Dark Hearts 5e [Hard Difficulty] West Marches Style (Recruiting, Co-DM Wanted)

Started by Jezabelle, December 06, 2017, 06:49:31 PM

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Dark Hearts
Passion & Corruption

Primary IC Thread
OOC Thread

All is not well on the isle of Ilmyon.  Humans squat amidst the ruins of an ancient civilization in the port town of Hard Harbour.  The roads are overgrown and constantly beset by beasts and brigands.  Every nook and cranny teems with hostile wildlife.  Life is cheap, but living is expensive: many left in the port lured by tales of adventure turn to crime or suicidal forays into the wilderness in search of enough loot to get them through the month.

Character Creation
All officially published Wizards of the Coast content is permitted.  Unearthed Arcana is not permitted. 

Stat generation is done one of two ways, 27 point buy or rolled.  Rolled stats are (4+1d6+1d8) freely allocated.  Roll eight times, discard the lowest two. 

You always get your maximum possible roll for HitDice on character creation and level up.  You're gonna need that extra meat.

Any race/gender/alignment is permissible, with the understanding that the nature of the corruption that lurks is not strictly "evil"--you have no way to align yourself with it, short of becoming intentionally defeated.

Alongside the normal sheet please list your preferred demise: death, imprisonment, or corruption.  Regardless of preference you will be removed from play just as thoroughly upon your demise, the key exception being that those who have been corrupted may return as mini-bosses (potentially piloted by the player) and those imprisoned may be the subject of rescue attempt quests.  They may have taken statistical damage due to harsh treatment depending on the nature of their imprisonment.

ReRolling & Retiring Characters

When your character is removed from play, you may create a new character at one level below your old one (minimum level 1).  You get no additional material compensation for this loss, rendering you potentially quite poor.  If you would like to change characters, you must retire your current character and either re-roll as if you'd been removed from play involuntarily or change to presently retired character.  You may only retire a character once per real week.  If you wind up with multiple characters in play (i.e. your imprisoned character is rescued) then you must retire down to one current character.

Character Sheet
Given the plethora of ways to make a 5e Sheet, I'm only going to include RP information in the eSheet.

[u]Avatar[/u]: [float=right][img height=200 width=120] image url goes here [/img][/float]

[u]Sexuality[/u] (IC): (the sexuality of your character)
[u]Acceptable Encounters[/u] (OOC): (is gay/non-con permissible? Always or by request? Etc)

[u]Physical Description[/u]:
[u]Personal History[/u]:

[b]Demise Preference[/b]: (death, imprisonment, corruption)

[b]Sheet[/b]: (link, embed, solder onto, or whathaveyou your character sheet here)

Ilmyon & Hard Harbour

Ilmyon is a jungle island a bit too far off the beaten path between continents to be regularly visited by the more reputable traders.  Those bound for parts unknown, looking to lie low for awhile, or interested in the ancient ruins of the island's lost civilization come here.  Most leave as quickly as they're able. 

What rural folk exist are strange and insular, keeping to very specific rituals and protocols to avoid the dangers of the island.  Some say ungodly sacrifices are carried out in the dead of night beneath the full moon to sustain the farmers' compacts with foul entities, but these are unsubstantiated rumours at best.

People are generally downtrodden, but not overtly cruel.  Expending the energy to harm others means less to see to oneself.  Still, if it is a question of survival or duty, few denizens of Ilmyon will hesitate to shed blood.

Hard Harbour

This majority-human settlement is the last bastion of civilization on Ilmyon.  Its denizens squat amidst ancient stone structures and beautiful edifices.  Far from the modern settlement overgrown walls in the jungle imply this was once a vast, fortified city.  The only thing left to indicate this now are the high white walls around the keep.

The Governess rules by no right but her own, and she intends to keep it that way.  She is 500 years old, and if she has a name, no one beyond her castle's walls dare speak it publicly.  Occasionally a naval power will jockey for control and try to install a vassal.  This has lead to a level of paranoia about outsiders of any influence, who she has monitored and dealt with at first sign of treachery.

Most of the people in Hard Harbour have never known life on another shore, and few have ventured more than two miles from the town--if that.  The island is a mystery to them, and while the Governess is said to keep extensive maps of the island none are publicly available.  Ships attempting to more closely map its coasts have a habit of never returning.  This leaves even the geography beyond the harbour itself something of a mystery.

Adventures & Parties
Adventure leads will circulate around town.  Some are public knowledge, others must be pieced together from clues, and yet more will only reveal themselves to those who have delved deep into the jungle.

When multiple people are trying to go on the same Adventure, they may attempt to form a Party.  The Party max is four (4).  If there are too many people seeking to adventure, people who have been in play without going on an Adventure the longest gain priority.  At least one Party member must know of an Adventure for the Party to go on it (nb: Co-DMs may have higher or lower party ceilings).  Adventures which are not cleared have their state "atrophied" until another Party returns to fight through the aftermath. 

If a group leaves the Adventure site and returns to town that is considered the end of the Adventure for Party formation/foray purposes as if they had all been killed.  The Adventure location will stay similar to how it was when they left, although it will "atrophy" towards more danger being present\things moving around.  For example if you left some cheese where rats could find it, when you return it may be eaten.

Original OP

Hello friends.

I'm considering running a 5e game for no more than 4 characters on an adventure at a time (but infinitely more in the stable able to freeform RP).

The idea would be that this is a dangerous world and you begin at Level 1.  You will have the option of dying or being "corrupted" if\when your character dies (removing you from general play but opening up a potential PvP encounter as a mini-boss).

Setting would be deadly and dangerous, Neutral is the assumed default and only rare paragons or the truly perverse rate as Good or Evil (PCs tend to be trendbreakers).  There'd be a central bastion of civilization, and reasons to go outside--needing money to live, adventure, potential for renown, etc.  Combat would be tactical and high stakes.

With it being Westmarches style I'd be open to co-DMs, if I acquired them they could run adventures at a max party size of the co-DM's choosing.

Is there any interest for this sort of game?

Westmarches Style
If you're unfamiliar you can watch a video on the subject, but for those looking for the q&d:

Westmarches Style campaigns are ones without a singular party, but a collection of people who sometimes form parties.  They go out on discrete adventures to gain loot, glory, eXP, and importantly: information that will uncover new adventures and advance the various plot threads strewn about.  This means you won't always venture forth with the same group of people, or at all, giving time for free form social RP in Hard Harbour.  Here you can plot, ruminate, socialize, and try to make a non-adventurer living as best you can.

The Roster
Approved Characters & their Status


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on December 07, 2017, 02:49:20 AM
I love 5e; this could be fun.  What's Westmarches?

From what I can gather, it's a game style that has a large pool of players and / or characters who opt-in on given adventures rather than havign a set "party" - I think it could best be flavored as liek an "adventurer guild' setup.

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: AndyZ on December 07, 2017, 02:49:20 AM
I love 5e; this could be fun.  What's Westmarches?
Matt Colvile does a decent job of explaining it in this video:
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


I'd have to check this video of Matt Colville first, but apart from that; what are the limitations? Is Volo's and Xanathar's content allowed? Is all PHB content allowed? This sounds like the type of game for which you'll want to min-max your character for combat as much as possible just to survive the challenges ahead while focusing less on social and exploration skills.


Given the amount of interest voiced, I will improve OP significantly with details.

Quote from: Caitlin on December 07, 2017, 04:03:42 AM
I'd have to check this video of Matt Colville first, but apart from that; what are the limitations? Is Volo's and Xanathar's content allowed? Is all PHB content allowed? This sounds like the type of game for which you'll want to min-max your character for combat as much as possible just to survive the challenges ahead while focusing less on social and exploration skills.

All officially released Wizards of the Coast content is permitted. 

Unearthed Arcana is not permitted.  I know, it's a bummer.  I like some of it too, but for the balance I'm hoping to strike it'd be hard to incorporate.

Matt's video is excellent but here's the tl;dr on Westmarches: a large group of players exists in some location.  They occasionally venture out onto an unknown map to quest in a group, not always the same group and not all of them (see my 4 at a time limit).  They reveal more information about the map and area, uncovering new plot threads or advancing other ones.  In this way the whole place is interwoven.


Quote from: Jezabelle on December 07, 2017, 12:54:37 PM

Matt's video is excellent but here's the tl;dr on Westmarches: a large group of players exists in some location.  They occasionally venture out onto an unknown map to quest in a group, not always the same group and not all of them (see my 4 at a time limit).  They reveal more information about the map and area, uncovering new plot threads or advancing other ones.  In this way the whole place is interwoven.
Oh wow, okay, I'll admit, I quite like that idea! ;D

I generally play a Cleric, but I'm tempted to play either a ranger or a wizard for a change. I quite like bards as well, but I think that class would be too weak to be of much use.

Could you tell me how much percentage you expect to be combat, social encounters, and exploration? Originally, I thought it'd be mostly combat, but what you told me made me rethink that.


Quote from: Caitlin on December 07, 2017, 01:04:19 PM
Oh wow, okay, I'll admit, I quite like that idea! ;D

I generally play a Cleric, but I'm tempted to play either a ranger or a wizard for a change. I quite like bards as well, but I think that class would be too weak to be of much use.

Could you tell me how much percentage you expect to be combat, social encounters, and exploration? Originally, I thought it'd be mostly combat, but what you told me made me rethink that.

You're probably looking at 15% social skills, 25% exploration skills, 60% combat.  The combat will be tactical and difficult.  The social and exploration skills will mostly be to navigate and gain advantage in dungeons\wilderness environs, for example there may be some less-hostile-than-normal dungeon denizens to negotiate with or secret passages to be revealed.

Adventures will vary and not all will adhere closely to that--some will be more straight-up fights, others will be infiltration or exploration focused.  They will still be difficult!  And deadly!  And include Hard Difficulty Encounters.  But there's going to be a breadth of options, and it'll depend on what a plurality of players want to take for their Adventure when the time comes.

I think that it could be fun to play a Bard in such an environment, if they croak you can always re-roll.  Of course, there will be some anxieties for the group over someone coming in with a less-than-optimal character but I would encourage people to take a relaxed approach and avoid any undo stress.  I will allow you to re-roll at Character Level -1 in the event of untimely demise, meaning the largest losses they'd incur by a wipe would be material and emotional.

This isn't to say your whole existence will be in dungeons, but when you're back in town proper it'll be comparatively free-form.  In this sense you are "unloaded" from the DM's load.  This allows us to put no upper cap on players in a System game, but also means that if we don't get a "Town DM" you won't be able to do much skill use in town.  I would allow you to ply a trade, operate a business (supposing you can put together the wealth), or do something similar in town that involves rolls but not get into mechanical fights that aren't part of an adventure.


Actually, I see it as a perfect training exercise in combat for tabletop. ;)

The biggest question is what I should focus on as a class. I've got quite a bit of experience now as a cleric, although granted, most of it is low level stuff, but I haven't gotten to play ranger or wizard a lot yet. I'm tempted to try my luck with a wizard though. I have a character sheet already completed for another game I ran and I managed to get the wizard up to level 4 in that game. It'd be interesting to see how far I could take him this time. :-)


Quote from: Caitlin on December 07, 2017, 02:16:07 PM
Actually, I see it as a perfect training exercise in combat for tabletop. ;)

The biggest question is what I should focus on as a class. I've got quite a bit of experience now as a cleric, although granted, most of it is low level stuff, but I haven't gotten to play ranger or wizard a lot yet. I'm tempted to try my luck with a wizard though. I have a character sheet already completed for another game I ran and I managed to get the wizard up to level 4 in that game. It'd be interesting to see how far I could take him this time. :-)

That could be fun!  Do note that under charGen there's a unique stat generation method.  You can certainly import characters, but you'd need to restat them.


I typically use 27 point buy system and I used that method on that character too. Is 27 point buy stat alright?


Quote from: Caitlin on December 07, 2017, 02:55:55 PM
I typically use 27 point buy system and I used that method on that character too. Is 27 point buy stat alright?

Hmmmm.  I'd considered making people roll but now that I think about it, that doesn't really serve a purpose other than convention.  27 pb is acceptable.


The big advantage of 27 point buy is that you'll end up with a balanced party as well, stat-wise anyway. I'm DMing a 5e game myself too and I find that it makes it a bit easier to balance encounters knowing that each character is about equally strong.


Quote from: Caitlin on December 07, 2017, 03:08:25 PM
The big advantage of 27 point buy is that you'll end up with a balanced party as well, stat-wise anyway. I'm DMing a 5e game myself too and I find that it makes it a bit easier to balance encounters knowing that each character is about equally strong.

I've never been big on well balanced parties, some of my players are obsessed with the concept but I'd run all Rogues or a party of Monks any day.


Voicing my interest!

What is the possibility of sexual content playing a submissive male? Looking at Jezabelle's preferences, that seems pretty unlikely! I'm fine with playing a female character if that's what is 'necessary' for the game.

I didn't see this answered outside of the original post (which I wasn't sure how accurate it was): Are we're starting at L1?

Heavily considering a Rogue or a Bard.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 07, 2017, 03:29:58 AM
I voice interest for westmarch styled game :)

Quote from: AndyZ on December 07, 2017, 02:49:20 AM
I love 5e; this could be fun.  What's Westmarches?

Quote from: Kathyan on December 07, 2017, 03:22:50 PM
This sounds pretty interesting, I'm in ;)

Quote from: Lockepick on December 07, 2017, 03:30:41 PM
Voicing my interest!

What is the possibility of sexual content playing a submissive male? Looking at Jezabelle's preferences, that seems pretty unlikely! I'm fine with playing a female character if that's what is 'necessary' for the game.

I didn't see this answered outside of the original post (which I wasn't sure how accurate it was): Are we're starting at L1?

Heavily considering a Rogue or a Bard.

I'm fine with dominating males (perhaps my site preferences are outdated in that regard?), the world will be a bit porny and if you pick the "Corruption" demise option you can definitely expect something lewd.  There's also the possibility of player on player.  You can expect some versions of monsters to be porned up, generally the humanoid ones as I didn't advertise this as bestiality-friendly.

You can fuck and get fucked in the town, and I'm not ruling out lewd occurrences on the adventure trail--I'll go thru the On\Offs of everyone in that Party before making a call on what\how to include such content, as well as your listed IC\OOC sexuality/preferences.

Yes you still start at Level 1.

Good to see we've got some interest, once I've got three (3) approved characters I'll post the IC & OOC threads.  For now, ask or collaborate or bounce ideas as you will.

Zaer Darkwail


Name: Irvine Duskthorn
Race: Human (variant)
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Sexuality (IC): Heterocurious (fine with futa but not strictly male x male)
Acceptable Encounters (OOC): Non-Con (ask/request), dub-con (always), male x male (never), hetero (always)

Physical Description: Standing six foot tall with ruffled brown hair and amber eyes with rough cut handsome visage Irvine is hard man not be noticed by others. More so as he carries himself with confident swagger in his steps and prefers wear bright or attention seeking clothes. But otherwise besides color his clothes are mundane and rustic in origin. He carries a darkwooden staff with embedded dark red gemstone in the gnarled rooted tip.
Personal History: Irvine is son of a carpenter and he was very much expected to pick up the family trade since his elder sister vanished one day in trip to the woods for fresh timber. Irvine and his most immediate family lived in farm which they ran (along doing carpenter work here and there on demand and payment) one mile off from Hard Harbor (like most farms do). One night of full moon dark beasts emerged from the woods which caught his father offguard, devouring him as he and his mother ran. They reached the safety of their home but beasts were relentless and did not give up, trying break through the door and windows and during that time he muttered a prayer, for any power or anything, to listen and hear his plea and offer him power to save his life as he did not wish to die.

Then a femine voice spoke; "You can have power, but every power has it's price.....I ask you perform sacrifice for tribute to me." In given circumstance only thing of value he could sacrifice was his mother....so he grasped her, opened the door and threw her upon beasts as he shouted into the night; "Now give me power!" As beasts feasted upon his mother, he was infused with eldritch forbidden power which fueled his veins with hellfire and he struck with fury of hell upon the beasts which were caught off guard by his bravado and new powers! It did not take long for beasts crumble before him and leave him bury remains of his family.

As he lied of about events of the night to locals, they praised him as a hero who saved locals from the beasts (and faced tragedy loosing both parents), so he is praised as local hero and expected to do more heroics! Much for his chagrin, however he has learned to see bright sides being a hero; free drinks, people trusting you, buy more eagerly your services as carpenter and women more easily spreading their legs for him. However the voice which whispered to him urges him on to explore, increase his power and promise greater things await for him. More so every night he has disturbing, corruptible, sort of dreams which he barely remembers as he wakes up.

Demise Preference: Corruption

Sheet: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1142314

Stats rolled

10+8 = 18
9+7 = 16
9+7 = 16
6+5 = 11
7+4 = 11
5+7 = 12
8+7 = 15
9+3 = 12

Mister Ugly

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits"
Albert Einstein

What makes the ugly feel pretty ...


Name: Lena Thunderstorm
Race: Human (variant)
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Sexuality (IC): Pansexual
Acceptable Encounters (OOC): another player dom her: ask first; anything else: yes, always

Appearance: Tall and strong Lena does still have the body and the looks to get away with whatever she wants without having to resort to violence. Heavy and firm plump breasts, long shapely legs ending in a exquisitely toned bubbly butt and a lovely face framed by her dirty blonde long hair, and she perfectly knows how to use this to her advantage though she still loves to get rough as well. She will almost always be found wearing heavy armor, a dark armor that exposes her assets allowing her to get her way whenever she wants, heavy metal boots run high up to her mid thighs exposing her cheeky pantyhose thanks to the slit of her skirt while the front of her armor clings tightly to her ample bosom leaving nothing to the imagination though offering her great protection despite the fact that it still allows a hand to slide in between her luscious orbs.

She has little concern for the hindrance such heavy armor would offer as she is not one that would hide from an encounter, instead her usual hip sway drawing lots of attention to her. She also has an emblem of her deity tattooed on the outer side of her right breast.

History: Having lived all of her life in the outland Lena learned to be tough and self-reliant though she grew up in a pirates gang so she learned about teamwork too. Being the strongest she was always in front to cover everyone from imminent danger whenever they assaulted a ship or razed a port town. That was not enough though as one day a long shot spell was cast directly to the leader of the gang, they still won and killed every opposition but their leader fell as well. Lea was heavily shocked by this event and all they could retrieve from the responsible spellcaster was a book written in an exotic language that none of them could understand. With no further ties bonding her to her former group she took the book and departed looking for an answer, she didn't have it clear herself what was she looking for but she did have clear she needed a new master. With the mysterious book in her hands and none of her former teammate being able to dissuade her Lena set her way into the unknown.

After loosing her leader she began a search for a new motivation to live and a new leader to follow, recently she met lots of people and she wasn't able to decide yet to follow only one so while not usual on her she submissively obeys both.

Personality: A bad ass and a troublemaker who likes to do what she wants and enjoys picking up fights and yet very protective and even possessive with her friends, when likes something or someone she will just take it. She is very dominant with everyone excepting to her leader whom she will be very submissive to.
Trait: To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city.
Ideal: I’m committed to my crewmates, not to ideals.
Bond: I’m loyal to my captain first, everything else second.
Flaw: I follow orders, even if I think they’re wrong.

Demise Preference: Imprisonment


Class: Cleric 1, Tempest Domain
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Equipment: Warhammer, Club, Light crossbow (20bolts), Chainmail, Shield, a Holy Symbol (emblem), a priest’s pack(backpack, a blanket, 10 candles, a tinderbox, an alms box, 2 blocks of incense, a censer, cleric vestments, 2 days of rations, and a waterskin), a set of common clothes, 50 feet of silk rope, a diary written in a language you don’t know and a belt pouch containing 10 gold pieces.

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 9 (1d8+1)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3), DEX 10 (+0), CON 13 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 12 (+1)

Feats: Heavy Armor Master
Saving Throws: Wis +5, Cha +3
Skills: Athletics +5, Deception +3, Perception +5, Persuasion +3, Religion +1
Tools: Navigator's Tools, Vehicles(water)
Senses: passive Perception 15
Languages: Common, Primordial

Warhammer.Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage.
Light Club.Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage.
Light Crossbow .Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d8 piercing damage.
Unarmed Strike.[/i] Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage.

Bad Reputation. No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the

Heavy Armor Master. While you are wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage you take from nonmagical weapons is reduced by 3.

Spellcasting.. Prepared spells equal to Cleric level (1) plus Wis Mod (3). Can change on long rest.
Ritual Casting (Cleric). Can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
Spellcasting Focus (Cleric). Can use a holy symbol instead of the common components specified to cast spells.
Domain Spells. You gain a list of spells according to your domain and you always have this spells prepared. If a domain spell doesn’t appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

Divine Domain (Tempest). You gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.
Wrath of the Storm. When a creature within 5 feet that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dex save(13) or receive 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on a successful save. You can use this feature 3 times (Wis) per long rest.

Cantrips. Guidance, Sacred Flame, Light
Level 1. 2 slots: Bless, Command, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Fog Cloud, Thunderwave

XP gained: 50


Quote from: Mister Ugly on December 08, 2017, 10:10:01 AM
Can we use classes from the Sword Coast?

Mister Ugly

Yes, as they are officially published WotC material.

Doesn't mean the Sword Coast exists, i.e., there is no such organization as the Harpers, but I'll allow the classes mechanically and find another explanation for the class's existence. 

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 08, 2017, 08:11:35 AM

Name: Irvine Duskthorn
Race: Human (variant)
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Sexuality (IC): Heterocurious (fine with futa but not strictly male x male)
Acceptable Encounters (OOC): Non-Con (ask/request), dub-con (always), male x male (never), hetero (always)

Physical Description: Standing six foot tall with ruffled brown hair and amber eyes with rough cut handsome visage Irvine is hard man not be noticed by others. More so as he carries himself with confident swagger in his steps and prefers wear bright or attention seeking clothes. But otherwise besides color his clothes are mundane and rustic in origin. He carries a darkwooden staff with embedded dark red gemstone in the gnarled rooted tip.
Personal History: Irvine is son of a carpenter and he was very much expected to pick up the family trade since his elder sister vanished one day in trip to the woods for fresh timber. Irvine and his most immediate family lived in farm which they ran (along doing carpenter work here and there on demand and payment) one mile off from Hard Harbor (like most farms do). One night of full moon dark beasts emerged from the woods which caught his father offguard, devouring him as he and his mother ran. They reached the safety of their home but beasts were relentless and did not give up, trying break through the door and windows and during that time he muttered a prayer, for any power or anything, to listen and hear his plea and offer him power to save his life as he did not wish to die.

Then a femine voice spoke; "You can have power, but every power has it's price.....I ask you perform sacrifice for tribute to me." In given circumstance only thing of value he could sacrifice was his mother....so he grasped her, opened the door and threw her upon beasts as he shouted into the night; "Now give me power!" As beasts feasted upon his mother, he was infused with eldritch forbidden power which fueled his veins with hellfire and he struck with fury of hell upon the beasts which were caught off guard by his bravado and new powers! It did not take long for beasts crumble before him and leave him bury remains of his family.

As he lied of about events of the night to locals, they praised him as a hero who saved locals from the beasts (and faced tragedy loosing both parents), so he is praised as local hero and expected to do more heroics! Much for his chagrin, however he has learned to see bright sides being a hero; free drinks, people trusting you, buy more eagerly your services as carpenter and women more easily spreading their legs for him. However the voice which whispered to him urges him on to explore, increase his power and promise greater things await for him. More so every night he has disturbing, corruptible, sort of dreams which he barely remembers as he wakes up.

Demise Preference: Corruption

Sheet: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1142314

Stats rolled

10+8 = 18
9+7 = 16
9+7 = 16
6+5 = 11
7+4 = 11
5+7 = 12
8+7 = 15
9+3 = 12

Looking good, approved.

Quote from: Kathyan on December 08, 2017, 04:00:42 PM
Name: Lena Thunderstorm
Race: Human (variant)
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Sexuality (IC): Pansexual
Acceptable Encounters (OOC): another player dom her: ask first; anything else: yes, always

Appearance: Tall and strong Lena does still have the body and the looks to get away with whatever she wants without having to resort to violence. Heavy and firm plump breasts, long shapely legs ending in a exquisitely toned bubbly butt and a lovely face framed by her dirty blonde long hair, and she perfectly knows how to use this to her advantage though she still loves to get rough as well. She will almost always be found wearing heavy armor, a dark armor that exposes her assets allowing her to get her way whenever she wants, heavy metal boots run high up to her mid thighs exposing her cheeky pantyhose thanks to the slit of her skirt while the front of her armor clings tightly to her ample bosom leaving nothing to the imagination though offering her great protection despite the fact that it still allows a hand to slide in between her luscious orbs.

She has little concern for the hindrance such heavy armor would offer as she is not one that would hide from an encounter, instead her usual hip sway drawing lots of attention to her. She also has an emblem of her deity tattooed on the outer side of her right breast.

History: Having lived all of her life in the outland Lena learned to be tough and self-reliant though she grew up in a pirates gang so she learned about teamwork too. Being the strongest she was always in front to cover everyone from imminent danger whenever they assaulted a ship or razed a port town. That was not enough though as one day a long shot spell was cast directly to the leader of the gang, they still won and killed every opposition but their leader fell as well. Lea was heavily shocked by this event and all they could retrieve from the responsible spellcaster was a book written in an exotic language that none of them could understand. With no further ties bonding her to her former group she took the book and departed looking for an answer, she didn't have it clear herself what was she looking for but she did have clear she needed a new master. With the mysterious book in her hands and none of her former teammate being able to dissuade her Lena set her way into the unknown.

After loosing her leader she began a search for a new motivation to live and a new leader to follow, recently she met lots of people and she wasn't able to decide yet to follow only one so while not usual on her she submissively obeys both.

Personality: A bad ass and a troublemaker who likes to do what she wants and enjoys picking up fights and yet very protective and even possessive with her friends, when likes something or someone she will just take it. She is very dominant with everyone excepting to her leader whom she will be very submissive to.
Trait: To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city.
Ideal: I’m committed to my crewmates, not to ideals.
Bond: I’m loyal to my captain first, everything else second.
Flaw: I follow orders, even if I think they’re wrong.

Demise Preference: Imprisonment


Class: Cleric 1, Tempest Domain
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Equipment: Warhammer, Club, Light crossbow (20bolts), Chainmail, Shield, a Holy Symbol (emblem), a priest’s pack(backpack, a blanket, 10 candles, a tinderbox, an alms box, 2 blocks of incense, a censer, cleric vestments, 2 days of rations, and a waterskin), a set of common clothes, 50 feet of silk rope, a diary written in a language you don’t know and a belt pouch containing 10 gold pieces.

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 9 (1d8+1)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3), DEX 10 (+0), CON 13 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 12 (+1)

Feats: Heavy Armor Master
Saving Throws: Wis +5, Cha +3
Skills: Athletics +5, Deception +3, Perception +5, Persuasion +3, Religion +1
Tools: Navigator's Tools, Vehicles(water)
Senses: passive Perception 15
Languages: Common, Primordial

Warhammer.Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage.
Light Club.Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage.
Light Crossbow .Melee Weapon Attack:[/i] +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d8 piercing damage.
Unarmed Strike.[/i] Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage.

Bad Reputation. No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the

Heavy Armor Master. While you are wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage you take from nonmagical weapons is reduced by 3.

Spellcasting.. Prepared spells equal to Cleric level (1) plus Wis Mod (3). Can change on long rest.
Ritual Casting (Cleric). Can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
Spellcasting Focus (Cleric). Can use a holy symbol instead of the common components specified to cast spells.
Domain Spells. You gain a list of spells according to your domain and you always have this spells prepared. If a domain spell doesn’t appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

Divine Domain (Tempest). You gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.
Wrath of the Storm. When a creature within 5 feet that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dex save(13) or receive 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on a successful save. You can use this feature 3 times (Wis) per long rest.

Cantrips. Guidance, Sacred Flame, Light
Level 1. 2 slots: Bless, Command, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Fog Cloud, Thunderwave

Everything is good but before I can approve, if you could explain how you got your stats?  I put your stats into this calculator and could not quite get it with 27 points, I'd assume you tagged Wis and Str to get your 16s but came up 2 short for the 12 Charisma.

We've got a Neutral Evil and a Chaotic Neutral thus far, I'm really looking forward to how various groups form and play out in high-stakes dungeon encounters.


Quote from: Jezabelle on December 08, 2017, 04:39:42 PM
Everything is good but before I can approve, if you could explain how you got your stats?  I put your stats into this calculator and could not quite get it with 27 points, I'd assume you tagged Wis and Str to get your 16s but came up 2 short for the 12 Charisma.
Oh, I think I didn't specify it but the feat I took also raises str by 1.


Quote from: Kathyan on December 08, 2017, 04:55:10 PM
Oh, I think I didn't specify it but the feat I took also raises str by 1.

Aaah, must've been it, I figured it was a feat but saw no mention in the ones you'd taken and figured I'd ask before looking it up.

Anywho, we're one character approval away from posting the ICs and OOC, but don't worry if you don't have your sheet in yet--if I get the sense there's people going to put their sheets in soon I'll delay the 1st Adventure's departure until they can join the game (assuming there's less than 4 going on it).

In terms of knowing other characters I highly recommend having some pre-established familiarity with other characters, Lena Thunderstorm's reputation as a bad apple precedes her and Irvine Duskthorn is a Folk Hero.  That should save us a lot of the pages on pages of introduction that kill lots of games, not that I'm going to tamp out dialogue but it helps establish "why would I think this was a good person to adventure with?"


I'll be gone for the weekend, so I won't have a sheet until Monday!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!