The Milfs of Cougar Street (Multiple themes)

Started by NileGoddess, June 05, 2014, 11:01:20 PM

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The MILFS of Cougar Street

Tucked away in a cozy corner of the Midwest United States is the city of Forest Hill. It is a small city of about 50,000 people along the shore of Lake Wren. It is a quiet city, though it has a small, bustling downtown, a local marina with a beach, a popular country club and golf course, and a state university, among other features. Most of the city is middle class, though the outer edges of Forest Hill is home to some expensive gated communities and neighborhoods. A short drive down the highway will take you to Parker City, a larger metropolis.

Cutting through a rich neighborhood on the south side of Forest Hill is Cougar Street, which has some of the best real estate the city has to offer. The lowest income of these families is 6 figures. The men are doctors, lawyers, business owners, and executives. They are part of the country club, own timeshares, yachts, and high-end cars. Their wives are gorgeous trophies, and their children attend the best universities, usually out of state.

However, the men are often just too busy with work. They work late hours, up before sunrise and in bed before mid-evening. This makes the lives of their trophy wives a bit on the dull side. There isn't much to do after a while except to spend their husbands' hard-earned money on themselves, and even that gets old with no one to appreciate all the clothes and jewelry they buy. Fortunately, the local high school and university has a high turn around rate. There's never a short supply of strapping young men that catch their eyes, especially ones that live in the surrounding houses near Cougar Street. They know just what kind of sex drive young men have, a few of them having raised some themselves. Their husbands will be too busy to even notice.


As you may have guessed, this is a roleplay about a group of stay-at-home neighborhood women looking to spice up their lives with the local boys. The idea is that this is a fairly close-knit group of women. They are all friends (though of varying degrees), live on the same street, gossip, and hold parties and gatherings. They also share the same frustration of having boring husbands who focus too much time with work. So by hook or by crook, they amuse themselves with some younger meat.

There would be no set storyline, but rather a sequence of events through the days. Each day would bring something different for players to participate in. A weekday might provide some after school fun, leading to some impromptu encounters. A weekend could be time for something more planned and organized, like a dinner or garden party hosted by one of the women, later turning into something more deviant. Further events will be discussed by the playing staff, but the idea is to always have something going on that people can jump into and easily participate with anything.


There will be two groups: the milfs and the young men. Milfs would ideally be in their 40s, but still gorgeous, perhaps with a bit of 'maintenance' along the way. Others may just age well. The character template will allow players to specify such enhancements, like breast implants, a facelift, etc. I also have an assortment of pics, including the above photos in the header, if people want to base a character off of them. All milfs live on Cougar Street, which is the richest street in the neighborhood. They have money to burn, and are somewhat spoiled.

The young men should be strapping, handsome young men, star athletes of a decent upbringing to live in the upper class surrounding neighborhood. They can be new to the neighborhood or be permanent residents. Ideally they should be in their late teens to early 20s (I will double check the lowest age to be certain), and the entire cast should be well rounded in terms of dominant or submissive tendencies. Ie, a more dominant one might be more akin to giving into being seduced, while a submissive one will be a little shyer and require more coaxing.

Additional female characters may be accepted that aren't milfs, though I'm not sure if younger women really have a place in this roleplay.It will be something I have to think on, and listen to any people that have suggestions to implement them.

Keep in mind, we will need a good mix of both characters. All young men can't be open sexual experts and hung like horses. Outgoing and arrogant types are needed just as much as the more self-conscious and hesitant ones. Likewise, we need some variety in milfs too, but they should all posses a certain cunning and manipulation, even if they don't outwardly show it. As GM, I will be critiquing based on what the game needs.

Things to be explored

I'm hoping that this will contain a wide variety of things! The setting should allow for quite a bit: vanilla sex in a bedroom, impromptu sex in different rooms, outdoor erotica (like sunbathing nude), subtle and discreet pleasuring (handjob beneath a busy dinner table), plus kinky and fetish activities. Sexy outfits galore, and just about every deviant activity in between!

PLEASE READ ALL. Please be sure you have enough time for another game before joining. Group games can really suffer from sudden or unplanned drops. As long as absences can be planned for and communicated, the occasional gap of activity isn't so bad. Committed players with genuine interest will keep the game going.

You must be comfortable adhering to other peoples' kinks and desires, and must be comfortable with something potentially in your offs to occur in the thread you are in (not directed at you, but occurring parallel in the story). This will give more flexibility in posts. For example, if you are not into anal sex, there may be anal sex occurring in the thread you are writing in, though not directed at you. If you cannot be comfortable with this, then this game is not for you. That isn't to say you will be forced to play something you don't like. Compromises may have to be made, and communication is a must.

There will be some detail-oriented requirements, such as a post header on each post, and a cap on posting to prevent others from moving too far ahead in a scene. You may have to wait occasionally for a post, and you must be able to use an accurate avatar. If you do not know how to make them, I can assist you.

You may also have to be comfortable with players playing opposite genders, such as male players playing women.

Character template

[float=left][img](Character Image here)[/img][/float]
[b]Nickname:[/b] (A single descriptor for them. Example, The Slut, The Bimbo, etc)
[b]Husband/Career:[/b] (Name their spouse, plus their occupation)
[b]Upkeep:[/b] (Describe any enhancements they have had, ie breast implants, botox, etc. If none, put All Natural)
[b]Sexual Preferences:[/b] (Dominant/submissive, straight, bi, etc. Can also include kinks.)
[b]Secret Fetishes:[/b] (A few especially arousing things they like. Be specific!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written description)
[b]Personality:[/b] (How they typically act)

[float=left][img](Character Image here)[/img][/float]
[b]Studies/Part-time Job:[/b] (list a focus in school, and a job they might have, if applicable)
[b]Sexual Preferences:[/b] (Dominant/submissive, straight, bi, etc. Can also include kinks.)
[b]Secret Fetishes:[/b] (A few especially arousing things they like. Be specific!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written description)
[b]Personality:[/b] (How they typically act)

Submit a profile, or ask any questions you might have. I am also available for private messages and questions.


Looks very intriguing.  Here is a character proposal:

Name: David Halden
Age: 21
Studies/Part-time Job: Arts Major, freelancing in writing and photography
Sexual Preferences: Bi Dominant
Secret Fetishes: A woman in stockings and a pearl necklace (the real one) is a special treat for David, as is pubic hair on a woman (having seen too many smooth-shaven girls).  A woman who is outspoken gets his immediate attention, as does one who has suggestive body language.
Appearance: David has the athletic build of a person who keeps in shape and is health conscious.  With dark hair, volcanic blue eyes, and strong hands, he exudes a boy-next-door appeal.  A bit taller than average at 5' 10", he's not overly heavy for his size at 70 kg (155 lbs.).
Personality: He has a frank personality and looks at others straight in the eye when talking with them, and can come across as playful, though he's serious about anything to do with his work, when he can seem a little distant.  A little reserved at first impression, he flirts like crazy if someone starts with him.  He has an easy going, laid back manner, without appearing lazy, and being new in town, he's out to get to know people and make friends.  A gentleman in public (most times), he's an athlete in the bedroom.


Very interesting... color me interested.

Question... I cannot pick pics or images for chaacters. I can describe in great detail, but images are just not possible for me. Would this be a problem?

As far as characters go, I can play either sex, whichever is needed more.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Sheer, David looks pretty good. Just be mindful of highlighting his athletic build with what his interests are in school. In my experiences, very few art students might be described as athletic. That's not to say they don't take care of their bodies or work out, but when you specifically mention athletic build, it sounds like you're trying to cross him with a football player when in reality he's a pretty-boy charmer. I think stockings and pearl necklaces will be abundant in this game!

Blinkin, may I inquire as to why you are unable to use pictures? There will be some picture work required, such as post headers that contain an avatar.


Name: Lance Jackson

Age: 22

Studies/Part-time Job: Attended business school, recently dropped out after a tape of him having sex at a party with one of his coeds had been leaked on the web. Now he is exploring new opportunities while working part-time in sales at the local exclusive car dealership, a job his father has organized for him.

Sexual Preferences: Straight, dominant in the sense of being sexually assertive

Secret Fetishes:Mature women - quite often, he had to keep by himself that the explosive sex came less from the girl's abilities, but more from the mental image of her mother performing those. Adultery - he is really into married women, or at least in a committed relationship. Exhibitionism/nudism to some degree - he doesn't mind a lot being naked, or seen having sex.

Appearance: Well over six feet tall, lean muscles, hung - Lance knows he is close to the total package. In all, his looks speak of a good upbringing, regular visits to the gym and a healthy lifestyle.

Personality: Lance is self-centered, and aware of what a good-looking scoundrel he is. But he can be charming and talk and act suavely in most situations. Least women would consider him 'marriage material', but since he isn't after that, he doesn't mind. That aside, he is a firm believer in opportunities and doors opening at the right time. His expulsion is meant to be a family secret, however, in such a closely-knit community, nobody might know how much of it is around in rumors.
If you like any of my plays, let me know,
and we may cook up something of our own...
[/td][td]    [/td][td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td][td]
Movie Quote of the Moment:
T. McG.: What did happen exactly (last night)?
J.T.: The earth moved. The angels wept. The polaroids...are in my other coat.


MrDisclosure, could you please specify why exactly he dropped out of college? I can understand if it would be a personal thing for him as a character, but the profile should be a little more open than that. Also, would it be possible to perhaps find a slightly more appropriate pic? That model looks a bit too old for 22, and it'd be nice to find a slightly more casual pic of a young man with most of his clothes on.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 06, 2014, 12:35:38 PM
Blinkin, may I inquire as to why you are unable to use pictures? There will be some picture work required, such as post headers that contain an avatar.

I would refer you to the line in my info above, under the term Male that reads "Yes, I REALLY am blind."

That pretty much says it all. If someone is willing to help me find a pic that suits whatever character that I create, I can insert it into a header, that's not an issue. It's just finding one to start with.

If it's a deal breaker, I'll withdraw my interest and wish everyone a good time, but if I can get some help with this one issue, I think I can offer a nice character for the game.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


I see. If it has no effect on your writing or your participation, I have no issue with it. Either I or another can find a profile pic for you and set up the header, and after that it would be all text.


Color me interested.


Name:William Ruffinburg

Age: 24

Studies/Part-time Job: Attends the local University currently studying business. William was active duty in the army for three years before going to school full time.

Sexual Preferences: Straight, Dominant in a Vanilla sense, for now

Secret Fetishes: Cherry Red Lipstick, French Manicures

Appearance: William stands six feet two inches tall and weighs in close to two hundred and forty three pounds. He normally dresses in simple yet quality clothing and he keeps his hair cut down to military regulation in case his reserve number gets called.

Personality: William is cool and confident but not overly so. Not the one to really approach people, many people think he is shy and reserved because he is. His friends see a slightly more animated version of William but, for the most part, he keeps his military bearing all of the time.  Will is the type to watch people interact around him, smiling politely and speaking when spoken to. He considers himself a southern gentleman and makes sure to take care of any lady who might call on him for some assistance around the house.


I appreciate the offer to assist. If you, or someone can find an image that matches the description, I'll be happy to use it.

Name: Alison Mason
Nickname: None at this time
Husband/Career: Richard/CEO, Melan Industries
Upkeep: All Natural (Great genes)
Sexual Preferences:Switch/straight, enjoys anal, big cocks and oral
Secret Fetishes: Young men who go commando, assertiveness, risky places.
Appearance: (Standing at 5'8, Allie is a striking woman with her Irish heritage evident in her thick, midnight hair that falls about her shoulders
and frames a heart faced face that is dominated by big, dark blue eyes and full, slightly pouty lips in a mildly tanned complexion. With her long, slender
neck, shoulders that may almost be too wide for her frame and full, still firm C-cup breast that narrows into a trim waist that shows only the slightest
hint of a soft roundness, before flaring out into generous, rounded hips and tight rear that flows into long, toned legs. It's clear that she has worked
hard to take care of herself and kept the ravages of time at a minimum without resorting to surgical measures; coupled with excellent genes and breeding.
Personality: (Allie is a fasenating combination of bright, bouncy girl and self-assured, even proactive woman who usually gets what she wants regardless
of the measures that she has to go to. A woman with an not inconsiderable will, she makes an effort to seem a little less intelligent than she is as a
means to an end. What that end is may, or may not be evident at any particular moment, but she is a woman who isn't afraid to do what it takes to get her
way... usually by manipulation and guile. On the other hand, she has far too much energy for her own good and a need to be surrounded by people who has
similar interest andthings that fill her hours.She's aware that she needs to keep herself looking good and makes obvious efforts to do so, short of resorting
to the knife as she has an intense fear of it... but for a woman in her 40's, she could pass for one in her mid 30's without effort... she isn't going
to be replaced by a younger model because she doesn't look good!

"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Blinkin, so far that looks pretty good. I will browse some pictures and see if I can find a good match. I think Gina Rae Michaels would work (pic linked for those who want to put in their opinion. She's a bondage model, but she has some vanilla pictures. Might have to tweak your profile just a bit to match the picture, but overall I think it would be a good match. Even around the same age.

agent, I'm getting some conflicting thoughts with your character. The military aspect is good, though as I mentioned to MrDisclosure, would it be possible to find a more natural looking picture, and in color? I realize the military theme is there, but these are supposed to be good looking young men, not airbrushed models. There is a lot of back and forth in the personality section, though. You say he's cool and confident, but how can he be shy at the same time? He's very loyal, but then acts like he doesn't know you? It sounds like he's trying to be two things at once, and it needs to be a little more consistent.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 06, 2014, 01:57:05 PM
MrDisclosure, could you please specify why exactly he dropped out of college? I can understand if it would be a personal thing for him as a character, but the profile should be a little more open than that. Also, would it be possible to perhaps find a slightly more appropriate pic? That model looks a bit too old for 22, and it'd be nice to find a slightly more casual pic of a young man with most of his clothes on.

Dear NileGoddess,

I made some adjustments and tweaks - thanks for the notice.
If you like any of my plays, let me know,
and we may cook up something of our own...
[/td][td]    [/td][td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td][td]
Movie Quote of the Moment:
T. McG.: What did happen exactly (last night)?
J.T.: The earth moved. The angels wept. The polaroids...are in my other coat.


No worries on any minor changes to the physical description. I didn't want to go overboard as so many men do when they play a woman and keep her looking natural, as she would seem to be. Soft curves and nothing outlandish in the boobs department. A woman who's all natural and proud of it... and still hot enough to turn a young man's head.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Here's my first attempt at a character on this forum , tell me what you think.  ;)

Name: Ezekiel "Zeke" Washington (Yeah...Pops is a jesus freak.)
Age: 25
Studies/Part-time Job: Law Student by way of Florida A&M or FAMU,  he's not particularly proud to admit this, but Ezekiel dabbled in a bit of amateur porn in his junior year abroad.
Sexual Preferences: Dominant, as the good lord intended.
Secret Fetishes: Uhh...let's see, Ezekiel is interested in trying new things. Of course he has love for older women. His "first" was with an older woman afterall. Curves are a welcomed addition and a mind to go with those assets is even better. He's into what some would call "exotic" beauties. Ezekiel doesn't mind being on the receiving end but naturally he's inclined to give as good as he's got. Roleplaying? Of Course. Just don't ask him to do something outright disrespectful .

Appearance: Ezekiel is a somewhat tall(6'1") broadly built professional man of African-American descent. In high school Zeke was an accomplish student-athlete which lead to something of a dilemma. Did he want people to remember him as a football player who got a full ride for nothing more than his athletic talents or did he want people to remember him as one of the top performing students in his class? He chose academics over athletics and distinguished himself completely in this endeavor. At Florida A&M he pledged to the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, one of the most prestigious and historical black fraternity's whose ranks include George Washington Carver and Huey P. Newton.

Personality: There's not much to say about Zeke that can't be said just by looking at his record. He's a sharp guy. A bit pretentious in his ways but nonetheless down-to-earth and charisma is his middle name. He's a preacher's kid, he grew up baptist but he's not religious in the sense that most people would think. He's a christian but engages in premarital sex(obviously), adultery and other traditionally "un-christian-like" activities. Zeke sees himself as a fun-loving guy who happens to be a christian.

He's a folksy all-American southern boy. He likes his suits. He likes sleek fancy things whether it be luxury automobiles or the latest smartphone. His penchant for fine things more than likely contributed to his decision to do porn and become a loverboy for affluent milfs,   he doesn't mind his lifestyle in the least and sees nothing wrong with what he does despite the obvious objections from his family. He's not a smoker but he enjoys an occasional drink and fornicating.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 06, 2014, 05:12:47 PM
agent, I'm getting some conflicting thoughts with your character. The military aspect is good, though as I mentioned to MrDisclosure, would it be possible to find a more natural looking picture, and in color? I realize the military theme is there, but these are supposed to be good looking young men, not airbrushed models. There is a lot of back and forth in the personality section, though. You say he's cool and confident, but how can he be shy at the same time? He's very loyal, but then acts like he doesn't know you? It sounds like he's trying to be two things at once, and it needs to be a little more consistent.

Sure, I'll look for another, less touched up picture. As far as the conflict in his personality, and I'll be happy to change it some if this doesn't explain it well. The almost complete opposite character traits are purposeful it really just depends on how good William feels like he knows an individual. The way I originally intended the character to be was shy as possible without seeming rude or wimpish, to people that he didn't know and on the other token being next to the life of the party with people he considers friends. It's the friends that he is loyal to but, to lets say a friend of a friend who may have been at the party, engaged in the group etc... well he might walk right pass them the next day because the two of them arent really friends, they just happened to have a mutual friend.

Was that confusing?


Quote from: agentlemanwithadream on June 06, 2014, 09:25:57 PM
Sure, I'll look for another, less touched up picture. As far as the conflict in his personality, and I'll be happy to change it some if this doesn't explain it well. The almost complete opposite character traits are purposeful it really just depends on how good William feels like he knows an individual. The way I originally intended the character to be was shy as possible without seeming rude or wimpish, to people that he didn't know and on the other token being next to the life of the party with people he considers friends.

Though it could be argued that that's how everyone is. People are generally more comfortable with people they know and are friends with. If you want to play him a bit shy towards the milfs, that would be fine, but the way he's written now just makes him seem like two different people. Since we seem to have several characters going for dom approaches, why not try someone who isn't quite so outgoing?

Nubian, I think he looks pretty good right now. Seems like he has a good side, but is more interested in devious things, so the offer to get into some dirty play with older women might be right up his alley.

So I see that we have 4 male characters already, and only one milf character. I was hoping to get some more milfs, at least 4. More would definitely be better. I'll be leaving the interest check open for a few more days and hopefully that will help. I was likely going to participate as well, but I'll likely not have quite the time for a solid participation angle. I was hoping to mostly GM, and drop in from time to time if we had a decent amount of players.

I'll post again tomorrow when I have a little more free time with what characters are approved or not.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 07, 2014, 02:50:10 AM
So I see that we have 4 male characters already, and only one milf character. I was hoping to get some more milfs, at least 4. More would definitely be better. I'll be leaving the interest check open for a few more days and hopefully that will help. I was likely going to participate as well, but I'll likely not have quite the time for a solid participation angle. I was hoping to mostly GM, and drop in from time to time if we had a decent amount of players.

In particular since you posted 3 more utterly sexy MILFs in the opening post... each of them sexy in her own way.

Oh, and Gina Rae Michaels looks pretty fine as well.
If you like any of my plays, let me know,
and we may cook up something of our own...
[/td][td]    [/td][td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][td]    [/td][td]
Movie Quote of the Moment:
T. McG.: What did happen exactly (last night)?
J.T.: The earth moved. The angels wept. The polaroids...are in my other coat.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 06, 2014, 12:35:38 PM
Sheer, David looks pretty good. Just be mindful of highlighting his athletic build with what his interests are in school. In my experiences, very few art students might be described as athletic. That's not to say they don't take care of their bodies or work out, but when you specifically mention athletic build, it sounds like you're trying to cross him with a football player when in reality he's a pretty-boy charmer. I think stockings and pearl necklaces will be abundant in this game!

Blinkin, may I inquire as to why you are unable to use pictures? There will be some picture work required, such as post headers that contain an avatar.
Well noted NileGoddess.  I had intended merely to note what the general shape of his body was without calling constant attention to it, so I'll be certain not to emphasise it.  Here's hoping that the game kicks off!


Hello Nile. Its lovely to see such a game being floated :). The idea of a rich neighborhood with its share of gorgeous, lustful and horny ladies is a favorite concept of mine. But my inability to GM or presenting a group game meant I have never really tried.

As you can guess, I would be fairly interested in playing one of the male in the story but I'm not sure if you already have too much males and not enough female. I can and wait and try posting once you have more female character.

I wonder about your specific mention of augmentation if you would prefer the ladies that way, I just wanted to say .. I love the idea of sexy, natural women (not strictly against augmentation) just like Blinkin said.

While not a formal character sheet. I will write a rough sketch to see if someone like him is acceptable (still figuring out the details).

I am hoping for a fairly younger character 17-19 depending on what the limit would be. I'm still uncertain if he is permanent resident, could be a recent move, a single family(workaholic father). He would also likely to be lanky and maybe 5'9. I would love to play someone who is shy, have a secret fetish around confident, mature, sexy females and a kinky side. I imagine the seduction and attention from the ladies would transform him to a more dominant, confident person. But I also think he would be open to switching it up even then.


Quote from: rahatngt on June 07, 2014, 09:03:34 AM
As you can guess, I would be fairly interested in playing one of the male in the story but I'm not sure if you already have too much males and not enough female. I can and wait and try posting once you have more female character.

I wonder about your specific mention of augmentation if you would prefer the ladies that way, I just wanted to say .. I love the idea of sexy, natural women (not strictly against augmentation) just like Blinkin said.

Hi rahatngt. If you are interested, please feel free to post a character. If I have to take only a limited amount of characters, I will chose them based on how well they are put together and also based on the player who made them. But right now, until we get some more female characters, we won't be starting any time soon.

In regards to the 'augmentation', I think it's a rather fair assumption in this setting. Rich, upper class women a little desperate to hold onto their beauty and looks may go for a bit of plastic surgery, or had a boob job earlier in life. After all, there's a good chance that most of these women were married for looks, and married to get into money and an easy life. It was just a quirky thing to put on the profile, as was the nickname section.


In her best suther'n drawl, "My, my, all of these handsome young, viril men and jest lil' ol' me ta entertain them... Jest think, I wus jest a plain ol' country girl growin' up... didn't have two quarters to rub between my knees; All I ever had was my looks an' it looks like I made it ta the top Momma, Fancy dun gone up town!"

Sorry, couldn't resist... but I see Alison as being a southern girl from a struggling family who managed to do good with a man moving up in the world... damn ED... lol
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Alright, Sheer, I think we can include David. Disclosure, Lance looks good too, but just tweak the whole 'caught having sex with an engaged senator's daughter'. It seems a bit too grandiose for the scale of this game, and that would also spark a lot of publicity for him as well. It would be fine if it was being expelled for being part of a leaked sex video that happened at a party. No fancy higher ups need to be included. Nubian, Zeke should be fine too.

agentlemanwithadream, still need a more suitable pick and need to anchor him to either being more outgoing or more introverted.

Blinkin, since you have the only milf character so far, Alison can be included. If we move forward, we can add the pic and tweak it accordingly, but for now, we still need more milfs.


Quote from: NileGoddess on June 07, 2014, 07:27:23 PM
Disclosure, Lance looks good too, but just tweak the whole 'caught having sex with an engaged senator's daughter'. It seems a bit too grandiose for the scale of this game, and that would also spark a lot of publicity for him as well. It would be fine if it was being expelled for being part of a leaked sex video that happened at a party. No fancy higher ups need to be included. Nubian, Zeke should be fine too.

Well, I would have loved the slight air of scandal around him. I made the description in that part a little more open, but still, it might be a spot about him where probing questions might unearth the one or other detail, further down the road of this play.
If you like any of my plays, let me know,
and we may cook up something of our own...
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Movie Quote of the Moment:
T. McG.: What did happen exactly (last night)?
J.T.: The earth moved. The angels wept. The polaroids...are in my other coat.


Name:James Le Cou
Age: 20
Studies/Part-time Job: Arts major, No part-time job as one would know of him
Sexual Preferences: Dominant and Straight in the sexual realms
Secret Fetishes: Having both himself and his own partner wet, wearing skin-hugging clothing that let the body still feel one’s touch, bonus if it is transparent. Public/Outdoor sex is quite nice for him, with an additive of having people watching them having sex. While mostly of a moral choice, he would pick women who are often, single, as opposed to married. He is also a lover of both the mouth and of the breast in the usual of the vagina, but will stay off anal for health reasons.
Appearance:  Having a lean build built into his body, he sometimes goes to gym to keep in order to keep up his figure. He has a height of 5'7" and weighs of 150 lbs. He had, like other Europeans, blonde hair. It was dyed to black as to keep with his ‘style’.  l
Personality: Being given a sociable personality, he is a kind man who strives hard to do well in his own life. His outgoing and friendly personality is used before to make friends, and oddly enough(To those around his current area, working with children many times. Recently, as with catching up the times, he used this to also mix in with his pervertness for women of his own choice.


Vanetias, his size needs to come down considerably, given his age. And the mention of him being 2.2 inches wide needs to be removed entirely, as that sounds almost inhumanely thick. And, a different picture is in order, one not of a serial killer cannibal.