Home and Away.

Started by Sabby, September 19, 2010, 09:39:33 AM

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Alf stewart A current affair

I really do feel embarrassed for my county =( I hate that our media and politicians are always making a bunch of noise over anything that pops up from the internet... sometimes, I feel like we're being represented by Fox.

Home and Away is just a soap opera that has been around longer then me. Someone on Youtube took some scenes and added voice overs. I can't stand soap opera's, but I have seen Home and Away, and I found the parodies to be hilarious. And no one else really gives a shit :/ My brother and I love it, and all our friends and most of their parents found it funny. But then the fucking news has gotta latch on and be dramatic, calling it a 'viscous attack'.

WTF? Attack? It's a bloody parody! If anything, it's a good thing. This actor and his role (Alf) is iconic to Australian TV, and if he, and his fan base, can't take being sent up on the internet, then they have no place being in front of a camera.

Actually, this gripe applies to ALL celebrities and politicians in my opinion. If your guna be in the spot light, no matter what you do, your guna be parodied. This is unavoidable. There's nothing I respect more then a celeb who can take a joke in good humor.

Now, if the videos had been vile, or overly insulting, I could level with these peoples concerns. But they aren't. They act like showing the character swearing and being angry or forgetful (he IS very old, so these are alzheimer's jokes) is some attack on the country's culture.

Jesus, this just gets to me so bad... if a mod feels this should be in Bad and Ugly, please move it.

Edit: Okay, I've watched a few more videos, and I must say, some of them are a little tasteless... but I still take offence at the archaic stance our media is taking. I really don't like being represented by these douchebags who have to put emphasis on words like 'Youtube' and 'Facebook' like they are new, challenging, dangerous ideas.


Can I get a list of approved subjects to make jokes off from the humor police?