne.. in theory. Cannot do so yet, but can still generate a large amount of thrust from her limbs.

♜ Slightly skilled in arson investigation
♜ skilled at chess
♜ Growing knowledge in Nuclear physics, and hopes to learn more at God U.
♜ Some expertise in sneaking around places where she shouldn't be. High expertise in sneaking into abandoned buildings while leaving no witnesses

♖ Cold: colder conditions effect her more than the average person. It makes it harder for her to use her powers, and makes her very tired in general
♖Electricity: Due to her carbon body, she conducts electricity a lot more easily and with her organs made of the same material, it can cause any number of health issues with her. Further more, if she tries to use her ability on charged particles, it can accidentally create electromagnetic radiation, which she has no control over and could have disastrous consequences.
♖Too much Heat: When she absorbs heat from an outside source, she has to use if for something #lawsofphysics. If the amount of heat is small she can easily dissipate it out into her environment, but if it is too high there are complications. Also, she can burn items of clothing she might be wearing which leads to embarrassing situations.
♖ Doesn't like working in teams, because she wants to be the one who saves the day.
♖ ALL Supe characters have a weakness to high frequencies, no matter their power level.

Likes: Social media, Chess, Learning new things, excelling, long walks/ hiking, animals, motorbikes, people paying attention, people praising her, the beach, spicy food.
Dislikes: being disliked, public transport, Winter, sweet food, feeling like she's not in control .

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: don't have one, sorry.
Top 5 Ons: Older men, Older women, Being touched, Hair-pulling, electro stimulation.
Top 5 Offs: scat, vomit, sex toys, Cold, voyerism(watching).

Other Important Information:
♙ Has a large number of followers on social media.
♙ Wants to use her fame as a hero to find her birth parents
♙ Received a scholarship to Attend God U


@RainyHigh quickly checking in: I added a couple of Important Info notes to my Charsheet in this thread. I ask that you check that it is reasonable for other PCs, aside from the Dean and the teacher PCs, to be in the dark when it comes to Jun's true powers. She won't beat any of them until she stops holding back, but she does not care that much to end up in the top of the top anyway- she is more concerned with keeping a couple aces up her sleeve to murder enemies who underestimate her.

Miss Nyx

I’ve peeked in here like five times so yep, time to tell you I love this idea! 😅 I’m not certain I can commit to it, I have a lot going on already, but I’ve definitely had a few character concepts and pop up to haunt me. At the least I thought I’d commend you on a fantastic premise!



Is there a chance we can get a list of the powers already in play? If I missed it, I apologize.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


Quote from: inkybus on January 04, 2024, 03:18:01 AM@RainyHigh quickly checking in: I added a couple of Important Info notes to my Charsheet in this thread. I ask that you check that it is reasonable for other PCs, aside from the Dean and the teacher PCs, to be in the dark when it comes to Jun's true powers. She won't beat any of them until she stops holding back, but she does not care that much to end up in the top of the top anyway- she is more concerned with keeping a couple aces up her sleeve to murder enemies who underestimate her.

I checked it over, and the Other Important Information changes look great. That makes for an interesting plot point, indeed. I'm so excited about the in-depth characterization going on in this thread!

Miss Nyx
Quote from: Miss Nyx on January 04, 2024, 06:16:57 AMI’ve peeked in here like five times so yep, time to tell you I love this idea! 😅 I’m not certain I can commit to it, I have a lot going on already, but I’ve definitely had a few character concepts and pop up to haunt me. At the least I thought I’d commend you on a fantastic premise!

Well, in the meantime, I'm so happy for the compliment! Thanks for expressing your interest, Miss Nyx!


Be on the lookout for @Outcast 's approved character, Catriona/Aegis, who will be shared soon!

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Is there a chance we can get a list of the powers already in play? If I missed it, I apologize.

Just saw this @Writersblockade. I'll create a list and share it soonish!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Love The Boys! Though I've probably forgotten quite a few details by now. Consider my interest piqued.

Also, I love your kitty avatar. Those toe beans get me.

A/A updated 05/31/24


Thanks @LanaN ~ Glad to see some more interest!

@Writersblockade and anyone else: Use this LINK to see the current power sets among the cast.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Quote from: LanaN on January 04, 2024, 09:13:30 AMLove The Boys! Though I've probably forgotten quite a few details by now. Consider my interest piqued.

Also, I love your kitty avatar. Those toe beans get me.

Hey! You should definitely join in. Just saying. Innocently.