Caravanserai [Guest Directory + Face Claims]

Started by Flower, July 05, 2018, 10:55:54 PM

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Writer    Character    Face Claim
Britwitch    Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Barrington    Kate Winslet
Elizabeth Ecsed    Elizabeth Staunton    Unknown
Flower    Reese Leavenworth    Julianne Hough
Gannameade    Apollo Daedalus King    Donnell Blaylock Jr.
Lady Sakura    Nyasha Hellatious    Zoe Saldana
LocusVonErich    Joseph Edwards    Josh Homme
Lyron    Brad Warren    Daniel Conn
***    Dominic "Domino" Rossi    Francesco Cuizza
Nadore    Haruka Aoi    Mio Kimijima
Peripherie    Olivia "Liv" Evans    Unknown
**    Everett Oliver Steele    Ryan Reynolds
RedPhoenix    Becky Washington    Ayisha Diaz
Untamed Skies    Katrielle Hale    Ksenia Barasheva
Wolfling72    Tiana "Tee-Tee" Thoms    Massy Arias

Code (Guest Character Sheet) Select
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[b]Face Claim:[/b]



Name: Joseph Edwards
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Humble, for the most part. Not one to get carried away with words, Edwards is a prime believer in "speak softly, and carry a big stick". Takes pleasure in simpler things for the most part, still trying to adapt to a "rich man's" lifestyle.

Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'5"
Body Type: Average
Additional Physical Notes: N/A

History: The eldest son of a single mother of six, Joseph grew up having to be the father figure for his siblings. Whenever he would ask about his own father, he would be met only with resigned silence. Growing up in a small town right on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee didn't help matters either. Music was the only thing Joseph found solace in, able to pick up an instrument and have a basic proficiency in playing it in a matter of hours, and a professional skill at it in a matter of months. Joseph made money for his family by playing on the sidewalks, dragging his siblings in tow while his mother would work for minimum wage because she had neither the skills or want to do any better.

But, that would change around the time he turned fifteen years old. Mama somehow wrangled herself a husband with money, and that man would fill the role Joseph had been playing for his entire life. Even though his younger siblings took to calling Mr. Ishmael Khan "dad" or "daddy", Joseph Edwards would only address him in a professional manner, somewhat resentful of being replaced. Mama Edwards would stop working completely, and become the submissive housewife she had always wanted to be.

Even though his beliefs were a bit dated, and his rules were strict, Khan would pay for musical lessons for Joseph, who would go on to graduate in the top ten percent of his class. As a gift, Khan would buy Joseph a brand new Les Paul, finally convincing the young man of eighteen to retire the beat up Danelectro he had bought for himself at a pawnshop at age eleven. And it was Khan who gave young Joseph a car and told him to go to Nashville to make something of himself, the younger children had already begun getting into some of the various business dealings Khan oversaw. It was then that Joseph started referring to him as Ishmael, and the two would be friends for the rest of Khan's life.

Joseph would do exactly as his stepfather said, and drive to Nashville. For six months, he would live in his car, playing on street corners until he was found by a record executive and hired as a studio musician. For the next fifteen years, Edwards would work his craft, becoming one of the most called upon studio musicians and engineers on all of music row. During this time, he lived as cheaply as he could, and working himself to the bone either in the studio or playing in bars. Knowing that his stepfather was a money savvy man, Joseph would trust his savings to Ishmael, who in turn, would grow both men's wealth, until...

"He's dead, Joe. The reading of the will is on Monday." Mama said over the phone, her voice sounding deflated, lifeless, for the first time in a long time. Joseph had just been up there for Easter dinner. Mr. Khan had been fine, serving his second term as a state senator...

It turned out Joseph was right, and between his own savings and the extra money Khan had put in through investments, profits...Joseph was suddenly left with more money than he could spend in two lifetimes. Joseph tried to work through the grief, but the work just reminded him of how much Khan had supported him, his siblings, his mama...and that's when he walked away and came home.

Laying on the couch, watching the same three shows on Netflix, not showering for days at a time, Joseph spiraled. Until he received an email, talking about an oasis in the Sahara. "Caravanserai".

Joseph would leave Caravanserai with nothing but memories, a crushed pink cardboard box with Caravanserai’s logo, and a third, more intimate, gift that was a lovely shade of green. After arriving Stateside, Joseph went back to work. But, the passion he felt for his profession was long gone, his days filled with memories of the desert, of that night with Olivia, of wondering if he would ever find another place like Caravanserai or the people he had met. Five years would pass. One day, he would receive an email stating that Caravanserai had found a new home somewhere in French Polynesia. He would book a room immediately.

Face Claim: Josh Homme


Name: Becky Washington
Age: 34
Sexuality: Becky likes chill, fun, sexy times with chill, fun, sexy, people. She isn't terribly concerned with their gender identity these days.

Personality: Becky is a friendly, open-minded individual who has seen it all and is fazed by very little any more. She prefers to operate with an easy going and flirty southern charm, but isn't fussed about cutting straight to business in a sharper tone if required. She enjoys both creature comforts an the finer things in life, although she despises spending money just to be seen spending money. She is down to earth and makes friends quickly with blue collar folks, but can hold her own with the wealthy and sophisticated as well. Most people find their lives and moods improved after spending time with Becky!

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: Very Voluptuous
Additional Physical Notes: None.

History: Becky is a girl from a small town in the American south. Her family was quite religious and believed in traditional values, which caused most things to be off limits to her growing up. She grew up a sweet, ignorant southern girl, and also grew up very pretty. She dated the star of the high school football team, who made it big in college, and was drafted into the NFL. Their relationship was strained by the temptations of college, and then finally broke after he was unfaithful after he made his millions. Becky made a lot in the divorce, and took the money with her to the original Caravanserai in the desert. There she spent the best three months of her life getting to know herself, and much bigger world than she'd ever known before, making several life long friends in the process.

After Caravanserai she traveled the earth, having fun adventures before settling down in New Orleans for a bit. She's invested a lot of her money into the projects of southern girls who grew up like herself, trying to kick start their dreams and be their lottery ticket. She's made a wonderful return on her money thus far, and is beloved by those she's invested in for her fair dealing and generosity with them, while she's made an enemy of certain big corporations for stepping on their chances to exploit those same southern girl's innovations. She lets it all slide off her back like the rain off her roof while she sips lemonade on her porch.

Five years since her divorce she's never remarried, and never been lonely. Receiving a surprise invitation to check out a new Caravanserai in French Polynesia sounded like just the getaway she didn't really need, but definitely would enjoy. If it's even half as good as her last stay it will be paradise!

Face Claim: Ayisha Diaz

Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Apollo Daedalus King
Age: 35
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: He is very focused and determined now, analytical he can be aloof at times, but he is still cautious around people.  He can be friendly and charming at times and others stand-offish, once you are his friend he will give you the shirt off of his back...literally. 

Eyes: Brown
Height: 6”1"
Body Build: Muscular Athletic
Additional Physical Notes: A lion tattoo over his left shoulder.  Wings over his back along his shoulders.

Face Claim: Donnell Blaylock Jr.

Apollo has been trying to be the to be the son that his father has desired for him to be since forever.  He didn’t want to become a lawyer, he didn’t even want to be part of the company.  What he wanted was too flighty for his father.  But his father developed cancer and realized he missed out on doing all he wanted and needed to do with his family…with his son and daughter.  On his death bed, he made his son swear to be a bit freer with his life, he could run the global tech company as he saw fit…but only after a year of discovery.  He could have his inheritance after a year and not before.  He had no idea his father’s last request would send him here.  Out here…in the middle of nowhere?!?

Three years later he can compete fully with other billion-dollar companies to which he all owes to a little vacation out in the middle of nowhere that helped him to find himself.  He is much less self-focused but he also has his moments when that imp of hedonism gets the better of him.  He still hasn’t come to grips with being a billionaire, he would rather have his family.  He is willing to give back and rather humble considering his beginnings.  The invitation to come back to the remote paradise was a welcome surprise but he was not in a position where he could truly get away for a holiday or two.  It wouldn’t hurt to help have some refreshing of that juice that provided him the wherewithal to make him the tech King that he is today.


Name: Olivia "Liv" Evans
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Sexuality: Pansexual; She is flirty and ready to put work aside to enjoy herself. Liv thinks people of all types can be equally yummy.
Personality: Driven but driving a bit slower these days. She wanted to make a name for herself and get a spot in a very coveted and small community. Now having earned her first of many #lifegoals Liv is working to relax a little between stories. Before, during, and after getting a story or the scoop, she will be polite and kind to everyone she meets.

Eyes: dark brown
Height: 5'8"
Body Build: slim
Additional Physical Notes: Still rocking the lavender locks though sometimes she will let her roots go dark for a time. She continues to have only the one tattoo -  a compass tattoo across her right shoulder moving across part of her chest. The tattoo covers a scar that she has had since childhood.

History: Olivia graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication to find that the field was flooded with would-be desk anchors and food critics. She had already created a somewhat popular following on social media of finding fun and interesting sites around her hometown and university whenever she had a bit of free time. An explorer at heart, Liv dreamed of getting to travel the world as part of her job. And there was a small niche profession that centered around documenting the posh go-to destination resorts and venues around the world. Who wouldn't want that job? Turns out - no one. In an environment where even the more obscure jobs were taken, how was a start-up and coming personality like Liv going to set herself apart? Well - she booked herself a ticket to a remote desert airport and headed towards her destiny. Or more specifically - Caravanserai. A newly renovated resort in a remote location was just the thing to get her journalistic feet wet. She would write one hell of a story and then try to sell it.

Three years later, and Liv was enjoying the high life. She had written more than a few well-received travel articles and became even more popular on social media. She rose to the ranks of editor at the off-beat Sojourn Magazine. She pushed herself to help make the magazine a success and has earned a few weeks of downtime. Being on the travel circuit, Liv jumped at the chance to check out the Expanded Caravanserai location among the French Polynesian islands.

And if she reconnects with old pals or makes a few new friends and had a fun moment or two? Oh, well, that would make for an even better vacation!

Face Claim: unknown purple-haired lady above

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


Name: Everett Oliver Steele
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Sexuality: Oblivious but receptive (some kind of confused mix of bi/pan/sapio/demisexual)
Personality: Friendly but easily distracted by all the things he thinks he has to get done in a day, he can be forgetful especially in social situations. He is very task-oriented and has trouble just relaxing. Even in his downtime, he will be seen with a book and a pen or highlighter, taking notes. He has a hard time saying no when there is a genuine need, and that has been taken advantage of in his past - especially in work and friendship circles. Though shy, Everett is friendly and generally happy. If he thought on it for a while he might decide he is lonely but he fills his time and focuses on the next thing to check off on his to-do list.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6' 2"
Body Build: Fit, broad chest, fuller as he has gotten older but still muscular

Additional Physical Notes: He scars easy and so he has some lines and marks on his chest, arms, legs, and abdomen that almost look like intentional tattoos or scarification. Each one has a story. Everett wears glasses. He has contacts but they dry his eyes out so when he does wear them he will often be seen rubbing or squinting. Embarrassing easily, he can't hide a blush to save his life.

History: Everett has spent most of his life trying to get somewhere. It's much more of an internal drive - not so much climbing the corporate ladder or getting the 'perfect life'. He has always been one to look inward and try to fix what he perceives as his own defects. To this end, he has always worked multiple jobs, spent lots of time running or working out, reading as much as he could, and hitting his own self-imposed grindstone. All that hard work and a keen eye for details have led him into the IT world as a software developer. He spent twenty years working 60 hours a week without stop, until he recently developed the new 'it' app and was bought out for a very tidy sum. He was allowed to stay on with the new company under one condition - he went on vacation. Somewhere expensive and inclusive, somewhere far away from what he is used to. He thought it an odd business plan to buy out someone's interest and then pay them to go relax in the sun for a few months. But always a rule follower, Everett agreed. Now he is far away from the computers and life that he knows.

As far as relationships go, Everett has been in a few 'interactions' with others but nothing that really held his attention like work or his projects had. All his past sexual interests have been female but he has been very close to his male friends to the point of being romantic companions that could have been more if he took his nose out of a book or away from his screen. He has been always been submissive to the wants and needs of others (even if that means they want him in a more dominant role) - with a desire to please even if he can't always see what is staring him in the face.

Face Claim: Ryan Reynolds

Additional Images:

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


Name: Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Barrington
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Bright and bubbly was a description Charlie had heard most of her life and it was largely accurate. She was a positive person, or she tried to be whenever possible, and liked to share her natural enthusiasm with those around her. Recent events have made her lose a little of her natural ‘bounce’ and she’s hoping to help bring it back with a trip to the resort.

Eyes: Green
Height: 5’9’’
Body Build: Fairly tall, her figure is slim but undeniably feminine.
Additional Physical Notes: Has a small scar across the back of her left hand, a souvenir from a holiday to the beach when a rogue wave took her onto rocks. She always loved swimming but has tended to stick to pools rather than open water after that incident.

History: Charlie’s upbringing was a rather different one to most of her childhood friends in the UK. She spent large amounts of her childhood in South Africa and her experiences there definitely had an impact on her choice of career.

Surrounded by an army of cousins who played sports at various levels, she always knew she’d end up working in that world in one way or another. Physical sports was never her strong suit, although she loved to be in the water whenever possible, but she ended up training as a physio and osteopath. She’s worked with many sportsmen and women across a wide range of disciplines and has travelled the world, becoming something of a ‘name’ herself along the way.

Recently a long-time relationship has broken in rather epic and very unexpected fashion. It turned out her ex (a professional rugby player) had been keeping himself thoroughly ‘entertained’ whenever she was away and in a bid to get away from the inevitable media interest in the breakdown of their high-profile relationship, she has decided to take a well earned extended holiday at the resort.

Face Claim: Kate Winslet

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Name: Haruka Aoi
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Haruka is the definition of a tease. She does so with not only her clients but also everyone she meets as well. However, this is only done through her usage of clothing. She always wears clothing for the specific reason of teasing others. However, towards men that she really likes, she tends to act more submissive to them. Regardless, she always holds an air of professionalism and some 'uptightness' around her.

Eyes: Amber
Height: 5'2" without heels, 5'7" with heels
Body Build: Slender, although with defined muscle definition and fat in all the right places.
Additional Physical Notes: Barbell piercing on her right nipple, the phrase 'Look but don't touch.' written in Japanese tattooed on her left rib. She wears rimless white glasses, and often times has her long fingernails painted.


Haruka has a B.S. in Biology from UCSF, a Masters from Johns Hopkins University, and graduated top of her class in Medical school in record time at Harvard University. She focused primarily on urology as she wanted to study and help treat men before they succumbed to penile cancer, which took her father's life. Well, at least, that's the story she tells everyone when they ask her why she decided to head into Urology, especially with the focus on male genitalia.

At the age of 26, Haruka moved back to Japan to open her first and only clinic when she graduated with a doctorate from Harvard. She first started out treating those in need, from the homeless to the lower class. However, her clinic started getting rave reviews soon after opening and the elites of Tokyo quickly caught on. She was immediately sponsored by some of Japan's biggest CEOs and the Emperor himself. After such sponsorships, she moved her clinic to America and offered free health care for those unable to pay for it, although she used rather, 'unorthodox methods for some treatments. Regardless, in America, she again got elite clients and now owns the Number 1 Urology Clinic in the world, with a waitlist for the Elite that spans about a decades time. The clinic, however, is always open to the less than fortunate on the weekends.

She was given an invitation to Caravanserai by one of her clients to which she had accepted and so, what adventures await here there?

Face Claim: Mio Kimijima

Lady Sakura

Name: Nyasha Hellatious
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Nyasha is a really easy going person. She doesn't see reasons to keep any negativity in her life and attempts to ease each morning with good intentions. She loves the company of people and somewhat mastered the art of people. She is perceptive as she is observant having an easier time anticipating a person's needs based on their display or emotions. She is sweet as honey, is charismatic making it easier for her to strike up conversations with anyone, but would not suffer those that are rude and inconsiderate of herself and others.

Eyes:Dark Brown
Body Build: Slender
Additional Physical Notes: Has a tattoo that says "Starts With You" on her inner part of her right wrist

Nyasha grew up not knowing her biological parents. She was left at the hospital after she was born and put up for adoption. The only thing that was left of her mother was her name. Nyasha.

She was adopted by a nice family from Germany and was raised in a loving environment. Even though there was a lot of differences, they never made her feel like she was never their own. They weren't wealthy but they were not poor either. Growing up in the suburbs she lived a normal life. Investing in cultures and learning various things about herself through her exposure. She realized she had a love for colors, drawing, painting, and fashion. Mainly sewing and making clothes. She wasn't really a sports girl but she would support her home teams in middle and throughout high school.

She moved to NYC after getting accepted into Fashion Institute of Technology after deciding her passion was for fashion, making clothes, and watching people walk in the clothes she made. Her dream was to grow as her own fashion designer. Currently she opened up a little shop in the fashion district of NYC where she sells clothes that she made. Hoping to get her name out there to become mainstream and sell her clothes in stories across the world.

After time had past since her last visit, Nyasha had opened up her own little boutique shop where she designs and sell her own clothing. At the request of client specifics she will design clothes just for them. She had also gotten married with a nice silent wedding with close friends. She decided to take a small trip away to focus on her sketch book and coming up with new and exciting ideas for designs.

Face Claim:Zoe Saldana

Elizabeth Ecsed


Name: Elizabeth Staunton

Gender: Female

Age: 30, probably. She was known for lying about her age in the past, as a minor personality quirk.

Sexuality: Lesbian.

Personality: Kind of quiet, sometimes a bit of a loaner. Intelligent and nerdy, and you just know she has a tour guide book of the area, crammed with sticky notes and highlights. Can be very silly if she's comfortable, or willing to unleash the Southern scolding if provoked. In a lot of ways, her exhibited personality often is different depending on the people around her.

Her accent is usually "American news reader" but about 5% of the time the Southern comes out.

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'2, though her bad leg often makes her seem shorter. She secretly (still) wishes she was taller than her walking stick/staff (5'5) but that's just never going to happen.

Body Build: Slender to the point of people often trying to feed her even after she's just eaten a large meal in front of them.

Additional Physical Notes: Walks with a pronounced limp, and a tall staff, since her left leg is pretty beat up. She almost never exposes it in public though. The staff is a silvery light wood, polished and worn smooth by over a decade and a half of handling

History: Born and raised in Savannah Georgia, a place she (mostly) affectionately refers to as "the third weirdest city in the United States". Her mother is a teacher and her stepfather is an accountant. She had about as normal life as possible in a fairly small, fairly conservative place, while being 'that kid with the bad leg'.

Unfortunately, she wasn't smart enough to pretend to like boys in middle school, so she was also unintentionally outted as a lesbian.

After her time in Caravanserai, her art career has begun taking off. She's not famous, at all, but people in the art world are starting to notice. Elizabeth has had her work exhibited in several shows, and can be found on social media sites such as reddit, twitter, all the usual suspects. Her landscapes and other photographs are considered quite good, although typically nothing Earth shattering or revolutionary. Her specialty is in drawing faces, where she's considered a master of the craft, able to draw out nuances and capture depths of personality on her canvas. Her trademark approach to shows is to have several photographs of the person next to her drawings of them.  She's definitely considered someone to watch as a rising star.

Face Claim: Unknown redhead, photo by Brian Dowling

Untamed Skies

Name: Katrielle Hale
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Kat maintains a demeanor of an adventurous and laidback young woman. Down for any situation she might find herself in and happy for whatever company she is in. She is fiercely independent and though she doesn't offend easy, she doesn't tolerate disrespect. Above all else she tries to maintain the persona of a rock front man. Ensuring she is approachable, and bringing in good press wherever she is.

Those close to her will find her nature; however, is more cautious and cynical than she lets on. She is often trying to read the motives or agendas of the people that approach her. Her trust doesn't come easy, and as approachable as she is, she is surprisingly private with herself and talented at keeping people at arm's length emotionally. She'll have a good time with anyone, but anyone looking for something deeper will find a steep hill to climb.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Body Build:
Additional Physical Notes: On her left arm, she has a Mandala tattoo sleeve that extends from her shoulder to the top of her hand.

History: Katrielle Hale is the youngest child of two from a small western town in Colorado.

Growing up, Kat had a significant affinity for music, and it was a skill and craft she practiced from a very early age. She had Developed dreams of being a singer since she was a little girl. Though her parents supported her passions, they never entirely bought into her aspirations, and Kat found herself growing to hate the pedestrian lifestyle of small-town living. Whereas her parents expected her to either settle down with a man or to join her father's retail store and be in the same dead-end job he was going to work his entire life. Kat couldn't bring herself to settle.

Instead, as soon as she got out of high school, she moved out and pursued her dreams. Enrolling at U.S.C. to get a media degree and form a band of her very own that she'd call Wicked Rhythm. Though it left her almost no free time, she was relentless at pursuing her dream, and a few years into it, her efforts began to bear fruit. Soon Kat had a high G.P.A., and her band was starting to land deals and touring. Wicked Rhythm would be one of the exciting new rock bands leading into the decade, and she'd be at the front of it.

Their success had seemed to come from nowhere, and then just as quick as they had stormed onto the scene, Kat suddenly took a significant hiatus, with no other explanation than needing a mental break. For three years, she stayed out of the public eye and finished her degree quietly, and the band carried on with a different front man who simply didn't carry the same popularity as Kat did. Then in 2024 to everyone's shock, the band announced the return of Katrielle Hale, and the group picked right back up where she had left. Scoring gigs all over the country and some international venues as well. Katrielle was living her dream and becoming a rising star.

Following the end of their Bound By Rock Tour, the group takes a small break, and Kat takes the time to get away and relax before it's time to hit the grind once more.
Face Claim: Ksenia Barasheva


Name: Reese Leavenworth
Age: 34
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Reese can sometimes be the person who you really want to punch in the face. How does she have that much energy in the morning sans coffee? It's a mystery no one has figured out. Her demeanor has always been pleasant and outgoing which is part of the reason why she had so many friends growing up. A stranger is not even safe from her chatty nature. She is also pretty physical. Hugs are preferred to the formality of handshakes. Those close to her are also greeted with a quick kiss on the cheek.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6
Body Build: Slim but muscular
Additional Physical Notes: Has a tattoo on the inside of her wrist of a crow

History: Reese has always been a bit of a black sheep within her large family. She comes from a household of nine people. Mom, Dad, four sisters, two brothers, and then there’s her, the youngest of the bunch. Her mother has often called her the unexpected burden, making it clear she thought herself done with having children before Reese’s arrival. The two always bumped heads. It became worse during Reese's senior year of high school, enough for her to move out. 

Without her parents to harness her wilder side, Reese fell into the wrong crowds and dropped out of college. She experimented quite a lot and partook in some activities that she rather not remember. Travelling became her passion. It was through traveling the world that she met, fell in love with, and married Reed. He helped her find a place to channel her anger about what happened with her family into something more useful. Nothing ever works out though. For reasons she does not discuss, or even contemplate, their marriage ended in a divorce. It was by chance that she found out about Caravanserai and put in an application. They hired her. She worked there for some time before she felt compelled to travel elsewhere. The connections she made at the hotel helped her launch her fitness program in LA. Not only does she own her own gym but she also offers private lessons to her clients. One of them talked about their intention to visit a new Cara hotel after their workout. After some contemplation, Reese decided to take a vacation too.

Face Claim: Julianne Hough


Name: Brad Warren
Gender: "Cop a feel and find out." (Cis-male)
Age: 35
Sexuality: "Why? Interested?" (He opts out of defining himself and will sleep with virtually anyone if it fits his mood.)
Personality: The gorilla, as he so fondly calls himself--usually internally--has about as much humor as he has brawn. That is to say, don't expect much seriousness to pass between his lips, especially now that he can take off that particular mask, for however little he wore it in the first place. This simple man enjoys idle chit-chat as much as his all-time favorite pastimes: people-watching and collecting secrets that he can add to his vault. He also may or may not have a loose relationship with the truth. He's a nonjudgmental cynic who is more responsible on the job than in his personal life.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'3"
Body Build: A tall, broad-shouldered frame with slabs of muscle from neck to calves.
Additional Physical Notes: For one, there's the tattoo sleeve that begins just above his right wrist and overflows onto the neighboring pec. There are others, including a star on his neck.

History: From as early as he can remember, Brad's parents consisted of a dead man and a depressed woman. His dad's death was one born of stupidity, although his mom and paternal grandparents hid the truth from him for a while. They told him stories, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel for a man he never met. His mom tried her best to raise him, he guessed, at least after she finally got the psychiatric help she needed.

Early in his schooling, he befriended a boy, Adam. They became two peas in a pod, thick as thieves, insert preferred cliche here. It was especially great because it gave him an excuse to get away from his own family. Adam's was better.

Cue the turbulent teens. Brad had his fair share of mischief, drama, and edumacation, and then some: leave no stone unturned, live life with no regrets, that whole outlook that led him to being braver than most meatheads in the early 2000s, even in California. His choices didn't come without consequences, one that awarded him with a lifetime supply of regret. Ah, but that was a secret he would take with him to the grave.

One other thing came out of that particular incident: it gave him a sense of direction after high school graduation. He became a police officer with the naive idea that he would make a difference. That didn't happen. Brad stuck with it until he was twenty-four, when the disenfranchisement finally set in and he decided to try his hand at security. Eventually, he wormed his way into the lives of America's heartthrob celebrities, building a sturdy network of clients.

But that's not the reason why he's here, nor does he plan on disclosing his real occupation to anyone. It's been at least a decade since he had an honest vacation, so here he is.

Face Claim: Daniel Conn

Additional Images

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


Name: Dominic "Domino" Rossi
Gender: Cis-male
Age: 27
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Domino does and says whatever he wants, and to hell with what everyone else thinks. His motto is "keep it real", and he lives it in interviews, when hopping on Twitter and calling out other celebs on what he perceives as their BS, and by choosing to create only music that genuinely interests him. Some might speculate how authentic he really is as someone who has had brushes with fame, and given some of his stunts, but there's widespread consensus that he is a dick, especially to those who can't handle mischievousness, rule-breaking, lack of filters, impulsivity, and radical honesty. He's not all bad every waking second, he's matured a bit since his younger years and he's half-confronting an epiphany, but his reputation precedes him.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'11"
Body Build: Slim and lean-muscled
Additional Physical Notes: Freckles dust his face. The pale olive skin of his torso is marked with various tattoos.

History: Domino has been a pretty open book. A quick Google search will reveal much about his history.

Dominic Rossi was born as the middle child of three on the south side of Chicago. He lost his mom to breast cancer when he was twelve, a cause he dedicates attention to every October. His dad turned to booze while the kids acted out their grief in their own ways. For Dominic, when he wasn't getting lost in his guitar or his singing, well, there was the sketchy crowd he had fallen into. When he was thirteen, they tried to rob a convenience store, one where, during his fame, he arranged to paint the interior and later held a meet-and-greet. He was let off pretty easy, but it was the wakeup call he needed to look elsewhere for company. That was about the time he started making friends with the guys whom he would form a band with.

Buzzkilled, a pop rock ensemble with the instrumental similarity to Neon Trees but the lyrical heart of adolescence, got lucky a year out of high school, catching the attention of a record label and rising to fame practically overnight. Although the guitarist and backup vocalist, Dominic, or Domino, as he came to be known to fans, was arguably the real face of the band, helped in part by him being the one who managed a lot of their social media content. Some of it involved him playing pranks on the other members, which seemed to be received good-naturedly, although the band later alluded to it not being all fun and games, just that Domino posted the ones that didn't get out of hand. His rebuttal was that they were meant to be fun and for a laugh. If there was no laughter, there was no point in sharing. It wasn't the only sign of tension among the band. Once there was a leaked video of Domino and the lead singer having it out backstage after performing their set and Domino uttering something "smart".

On their third album, one of their singles showcased him as the lead vocalist. A few months after that tour, at twenty-three, he split from the band, complaining about the label's directive influence over their music and expressing a desire for creative freedom. He stuck with the stage name Domino and released his debut album a little over a year later, and a followup about two years after that one. He possessed a musical style similar to Yungblud's, but lyrically, he focused on life and social commentary, with tones that varied between heartfelt and satirical. There was Promise Me, about growing up with a lover; Daddy, a trigger-warning track about incestuous rape; Girlfriend, a mockery of internet creeps; and the self-explanatory Fukboi.

His career has been pockmarked with the occasional vandalism, DUIs, and, more recently, a video of him getting into a scuffle with another patron at a bar in which he called the other man a faggot while being ushered out by a bouncer. It was a surprise to many fans of the open pansexual, and when his response was a three-word remark of "freedom of speech", well, any popularity he possessed largely tanked.

Just a month from the present, he released Sasshole as a new single, and now he's checking himself into Caravanserai for some rest and reflection.

Face Claim: Francesco Cuizza

Additional Images

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


Name: Tiana "Tee-Tee" Thoms
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Sexuality: Demisexual | Panamorous
Personality: Studious | Worker bee mentality | Flirtatious when tipsy | Quick to smile, slow to giggle | Serious to a fault | "Fun? What's that?" | Artistically inclined | Collects all the gossip
Height: 5'6"
Body Build: Tee is a well-built powerhouse with just the right amount of curves.
Additional Physical Notes: Tee has a variety of scars: on her throat, beneath her left breast, and along her rib cage. She does not talk about them. She also has a ridiculous head of curls and more than a few tattoos.

History: You've heard the story, everyone has. You know the one that starts: She was a nobody. No one had heard of her before she got herself involved in a bout of fisticuffs with some dude when she was only 18 years old. Said young man was a C-List celebrity, someone Instagram and Youtube famous with just enough money to make her life difficult.

He chose not to.

Instead, he reached out after it was all said and done, hooked her up with a friend of his to help her refine her fighting style. She had nothing beyond a high school education, yet she got her foot into the MMA and from there a shot at a title that she held for over a year. A few broken bones later, Tee decided to retire (undefeated) and turn her love of fighting toward films.

A combination of right place/right time found her working as an assistant stunt coordinator on a few martial arts flicks. She padded her resume with a few bit parts and turned her flare toward the US and action films. However, she didn't want to be in front of the camera. No, she wanted to plan out fights, stage them, help make them more realistic, better. She also wanted to do she did. Tee worked non-stop for close to ten years.

Now, she's finally at an age where she feels like she can relax so...a vacation of some kind is in order.

Face Claim: Massy Arias

Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Name: Annona “Nona” Verite
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual, but prefers not to use labels
Personality:  Caring is the first word that describes Nona best, while moody, in a very good way, might come in second.  Being moody often sounds like someone that is either entirely unpredictable, sullen, unstable or a word used simply to excuse being miserable to others, just in different ways.  Of all of those, unpredictable is the closest that fits.  Pragmatic by nature, but when the time and situation allows, Nona’s very practical side will give way to a desire for adventures, more than a bit of quirkiness, especially in her sense of humor, and a hopeful romanticism that is earthy, bright and not filled with unrealistic expectations of herself or others.  She tends to be an open book, a fierce protector of others and while typically bright and friendly, Nona neither forgets nor forgives easily when someone does truly wrong by her or to someone she cares about.  Her moodiness is never something to fear, unless you have done something to make her fearsome towards you.

Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’8”
Body Build: Athletic, strong, but not overtly muscular.  Enough curves, especially her hips and bottom, to please the eye and tall, but less leggy than her height implies.  Nona’s shoulders are her personal favorite feature.
Additional Physical Notes: Nona wears her hair long, though not quite the incredible mane that once reached her jeans, but it still falls to the middle of her back whether braided or worn loosely.  She have several scars on her lower legs and forearms, nothing remarkable, simply the marks of a woman that has been active and physically adventurous since she was a child.  Her only piercings are in her ears and while she fancies henna tattoos, has never had anything marked on her as a lasting tattoo, but has never ruled it out completely.

History: Nona is the daughter of a Mother of Cherokee ancestry and an Italian Father who met her mother while she was stationed Aviano Air Force base near Venice, Italy.  Her Mother was the nursing director of the base hospital and her father a Professor of Medical Ethics in Venice and one seminar lead to another and a romance and eventually to Nona being born.  Though her parents never married, Nona was given her Father’s surname and visits him at least yearly.  Nona is still convinced that he is the only man her Mother ever truly loved, which explains why her Mother never married and why Nona remained an only child.

An Air Force brat until the age of 12 when her Mother retired, she spent much of her early life traveling and moving about, eventually settling in Colorado Springs, near her Mother’s last posting at the Air Force Academy.  An avid hiker, biker, canoeing, whitewater rafting and both skiing and fishing, Nona was a definite outdoorsy kind of girl and young woman.  After High school she took a few years off from schooling, having no idea what she wanted to do with her life for a time.  Initially she took a few courses in search and rescue, just as something to do and since she worked at a ski resort to make a living, before finally deciding to follow her parents into the medical field.

Nona is a Certified and License Nurse Practitioner, working her first several years with the Cherokee Nation Health Service, in part to connect with her heritage and in part to earn credit towards her student loans being forgiven.  Since that time she has called Oklahoma, living near, but not on the Nation lands, her home but has suffered from some definite wanderlust of late and while she is reconsidering where she might want to live and work, her Father’s birthday gift to her has been a trip to Caravanserai to get out of her own head and get some rest and relaxation away from the long hours that her current position has been piling onto her for the last few years…years in which her social life has all but evaporated.  Life is at one of a series of crossroads, at least she feels that way, and disconnecting from the everyday existence seems the best way to give herself an honest look at the choices and roads ahead.

Face Claim: Sara Tomko

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Ons, Offs and Stuff   
Story Ideas
Apologies and Absences


Name: Bennett “Ben” Thomasin
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality:  Careful, an observer and reactor more than actor or so it seems.  He can appear calculating and gruff at times, and in truth he is both of those things, but with age comes wisdom and the softening and rounding of some of the rougher edges.  His sense of humor is dry and a bit sardonic, but ever present.  Not the type to walk into a room and command its attention or even wants much attention, he is the opposite of gregarious, and yet an unmistakable presence.  The sort who leads by logic, experience and the kind of inherent authority that is backed up by his concise manner and way of speaking.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’4”
Body Build: Tall, broad shouldered, lanky without looking awkward or ungainly.  Imposing when he wishes to be that, or blend in completely despite his height.
Additional Physical Notes: Ben’s hair is moving from a few sprinkles of silver to a bit more salt and pepper.  He possesses two scars, three if you count each side of his shoulder as separate scars caused by the same bullet.  The other is a jagged looking scarred over wound near his right hip, one that has an odd angle, like whatever caused it was deflected away at the last moment.

History: A Chicago native and recruited by two of the most mirthless fellows anyone has ever met, right out of Northwestern University where he played baseball and volleyball and graduated with a degree in history with minors in geology and natural sciences.  Ben went on to a 20+ year career in a field where people often joke that they could tell you, but then they would have to kill you kind of field.  Currently he works as a private consultant in the personal security industry.  He isn’t the man you hire to design or implement your security system, he is the fellow you bring in to find the flaws and weaknesses in the security scheme and system you have in place or just paid someone else to create for you.

A man who leaves business where it belongs and doesn’t bring any of that into his personal life, his last few years since going into private industry have made him a quietly wealthy man, and one whose last serious relationship ended when he left college and became an enigma and mystery to friends and family alike.  He is an avid reader and quiet explorer, a naturalist might have been the title of his avocation in centuries past, Ben has no social media, is entirely apolitical as far as anyone knows, and lives in the moment, neither dwelling in the past or assuming what the future holds for himself. 

Ben is an avid swimmer and diver, from snorkeling to deep sea scuba, and eats healthily and stays in excellent shape.  One might think he has no vices other than the occasional glass of wine or bourbon, but then again, learning what less than innocent pleasures the man enjoys and desires is all part of peeling back the carefully ordered layers of his persona.  So far, not many have been able to dig very deeply there, but this is Caravanserai after all, and perhaps here there is more of him offered up to be known than elsewhere, for the right person at least.

Face Claim: Jim Caviezel

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Ons, Offs and Stuff   
Story Ideas
Apologies and Absences