The Lost Mine of Harkenwold (PF2e) - (CLOSED)

Started by Ershin, January 25, 2023, 04:41:04 PM

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The Lost Mine of Harkenwold

What the devil is this?

The Game
Thanks for asking! I’m currently recruiting for a Pathfinder 2e conversion of the Lost Mines of Phandelver. I’ve been wanting to try out PF2e for a while but no longer wish to wait for one to show up on the forum, so I’m making this one.

The Lost Mine of Phandelver is an adventure that takes players from level 1 to level 5 and in this adaptation I’m setting it in Harkenwold, hence the name of the thread. From here on I’ll be referring to the module at “The Lost Mine” or “TLM”


Harkenwold is an area of the Nentir Vale in D&D4e’s Points of Light general setting, also known as the world of Nerath. Some may know the Nentir Vale as the stomping grounds of Acquisitions Incorporated in their early adventures before they migrated to the Forgotten Realms. You might also be familiar with the pantheon of the world because Matt Mercer nicked them and gave them non-copyrighted titles for the setting of his home setting which became Critical Role. I’m a big fan of 4e, and thought that WotC really threw the baby out with the bathwater (in this case getting rid of Nerath as a campaign setting which had a lot of potential to grow) when they released 5e.

The decision is not entirely based on my desire to not have to copy and paste proper nouns for place names, though it was a factor.

More information about Harkenwold and the Nentir Vale as a whole to come

Adventure Outline
The plot of The Lost Mine is a simple and straightforward one, monster sightings have become more common in recent months in the eastern regions of the Nentir Vale, banditry is on the rise and seemingly becoming more organised and communication between settlements have started to break down. In light of this, the Dwarf prospector Gundren Rockseeker has hired a band of braves to escort a wagon of supplies from the city of Fallcrest to his brothers in the settlement of Harken in the Harkenwold. Gundren has taken a head start along with his bodyguard Sildar Hallwinter to attend business in the town while you all follow with the supplies. You’ve been promised a tidy sum of 10 gold pieces each upon delivery.

The Application Process
I'll be looking for 4-5 players in this game with 1st level characters. Many people have yet to try PF2e so I’m looking for a game to start small and build up over time, same reason why I’m only accepting at most 5 players. Preferably 4, but 5 will be considered if there are enough applications. Any gender will be permitted. Please see the Character Creation section below for further details.
Applications will be open for two weeks from the date of posting, 25th January - 7th February with players being noted on the 10th or 11th February (depending on my work schedule). This is to give people enough time to find the thread, see if they’d like to play, come up with a concept and post.

Character Creation

Permitted Content
Any class, ancestry or heritagefrom published material is permitted. Throw any 3rd party stuff at me for consideration and we can talk about it. I'm always open to seeing new, cool things.

The common ancestries in the Nentir Vale are humans or halflings (in settlements such as Fallcrest) and dwarfs (typically from Hammerfast)  though I'm not going to restrict you to these as Tieflings descended from the fallen Empire of Bael Turath are becoming more of a common sight amongst others. But know that being a typically monstrous race such as a hobgoblin, bugbear of full-blooded orc may make some situations harder for you.
It really is a pity that Dragonborn didn’t make it into PF2e, but at least we have Kobolds, the travel-sized Dragonborn.
Again 3rd party is an option and if you can bring me something cool I might want to play in the future who am I to say no?

I’d prefer people not play evil characters. If you can think of a compelling reason to be evil and still play nice with the group though, I’d honestly enjoy reading it. Anything else on the alignment chart is fair game.

Starting Equipment
Normal starting equipment for a level 1 character, that being 15 gold pieces or 150 silver pieces. From there feel free to buy anything in your price range.

Character Sheets
May be completed now or when the group forms. For now I'd like you to complete the following template to show us a little of your character's background and what you had in mind for their class and race. This is mostly to establish who might work well together and who may enjoy similar content;

[float=right][img height=200]CHARACTER IMAGE GOES HERE[/img][/float]
[b]Name: [/b] What shall we call this lovely person?
[b]Ancestry/Class: [/b]
[b]Sex/Gender: [/b]What have you got going on down there? What does your character identify as?
[b]Kinks: [/b]What would you be interested in happening during downtime or happen to you in encounters? Which gender interests you and do you prefer more monstrous monsters or humanoid ones?
[b]Brief Description: [/b]At least some physical, some personality
[b]What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: [/b]
[b]Who do you know here?: [/b]
[b]Familiarity With PF2e: [/b]
[b]Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: [/b] eg: pictures of spiders, clowns, blood etc?
[b]How Often Do You Elliquiy?: [/b]Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

Archives of Nethys - A free, approved repository of all things Pathfinder 2e
Pathbuilder - A free character builder with (I think) all options for characters available in the game

In-Game / House Rules
For this adventure we will be using the Story-Based rules for levelling rather than XP, so after each appropriate point in the adventure path the group will gain a level. The adventure is expected to run from level 1 to level 5 (and maybe something after if people want to continue)

Magic Item Costs
Wait, hang on… There’s actually costs attributed to each individual item here. Instead we’re looking at
Common and Uncommon choices for now, if you’re looking for anything Rare or Unique for an ancestry or feat please ask permission.

It has its place, and you’re free to attempt to explore it with other players and NPCs during downtime. It won’t be the main focus of the adventure but this being Elliquiy it is likely going to happen – however to keep the pace of the main game it’ll happen in side threads.

After the Adventure

Say we reach level 5, we beat the adventure, we’ve had a raucous time and have come to enjoy each others company and the characters and NPCs we’ve played? I’ve got something in mind for that, but I’m going to try and make sure this doesn’t up and die on us first before that.


(Posting here in case I need the space)


FoxgirlJay Eryin Drexel, Human Fighter (F)
Raku - Bash, Orc Monk (M)
c0i9z - Nigel, Kobold Wizard (M)
Praxis - "Ser" Florian Brinkerhoff, Human Fighter (M)
Callie Del Noire - Cindrana Longpath, Tiefling Gunslinger (F)
MalachiteDrake - Ylena Daerleiru, Elf Investigator (F)
SilkenVenom - Ileria Wintermourn, Arctic Elf Gunslinger (Fu)
salaciouspen - Micah Olgen, Human Ranger (F)
pdragon - Actii, Beastkin Swashbuckler (H/F)
AribethAmkiir - Kotone, Kitsune Bard (F)
Hatless - Delphina 'Del' Briglaine, Human Rogue (F)
Isengrad - Aranmarir "Able" Bilal, Tiefling Magus (M)
Revelation - Alice Fabre, Human Barbarian (H)
CurvyKitten - Runa, Fethcling Summoner (F)
Xurtan - Jazk Iuccagra, Lizardfolk Cleric (M)
Hexed - Sekko, Kobold Sorcerer (F)

Setting Information (slowly putting this together)

Asmodeus is the evil god of tyranny and domination. He rules the Nine Hells with an iron fist and a silver tongue. Aside from devils, evil creatures such as rakshasas pay
him homage, and evil tieflings and warlocks are drawn to his dark cults. His rules are strict and his punishments harsh:
✦ Seek power over others, that you might rule with strength as the Lord of Hell does.
✦ Repay evil with evil. If others are kind to you, exploit their weakness for your own gain.
✦ Show neither pity nor mercy to those who are caught underfoot as you climb your way to power. The weak do not deserve compassion.

The good god of change, Avandra delights in freedom, trade, travel, adventure, and the frontier. Her temples are few in civilized lands, but her wayside shrines appear throughout the world. Halflings, merchants, and all types of adventurers are drawn to her worship, and many people raise a glass in her honor, viewing her as the god of luck. Her commandments are few:
✦ Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands, and Avandra smiles upon you.
✦ Strike back against those who would rob you of your freedom and urge others to fight for their own liberty.
✦ Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that change is for the better.

Called the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut is the lawful good god of justice, protection, nobility, and honor. Lawful good paladins often revere him, and metallic dragons worship him as the first of their kind. Monarchs are crowned in his name. He commands his followers thus:
✦ Uphold the highest ideals of honor and justice.
✦ Be constantly vigilant against evil and oppose it on all fronts.
✦ Protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order

Bane is the evil god of war and conquest. Militaristic nations of humans and goblins serve him and conquer in his name. Evil fighters and paladins serve him. He commands his worshippers to:
✦ Never allow your fear to gain mastery over you, but drive it into the hearts of your foes.
✦ Punish insubordination and disorder.
✦ Hone your combat skills to perfection, whether you are a mighty general or a lone mercenary.

The unaligned god of spring, beauty, and the arts, Corellon is the patron of arcane magic and the fey. He seeded the world with arcane magic and planted the most ancient forests.
Artists and musicians worship him, as do those who view their spellcasting as an art, and his shrines can be found throughout the Feywild. He despises Lolth and her priestesses
for leading the drow astray. He urges his followers thus:
✦ Cultivate beauty in all that you do, whether you’re casting a spell, composing a saga, strumming a lute, or practicing the arts of war.
✦ Seek out lost magic items, forgotten rituals, and ancient works of art. Corellon might have inspired them in the world’s first days.
✦ Thwart the followers of Lolth at every opportunity.

Erathis is the unaligned god of civilization. She is the muse of great invention, founder of cities, and author of laws. Rulers, judges, pioneers, and devoted citizens revere her, and her temples hold prominent places in most of the world’s major cities. Her laws are many, but their purpose is straightforward:
✦ Work with others to achieve your goals. Community and order are always stronger than the disjointed efforts of lone individuals.
✦ Tame the wilderness to make it fit for habitation, and defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness.
✦ Seek out new ideas, new inventions, new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer. Build machines, build cities, build empires

Gruumsh is the chaotic evil god of destruction, lord of marauding barbarian hordes. Where Bane commands conquest, Gruumsh exhorts his followers to slaughter and pillage. Orcs are his fervent followers, and they bear a particular hatred for elves and eladrin because Corellon put out one of Gruumsh’s eyes. The One-Eyed God gives simple orders to his followers:
✦ Conquer and destroy.
✦ Let your strength crush the weak.
✦ Do as you will, and let no one stop you

Ioun is the unaligned god of knowledge, skill, and prophecy. Sages, seers, and tacticians revere her, as do all who live by their knowledge and mental power. Corellon is the patron of arcane magic, but Ioun is the patron of its study. Libraries and wizard academies are built in her name. Her commands are also teachings:
✦ Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another.
✦ Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms. Pursue education, build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient lore.
✦ Be watchful at all times for the followers of Vecna, who seek to control knowledge and keep secrets. Oppose their schemes, unmask their secrets, and blind them with the light of truth and reason

Kord is the unaligned storm god and the lord of battle. He revels in strength, battlefield prowess, and thunder. Fighters and athletes revere him. He is a mercurial god, unbridled and wild, who summons storms over land and sea; those who hope for better weather appease him with prayers and spirited toasts. He gives few commands:
✦ Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction.
✦ Be brave and scorn cowardice in any form.
✦ Prove your might in battle to win glory and renown

Lolth is the chaotic evil god of shadow, lies, and spiders. Scheming and treachery are her commands, and her priests are a constant force of disruption in the otherwise stable society of the evil drow. Though she is properly a god and not a demon,
she is called Demon Queen of Spiders. She demands that her followers:
✦ Do whatever it takes to gain and hold power.
✦ Rely on stealth and slander in preference to outright confrontation.
✦ Seek the death of elves and eladrin at every opportunity

Melora is the unaligned god of the wilderness and the sea. She is both the wild beast and the peaceful forest, the raging whirlpool and the quiet desert. Rangers, hunters, and elves revere her, and sailors make offerings to her before beginning their voyages. Her strictures are these:
✦ Protect the wild places of the world from destruction and overuse. Oppose the rampant spread of cities and empires.
✦ Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature.
✦ Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature. Live in harmony with the wild.

Moradin is the lawful good god of creation and patron of artisans, especially miners and smiths. He carved the mountains from primordial earth and is the guardian and protector of the hearth and the family. Dwarves from all walks of life follow him. He demands these behaviours of his followers:
✦ Meet adversity with stoicism and tenacity.
✦ Demonstrate loyalty to your family, your clan, your leaders, and your people.
✦ Strive to make a mark on the world, a lasting legacy. To make something that lasts is the highest good, whether you are a smith working at a forge or a ruler building a dynasty.

The good god of the sun and summer, Pelor is the keeper of time. He supports those in need and opposes all that is evil. As the lord of agriculture and the bountiful harvest, he is the deity most commonly worshipped by ordinary humans, and his priests are well received wherever they go. Paladins and rangers are found among his worshippers. He directs his followers thus:
✦ Alleviate suffering wherever you find it.
✦ Bring Pelor’s light into places of darkness, showing kindness, mercy, and compassion.
✦ Be watchful against evil

The Raven Queen
The name of the unaligned god of death is long forgotten, but
she is called the Raven Queen. She is the spinner of fate and the patron of winter. She marks the end of each mortal life, and mourners call upon her during funeral rites, in the hope that she will guard the departed from the curse of undeath. She expects her followers to abide by these commandments:
✦ Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.
✦ Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. Punish hubris where you find it.
✦ Watch for the cults of Orcus and stamp them out whenever they arise. The Demon Prince of the Undead seeks to claim the Raven Queen’s throne

The unaligned god of the moon and autumn, Sehanine is the patron of trickery and illusions. She has close ties to Corellon and Melora and is a favourite deity among elves and halflings. She is also the god of love, who sends shadows to cloak lovers’ trysts. Scouts and thieves ask for her blessing on their work. Her teachings are simple:
✦ Follow your goals and seek your own destiny.
✦ Keep to the shadows, avoiding the blazing light of zealous good and the utter darkness of evil.
✦ Seek new horizons and new experiences, and let nothing tie you down

Tharizdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. His name is rarely spoken and even the fact of his existence is not widely known. A few scattered cults of demented followers revere him, calling him the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye. Tharizdun doesn’t speak to his followers, so his commands are unknown, but his cults teach their members to:
✦ Channel power to the Chained God, so he can break his chains.
✦ Retrieve lost relics and shrines to the Chained God.
✦ Pursue the obliteration of the world, in anticipation of the Chained God’s liberation

Tiamat is the evil god of wealth, greed, and envy. She is the patron of chromatic dragons and those whose lust for wealth overrides any other goal or concern. She commands her followers to:
✦ Hoard wealth, acquiring much and spending little. Wealth is its own reward.
✦ Forgive no slight and leave no wrong unpunished.
✦ Take what you desire from others. Those who lack the strength to defend their possessions are not worthy to own them

Torog is the evil god of the Underdark, patron of jailers and torturers. Common superstition holds that if his name is spoken, the King that Crawls burrows up from
below and drags the hapless speaker underground to an eternity of imprisonment and torture. Jailers and torturers pray to him in deep caves and cellars, and creatures of the Underdark revere him as well. He teaches his worshippers to:
✦ Seek out and revere the deep places beneath the earth.
✦ Delight in the giving of pain, and consider pain you receive as homage to Torog.
✦ Bind tightly what is in your charge, and restrain those who wander free

Vecna is the evil god of undead, necromancy, and secrets. He rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret. Evil spellcasters and conspirators pay him homage. He commands them to:
✦ Never reveal all you know.
✦ Find the seed of darkness in your heart and nourish it; find it in others and exploit it to your advantage.
✦ Oppose the followers of all other deities so that Vecna alone can rule the world.

Zehir is the evil god of darkness, poison, and assassins. Snakes are his favored creation, and the yuan-ti revere him above all other gods, offering sacrifice to him in pits full of writhing serpents. He urges his followers to:
✦ Hide under the cloak of night, that your deeds might be kept in secret.
✦ Kill in Zehir’s name and offer each murder as a sacrifice.
✦ Delight in poison, and surround yourself with snakes

Nentir Vale




Drellin's Folley







Tor's Hold


Name: Eryin Drexel
Ancestry/Class: Human Fighter
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Bi-Sexual. Particularly enjoys giving oral.
Brief Description: A brave and dutiful soon-to-be-Knight. Tries to do her best, but harsh training has left her with a penchant for second-guessing. Protective of the people of the Vale, sometimes patronizing.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Seeking out a Quest and Glory to achieve full Knighthood.
Who do you know here?: Passing knowledge of most villagers of Harken. As a squire for a few years, Eryin knows of most the servants of Harken Keep, and the noble family. Her closest relationship is with the Knight she squired for, Lady Jode Farngrad.
Familiarity With PF2e: Built characters a bunch, played very little.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nah
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Check daily, reply semi-daily-ish


Name: Bash
Ancestry/Class: Orc Monk
Sex/Gender: Male
Kinks: Females, Bisexual, Monstrous, Consensual, Rough Sex, Vaginal, Oral
Brief Description: A quiet and imposing full-blooded orc. Despite his young age, he’s already reached six feet in height. Through the teachings of his mentor, he has gone against the savage nature of his kind and Gruumsh. The terrible treatment of others brings out the buried anger within him. Bash wishes to proof to others that not all orcs are complete monsters.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Continuing my journey of mastery of myself and strength.
Who do you know here?: Nobody. Orcs aren’t usually welcomed, even when they’re trying to be friendly. I’ve been keeping to myself for now.
Familiarity With PF2e: I’m familiar with PF1e and just started PF2e. I made a fighter for it recently.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: N/a
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Planting flag of interest.   Will start working on a cs when I get off work

Callie Del Noire

I’m interested. Leaning Tiefling or Fletchling rogue or inventor or gunslinger (if they’re allowed).Perhaps a warforged er an Automaton?



Ershin, I've been waiting forever for you to do a new game!


Same!  Same!  Please look with charity upon my application. It well be coming soon.
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Name: Nigel
Ancestry/Class: Kobold Wizard
Sex/Gender: Male
Kinks: Bisexual, humanoid monsters, mild corruption
Brief Description: Nihel is a blue kobold, a bit shy, but intensely curious. Wears a large pair of glasses gifted to him by his mentor.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Nigel lives there, in Hammerfast, where ghosts walk the streets, though he's only lived there a few years, since his mentor decided that it would be a good place for research.
Who do you know here?: His mentor, of course, Faris Lesage, as well as many local people and merchants around the area where he lived, as his mentor often had him go off to find some strange item or other needed for his research.
Familiarity With PF2e: Only read up on it a bit.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nothing particular
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


I am at work right now, but planting a flag of interest.

original artwork by karabiner


Overall character concept it in your inbox Ershin!


Name: "Ser" Florian Brinkerhoff
Ancestry/Class: Human / Fighter (Sword & Shield)
Sex/Gender: Male!
Kinks: Females of all races interest Florian, as does a full night's sleep.  Depending on the day, a full night's sleep, a good cup of tea and a book to read is of greater priority than female companionship.
Brief Description: Helpful, patient, ingratiating.  Florian is quite eager to leave the history of his family in the past and is eager to prove his worth to people of the Vale.  Pushing his forty-seventh summer in the Vale, Florian is impeccably groomed even when on the run.  A little over 6' tall, Florian would not necessarily be considered "imposing".  Present?  Sure.  Capable?  Let's see, really.  Imposing?  Right then, never really.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?:   "Ser" Florian Brinkerhoff; not to worry, the title is merely honorary, purchased really from the Mayor of Fallcrest.  Certainly not earned based off of Florian's self-described middling ability with the sword and shield.

The Brinkerhoffs ran a successful stable and horse trading business in Fallcrest for many decades up until some unfortunate business with some overly-inquisitive adventurer types who revealed the Brinkerhoffs were involved in some manner of foul dealings with a few of the other "noble" families of Fallcrest as well as some devil worshippers and some plan to acquire some manner of fell artifact of incalculable power.

Quite unseemly really and despite Florian having never really been interested in horse trading or the family business. it did not stop the local citizenry from grouping him in with the rest of Florian's relatives.

Things grew quite unpleasant until finally Florian was forced to flee Fallcrest (with his longtime and aged butler, Winklethorpe) whilst the Brinkerhoff manor house was burning to the ground and people with pitchforks cheered.

Florian led a sheltered life, his nose buried in all manner of books and scrolls as well as receiving tutelage about the sword and shield from an imposing tiefling female by the name of Geitel.  While Geitel could be unyielding in her instructions and did appear to be a worshipper of Asmodeus, Geitel always treated Florian with regard and dealt with him in a hard but what could be considered fair manner when instructing him in matters of the sword and shield.

Florian is now on the run.  Ashamed of his family's reputation and not particularly eager to relive such things, he's hoping to do something of "value" and prove his worth so that possibly Outriders from Fallcrest will stop hunting him.

Who do you know here?: No one really

Familiarity With PF2e: Quite.

Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nope!
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Always weekly.  Quite often daily.

Callie Del Noire

Name: Cindrana Longpath
Ancestry/Class: Tiefling Gunslinger
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Lesbian, Mild bondage , Humanoid/Monsters
Brief Description: Cindrana was someone with another name, a child of the caravan folk. Till puberty went astray and she starting growing horns, a tail and vestigial wings. Her body finally stabilized and she was quietly encouraged to leave the clan. Her grandmother, a retired adventurer, left with her, and raised her as caravan guards. Now an adult with her grans training in firearms she’s looking for adventure and thrills.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Her gran is wanting to settle down and retire. She settled on the Vale as a place she could set up shop.
Who do you know here?: Her Grandmother.
Familiarity With PF2e: Very, I play biweekly.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nope, none
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Name: Ylena Daerleiru
Ancestry/Class: Elf Investigator
Sex/Gender: Female, Woman
Kinks: Pansexual, consensual, open to trying new things.
Brief Description: Ylena is a petite young elf still learning her first real occupation. She's driven and enthusiastic about her work, seeing new places, and meeting new people. She can be a bit naive, but her pretty face and sweet demeanor have gotten her out of the small bits of trouble she's fallen into so far.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Exploring the area, collecting historical information and accurate mapping.
Who do you know here?: No one, but looking to make friends!
Familiarity With PF2e: Newbie
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Harm to children
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Name: Ileria Wintermourn
Ancestry/Class: Arctic Elf Gunslinger
Sex/Gender: Futa
Kinks: Females, Humanoid or Monstrous, Consensual
Brief Description: Ileria stands at a height of just over 6 feet, having a lithe and elegant build as most elves do. Pale skin and white hair tend to make her stand out in a crowd of southern people. A rough life has hardened her and made her hesitant to get close to anyone. Seeking redemption, and maybe absolution, from a shady past, she tries to do what she believes is right, even if it sometimes goes against what others think.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Hunting the assassin that killed her wife
Who do you know here?: Rommel Daggerblack, retired Dwarven gunsmith and Forgemaster
Familiarity With PF2e: Some, played only once and not for long
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: None
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Too Much. Read daily. Post maybe once a week, sometimes more.


I'd like to throw my hat in for this!

Name: Micah Olgen
Ancestry/Class: Human Ranger
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Heterosexual; Elven/Half-Elven/Human men, younger men; Consensual, threesome (mfm) curious but otherwise vanilla (for the most part).
Brief Description: Above average height for a woman at 5' 9", time and the toil of village life has rendered Micah lean, with hardwood limbs; she dresses practically rather than fashionably, yet, when more lightly dressed, many people are surprised to see that she is still very much a woman and not a shrivelled imp.  Practical and no-nonsense, she retains the patience of one who has raised a family and grandchildren through thick and thin, but has enough moments of warmth to let people know that life hasn't beaten her yet and she's still up for the next challenge life will throw at her.  Like a courgar, she's fiercely protective of family, including those of close association.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Following the trail of bandits that attacked her home village of Nenlast.  Whilst Micah is a hunter by disposition, humanoids have proven an entirely different challenge altogether, eventually leading her to Fallcrest to see if any organized response was being made.  As her relationship with most inhabitants of Nenlast, Micah only knew Gundren off-hand as someone who came to Nenlast to trade dwarven goods, so when she again heard of the dwarf in Fallcrest and that he was lookin for people to escort a caravan he was sending down to Harken (a region she suspected the bandits were working out of), she immediately made herself available for the task, partly in hopes that there might be some confrontation with the bandits whilst she has people on her side, and partly to see what she can learn about them whilst in the company of others.
Who do you know here?: Most folk of Nenlast, at least passingly.
Familiarity With PF2e: Transitioning from 1e; probably somewhere just below 'Trained'.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Anything that belongs in the toilet (but only sexually speaking). Cruelty/torture to animals and children.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily or every other day, depending on RL.
O/O's (W.I.P.) | F-List
Request Thread (Freeform/System)


Name: Actii
Ancestry/Class: Beastkin / Swashbuckler
Sex/Gender: Herm / Female
Kinks: pansexual, switch, oral, vaginal, anal, group, gang-bang, rough, outdoor, light bondage, pet-play, food play
Brief Description: Actii hails from a village of strix that have been cursed with a form of insectile transformation. Actii is among the third generation to be born since the changes started occurring, and her moth like features are so dominant that one would never guess what her actual ancestry was supposed to be. Her skin is stark white, contrasted by jet black chitin covering her legs and four arms. Tufts of white fuzz accent her neck and limbs, and a set of antennae protrude from her hair. While normally hidden away, for obvious reasons, her mouth can open up to reveal a set of mandibles sharp enough to serve as a weapon. Even her wings are completely insectile, bearing no similarity to the avian wings of her ancestors.

Actii is a soft spoken and resolute woman. She is driven by a strong wanderlust, a desire to seek out new places and face new challenges. She holds herself to a strict code of honor, though the actual tenets of that code may sometimes seem strange or even nonsensical to others. It adds an air of eccentricity that sharply contrasts her serious demeanor.

What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: While Actii's travels have naturally led her towards this part of the world, the rumors of monsters is what has drawn her towards the Vale specifically. She believes it to be a worth wile detour to investigate these rumors, on the off chance of facing a strong beast, or perhaps to encounter other strong adventurers drawn by the same news.
Who do you know here?: None, she is a total outsider.
Connection to Gundren: Actii encountered Gundren a month or so back when she first arrived in the region. She happened upon him on the road, in the midst of getting shaken down by highwaymen. Compelled by her code of honor to not abide such abuse, she dispatched the bandits and escorted him to the next village over. It was from him that she got a basic run down of the area, as well as a few stories of monsters that influenced her decision to come here.
Familiarity With PF2e: Played a couple games before
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: real close up pics of spiders I suppose
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Usually every 2-3 days.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Name: Kotone, "The Mockingbird"
Ancestry/Class: Kitsune / Bard
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Putting on an epic performance full of daring-do, impressive tales, and high heroics.   Some romance, or just some fun and sexy shenanigans at the local tavern/inn/haystack.  Enjoys attention from either gender equally.  Monsters are monsters, whether monstrous or humanoid (no preference).
Brief Description: No Tail form: An attractive brunette with pale skin and yellow eyes.  She moves with a dancer's grace and performer's flair.  Nimble fingers pluck the strings of her instruments just as easily as they loosen purse strings or dip into pockets.  She dresses flamboyantly in bright colors which broadcasts her chosen profession.  Whether speaking or singing, or voice is melodically soothing.
True Form: Alert vulpine ears stand atop her head, and golden eyes peer out from behind a pointed snout.  Black dense fur covers her from head to toe, and she has a single bushy tail. 
Personality: Endlessly inquisitive and curious.  Quick with a retort (witty or not), verbal jest, pun or simply a laugh.  An avid student of social interactions, and other races in general.  She can get lost in a good story, tricky riddle, catchy tune, or unfamiliar instrument.  She's often singing or humming to herself.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Bringing a bit of joy, hope, and merriment to the honest and hardworking folk of Nentir Vale.  Also, looking for her inspiration for her next epic tale.  What better place to find it than a region besot by beasts and bandits?
Who do you know here?: The innkeeper was pretty nice, as was his daughter.  I've befriended a few of the tavern's patrons.  Always amazes me how far a smile and a wink can get'cha.  But, you know me?  I've probably talked to everyone in town, at least once.  Not sure what questions I asked whom, but I charmed them all and invited each and every good person to come watch me perform.
Familiarity With PF2e:   Almost none.  Know PF1 and D&D 3.5/5e .  Hope to learn and have fun.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Phobias?  no.  Offs?  yes!  (rape scenes, bathroom stuff, etc.)
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Check E multiple times a day.  Post usually 3-4 times per week, depending on speed of the game.


You know what this game needs? More applications. Numbers and stuff will probably be along later today or tomorrow.

Name: Delphina 'Del' Briglaine
Ancestry/Class: Human Rogue
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Humanoid men. Del's more interested in chasing a different kind of thrills, but she does have a weakness for the bad boy types.
Brief Description: Del is a rebellious spirit at heart. Her parents always held out hope that it was just a phase and their daughter would settle into the comfortable courtly life that they had planned for her. What was once innocently slipping past nannies to help herself to extra sweetbread has become an entire criminal lifestyle that Del thinks she wants and won't be dissuaded from pursuing. Whether genuine or an act of defiance, she plays at being a thief rather than being one by necessity, which has earned her some ire from the honest, hard-working criminal elements around town. It doesn't help that her parents' money kept her out of jail multiple times when Del first started fumbling around at night. Still, there were a few misfits out there that sought to take advantage of the rich girl by taking her in and found themselves pleasantly surprised by Del's natural aptitude.

Del exclusively wears black leather to achieve the look that she's going for, though the lack of any wear or tear gives away just how recently it was acquired. Her once flowing hair has been cut short in the hopes that she would look tougher, but it's still too well cared for to fool anyone. Her hands, though dexterous and skilled, have all the signs of someone that's never seen a single day of physical labor.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: She lives here. Del has plans to graduate to something more exciting and dangerous than breaking and entering though. To her, adventuring sounds like the next logical step up.
Who do you know here?: Del has an odd social circle that includes some of Fallcrest's wealthiest and most influential members as well as those sitting on the lowest rung of the social ladder. The local law enforcement is fairly familiar with her, with most of its members considering her a spoiled brat that needs to find a new hobby. Del likes to think of them as friendly rivals.
Familiarity With PF2e: A little. I've taken one character for a spin through the first book of Agents of Edgewatch.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Not really
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily-ish

How do you know Gundren Rockseeker? Del's a strange creature. She staked out one of Gundren's storehouses and thought the security looked formidable enough to be a fun challenge. Like any good thief, Del scaled the building in the middle of the night, found an entry point, and popped open a few locks to see if the dwarf had anything good. The problem, as it always tends to be with Del, was that she didn't actually care about taking anything. Thievery for her was always more about the act itself than the reward, so what good was running off with the prospector's valuables? But also...what was the point of doing something awesome if no one knew you did it?

So, Del found Gundren the next morning, ill-gotten goods in hand and gave what she stole right back to him. Usually, such a stunt led to angry threats about calling the guards or a lot of confused looks, but Gundren was more impressed than anything. He offered Del a job as a 'security consultant' which she took because it wasn't often that someone encouraged her little hobby. The money wasn't exactly steady -- a few tests of new anti-theft measures and one or two instances of spying on some rival businesses -- but money never was much of a motivator for Del in the first place.



Name: Aranmarir "Able" Bilal
Ancestry/Class: Human(Teifling)/Magus
Sex/Gender: Male(He/Him)
Kinks: Bisexual, Multiple Partners, Breeding(or implied), Humanoid or partial humanoid monsters, Bondage, possibly incest(non-nuclear)
Brief Description: Able is probably one of the more severe looking teiflings, large and powerful with the look of something straight from the nine hells. A fact he has honed into a very intimidating glare that has served him very well throughout his life. His keen mind had helped him pick up a bit of magic through study and blending into his martial form through training with the Fallcrest militia.

In truth, as intimidating as he looks he is probably one of the more Genuine people you will meet. Lies always taste bad on his tongue and his penchant  for telling the truth can rub people the wrong way. Still he will be the first one to buy you a drink at the end of a long day or step between you and the wolf that is creeping towards you.

What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: He lives and works in Fallcrest, primarily as a guard for House Azaer. Having been taken in by the family at a young age.

Who do you know here?: The Azaer family, him being cousin to Amara Azaer. He also knows a few of the regular guards and regularly gets drinks with members of the militia.

Familiarity With PF2e: Own the core rulebook from a humble bundle, have tried to play in a few Games but they Never went far.

Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: none that will make me spurge. As long as were not Chaotic Evil Grimdark warhammer fantasy I should be fine.

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: I am on daily, as I keep it up and check my bookmarks every day.

original artwork by karabiner


Name: Alice Fabre
Ancestry/Class: Human Barbarian (Either spirit or dragon instinct barbarian)
Sex/Gender: Hermaphroditic woman.
Kinks: Solely interested in humanoids, and women at that. Mostly vanilla like romance, light bondage, etc.
Brief Description: Alice is a tall and statuesque blonde with green eyes, her armor is a looser collection of metal and leathers, and she prefers two handed weapons. Personality wise, she's confident in herself and is happy to boast about her feats - but also holds a more caring side to her when it comes to companions who might need help. In battle however, she intends to back up that confidence with killing intent. Loyal to her friends and prefers a straight forward, no nonsense approach to matters.
What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: Lives in Fallcrest, but wanderlust has taken to her, and she is happy to roam.
Who do you know here?:

Lucas and Beatrice Fabre: Her parents - both blacksmiths in Fallcrest, known for fine quality weapons and armor.

Dana Harper: A baker in Fallcrest whom makes sweets that Alice is fond of and often pines for when away from home.

Gundren Rockseeker: A patron of her parents blacksmith shop, she's familiar with the dwarf and knows him to be a valuable customer to her parents.

In addition, should any other Fallcrest based PC's be accepted, I am more than happy to work out some sort of prior knowledge/interactions with one another.

Familiarity With PF2e: Made a character for it, but never got far with the game. Happy to learn.
Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nothing that comes to immediate mind.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily.


Name: Runa
Ancestry/Class: Fetchling /summoner
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Bisexual, switch with a curious nature willing to try just about anything once. (Respect my off's please)

Brief Description: Runa is like a dark sultry mystery that draws up in and demands to be solved. But she will always remain elusive. Seeming flirty and upfront when you first meet her, her true intentions always hidden away till she was prepared to follow through with her plans. Amoral bit, not one to simply ignore those weaker than she is. She is one to befriend most anyone as long as they are good to her. Though she finds herself more comfortable around those that have not seen the best in life. Those high in social standing tend to avoid her due to the strangeness that follows her. Though her beauty has been known to draw the eye of many in different social standings. Tall, dark skinned with vibrant red hair. Her style leans towards the functional yet alluring all at the same time.

What are you doing in the Nentir Vale?: She's never really had a home to settled down, so she wonders and has found herself in Nentir Vale by chance.

Who do you know here?: N/A beyond the some of the locals she has met at the inn she doesn't really know anyone as she is new around these parts.

Familiarity With PF2e: Somewhat, I am not as familiar with 2e but I am willing to learn and do pick up on things fast.

Do you have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Oh bring anything and everything! I'm  game for it as long as its not in my offs and will lead to rp goodness!

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: I tend to check up on it daily, but I have been a bit slow to post. One or two a week for a scene, but if my muse is really into it I can easily manage more.

Callie Del Noire


I Know, so many fun profiles...and quite frankly I enjoyed playing around with the PF2e Builder, you have to pay like 7 to unlock the pets page and stuff like optional rules. but it really does have A LOT of content, even some 3rd party material.

original artwork by karabiner


I guess people were hungry for a pathfinder 2.