Some random ideas. (M Seeking Dominant F/Futa/Herm/Trans, NC/possible EX)

Started by TastyBacon, October 06, 2010, 09:24:31 PM

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Okay, so, I suck at making request threads, but here goes!

Right now, I am really looking for someone to play a dominant Futa/Herm/Tranny role, with me playing a Male character.  I wouldn't mind roleplaying with a dominant female character either, just really want a Futa/Herm/Trans right now.  I am open to pretty much any plot and/or pairings if you have one or think of one, please let me know, I am not picky at all.  I do prefer plot based RPs, but would be able to do a purely smut based one as well.  Now, to clarify what I mean by Dominant, the character doesn't have to be a dominatrix type character(though it can be).  There are numerous ways to be considered a dominant character, and again, I'm open to just about anything.  I'm very easy to please as far as RPs go, haha.

Anyway, I suppose I should put up a couple of plot ideas that I have.  They are for the most part rather simple and brief overviews, but I feel they get the point across.  They can all be tweaked if you would like, and these are not necessarily what I am looking for, they are just the ideas that I've managed to get down.  A few of them even have a couple of different tweaks done to them that I thought of to allow for different types of playstyles.  But again, I can't stress enough how very unpicky I am when it comes to setting, plot, and pairings, it's just that I really enjoy anything where I can play a male character that is dommed in essentially anyway by a Futa/Herm/Tranny, or female character.

For information on what I enjoy, just take a look at roleplay preferences page.  I am willing to try anything that is not in the 'never' catagory, however, if it is in 'dislike' you will have to really convince me to do it.

Note:  Some of these might not be all that great, but whatever, they get the point across.

1.   College setting: On a college campus, there is a guy that is rather shy, always been a bit anti-social and geeky, but has been slowly working to break out of his shell. 

1. A)  He meets a girl that is also rather shy, and ashamed of her 'extra package'.  She wants to live a normal life, and keep that detail a secret.  The two meet in a class and start hanging out, but the guy falls for her.  She goes along with it at first, both mistaking his small advances as a normal friendship, but also not wanting to have to tell him the truth.  Eventually though, she realizes that the guy is willing to do just about anything for her to keep her around because of not only how much he likes her, but also how much better standing he is in socially just by having a girl.  As he confides more and more in her about how he used to live, and how badly he wants to be able to just have a bunch of friends and be social, she realizes that she can take advantage of him a bit.  Initially doing so just to see how much he would do, but then simply enjoying having him willing to cater to her every whim.  She then decides she can reveal her secret to him, whether he likes it or not, because he wouldn't tell anyone due to the fact that it would ruin him socially as well if word got out about it.

1. B)  There is a professor on campus that all of the upper classmen know her secret due to her end of the semester in class 'showcase'.  They don't tell the freshmen though, because every year she likes to pick out a freshman from her class and make them her personal pet and plaything.  She is a very powerful person on the campus, with the ability to ensure that the student will not be able to get into quite a few of the classes they would need to graduate if they refuse.  However, if they perform well at the end of the semester showing in class, regardless of anything that might have happened during the semester, they will be in smooth sailing for the rest of their college career.

2.  Band Setting

2. A)  She is a famous rock star, millions of fans across the globe, constantly selling out arenas wherever she performs, but she also has a secret that cannot get out, a secret that resides between her legs.  He is a huge fan of her and her music, and one day wins a contest to get backstage after a show in his city to meet her.  Absolutely ecstatic, he waits in line with the others for his chance to meet her.  Either (He is the last in line, and when they meet and begin talking, they just really hit it off and talk far longer than was scheduled, and she gives him a once in a lifetime offer) or (He wins an even greater prize while waiting in line, the chance to meet her one on one, and receive a once in a lifetime offer.)  An all expenses paid trip for the rest of her tour to travel and live with her the entire way, but he must do everything she says and obey her every command, no matter how...dark.  If he accepts, she will have a new play thing/pet for the rest of the tour, and he will get to live on the road with her, and who knows, he might grow to like the treatment she gives him.  And if he refuses, she can just try someone else at the next show.  It's not like anybody would believe him anyway.

Simple ideas without a plot that can have a plot added, or done easily without a plot.  Typically I will put the role that I would prefer to play on the right, but as usual with me, things can be discussed:


Fandom Pairings.  I don't typically do fandom pairings, because I don't really watch much anime or know of many fandoms that people want to do.  However, if there is one that you really want to try, let me know, and I'll see if I can try to learn about it if I don't, and see what I can do.  The exception to this rule is video games.  If you want to do a RP based on a video game, other than Final Fantasy, chances are good that I will at least have some familiarity with it, and will be willing to do it.  Again, just ask.

....Yeah, that's all I got for now.  But I'll update this when I manage to sort out a few others.  I have a bunch of random ideas in my head that just aren't quite worked out enough to post.  But, once again, I'm not picky. 

As for quality and such,  I tend to post a solid paragraph or two, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on what I'm given to work with, and how creative I am feeling.  I would like to receive about the same in return, I do enjoy details, but I will not be writing full fledged novel with each post.  I will not be a grammar nazi either.  Just at least make it legible so I know what's going on, and I shouldn't have any complaints.

If you have anything in mind, anything at all, or want to work something out, please feel free to either post here or PM me.  I would be more than happy to figure something out.  Thanks!


I like the band One very much ^.^ the plot sounds very interesting,and to him do everything she says,huh?:P Awesome.

I can shape her a bit,around to develop more..right?^^'
we can also talk this to PM,if you wanna better.To discuss.
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.
