Champions / Fantasy Hero / Hero System

Started by Opale, November 11, 2020, 03:44:04 PM

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I wanted to know if there were any GM for the HERO System interested in leading a game for Champions in 5th or 6th edition ?
And yes, including smut as well ^^

Crossing my fingers.

Captain America

If so, I'd be up for cracking open an edition of Hero/Champions and relearning.
Skype Captain America (

Feel free to pester me.


Neat Capt'n ! AS a player or Gamemaster ?  :)


It's been years since I ran Hero System.  I've done 4e and 5e.  I believe I have some PDFs of 6e.  Champions or Fantasy, eh?


Hi MasterMischief !

I'd prefer Champions (including strong smut elements) but I could go with Fantasy (Turakian or Valdorian age) :)

I have good memories of games I had with an old GM when I was just the "girlfriend" brought here to join the game lol


What power level did you have in mind?  I prefer real world locations for cities and countries in my super campaigns.  Would that be alright?


Any power level is fine to me :)
Just let me know what are the character points and the active points

And sure, the setting and location is all yours

Captain America

Quote from: Opale on November 14, 2020, 05:48:43 AM
Neat Capt'n ! AS a player or Gamemaster ?  :)

Sorry, the reply didn't come on my page!  As a player. Schedule won't let me GM. :(
Skype Captain America (

Feel free to pester me.


*peeks*  do you have room for another player?  :)
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Captain America

*uses mind control powers to make Opale GM. :D *
Skype Captain America (

Feel free to pester me.

Thufir Hawat

You might have more luck now that Hero is on Bundle of Holding 8-)!
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I'm definitely down to play Champions, especially with smut!  Possibly Fantasy Hero too, I've never actually done it before and only vaguely know the settings.

I think the most successful PbP Champions games I've been in had all the PCs and villain NPCs built at Speed 4 and Dexterity 18, so everyone acts in the same phase and when they post, with the stats for each character up, so whoever acts can see if they hit and how much damage they did to their target.  It kept things moving along at a brisk pace which is, of course, critical to PbP combat.
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Neat :)

Would you be up to GM this TFcommando ?


Quote from: Opale on November 05, 2021, 03:41:25 AM
Neat :)

Would you be up to GM this TFcommando ?

I’d rather play, unfortunately. Also, heading into a busy season at work so not a good time to even think of GMing a game of any sort.
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


well, if the game happens, i'll let you know :)


My first thoughts for a champions game include
- the majority of superhumans are female, somewhere between 75% and 90% (could be favored thanks to shapeshifting powers rather than a gender disparity)
- superhuman powers come with a noticeable sexual thrill when used (character drawback, might include power limitations instead/as well)
- that said most crimes are committed not from a desire for money, but using flashy/destructive powers to achieve orgasm (some villains may only have a 1% chance of getting off through power use)
- power use becomes addictive or is the only way to get off for superhumans

Of course this is assuming smut is the desired end result, I'm perfectly fine with simply designing individual powers or power suites for smutty stuff (news stations can still broadcast heroic exploits that are family friendly)
- at least one would be based off Poison Ivy and pheromones in this case


Those are nice and intriguing ideas mjrbatou :)

How do you feel about GMing such a game ?


Quote from: Opale on November 06, 2021, 11:17:25 AM
Those are nice and intriguing ideas mjrbatou :)

How do you feel about GMing such a game ?
I wouldn't mind being GM, I've found that I can play with all sorts of builds and abilities that way.

Should there be a player vote for the two options?
A - Superpowers come with addictive horniness and potentially limited orgasms leading to a larger number of minor crimes
Power levels will be lower in this game with the focus more on smut than getting stronger.

B - there's simply a surge in smut based abilities that are optionally used, though most superhuman will have at least one if not more


I'm ok with both options, and you can even mix the two of them :)

How many points are the character based on ?
What are the active Points and cv limits ?


Quote from: mjrbatou on November 06, 2021, 12:21:22 PM
I wouldn't mind being GM, I've found that I can play with all sorts of builds and abilities that way.

Should there be a player vote for the two options?
A - Superpowers come with addictive horniness and potentially limited orgasms leading to a larger number of minor crimes
Power levels will be lower in this game with the focus more on smut than getting stronger.

B - there's simply a surge in smut based abilities that are optionally used, though most superhuman will have at least one if not more

I like B better, though some villains  might be feeling A.  Anyway.  There could be an explanation… a sexy sorceress has her wicked plot fouled in a big crossover but there’s some perverted fallout…. Or there’s no explanation and only some heroes notice the changes…. While still being affected by them!
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


standard heroic for option A
- 175 character points, 50 matching complications, 5 cv limit, 40 active points
- most characters have a complication that causes orgasms when using powers, many also include a second that prevents normal methods
- powers are new in the world so no organized teams, bases, or other things you may be expecting

standard superheroic for option B
- 400 character points, 75 matching complications, 8 cv limit, 60 active points
- every character has at least 1 power either dedicated to or favoring smutty activities
- a perverted cult managed to complete a ritual to alter the world, anyone with mystical abilities knows what's happened but none have been able to 'fix' this reality

Option C
- 250 character points, 50 matching complications, 6 cv limit, 50 active points
- characters are thrust into a world where their powers are either locked, modified, or replaced with smutty versions
- think along the lines of Alice in Sexland, true violence is nearly impossible to succeed with

If anyone has another suggestion for the overall feel of the game feel free to offer it.


I like B the most, for the widest range of powers, concepts and activities.   Plus agency. Though I do love Alice in Sexland! :)  The preventing things kind of feels constraining.

The PCs might have worked together to try to stop the cult... or maybe they partially succeeded and stopped the "And all will worship our cult's god and have us run society" part of the ritual.

Superheroing and villaining is already a sexually-loaded activity, changing clothes outside, wearing skimpy or skintight outfits, going out to peek through windows at all sorts of perverted crime before jumping in to wrestle with people dressed like you... take that up a few notches and watch out! :)

Seeing, and participating in, standards changing and taboos fading in the aftermath of the ritual sounds quite fun for me.
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay