The Story Lottery - Information and Participant Profiles

Started by Britwitch, January 22, 2023, 01:28:46 PM

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Name: Skydancer
Preferred story tags: [BON] : [BON-E] : [NC - H]
Preferred pairings: write as a F -( F M  or F M M)      happy to play more than one charterer
Preferred genres: Modern , Slice of Life, Historical also
Preferred content: Heavy Smut but with a story
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 300-400 words
Typical posting rate: quite fast possibly every second day.

Normally play as a sub - but having fun with a story where I have taken control - happy to see how it goes 


Name: Cerigo
Preferred story tags: [Any]
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F
Preferred genres: Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Super Hero, Sci-fi, Angst
Preferred content: Flex, often let the story set the pace
Maximum number of stories: 1-2
Typical post length: 700-1200 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate - Fast
Selectively Seeking New Stories
"It is not enough to conquer; one must know how to seduce."  Voltaire

On and Offs


Name: theboyinthedark69
Preferred story tags: [L-H], [BON], [NC-H].
Preferred pairings: M-F, I am open to playing either gender
Preferred genres: Romance, modern, slice of life, taboo.
Preferred content: Flexible either way.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 200-300 words
Typical posting rate: Moderate (every other day or so)


Name: LadyLimeaide 
Preferred story tags: [NA], [L-H], [BON], [EX] etc.I don't know what any of those story tags mean sorry? But I'm pretty flexible with any story lines.
Preferred pairings: M-F, F-F, M-M etc. as well as highlighting your preferred gender to write in each pairing. (E.g. M-F) I am willing to take my chances on the lottery. Willing to write male or female and any gender pairing. I have the most experience with M/M but no preference. Cause it's a lottery. 
Preferred genres: Romance, horror, sci-fi, historical etc. Romance/Erotica high fantasy, urban fantasy, slice of life.
Preferred content: Smut heavy, Story heavy, Flexible either way. Even mix but smut is a must.
Maximum number of stories: 1
Typical post length: 500+ words
Typical posting rate: Slow to Moderate 
"We drink wine with Diamonds in the glass. By the case, the meaning of Expensive Taste."

Adept Dominant, versatile partner specializing in MxM and MxF relationships.
Third person form.
Monster Phucker
I am Currently: Writing a Novel, preparing for nanowrimo, open for roleplays and looking for partners.
Raising a kitten