The Lost Mine of Harkenwold (PF2e) - (CLOSED)

Started by Ershin, January 25, 2023, 04:41:04 PM

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Name: Zlata
Ancestry/Class: Human (half-elf) Wizard (Background: Fortune teller)
Sex/Gender: Female; identifies as female
Kinks: Heterosexual, humanoids, but willing to experiment in both senses. Zlata is neither desperate for companionship nor desperate to avoid it, and will take things as they come. Also keen to play up the impracticality of her costume.

Brief Description: Zlata grew up in a traveling circus, the product of her mother's dalliance with a handsome elven bard who ran out on her before Zlata was born; Zlata is rather cool towards both elves and bards as a result, viewing them as unreliable. Her father figure was an old wizard, who made a living using his magic to do tricks and impress the audience. He taught Zlata magic from his small collection of books. Zlata's main act was a fortune-telling booth, where she used her looks and her skills to give customers a future they wanted to hear.

Zlata is tall and slender, with dark hair and dark eyes, and only marked as a half-elf by her pointed ears. She dresses in her circus costume, a revealing red dancer's outfit decorated with lots of small brass ornaments and bells. She has a warm cloak and boots as well, but this isn't a practical outfit for the Nentir Vale. However, her pride won't let her admit she should have worn something more sensible.

Zlata comes across as rather icy, mainly through seeing strangers as potential marks; it doesn't do to get friendly with someone you might be taking money off later. But if she does befriend someone, she's fiercely loyal, the other side of growing up in a small, tight-knit community.

What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: When the circus broke up, Zlata struck out on her own. She decided to try her luck in Fallcrest in Nentir Vale, figuring it was such an out of the way area that even old acts would be new to them, and her half-elven looks might make her attractively 'exotic'. So far, this hasn't been a successful plan, and she's thinking of heading back down the King's Road.

Who do you know here?: She's friendly with the proprietor of the Nentir Inn, the charming Erandil Zemoar. He told her about Gundren Rockseeker hiring escorts for his wagon to Harken.

Familiarity With PF2e: Owned the books for a while, but not really had a chance to play
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: No
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: On most days (timezone: GB-Eire), usually evenings, but sometimes miss a day or two.


Florian Brinkerhoff sat upon the steps of the courtyard of the Brinkerhoff manor house that looked out over Lake Nen.  It had been a lengthy, harried flight from the estate in Fallcrest, with little opportunity to pack appropriately.  In fact he recently learned that one scarcely has the time to saddle one's horse when one's estate is being burned down by a yowling mob of angry citizens.

He had always fancied himself as a man of the people but these people clearly took umbrage with the actions that were taken by his family and it did not matter how much time he spent in libraries or chatting with people in the central market.  He was a Brinkerhoff.  He was part of the collective problem at this point.  The sky told him that cold weather was on it's way and the present cold air was the devious sort that took it's time, never really giving you cause to bundle up until suddenly you found that cold had settled...seeped into your bones and you would suddenly realize that you might not ever be warm again.

He exhaled, his breath forming a cloud in the air all while he stayed seated on the cold stones of the steps.  One hand rhythmically working a whet stone over the blade of the longsword that rested across his lap.  He had trained with it for more than three decades but much like his title of "Ser" was purchased and not so much earned, so was the longsword he carried.  He had never even drawn the blade in anger, let alone use it on someone or something in some manner of defense.

A tall, elderly man with a bright white shock of well-groomed hair approached Florian where he sat.  He carried a brightly polished silver tray and atop it a steaming tea service.

“Tea, Ser.”

Florian looked up from where he was seated and offered the elderly man a warm smile.  Moving to stand as he sheathed the longsword upon his hip.

“Your timing is exceptional as always Winklethorpe, the manor house is several degrees of magnitude better with you here.  I’m grateful you accompanied me when it was time to leave Fallcrest.”

Winklethorpe stood straight and unyielding to the cold as well as seemingly his age of eighty-four years.

“It has always been a pleasure to serve you, Ser.  Allowing to leave without accompaniment would be an utter failure in my duties.”

Florian helped himself to the cup of tea and held it as he offered Winklethorpe a smile before looking out over Lake Nen. “ You do not fail at things Winklethorpe but it is appreciated nonetheless.  Your sentiment as well as the tea you have brought.”

“It is also an opportunity to inform you of one dozen and one armed riders have been taken note of and their present trajectory and speed will have them at the manor house in a little more than an hour.”

Florian’s eyebrows lifted in interest as he sipped the tea.  Nodding his head slightly as he placed cup back upon the saucer he held.  “Curious.  One might think you would have shared that first, Winklethorpe.”

“You DO enjoy your tea, Ser.”

Florian nodded his head and conceded.

“I do at that, Winklethorpe.  Shall we go have a look then?”

“Perhaps we should, Ser.”

The two men proceeded to move around to the other side of the manor house, making their way at a leisurely pace when they arrived at the front gate.  Florian resting his hand upon the pommel of his sheathed blade and Winklethorpe still holding the silver tea service.  It took a few moments before the thirteen riders could be seen cresting a distant hill.

“Curious Ser.  The construction of their armor would suggest that those are outriders.”

Florian sighed.  “Aye, the from Fallcrest, I suspect.”

“They have a reputation Ser.”

Florian furrowed his brow as he focused on the approach of the riders.  “Indeed they appear to be quite tenacious in their desire to find me.”

“Unyielding keepers of man’s law, down to the very letter.” They both fell silent for a moment before Winklethorpe continued. “I’ll go and prepare the horses expeditiously Ser.”

Florian shook his head and responded in a low, calm voice.  “No Winklethorpe, I do not believe that is necessary.”

“Confrontation it is, Ser.   I will go and fetch my axe and your shield.”, offered the old man without hesitation.

Florian turned to face Winklethorpe, looking up at the tall old man that Florian had thought of as a father as well as a friend. “How long has it been, Wink?  I fear I cannot recall a time without you in it.”

“Forty-seven summers, Ser.  I was present for your delivery”

Florian looked back over his shoulder as the riders continued to close the distance.  They weren’t close enough to be heard but that would be remedied soon enough.  “I will not make you a participant in their scrutiny and questioning Wink.  I do not anticipate this forthcoming encounter to proceed pleasantly.”

Silence hung between the two men as they looked to one another.  As though an entire conversation was being had that neither of them needed to voice outloud.  Winklethorpe nodded his head once, dutifully.

“You will need to make it look genuine, Ser.  You saw the riders.  You panicked and accused me of betraying you and as cowards do, you struck me from behind, leaving me here upon the stones of the courtyard.”

“Aye…as cowards do.” , Florian echoed Winklethorpe’s words in a low, disconsolate tone.

“You will need to strike me harder than you think Ser, the skull is more hardy than most would suspect.” Winklethorpe met Florian’s eyes and drew closer a moment, the silver tea service still held in his large hands and kept between the two men.  He offered a warm, reassuring smile.  “It has been a genuine pleasure serving you, Ser.  I believe it is time for me to retire.”

With Winklethorpe walking away, Florian exhaled sharply.  Offering one more look towards the Hell Knights that were getting closer and closer.  He could see the light of the day glinting off the threatening spikes upon their helms and pauldrons.  He drew his longsword smoothly and strode towards Winklethorpe and with one swing he crashed the pommel of his longsword into the base of the skull of the elderly man.  He sprawled forward, the silver tea service clattering loudly against the stones even as Winklethorpe crashed to ground unconscious.

Florian paused…frowning…clenching his fist around the hilt of the sword far more tightly than what was to be applied.  His breathing quick…shallow…  He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath as he sheathed his longsword.  Sparing one last look at Winklethorpe before he strode away with purpose in the direction of the stables.


It had been a ten-day since Florian had fled the manor house and it seemed as though he had done a middling to fair job of losing the outriders from Fallcrest.

He had happened across one of the less successful or known roadside establishments that served as an inn and a tavern.  The Catfish while a bit rundown was busy enough for Florian to blend in and ramshackle enough patrons to not take much note of him.

The negotiation of a room as well as a meal had all but cost him the last of his remaining coin.  Nevertheless, he was grateful for a meal that was hot and unprepared by himself and the ale, while unduly sour seemed to go pleasantly enough with the stew that had been place unceremoniously on the table before him.

It was another man entering and affixing an opened piece of parchment to the wall of the building where other documents had also been attached that got Florian’s attention.  A few of the patrons had gotten up to look at what had been posted and after a time, Florian took a moment to also read what had been affixed to the wooden wall with two well-worn and valueless daggers.






Florian’s eyebrows lifted slightly in interest.  A chance to make some coin would be welcome.  Yes, returning to Fallcrest could prove problematic but his last known location was Lake Nen.  Possibly returning for a very…very brief visit to Fallcrest would further confound those seeking him.

Or possibly they have given up and moved onto other, greater concerns?  One could hope?

Coupled with a caravan to the Harkenwold would get him well out of the way and perhaps after the escort duty is completed, he might be able to make himself of further use to this Master Rockseeker?

A small smile formed on Florian’s face as the glimmer of a plan began to form.


*tosses hat*

Name: Murra
Ancestry/Class: Catfolk/Barbarian(Martial Artist)
Sex/Gender: Yes Plz/Cis female (willing to flex into shemale depending on group gender/pref balance)
Kinks: Equal opportunity! Men, women, monsters, beasts, you name it! Pet play might be fun in context along with rough sex, marking/biting, putting on a show and/or humiliation. Submissively inclined, as dominance makes it harder to control herself, but can flip the other way with a partner who can bring that side of her out.
Brief Description: Murra has what might be best called a very dense build. Wide hips, full chest, thick muscle, and yet shes barely the height of an average man's shoulder. Drawing from her white tiger ancestry, she has white hair with black stripes on her head, ears and tail, along with amber eyes and dark skin. In terms of personality she is curious, excitable and somewhat easily distracted, however she has a intense love for physical activity which translates well into practice and training. On the darker side she sometimes has a hard time controlling her wilder and more predatory impulses, which are strong enough to boarder on being atavistic. At one point she turned up at a monastery to learn the ways of the monks hoping it would help her self control but lost patience with the mental aspects almost as quickly as she learned the physical ones. And while that whole episode ended in fire, it did serve to give Murra the foundations of her fighting style and lead her to decide that acceptance, not strict discipline, was the way to sooth the savage beast within.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Look, she didn't start the fire okay? That monastery burned down for reasons entirely unrelated to her leaving. But a lot of assumptions and accusations got thrown around and its not like Murra was there to say otherwise right? So by the time the lawmen caught up with her they were already convinced that she was guilty and thats just dereliction of duty... or something. So she beat them up and kept going... and going... and eventually by the time no one was after her any more she was a stranger in a strange land. Not a problem though! Shes not shy about hard work and had a bit of success as a caravan guard. Growl and crack knuckles, collect pay, will travel. Though her appearance makes her exotic in these lands and sometimes unwelcome, Murra rolls with the punches as best she can.
Who do you know here?: Honestly i recognize most of the names in the thread, but i wouldnt claim to be close to any of them due to not being very active here recently.
Familiarity With PF2e: Well read but sadly lacking in actual play. Though im a old hand at 1e and hoping to get some practice.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nope
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: When i have a RP daily, sometimes more. Otherwise i tend to wander off for months at a time.

(Below is a teifling variation on the above character. Similar deal, just palette swapped)
Name: Mira
Ancestry/Class: Human-Tiefling/Barbarian(Martial Artist)
Sex/Gender: Cis Female, but able to swap on demand to a male genital arrangement with a inhuman member, if any partners want poles.
Kinks: Equal opportunity! Men, women, monsters, beasts, you name it! Racism(or religious shunning) might be fun in context along with rough sex, marking/biting, putting on a show and/or humiliation. Submissively inclined, as dominance makes it harder to control herself, but can flip the other way with a partner who can bring that side of her out.
Brief Description: Mira has what might be best called a very dense build. Wide hips, full chest, thick muscle, and yet shes barely the height of an average man's shoulder. Drawing from her fiendish ancestry, she has white hair, a pair of backwards swept horns, amber eyes, and pale lilac coloured skin. In terms of personality she is mellow, careful, and determined however she takes some joy in intense physical activities which translates well into practice and training. On the darker side she sometimes has a hard time controlling her darker and more destructive impulses, which are strong enough to boarder on being compulsive. At one point she turned up at a monastery to learn the ways of the monks hoping it would help her self control but lost patience with the spiritual aspects almost as quickly as she learned the physical ones. And while that whole episode ended in fire, it did serve to give Mira the foundations of her fighting style and lead her to decide that being angry at yourself was a terrible way to control ones anger.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Look, she didn't start the fire okay? That monastery burned down for reasons entirely unrelated to her leaving. But a lot of assumptions and accusations got thrown around and its not like Murra was there to say otherwise right? So by the time the lawmen caught up with her they were already convinced that she was guilty and thats just dereliction of duty... or something. So she beat them up and kept going... and going... and eventually by the time no one was after her any more she was a stranger in a strange land. Not a problem though! Shes not shy about hard work and had a bit of success as a caravan guard. Growl and crack knuckles, collect pay, will travel. Though her appearance means shes often shunned Mira rolls with the punches as best she can.
Who do you know here?: Honestly i recognize most of the names in the thread, but i wouldnt claim to be close to any of them due to not being very active here recently.
Familiarity With PF2e: Well read but sadly lacking in actual play. Though im a old hand at 1e and hoping to get some practice.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nope
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: When i have a RP daily, sometimes more. Otherwise i tend to wander off for months at a time.


  Should there be seperate skills for Arcana and Occultisim or is my sheet template wrong? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Arcana measures how much you know about arcane magic and creatures. Even if you’re untrained, you can Recall Knowledge.

You know a great deal about ancient philosophies, esoteric lore, obscure mysticism, and supernatural creatures. Even if you’re untrained in Occultism, you can use it to Recall Knowledge.


Or, also, a Wizard is arcane, but a Psychic is occult.


Updated my submission with a decent enough picture.

Quote from: Ershin on February 02, 2023, 06:40:25 PM
Okay! Now that character applications have slowed down I've got one further question for all the applicants. You've given me examples of who you know in the area, but how do you know the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker? Has he helped you out in the past, shared a hobby with you or perhaps you've only been introduced to him recently by a friendly face in Fallcrest?

Orgrim and Gundren would have crossed paths before, due to Orgrims wide ranging, enough that they may know each other by name though not necessarily be friends.  Acquaintances would probably be the best word to describe it. 
We few, we happy few, we band of writers;
For they this day that share words with me
Shall be my fellow; be they ne'er so vile,


Quote from: Ershin on February 02, 2023, 06:40:25 PM
Okay! Now that character applications have slowed down I've got one further question for all the applicants. You've given me examples of who you know in the area, but how do you know the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker? Has he helped you out in the past, shared a hobby with you or perhaps you've only been introduced to him recently by a friendly face in Fallcrest?

Sekko is quite new to the area and probably doesn't know Gundren very well. That said it is very easy to prove her credentials as a guard (Magic is rather showy) and she could have either found out about Gundren's seeking via a ad or an introduction by the Innkeeper where she stays.


Bash hasn’t been in the area for long and doesn’t know anyone. Not a lot of people are very friendly to him either for being an orc. But he managed to get friendly with Gundren Rockseeker for his impressive strength. The dwarf was rather friendly to him and they managed to become acquainted with one another.


Quote from: Ershin on February 02, 2023, 06:40:25 PM
Okay! Now that character applications have slowed down I've got one further question for all the applicants. You've given me examples of who you know in the area, but how do you know the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker? Has he helped you out in the past, shared a hobby with you or perhaps you've only been introduced to him recently by a friendly face in Fallcrest?

Also there's still a few days before applications close, so if anyone else feels like adding to the anxiety of having to choose only a small number of these brave souls you still have time

I would say Runa took a few other odd jobs from him if anything. She is a wonderer so she hasn't settled down or really made any connections she's been able to hold onto. Though that is mostly her fault, always on the run, and of what lurks in the shadows. So its hard for her to connect, but its always been something she craves and fears all at the same time.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Ershin on February 02, 2023, 06:40:25 PM
Okay! Now that character applications have slowed down I've got one further question for all the applicants. You've given me examples of who you know in the area, but how do you know the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker? Has he helped you out in the past, shared a hobby with you or perhaps you've only been introduced to him recently by a friendly face in Fallcrest?

Also there's still a few days before applications close, so if anyone else feels like adding to the anxiety of having to choose only a small number of these brave souls you still have time

I imagine that he helped cindrana’s gran to get started on her gun shop, maybe ordered a few pieces for himself?


Okay, I'm loving a lot of the characters and adore the variation in how people know the initial quest-giver. I apologise for not being as active as I should have been on this thread but with work being the way it can be at times I've been just a lil' preoccupied and ever so slightly passed out.
That said, 24 hours as of this post to make any edits to applications, get any in etc - That'll be 7th February 23:30 my time, not sure when that is for other people but just to give an accurate indicator.

Quote from: Muse on February 05, 2023, 10:49:57 AM
  Should there be seperate skills for Arcana and Occultisim or is my sheet template wrong? 
Nope, your sheet is correct - those are two separate things. It's like how witchcraft and wizardry are separate despite being near enough the same.
There are... what, four magic sources / lists? Arcane, Primal, Divine and Occult


We have to make character sheets by tomorrow right? I’m still trying to decide if my monk should be more martial arts based or throw in Ki spells.


Quote from: Raku on February 06, 2023, 07:42:03 PM
We have to make character sheets by tomorrow right? I’m still trying to decide if my monk should be more martial arts based or throw in Ki spells.

Sheets may be completed now or when the group forms, so you have some time to decide if you get chosen.


Quote from: Revelation on February 06, 2023, 07:43:02 PM
Sheets may be completed now or when the group forms, so you have some time to decide if you get chosen.

Thank you. I was unsure of that for a while. I’ll just wait for the final results.


Think the intention was so that the Chosen Ones can commune to cover the bases.

As amusing as it is to find at go time that everyone made DoT specialists it doesn't always work out. :D


And that's time - Entries are now closed and good lord you're not making this easy. Last I counted there were 21 entries. Twenty-one. That's enough for four full groups based on the number of players I feel comfortable running so I'm going to take a few days to go over notes I've been taking, seeing what makes a good fit for the party, story and just outright makes me want to change this or that to fit in background elements you've provided. I'll endeavour to not make you wait too long.

Thanks for all the entries, y'all are great 


I don't envy you the job! Good luck to everyone, either way. :)


O/O's (W.I.P.) | F-List
Request Thread (Freeform/System)


My apologies, running a little late with this - Things have been a bit weird work-wise and have slowed me down a bit. I'll have the group and thread set up tomorrow.


First off I need to apologise for this being so late in coming out. There were a lot of people to go through, hemming and hawing, lots of staring at my own teeny, tiny writing with brief summaries of each character (all crammed onto various A5 pieces of headed paper no one uses any more - I think these are from the days of typewriters), second-guessing at each name circled or crossed out until we've gotten to this point. Work being a pain didn't help but that's neither here nor there.

You may have guessed from the sheer number of people I've sent this message to that I've decided to run two groups of five for The Lost Mines, Group A and Group B. Why? Because I couldn't trim the list any more than I already had. I was even thinking of two groups of six at one point but then I don't know if I have the ability to actually run for that many in a single group.

Group A consists of; Chulanowa, FoxgirlJay, c0i9z, Hatless and pdragon
Group B consists of; Revalation, AribethAmkiir, Hexed, MalachiteDrake and Callie Del Noire

Apologies to all who didn't get in, but with 21 entries there were always going to be people disappointed - Two groups helps mitigate this, but I just don't have the chops to run a full four groups of five players. If spaces become available in the future I hope there's no hard feelings and I can come to you to fill open spaces .

Thank you all for your interest <3

(Oh, I'm choosing not to lock this because at some time I WILL need to reference or quote something I've put down in here and I want to still have access to it)


Congrats to all that made it, hope you all have a lot of fun.

original artwork by karabiner