If I *blank*, Would You *Blank*?

Started by AriesChan, August 18, 2010, 02:21:56 PM

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Mmm.. and make everyone there effing jealous...

If I wanted to sneak you into my office to hide you under my desk, would you make my very important meeting very difficult for me?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

De h u m a n i z e Me

In every way possible.

If I was hiding under your desk, how quiet could you be?
Seeking new role plays.
PM me for details.
What De Finds Delectable


Not too quiet... I'll have to cough a whole hell of a lot >:)

If I tried to squirm away when it gets too much, would you pull me back?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.

De h u m a n i z e Me

Mmhmm. ;)

Once I'd finished pleasing you, would you return the favor?
Seeking new role plays.
PM me for details.
What De Finds Delectable



If I lost control and our cover was blown, would you force us to a halt?
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Sure just make sure we hide the car good.

If I was on the verge of a big mistake would you tell me?


Yes I would,

If I was getting flirty with your brother would you get jealous?
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


LOL! Of course, I would!

If I did not get jealous if you flirted my brother, would you think I am gay?


No, I would think you didn't care

If I ask you out on a romantic date would you let me pay? If I wanted to.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish



If I was severely depressed would you try to help or would you look the other way?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


I would try to help, I have been there and I know that people looking the other way is not what you need when you are depressed even though sometimes that is what you want.

If I offered to help you would you let me? In anything, not just depression. Like if you were painting your house would you let me help, even if I suck.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Yes. But sometimes an offer to help makes me feel like I'm worthless.

If I showed you my silly collections would you laugh at me?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


No, because silly collections are susually far more interesting then serious ones.

If I offered you just ONE potato chip, would you take it?


Yep and then I would want more

If I wanted more would you give me more?


Nope cause I already ate'em all. *sucks fingers clean*

If I asked you to go buy me more would you?


Yes in exchange for repayment

If I bought your chips would you repay me?


with hugs and kisses and a cherry on top. *Giggles*

If I didnt want chips would you buy me a brownie?
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


I'd make special brownies.... just for you.

If I wanted to nap could I borrow your bed?


Sure fifteenth door on the right second to the left third one straight ahead and dont stop till you see the giant monster, then its on the right.

If I let you use my bed would you let me tie you to it?


Maybe for a while.  ;)

Would you use rope or silk scarves?


Yes, I'd be looking forward to that.

Having tied my feet to the lower posts, would you tie my hands behind my back or to the upper posts?

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"


Jilobb: Silk scarf and rope together ;)
Louise: Upper posts :)

Having you both tied on my bed would you entertain me?


Yes, to the best of our skills.
Seeing that both me and jilorbb are trans, would you make one of us penetrate the other or take on both of us yourself?

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"


Hmm lets see I would force you two to take on each other whilst watching ;)

If I watched, Would you two enjoy me watching?


(Sorry, Louise... I'm not trans...)

I'd feel self concious unless you were participating somehow, Antioch.