Started by PhoenixBlaze, October 23, 2006, 01:57:37 PM

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What's happening fellow rpers, some people have stopped posted in some games I started, therefore I am posting some more idea's here to make up for it. If you like please pm me or reply to this post, anyway cheers and any new people don't be afraid to shout out at me. *S*

1. 93 Million Miles - Rob Donovan and his expedition team of scientists, and various other nature freaks are on a misson to the jungle. Along with him comes the beautiful yet complete opposite of him Jessica, whom he has a secret crush on and would like nothing better than to get in her pants. It's not that he isn't attractive at all to lure her in, just that they are total opposite's in almost every way, and can't seem to get along except in work occasionally to save their lives. Forced to work together by their boss who supplies the money for animal research and what not, the two must bear it but trapped in the jungle for a couple of months, who knows what might happen bewteen them or to them.

2. Lips of an Angel - A former idea I had that has been totally changed around. Have you ever somebody you just can't get over, someone who drives you mad both in a good way and bad way, well this is exactly the problem for Christian Hurley and his ex flame Samantha Reynolds. Christian a supernatural and preternatual investigator for the Miami police department, broke up with samantha years agi much to his pleasure and dismay, the relationship so odd and a mixture of raging hormones and flaring emotions. It was ended after a few years and somehow the two seemed to have moved on. However a few years later when both are much older and seemingly more mature, find themselves thrown back together when a serial killer of unknown origin rains terror on miami. Samantha a widely known animator and necromancer, and also former super and preternatural detective, she is called in especially on the case to help Christian. The sudden bringing together of the two again brings back alot of memories, feelings, and desires that both thought they had pushed away. Both are in relationships, christian married, and samantha with a fiancee and soon to be married. But will they survive themselves and the case?

In this world, there are things you want, people you need, moments you remember, feelings you forget, but when it all boils down, all we need is love.