Dungeon crawl-freeform- interest check

Started by Verasaille, December 09, 2014, 07:57:33 PM

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Deep down in the depths...the air is warm...what there is of it. There is no sunlight here...in fact you do not know where you are. You went to bed in your home, safe and snug. You awoke here. The floor is stone, what you can feel of it, grainy and hard. There is a coating of dust on nearby surfaces. You listen carefully and may hear a dripping sound in the distance or merely an echo of one, cave sounds can be misleading.

There is a faint source of light nearby, just enough for you to make out that you are in a cave, actually an alcove in a larger cave. The place where you are is marginally protected with a few rocks. You are not harmed, in fact you seem to be well physically. Though if you had any magic in you it seems to be dormant. It is there inside of you, you just cannot cast. You are in the clothing you went to bed in, if any. You have no weapon to use and no armor.

How you got here is something you may wonder, but no answers are to be found laying here in the relative darkness. As you rise to your sitting position you look over the rocks that are screening you from view of anything or anyone else in the large cavern. It would be wise to be cautious, you are not alone. There are two torches burning in the large room. one on either end. There is also a slab of rock in the center of the room, it appears to be about twenty feet long. There is one lit candle on it.

The sensation of being deep below the surface of the earth is suffocating. The air is not fresh, it is stale and musty. The torches burn with a  snap and crackle. Whoever set you here is testing you. How you react and how you manage to survive is up to you. Look around the small space you have found yourself in.  Your primary concern is survival. Cooperation might be  necessary.

Finding a weapon and armor is just as important as finding food and water. Whatever training you might have had in your life to survive might come in handy. Who knows how  long you will be stuck here, wherever here is.  Anything useful is certain to be found only by exploring the cave. Water seems to be dripping somewhere, perhaps it is clean, perhaps not, but only one way to find out.

The air is a combination of musty and a slight hint of decay. Where you lay is a hard surface with a slight layer of dust and sand covering it. As you search with your eyes in the gloom you realize you are without any of the normal things you take for granted in the way of armor and weaponry. If you went to bed with any sort of clothing you still have that on. If you sleep in the buff...well...then you are still in the buff.


This is the setting you start in. I want to GM this as a freeform dungeon. I want to know if anyone might be interested in this open form. I would like to build it as a easy to get in but hard to get out dungeon. You are starting at the bottom and have to survive. There are ten levels, each with a different feel and more complicated monsters and treasures. The exit is guarded by a huge dragon. He is playing with you, it is his entertainment. Is he evil or simply bored?

I think this might be fun to keep open and let people come and go as they choose. That way anyone can start at anytime at the bottom and work their way out as a solo or if you like with a partner. There would be no posting order as it is just as easy for one person to go through alone as it is for multiples.

If anyone has a suggestion to make this more interesting, please post here or PM me. I will add more to the dungeon as I get feedback as to what people want.
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This sounds like fun ^_^ I'll keep an eye on it.  Maybe go for a mage of some kind.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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It's a simple enough pretense, but it sounds fantastic and fun.  I would really like to see this as a fantasy/survival-horror freeform game, loaded with detail and decisions and not stat-mongering or resource-combing.  I love the sensory detail you're offering-- you seem intent on making this gritty and immersive.  I would like to be considered for something like this.  I think it'd be most successful if it's a small-group,if everyone is as willing to make themselves non-Mary-Sue/Marty-Stu as possible, and everyone devotes at least a paragraph per post of description and detail with you adjudicating conflicts.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


I agree Ixy, I want it to be a small group. If we are to have some fun with it, I would like people to come in as pairs, or we can let a few gather before starting.

I have a chart on a grid sheet, and I have each square marked with what you find. I do not want to make it too complicated, so people without a lot of system experience will feel comfortable with it. I even have maps drawn up on what is in each cavern to be seen with the eye.

What I might need is a co GM to help me with a simple system. I want to learn more about systems.

We might set up two groups, one of adventurers, and one of monsters. Maybe four to six in each group?
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I would love to work on a simple system with you.  I love tweaking systems and could probably work up something simple for this.  Also, would like to play. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Fantastic!! I want to know what kind of races should we allow? I am thinking of limiting it to humanoid basics like Humans, elves, dwarves, and maybe orcs and trolls?

I am open about it however. If more people want a variety and adding such things as pixies or dragonkin (basic reptilian with four legs, a tail and two hands to weave spells. I can see these as monsters and minions of the Great Blue dragon named Sivath, who is the one that threw the adventurers in the dungeon.)

How about we let people vote on what to include? I want more interest, so what do you think would be good to do? Limit to a few races or just anything? Keep in mind I want people to be fairly well matched.
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Well, I didn't plan on including any type of racial modifiers, so I would say anything humanoid is probably fine. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


A bit more on what I originally wrote up for this on another forum.

The air is warm if not a bit stuffy, though the torches seems to be burning all right. The alcove you find yourself in may have something hidden in it or it may not. Look around you, about a twelve foot area of room, uneven walls appear to be free from moisture, and yet you seem to hear a trickle of water somewhere near.

There is room enough for you to stand unless you are over twelve feet tall. The opening to your little alcove is not blocked and you can leave anytime you choose. As you move around a slight noise attracts your attention. Peering out beyond the rocks you can see a very large cave with many alcoves like the one you are in. You look up and see dark shapes in the ceiling. The top of the cave is well over a hundred feet. The light does not illuminate much up there. Is it your imagination or did something up there move?

The room might be fifty feet in diameter and the east end of the slight oblong seems to have a shiny surface on the wall. There is darkness below that wall, and the torchlight seems to be reflected there. One thing is for certain, you are not alone here. There are others waking up just as you are.

The only memory you have is whatever you were doing before you went to sleep.Your memories of the past seem to be fuzzy.  What happens next is up to you. To survive and get home might seem a daunting task. Unarmored and without a weapon, and no idea in the world where you are!

Most of the cave floor seems to be sandy and very dusty. Stalagmites rise from the floor in front of the alcoves, some hang from the ceiling, far above. As your eyes scan the area you see darker areas in the walls above, alcoves up there too? But they are about thirty feet up from the floor of the cavern.

A slight noise attracts your attention and you glance towards the sound. A rat scurries across the floor, stops to glare at you then disappears in a hole in the uneven floor. Might be a good idea to watch where you step. The rat is rather large, maybe the size of a housecat. It has red glowing eyes and sharp teeth and can squeeze into small spaces with ease. If only you had something to hit it with! Roasted rat is edible.
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There's a light system called Dungeon World out there which may interest you.  They have a simple book for it, but all the rules are available online for free.


Check the black line across the top.  The system is one of the lightest I've ever seen, and basically works that you roll two six-sided dice and add a modifier based on your particular stat.  Modifiers can go from -1 for a really low stat to +3 for a really high stat.  6 or less, you fail and something bad happens, but you get a point of XP for failing.  10 or higher, you succeed just fine.  7-9 you succeed with some sort of complication.

Really, though, I think this sounds a lot more fun as freeform.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


It will be very light freeform in that the only times I imagine using any kind of chance is if we go into combat. The only reason I want to use some kind of system is to be fair and not make it a simple walk in the park. I want to reward the people who cooperate as well as those who want to fight. I think putting seduction in the game for something would be fun too. But honestly its up to who signs up and what appeals the most.
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Freeform doesn't necessarily mean walk in the park, especially when the GM has the final decision on what happens.

I've had a few games where we had particularly tough monsters whose primary challenge was that we had to figure out its weakness in order to truly kill it, which may be a method to try if you're concerned over too many people just making unstoppable nightmares.

Granted, none of the three players that have posted so far seem interested in that kind of character.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I'd be interested. Thoughts for character ideas I have so far:

A wandering warrior, maybe an axeman. Definite viking inspiration for this character.
A Faerie that is trapped in the cave. Possibly antagonist towards human survivors, or beneficial to them. I know you mentioned magic being dampened/cut off, but for this character, I would like them to have some low-strength spell capabilities. Could be on the 'monster' side of things, or be more neutral. Faeries are fickle.
A tentacle-beast of one sort or another, a prowling monster interested in very little beyond satisfying its base needs. Definitely an antagonistic force that will work against the players.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


The introduction is really compelling, can almost feel the crushing weigth of the stone above.

Feeling in the mood for something rules light or freeform, so I wouldn't mind a few dice rolls here or there to provide some general pointer to situations or combat.

With regards to available races, I'm open to most things not beyond Yog-Sothoth levels of madness inducing and unspeakable terror. I'd wager most of us have a reasonable understanding of the various generic fantasy races and their variations along with what migth be considered monster races, such as the orcs you mentioned so they're a good starting point. Even the common alcholic Dwarf with a hard-on for stone could find his home deep within a rainforest drinking Gurana-based coffee and hoard diamonds, so there's always options for something unique.


I really would like to keep this freeform pretty much, as I tend to hate dice rolls. If we stick to pretty much letting the GM have a say on what happens would you all be comfy with that?

We can have an IC and OOC  thread for groups, so we can have the OOC as a place to set character sheets and discuss the game as it unfolds.

I will have control over the dragon and what he does, as well as his minions. I don't mind if you sign up more than one character. Maybe if you want to have one standard humanoid and one monster type? Your monster need not be influenced by Silanth (the dragon).

As for magic, I want no magic in the first level. The first level is where you meet and try to figure out where you are and I will allow you to find rudimentary weapons and very minimal armor. As you find a way into the second level, you will gain some of the magic back if you have a magic user to start with.

I plan on letting you all find things as you explore the levels. Better armor and weapons, some may be magical. You will also have to search for food, wood for fires and a way to carry water. Some of the levels have drinkable water, others will be dry. This should be about survival as well as fighting some easily killed monsters and a big point I wanted to make is cooperation between all of you.

I am a big fan of character growth. Maybe your character is a righteous and good person, but is very shy about asking for help, or he/she can be terribly antisocial and is forced to cooperate to survive, or they can be a bit on the chaotic side and have to learn that cooperation will insure their survival and deceit and cheating will be punished. I would like to see each character have a flaw they have trouble dealing with, mostly personality. Does that sound like a good basic premise?
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Can't find any fault with the premise. Resource management, I imagine, could be a good source of inital conflict, I like it.

Any rough ideas on how (or if!) to inform the characters of their situation or purpose within the dungeon, piecemeal by wall scratches left previous ''adventures'' and their delerious musing, something more concrete through arcane tomes or other means? A search for understanding could be a very compelling drive for characters and part of their growth, conversly attempts to live in ignorance could provide another avenue of development.


There will be clues and puzzles left in the various parts of the dungeon. Also you will have to cooperate to find your way out. I love puzzles and cryptic things. I will be testing your knowledge and intelligence a bit. But I am sure someone will be able to get the puzzles.

I will add some obstacles you need to get over, around, or through, some clues as to why they are there, and I hope a fun and rewarding experience.

If there are any questions or suggestions leave them here and if you like I can give us an OOC thread to post character sheets.  They will be pretty simple.

Description:(picture would be nice)
Basic personality:
Weapon preference:
Magic (yes or no and what school-elemental or arcane)
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


Consider me interested - I love me some dungeon crawls.


Name: La'Cael'Rah (Lah-sail-ahh), commonly goes by Cael (sail)
Age: 133
Description:At only 20 inches tall, La'Cael'Rah is actually considered quite tall by his kind. He weighs an astounding 6 pounds. His wings are similar in shape to a dragonfly's,  colored in a wide range of neon colors that make him garish, even by his races standard. He has sharply pointed ears, and an over-all delicate looking frame.
Race: Faerie
Basic personality: Fae are capricious creatures with strong emotions and foreign morality, but La'Cael'Rah manages to keep himself well-tempered. He is curious about humanity, and likes to study it in his free time.
Weapon preference: Magic, Faerie Shortbow
Magic: Yes, Faerie magic (trickery, deception, illusion, shape-shifting, hexes/curses, light healing)
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


That is very good THM! Though if you are one of the adventurers you will have no magic in the beginning level. I would love it if you have a second character, someone to play with in the dungeon.

The whole idea of the no magic in the beginning is to force all of them to cope without it.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


I could start him off without it. I did read your message earlier, and just figured I would put down what his magic is for when/if he gets back.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Sounds good THM, I think it will be fun if we have an eclectic group of misfits or at least a few that do not seem to fit the standard adventurer.

I plan on having at least one normal human who is a rogue. She will have no magic, but a variety of skills that will be useful.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


I worked some on a rogue concept last night, and it's a fairly dark and maudlin in a way.  I can PM you tonight if you'd like.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


I think we have enough people interested to start. Are there any more questions on how this will work? I think I will wait for kckolbe to post up a very simple dice system, if you all don't mind I will let him run the dice system for when we do decide to roll for something. I am thinking just free form for now and we shall see if we need some dice throws later.

Working on a OOC to put in the Light Exotics Group section.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.


If it's going to be freeform then I can't really think of any kind of dice system. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Let's see how it goes and you can all give me a heads up if you don't like it as freeform and we can then work something out.
I have gone off in search of myself. If I should get back before I return, please keep me here.