[Recruitment]Pathfinder Character [over]Development

Started by Lyell, November 14, 2010, 02:36:51 AM

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Sense of JusticeOOC thread started -> https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=89086.0

(A group has already been formed, however I am going to stick with this theme/optional rule set for others interested. Other settings, other stories, what have you. There is also the possibility that positions will open up in groups already established.)

First and foremost, the main theme I'm going for is breast expansion and probably lactation, though not exclusively so. Sizes are encouraged to start small or average, optional endpoints being the waistline. Knee-knockers and room filling are out. Certain sizes will gain benefits and incur penalties, scaling to mass. Other kinks will be prevalant as well. Monster/tentacle rape (or raped), bondage, excessive fluids, anything really. I'm pretty open to ideas so if there's something you'd like to see, let me know.
I also discourage one-dimensional characters. While I enjoy good, dirty fun as much as the next person, there are stories to be told as well. The only way to maintain my interest will be said stories.

The story(ies?) will take place in Forgotten Realms. Core Races/Classes availible. Pathfinder is preferable since A) I want to try it out and B) prestige classes aren't really necessary with it. I will be snipping spells from BoEF, armor rules and some feats from The Chainmail Bikini as well as some homebrew BE:DnD feats tailored to managable proportions.

Storywise I intend for this to be lengthy. I've been exposed to several modules that I intend to tie together and alter for the sake of continuity and plot hole filling. (Mmm...filling) This will be my first time DMing on forums, so I prefer lvl 1 characters, though at the same time I intend to consistantly play with this group to 20 (possibly higher if I can keep things going).
If you are interested in the game but have little or no d20 experience I am willing to help anyone get started, and ask for patience or possibly help from experienced players.

That said I would like two to three male and female characters. I'll be filling the last slot, but no one person will always be in the spotlight focus. I also intend to integrate character backgrounds into the story elements, so elaborate histories I can expand on would be appreciated.

So... Any takers?
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Interest has been expressed, so I will add these rules I was saving as a teaser.

Lean Body Mass: Determine the character's weight as you would normally (see Table 6-6: Random Height and Weight in the Player's Handbook). This is the character's lean body mass, not her total body weight. Lean body mass does not count toward a character's encumbrance (see Table 9-1: Carrying Capacity in the Player's Handbook).

Extra Body Weight: A character can also carry extra body weight. Extra body weight counts toward the character's encumbrance. A player can have any amount of extra body weight that she can justify.

Appearance:  The iconic characters depicted in the Player's Handbook have no extra body weight (images by Claudio Pozas). A character with extra body weight could be large-breasted, deformed or plump. The combination of appearance and personality is already part of Charisma, but the DM could assign an ad hoc modifier in unusual situations.

Breast Weight: Some of a female character's weight can be breast weight. Because it's difficult to run, jump and dodge with large, unsupported breasts, such endowments that exceeds what one could normally support incurs penalties to such checks. This penalty stacks with the penalty wearing armor incurs.

Growth: All races were not created equal. No evidence is more prominent than body mass. Because of this, spells are more or less effective on differing size categories.

Racial Size Growth Modifier (RSGM)

Large         2 
Medium      1
Small         .5

Breast Support

This is how much total breast weight your character can handle without penalties.

Certain races have different breast support.

Half-Orcs: (3 x Str) + (1 x Con) = Can support in pounds
Humans, Half-Elfs, Elfs: (2 x Str) + (1 X Con) =
Dwarfs: (1 x Str) + (1 X Con) =
Halfings and Gnomes: (1/2 x Str) + (1/2 X Con) =

Breast Penalties & Disadvantages

If you grow past your breast support limit you accrue certain penalties.

When breasts become 30 pounds or heavier you cannot use short and long bows.

Every 5 pounds you go past your support limit you get -1 AC, -1 CTH(chance to hit) and

-1 on climb checks.

If you go over 10% of your support limit your movment speed is reduced by 5ft.
20% = -10ft
30% = -15ft
40% = -20ft
50% = cant move

Every 3 pounds you go over your support limit you get -1 on all balance, jump, tumble,

disguise and checks.

Encumbrance: The penalties for being encumbered do not change. Ignore extra body weight when calculating the armor check penalty on Swim checks.

Spell List
Bard Spells
0-Level Bard Spells (Cantrips)
Touch-Up: Willing subject's appearance changes in small ways.
1st-Level Bard Spells
Change Appearance: Like touch-up, but permanent.
2nd-Level Bard Spells
Breast Growth: Woman's breasts grow.
Eroding Breasts: Woman's breasts shrink.

Cleric Spells
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
Touch-Up: Willing subject's appearance changes in small ways.
1-Level Cleric Spells
Divine Sexual Desires

Druid Spells
0-Level Druid Spells (Orisons)
Touch-Up: Willing subject's appearance changes in small ways.
1st-Level Druid Spells
Breast Growth: Woman's breasts grow.
Change Appearance: Like touch-up, but permanent.
Eroding Breasts: Woman's breasts dwindle.

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
0th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (Cantrips)
Touch-Up: Willing subject's appearance changes in small ways.
1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Breast Growth: Woman's breasts grow.
Change Appearance: Like touch-up, but permanent.
Disendowment: Body part becomes half as large.
Endowment: Body part becomes twice as large.
Eroding Breasts: Woman's breasts dwindle.
Divine Sexual Desires

Spell Descriptions

Breast Growth
Level: Brd 2, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S,M,DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the breasts of an adult female to grow. It has no effect on a creature without breasts. Each week that the spell lasts, a Medium-sized subject's breast weight increases by 1 pound (a rate of 2 kg per month). The growth of larger or smaller creatures is proportional to their size: a Large subject grows at twice the rate, a Huge subject at four times the rate, and so on. Her breasts do not sag while the spell is in effect. She grows normal, natural flesh that stays healthy after the spell ends.If she is also affected by magic that multiplies the size of her breasts, it multiplies the new growth as well, but the multiplication is not permanent. It wears off when the other magic does.

In most places, even a poor woman can scrape together 10 gp for a journeyman to cast this spell, but it is much less convenient to end the spell when she is happy with the results. The cheapest wizards are not able to dispel their own magic. When a better spellcaster is available at all, he will normally charge 150 gp or more to cast dispel magic, almost fifty months' income from manual labor, and dispel magic sometimes fails to work the first time. Many towns have an unwise or gullible woman desperate to end this spell.Breast growth counters, but does not dispel, eroding breasts. If eroding breasts is already in effect on the same target, the spell fails.
Material component: A draught of specially-prepared herbal tea, which the subject must imbibe.

Change Appearance
Level: Bard 1, Druid 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Duration: Permanent
This spell functions like touch-up, except that the changes maintain themselves indefinitely. If the spell ends, the changes grow out, just like touch-up.
Focus: One of the subject's birthstones, worth at least 25 gp. The subject must carry the focus with him for the spell to work.

Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject's sexual characteristics shrink to one-third their normal size. The length or circumference of an affected organ is 30% smaller than normal. This spell does not stack with other effects that multiply size, but it functions normally on subjects whose body is altered in other ways.

Disendowment counters and dispels endowment. This spell can be made permanent on yourself or another creature with permanency at a cost of 500 xp.Material component: A black pearl worth at least 25 gp.

Divine Sexual Desires
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr 1
Components: V,S,F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

The caster reaches into the mind of the target to glimpse their deepest, most suppressed desires and fantasies. Failing the save means the caster recieves a brief, vauge glimpse. If the save is failed by atleast 5, the caster recieves a vividly detailed mental image. Successful saves close the mind to such intrusions from the caster for 24 hours.

Focus: A posession of the target.

Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S.M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject's sexual characteristics expand to three times their normal size. The length or circumference of an affected organ is 45% larger than normal. This spell does not stack with other effects which multiply size, but it functions normally on a subject whose body is altered in other ways.

Endowment counters and dispels disendowment. This spell can be made permanent on yourself or another creature with permanency at a cost of 500 xp
Material component: A white pearl worth at least 25 gp.

Eroding Breasts
Level: Brd 2, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S,M,DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The subject's breasts slowly dwindle away to nothing. Each week that the spell is in effect, a Medium-sized subject's breast weight decreases by 1 lb. (a rate of 2 kg per month) until her breasts disappear entirely. This rate is proportional to the subject's size, so a Small subject loses half this weight, a Tiny subject one-fourth the weight, and so on. The spell has no effect on a subject whose breasts are still growing, either naturally or due to magic. The spell reverses sag and leaves behind healthy, firm, smaller breasts.If the subject is also under a magical effect that multiplies the weight of her breasts, the weight lost also multiplies, but the multiplication is not permanent. It wears off when the other magic ends.This spell counters, but does not dispel, breast growth.
Material Component: A draught of specially prepared herbal tea, which the subject must imbibe. One ingredient is the powder from a crushed pearl worth at least 100 gp.

Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V,S,F,DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With this spell, you can make minor changes to your appearance. You can change the length, color and thickness of your hair, lighten or tan your skin, remove hair, cause it to grow where it would not, add or remove wrinkles and blemishes, redistribute fat, and so on.

As soon as the spell is cast, the subject's natural appearance begins to grow back. If the spell is used to grow a beard on an elf's chin, for example, the hair will not grow and will fall out over time.

If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +2 bonus on your Disguise check.Focus: One of the subject's birthstones, worth at least 25 gp.

Pendant of Pendulouslessness 1,000 gp Occupies Neck
Bustier of Burgeoning 1,000 gp Occupies Chest

Pendant of Pendulouslessness: This silver pendant is set with both halves of a cream-colored pearl, side by side. When worn by a woman, her breasts are not affected by gravity. It does nothing to keep them from moving. She may subtract her breast weight from her encumbrance, in addition to the relief she gets due to her garments.

One well-known drinking song celebrates a mage who promised such a pendant to any young lady who could say, "Pretty please, promptly proffer a powerful pendant of pendulouslessness!" five times fast while hopping up and down. By custom, the first drinker to get tongue-tied pays for the round.

Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, levitate; Price 1,000 gp.

Bustier of Burgeoning: This adventurer's corset automatically resizes itself to fit the wearer. It is soft, smooth and dry against the skin. When worn by a man, it is just a masterwork man's corset. When worn by a woman, it reshapes the body underneath, moving weight where it would be most flattering. She feels no discomfort; it is as if her temporary figure were natural. The corset is not tight enough to harm her in any way, even if the wearer is pregnant. Even though this garment is mostly open around her breasts, her breasts do not move about in inconvenient ways. All the extra body weight of a woman who wears this item becomes breast weight, some of her lean body mass may become breast weight, and she subtracts her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Price 1,000 gp.

Support Garments

The following undergarments all support part of the body. Encumbrance reductions from garments do not stack. Use only the highest reduction that applies. A magical bodice or corset take up the same slot as a magical shirt, vest or vestment.As an alternative to wearing a separate garment, master work or bikini armor (made to fit-regular armor does NOT provide this effect without a bodice ubderneath) can be custom-made to fit snugly and comfortably. A woman who wears such armor subtracts half her breast weight from her encumbrance. A woman adds twice her breast weight to her encumbrance before subtracting anything from it.
These sizes and prices are for Medium characters. Clothing made for Small characters weighs 1/4 as much.

Clothing Item Cost Weight
Bodice 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Bodice, Adventurer's 151 gp 1 lb.
Bodice, Simple 1 sp 1/2 lb.
Corset, Adventurer's 152 gp 1 lb.
Corset, Man's 2 gp 2 lb.
Corset, Simple 2 sp 2 lb.
Corset, Tight 5 gp 2 lb.
Corset, Woman's 2 gp 2 lb.

Bodice: A garment, usually made of linen, which supports the breasts and is not attached to a corset. It is normally worn over a chemise. A woman wearing a bodice that fits her subtracts half of her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Bodice, Adventurer's: This masterwork garment is fitted for the wearer and provides support, control and comfort for an active woman. It is usually backed by silk and can be reinforced by steel wire. A woman wearing an adventurer's bodice that fits her subtracts her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Bodice, Simple: This is a band of cloth worn over the breasts for support, usually under other clothing. It can easily be improvised. A woman wearing a simple bodice subtracts 1/4 her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Corset, Adventurer's: This masterwork woman's corset incorporates an adventurer's bodice. It is comfortable enough to be worn against the skin.

Corset, Man's: A man's corset flattens the torso. It can be worn to alter the figure, support the back or fit more confortably into a suit of armor. It is normally worn over an undershirt. A woman impersonating a man gets a +2 circumstance bonus to her Disguise check if she wears a man's corset.

Corset, Simple: This very inexpensive corset is made from cheap material such as sackcloth and stiffened with reeds. A woman wearing a simple corset that fits her subtracts 1/4 of her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Corset, Tight: This garment is fashionable among noblewomen in some places. It is not normally worn on adventures. A tight corset is considered heavy armor that has no armor bonus, no chance of arcane spell failure, and a -6 armor check penalty. A woman wearing a tight corset that she fits subtracts half her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Corset, Woman's: This garment is stiffened by rods of bone, steel or other material and fastened by laces. It is normally worn over a chemise to alter the figure, fit more comfortably into a suit of armor, or support the back. This type of corset is less restrictive than leather armor. A woman wearing a woman's corset that fits her subtracts half her breast weight from her encumbrance. A man impersonating a woman gets a +2 circumstance bonus to his Disguise check if he wears a woman's corset.

Bikini/masterwork Armor: bikini/masterwork armor typically must be fitted to the wearer. A woman who wears such armor subtracts half her breast weight from her encumbrance.

Adjustment: Magic armor resizes to fit the wearer. Unfortunately, a growing body can become quite confined in mundane clothing and armor. Any such armor has approximately 2 cups worth of give via straps or buckles. Beyond this, the armor is considered to be worn improperly and provides 1 less AC per cup over. Armor and clothing can be refitted for a measely 1/16th its cost.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


In looking over everything I seem to have forgotten some very important features. So what's the benefit of having unearthly endowments? Well, in the real world they produce back pain and mostly get in the way. In my world however...

[Anatomically Over Endowed][My Eyes are Up Here]
Prereq: Female, Cha 15, above average bust.
Your figure is of such proportions that you distract those sexually attracted to you. Anyone so enthralled by your cleavage suffers a -2 distraction penalty to attack, damage, will and reflex saves, sense motive checks and bluff DC. Those not interested still face a -2 to their intimidate DCs if your endowments are proportionally larger.

These penalties only fully apply to those who have direct line of sight to atleast 15% of exposed breast flesh. Completely covered only allows for a -1 penalty, modest and conservative attire negate this feat's benefits. Bikini armor, no matter the grade, is considered immodest attire.

Special: This feat is automatically aquired and in effect once you meet the requirements, either permanantly or temporarily via magic.

[Enhanced Support]
When calculating how much extra weight a character may possess before accruing penalties, she may add her class' core stat multiplied by whatever her race's Strength was. If she has multiple classes, she must choose one. If the (chosen) class lists more than one core stat, she may choose which one is added in this fashion. This choice is permanent.

Ex: A Half-Elf Wizard with this feat may add (Int x2) to the equation that determines how much weight she can handle.

[Empowering Bosom]

Prerequisites: Enhanced Support, Anatomically Over-endowed

Your charms were kissed by Kaitlea herself. Rather than act as a hindrance, your endowments serve to empower you. Benefits vary by class, but all share this feature:

For every 5xRSGM lbs of breast flesh, a character may add +1 supernatural insight bonus to an in-class skill check. This bonus is permanent and may not be adjusted later. If the flesh is lost, the bonus is temporarily inactive.

Rogues: Every 5xRSGM a rogue posesses allows her to add a +1 supernatural insight bonus to sneak attack damage.

Fighter: A fighter with any feat from the Cleavage attack tree may increase the damage dealt by +1 for every 5xRSGM.

Barbarian: A barbarian's Empowered Bosom reduces rage penalties by -1 per 5xRSGM.

Paladin: A paladin may increase the amount her Lay on Hands heals by +1 per 5xRSGM.

Cleric: A cleric may increase her domain spell slots by 1 for every level she could cast, provided she has 5xRSGM per spell level. A medium creature would need 10 lbs to unlock her 2nd level extra domain slot.

Wizard/Sorcerer/Witch: Any of the casters noted may cast their spells as though they were a higher level. For every 5xRSGM, they accrue one charge. Each charge spent raises the spell effect by one level category. Unlike metamagic feats, this effect does not cause a low level spell to expend a higer spell slot. A caster may use all charges on a single spell or spread them out across several spells. Charges replenish over an eight hour rest period.

Druid: For every 5xRSGM, a druid gains a charge. These charges can be used to enhance Summon Nature's Ally. The roman numeral after the spell is how many charges are spent. Upon casting, double the normal animals are summoned. A druid may expend twice the charges to triple the number of allies. She may not go beyond this number. Charges are replenished after an 8 hour rest.

Monk: Due to the distraction they create, a Monk may add +1 per 5xRSGM to the DC to resist her Stunning fist.

Special: This feat may be taken more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time the feat is taken, it applies to a different class. Mass used to empower one class is considered exclusive to that class and more mass must be aquired under a new class before the class specific benefits activate.

[Extra Spells]
Prereq: Female, CL 3 or higher
During the first cataclysm, the gods' maidens, symbols of fertility and power, posessed magical bounty. Their power, used to restore the realm of mortals, spread to humanity. As a manipulator of magical energies, you've learned how to harness that energy.

For every 4x(racial size growth modifier) you exceed the average size for your race, you gain a +1 bonus to your class' ability modifier when determining extra spells/day maximum +4. Example: Scuttlebutt Evergrowing is a gnome sorcerer with 18 charisma. Her clothing strains to contain an extra 4 lbs of flesh beyond what is average for gnomes. Gnomes as a small creature have a RSGM of .5 and Scuttles qualify for an increase in this bonus for every 2 lbs. Scuttlebutt's base ability modifier is +4, however with this feat active, she gains extra spells as though she had 22 charisma or a +6 modifier.

These extra spells rely upon the caster's bosom. Any spell, trap or magical effect that successfully reduces a character's breast size also affects this ability. If a spell slot is lost due to unexpected loss of mass, the caster must make a Spellcraft check DC 15+the highest level of spell lost to dismiss the energy harmlessly. If the check is failed, it is cast immediately, at a random target (friend or foe), gains the Wild descriptor and casts as though a Major Wild Surge had occurred.

Cleavage [Fighter]
Prereq: Str 13, Anatomically Over Endowed, Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Breasts
Assuming you have control over your torso, you may attack with your breasts treating them as an unarmed strike (or gauntlet or bladed guantlet depending upon how you are equipped). Additionally, whenever you gain an extra attack due to Cleave or Great Cleave, you may make a free attack using Cleavage at the same attack bonus as the Cleave attack.

Special: If any spell, trap or magic effect successfully reduces your breasts so as to deny you the benefits of Anatomically Over Endowed, you also lose the benefits of Cleavage.

Improved Cleavage [Fighter]
Prereq: Str 15, Cleavage, Anatomicaly Over Endowed, 8xRSGM beyond average size for your race

Your Cleavage attack now deals damage as though you were one size category larger and +1 damage for every 2 lbs of breast weight (maximum +4)

Special: If any spell, trap or magic effect successfully reduces your breasts so as to disqualify you from the size requirement of this feat, you no longer gain its effects.

Epic Cleavage [Fighter]
Prereq: Str 21, Anatomically Over Endowed, 12xRGSM, Improved Cleavage, Great Cleave

Your Cleavage attack now deals damage as though you were two size categories larger and +1 damage for every 2 lbs. of breast weight (maximum +10)

Special: If any spell, trap or magic effect successfully reduces your breasts so as to disqualify you from the size requirement of this feat, you no longer gain its effects.

Some of this is modified Chainmail Bikini and BE: DnD stuff. I intend to add more for theif, cleric and paladin types as well as some beneficial things for males to pick.

These are not set in stone, nor are they play tested. If balance issues (see what I did there?) are keeping you from responding, please do so anyways. I am a flexible person open to ideas.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


if this could also be extended to futa / hermaphrodites and have spells
for creating more sexual organs or changing bodies shape more dramatically im in.

im not huge on rules however so if any want to make a sorceres for me i may just go with that


Quote from: Muse on November 16, 2010, 01:10:46 AM

I'll bite, Lyell.

Mmm. Hard I hope.

Cavernous Cleavage

Benefit: +2 to Sleight of Hand checks when hiding items in your cleavage. Also your cleavage can hold up to 4 pounds of items in it. The weight from the items in your cleavage add to encumberance normally. Your attire must be concidered immodest to have access to items stored in this fashion.

Prerequisites: Breasts must weight 4 pounds each or more.

Improved Cavernous Cleavage

Benefit: +4 to Sleight of Hand checks when hiding items in your cleavage. Also your cleavage can hold up to 8 pounds of items in it. The weight from the items in your cleavage add to encumberance normally. Your attire must be concidered immodest to have access to items stored in this fashion.

Prerequisites: Cavernous Cleavage and breasts must weight 8 pounds each or more.

Greater Cavernous Cleavage

Benefit: +6 to Sleight of Hand checks when hiding items in your cleavage. Also your cleavage can hold up to 16 pounds of items in it. The weight from the items in your cleavage add to encumberance normally. Your attire must be concidered immodest to have access to items stored in this fashion.

Prerequisites: Improved Cavernous Cleavage and breasts must weight 16 pounds each or more.

Epic Cavernous Cleavage

Benefit: +10 to Sleight of Hand checks when hiding items in your cleavage. Also your cleavage can hold up to 32 pounds of items in it. The weight from the items in your cleavage add to encumberance normally. Your attire must be concidered immodest to have access to items stored in this fashion.

Prerequisites: Greater Cavernous Cleavage and breasts must weight 32 pounds each or more. Level 21

Distracting Cleavage

You distract someone with your charm(s).

Benefit: To distract a target, the target must be into breasts. Roll a bluff check vs the target's sense motive check. If successful you have the target distracted for 1 round for every 2 the target's sense motive has been defeated by.

Being distracted gives a -5 on spot and listen checks. Also cannot take 10 on skills that require concentration. -2 to initiative checks.

Prerequisites: Persuasive

Special: Having the "Extra Jiggly Feat" adds +2 to your bluff roll. "Extremely Jiggly Feat" adds an additional +2.

Extra Jiggly

Benefit: +4 to balance checks caused by your breasts. +2 Perform(Dance)

Special: A bard who has taken Perform(Dance) and uses her skills to distract enemies recieves a +2 bonus to resisting her effects.

Extremely Jiggly

Your breasts make jello look like stone.

Benefit: +8 to balance checks caused by your breasts. +4 Perform(Dance)

Special: A bard who has taken Perform(Dance) and uses her skills to distract enemies recieves a +4 bonus to resisting her effects.

Prerequisites: Extra Jiggly

Balloon Boobs

Through training or just extended periods of having to live with your endowments, they don't seem to affect your maneuverability as much.

Benefit: +4 Tumble and +2 Swim.

Prerequisites: Anatomically Over Endowed

Improved Balloon Boobs

Benefit: If someone ever tries to bull rush you and fails you can move the rusher 5 feet for each 5 points by which your strength check result is greater than the rusher's check. (Imagine the offender bouncing off your boobs :P). +2 to swim and tumble checks for falling.

Prerequisites: Balloon Boobs

Greater Balloon Boobs

Benefit: Whenever you are tripped roll a tumble check DC:20+Tripper's Str modifier+ 2 for every size larger than you. If you succeed you may stay standing and move 5 feet (Still provoke attack of opportunities as normal.). (Imagine you bounce off your boobies and land on your feet. Yes, most of these are disturbingly unrealistic and inspired by anime. Sue me.). +2 to swim and tumble checks for falling.

Prerequisites: Improved Balloon Boobs

Epic Balloon Boobs

Benefit: +2 vs whenever someone tries to trip or bull rush you. Once per round you may redirect an arrow or other ranged attack, the attack is reflected back upon the attacker at the character's base attack bonus. (Imagine the attack bouncing off your boobs and hitting the opponent :P).You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted. +2 to swim and tumble checks for falling.

Attempting to deflect an attack doesn't count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (ballistae, catapults) and melee attacks (for melee if the weapon is two sizes larger than your size) can't be reflected. 

Prerequisites: Greater Balloon Boobs, Level 21, Strength and Dexerity 23

Always Growing

Everytime you level you gain (1/2 your character level + your constitution mod)xRSGM pounds per breast.

Prerequisites: Constitution 10

Special: Also add one RGSM for each "Healthy Chested" feat you have when you level.

Improved Always Growing

Everytime you level you gain (1/2 your character level + your constitution mod + 1d4+1)xRSGM pounds per breast.

Prerequisites: Constitution 12

Special: If you have at least constitution 18 and Always Growing then you may take this feat for free when you get your free every 3rd level feat. Also add one RSGM for each "Healthy Chested" feat you have when you level.

Greater Always Growing

Everytime you level you gain (1/2 your character level + your constitution mod + 1d8+3)xRSGM pounds per breast.

Prerequisites: Improved Always Growing and ConsTITution 14

Special: If you have at least constitution 22 and Improved Always Growing then you may take this feat for free when you get your free every 3rd level feat. Also add one RSGM per level for each "Healthy Chested" feat you have.

Epic Always Growing

My god. Those are huge.

Everytime you level you gain (1/2 your character level + your constitution mod + 1d10+5)xRSGM pounds per breast.

Prerequisites: Greater Always Growing and Constitution 22, Level 21

Special: If you have at least constitution 30 and Greater Always Growing then you may take this feat for free when you get your free every 3rd level feat. Also add one RSGM for each "Healthy Chested" feat you have when you level.

Healthy Chested

+2 hit points, +2 vs all diseases and poisons that would specifically target your breasts.

Prerequisites: Constitution 14

Improved Healthy Chested

+4 hit points, +4 vs all diseases and poisons that would specifically target your breasts. You count as having one additional hit die for the sake of spells or abilites targetted against your character and natural healing. 

Prerequisites: Healthy Chested and Constitution 16

Greater Healthy Chested

+6 hit points, +6 vs all diseases and poisons that would specifically target your breasts. You count as having one additional hit die for the sake of spells or abilities affect against your character and natural healing. 

Prerequisites: Improved Healthy Chested and Constitution 18

Epic Healthy Chested

+15 hit points, +8 vs all diseases and poisons that would specifically target your breasts. You count as having two additional hit die for the sake of spells or abilities affect against your character and natural healing.

Prerequisites: Greater Healthy Chested, Constitution 26, Level 21

Iron Spine [General]

Negates (5 + 2 x Strength Mod)xRSGM pounds of breast weight from your carrying load and dex penalty.

Mithral Spine [General]
Req: Iron Spine

Mithril Spine now negates (15 + 5 x Strength Mod)xRSGM pounds.

Adamantite Spine [General]
Req: Mithral Spine

Adamantite Spine now negates (30 + 10x Strength Mod)xRSGM pounds.

Unbreakable Spine [General]
Req: Adamantite Spine

Unbreakable Spine now negates (50 + 15 x Strength Mod)xRSGM pounds.

Epic Unbreakable Spine [Epic]
Req: Level 21, Unbreakable Spine, STR 20

Epic Unbreakable Spine now negates (100 + 25 x Strength Mod)xRSGM pounds. Seriously, if you need this, most will probably have to roll a san check, or be severely distracted.

I promised treats for the guys, too.

Lecherious Vigor

Prerequisite: Intimidate 4 ranks

Select an enemy type from Table: Ranger Favored Enemies, following the rules for Sub Types if applicable. The character gains a bonus of +2 to Intimidation, Bluff, Seduction, applicable Charm magics, Grapple Checks and Subdual Damage rolls when using applicable actions on this type of enemy.

If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the character’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

A character may take this feat more than once. It's effects do not stack, however at each new instance of the feat, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.


"I don't care where your eyes are!" Boobs are your thing. Atleast, when they're attatched to something friendly or restrained (or both...) and you find protecting them inspires you to act.

If a companion or captive qualifies for Anatomically Over Endowed, you gain a +2 Morale bonus to saving throws, AC, attack and damage rolls.

Special: If a source of this bonus is incapacitated, you lose these bonuses unless you are either within 10' of the victim or 10' of the enemy that dealt the incapacitating blow. You are also compelled to attack said enemy with an additional +2 Rage Bonus (that lasts the round you attack in) to your attack and damage.

Dancing Mind

Distractions? You do some of your best work when properly ... 'distracted.'

While completing a task that requires nimble or delicate fingers, or some level of concentration, you actually do better with some eye candy. +2 to any such skill check while in the presence of a woman who qualifies for Anatomically Over Endowed.

Special: A woman who is under the influence of any spell or motion that causes jiggle, or has the Extra Jiggly feat increases this bonus by an additional +2. This bonus is increased another +2 if she has the Extremely Jiggly feat or has 12 Perform (Dance).

Aaaaand I'm outta ideas...that didn't take long.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.



Quote from: Kate on November 16, 2010, 04:40:55 AM
if this could also be extended to futa / hermaphrodites

I'll allow it for the sake of more bites. Any such character qualifies for either of the gender related feats.

Quote from: Kate on November 16, 2010, 04:40:55 AM
and have spells
for creating more sexual organs or changing bodies shape more dramatically im in.

im not huge on rules however so if any want to make a sorceres for me i may just go with that

I'm not sure if Polymorph was intended for that purpose, but I will allow it anyways. As it requires a higher level to cast than Touch Up or Change Appearance, you will need to be stronger to be able to cast it. However once you are capable, let your imagination take the wheel.

Side note: Most of those spells say willing targets, but if you aren't using it for combat advantage, have already subdued the target or have intimidated/seduced/drugged/confused/stunned (stunned girls can't say no?) I will consider the target 'willing.'
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.

Chloe Milev

Hmm, this could be interesting.  I was thinking of throwing in a feminine male half-elf rogue, looking to be like the titans and endowed women suddenly spreading across the world.  Uses disguise to look like a woman, and eventually gets the Minor and Major Magic rogue talents to redistribute fat to his chest (boobs!).

Any objections?
Ons and Offs
Discord chloe milev
FFXIV Sargatanas


OOC thread started -> https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=89086.0

Quote from: Chloe Milev on November 16, 2010, 08:57:58 AMI was thinking of throwing in a feminine male half-elf rogue, looking to be like the titans and endowed women suddenly spreading across the world.  Uses disguise to look like a woman, and eventually gets the Minor and Major Magic rogue talents to redistribute fat to his chest (boobs!).

Any objections?

Depending on your character's disguise ability, I'll allow it. (Though considering your potential comerades you may get your wish sooner rather than later.) You'll quialify for Cavernous Cleavage with fake boobs but the benefit will be reduced since you'd have to be careful not to disturb your disguise. That reduction will disappear once you've attained real ones.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


I'm thinking either female elven fighter or ranger, not sure yet.

Chloe Milev

So we start at level one.  Are our abilities point-buy, or roll for them?  People often do 4d6, drop the lowest, reroll 1's, but I'll not assume.
Ons and Offs
Discord chloe milev
FFXIV Sargatanas


I'm sorry, I really need to make that OOC thread more obvious.

36 point buy.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.



Several interested share my fondness for the Pathfinder ruleset, so I'll be using that as a base instead. That was what was intended by the 3.(7?)5 previously in the title.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


I have never used it. x.x

Any help with making a character would be appreciated


Quote from: yuna0417 on November 17, 2010, 09:11:16 PM
I have never used it. x.x

Any help with making a character would be appreciated

Oh there's no way I'm gonna leave anyone hanging just because they don't know the system! Don't worry. I'm already going to put together a character sheet for Kate. Turning down your request would be pretty lame.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Feh, all that and I forgot the Bikini Armor. I posted this from my phone, so the chart is likely a mess. I'll fix it in the morning.

Exotic Armor Proficiency (underwear)

Logically speaking, bikini armor serves two conflicting purposes; 1) to protect the body and 2) to bare as much of it as possible. This feat is meant to represent the training required to properly twist and bend so that the armor worn catches the weapon, enhanced mobility is taken advantage of, or a combination of the two.

The corresponding armor grade proficiency -light, medium or heavy- is still required. Otherwise, penalties for wearing armor the character is not proficient with compound as though the character did not have this feat.

Bikinis are difficult to use as armour because they attempt to serve two competing interests ? revealing the body and protecting the body.

Special training is required to gain any significant defensive bonus from bikini armour, but a skilled warrior woman in a bikini can twist to catch a strike on the few bits of armour she is wearing, or indeed move in a distracting enough way that her opponent?s concentration on the attack falters. Light bikini armour is flexible enough for even spell casters to use it without drawback, and even the heaviest bikini armour, the full-plate bikini, is still highly revealing and comfortable to wear with proper training.

Table 1: Bikini Armour         
                            Cost   Armour Bonus1  Max Dex  Bonus    Check Penalty   Arcane Spell Failure   Speed  (30 ft.) (20 ft.) Weight2
Light Armour
String                    2 gp               +0 (+0)                      +8                       0                              0%                  30 ft.  20 ft.          1 lb.
Padded               10 gp              +1 (+0)                       +8                       0                              0%                  30 ft.  20 ft.          2 lb.
Leather               20 gp              +2 (+0)                       +6                       0                              0%                  30 ft.  20 ft.          3 lb.
Studded Leather 50 gp              +3 (+0)                       +5                       1                              0%                  30 ft.  20 ft.          4 lb.
Chain Shirt        200 gp              +4 (+0)                       +4                       2                              5%                  30 ft.  20 ft.          5 lb.
Medium Armour
Hide                    30 gp               +3 (+0)                     +4                        3                               5%                  20 ft.  15 ft.          5 lb.
Scale Mail          100 gp               +4 (+0)                     +3                        4                            10%                   20 ft.  15 ft.          6 lb.
Chainmail          300 gp               +5 (+1)                     +2                        5                            15%                   20 ft.  15 ft.          8 lb.
Breastplate       400 gp               +5 (+1)                     +3                        4                            10%                   20 ft.  15 ft.          6 lb.
Heavy Armour
Splint Mail          400 gp               +6 (+2)                     +0                       7                            25%                    20 ft.  15 ft.          9 lb.
Banded Mail       500 gp               +6 (+2)                     +1                       6                            20%                    20 ft.  15 ft.          7 lb.
Half-Plate        1,200 gp               +7 (+3)                     +0                       7                            25%                    20 ft.  15 ft.        10 lb.
Full Plate         3,000 gp               +8 (+4)                     +1                       6                            20%                    20 ft.  15 ft.        10 lb.
1 The armour bonus in parentheses is for non-proficient wearers.

2 Weight figures are for armour sized to fit Medium characters. Armour fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armour fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.

3 A string bikini isn't actually armour, and cannot be improved with a magical enhancement bonus.

Craftsmanship Improvements
Improvement                 Craft DC               Market Value        Special                                                     Max Times
Buoyancy1                         25                          200 gp           Reduces armor penalty to Swim                       2
                                                                                             checks by 2.
Custom Fit                        20                          150 gp           Reduces armor penalty to skill                          3
                                                                                             checks by 1
Durability1                    Same as                     100 gp            Increases object hp by 2                                  5
                                original item
Hardened                         20                          150 gp            Increases object hardness by 2                       2
Mobility                             25                       1,000 gp            Reduces weight category of armour                 1
Quick Release                  30                   Time to remove in   Permits quick removal                                      1
                                                             rounds times 100 gp           
Reduced Weight              20                     Item hp × 10 gp    Reduces weight by half                                    1
Superb Balance               25                            200 gp           +1 to Max Dex                                                   2

1 Bouyancy and Durability are mutually exclusive and cannot be applied to the same armor.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Hexes for the Witch class. (Will probably be adding other features to other classes as well)

Lactation Hex

This hex wouold follow similar rules for uses/targets, except that it is restricted to targets with functioning breasts. Any valid target must make a foritude save (DC 10+ Witch's level+ her INT modifier) or drop to her knees and be stunned for 1d3 rounds + 1 round for every 4xRSGM. The target's breasts swell a cup size and begin fiercely lactating.

Ex. Scuttlebutt Evergrowing is a gnome. The average size of a gnome is a small B or roughly 2 lbs. Combined with the extra 4 lbs. she has, and factoring in the RSGM, this effect would stun her for 3 extra rounds.

This stun is considered an orgasm for any effects that trigger under such conditions. Any hostile actions twords the target will allow her to make a will save at half the DC of the initial effect, and return to her senses.

Transmute Flesh

Despite the name of the Hex, this spell only targets external sex organs. Upon the Hex's triggering, any organic being (constructs and animated objects are not affected, even if they resemble a humanoid) must make a fortitude save (DC 10+CL+Int modifier of caster) or have their naughty bits turned to wood/stone/iron (depending on the Witch's level) for 1/2 the witch's level in rounds (min 1).

Males: Depending on their endowment level (small/average/large) the sudden, unpleasant solidness between their legs reduces their max dex A.C. In light or medium armor(-1/-2/-3) or move speed in heavy armor (-5/-10/-15) This penalty increases by 1 for every material grade. At stone, turning around becomes a standard action. At iron it becomes a full round action.

Females: The sudden, unfamiliar, solid, unresponsive weight on your chest is particularly burdensome. Breasrt weight is multiplied according to the grade of material (x2/x3/x4) and penalties are applied as though they were normal extra weight. Breast related feats are temporarily lost.

Special: The loss of Extra Spells from this effect does not incur the normal loss effect associated with mass reduction. Instead, treat the spells as locked out for the duration of the hex.

Tentacle Hex

The first stage of this Hex functions much like an Entangle spell, reflex DC 10+the Witch's level+ her INT modifier (-5 if the surface is considered hard), with a duration of minuet/witch levels. The initial stage of tentacles bursting forth from the ground do not discriminate between targets. As such, when this Hex is used as a touch attack, the Witch must also make a reflex save (DC is halved) or be caught as well.

The witch may draw a Hex upon 1 10'x10' square per target she may ensnare (see below) but they must all be activated at the same time.

1-3=1 target, 6 tentacles
4-6=2 targets, 10 tentacles
7-9=3 targets, 14 tentacles
9-12=4 targets 16 tentacles
13+=5 targets, 20 tentacles

The second stage of this Hex lasts the duration of the entanglement. The Witch may telepathically issue commands to tentacles (limited to the number of targets she may ensnare), use them to force disrobing (time equivent to the equipment's don hastily time. Armor removed in this matter must have straps repaired before it can be worn again.) and use them to rape disrobed victims who've yet to free themselves. Issuing a command is a standard action, but the Witch may issue a continuous command and switch to another tentacle(s). At 15th level and beyond, the witch may command as many tentacles as she wants as a free action.

Victims take 1d3+the Witch's INT modifier subdual damage per tentacle per round, be it of the invasive or sucking variety. Atleast three tentacles must be used to properly restrain the target, but using four increases the strength DC to escape the entanglement by 5. The Witch may divide as many tentacles as she may summon amongst any number of targets she can ensnare. (Using the max level as an example, 20 tentacles on 1 target, 10 on two, 15 on one and 5 on the second.)

More to come.

Spell List modifications - As far as custom spells and BoEF are concerned, a witch may know and cast any spell that belongs to a school she could normally cast from.


Pleasure - 2nd Mantle of Love, 4th Orgasmic Vibrations, 6th Pheremones, 8th Kiss of Life, 10th Hedonist's Delight,  12th Orgasmic Vibrations, Mass, 14th Healing Sphere,  16th Succor, 18th Peace Aura

Punishment - 2nd Miss,  4th Cursed Orgasm, 6th Fear,   8th Bestow Curse, 10th Baleful Polymorph,  12th Shadow Life,  14th Dominate Person, 16th Slay Living, 18th Soul Bind
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.