A public thanks to Dreamshard

Started by Lilac, April 28, 2005, 03:13:11 AM

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For getting all of the Maiden and Monster threads over here!



Thank you. :D

And you're welcome.

On another note, I just realised that sometimes instead of telling me I exceeded post limit, they just post it and cut off the rest of the post. So if any of you have a little time (I gotta go at the moment) please have a look at the last part of each post to see if it was cut off. I would hate for any quality posts to be lost when the game is finally deleted.

Ja for now.
The wind hears all your secrets and whispers them unbidden

ONs and OFFs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4435.0

Dreamshard requested indefinite account restriction in August of 2006. She's still out, about and well as of 2009


Indeed thank you for that. I just had a look at the rpol and most of the threads are removed from there, taking it that the transfer is over.

So then, hope to see all of those who were there soon, and of course new players are welcome too. :)
Experience Chan! There's neither distance nor intimacy. Observation is like a family treasure. Whether with eyes, ears, body, nose, or tongue - It's hard to say which is the most amazing to use.
-  Master Xu Yun

Ons and Offs



It seems I also have to keep the amount of stuff in a page of threads under a few hundred k as well.  Elven Maiden has...  a few that will hit that limit, repeatedly.


Akioth has requested an indefinite hiatus of his account.

Sex on television can't hurt you unless you fall off. 

No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.  ~Abraham Lincoln


That is just, absolutely rediculous Lilac. I cant believe all the hell you've gone through just to adhere to rules of RPOL.  Obviously they dont really havent dealt well with adult fantasy when people start to complain. I dont know who would. Why would you even join a game called "monsters and maidens" if you were sensetive to something like that?

Gahhhh.. if some little dork is joining these forums just to complain about them... arrrgh! -pulls out a thin shock rod and violently beats the doll of some dorky christian lobbyist who does just that- 

Nothing against christianity... some of them just ... uh'm.. well... I'm sure you know...

Okay, enough whining. Sorry. ^.^;  Time to figure out where I left off..


Calm down please.

I'm not going to accept christian-bashing here, no, but I would also like things to be kept to a more respectable tone all around, Grauswein.  I don't see anything wrong with complaining about people that really are doing bad things - there is a very large lobby involving eschatologists in the U.S. - "We don't need to conserve resources, Jesus will provide." "When the last tree is cut, Jesus will return to Earth in all his glory."

These are people whose opinions are getting heard before Congress, some of them in Congress.  Lilian was talking about them, not 'christians'.

And to edit: I've been sort of waiting for this, it's not a surprise to me, I'm just sad I'm going to lose half of my player base ;_;


There's not much I can say.

Grauswein has caused two people to leave Elven Maiden...  I really should have just kicked him out.


Okay, I've been kind of following all the comments pro and con over your move from RPOL.

Why the folks at RPOL choose to have the policies they have is not of consequence. That's the great thing about the internet. If you don't like the 'weather' in a particular area, you just move somewhere else or setup your on little piece of the world and give it the kind of 'weather' you desire to have.

Lilac has done that and the discussions here should orient around making her efforts productive and enjoyable for all who choose to participate. Instead of complaining about RPOL let's focus our comments on suggestions and recommendations on making this world enjoyable. Obviously Lilac can't make this world perfect for everyone and they will obviously move on to other locations. So it goes.

Lilac, I'm here to have fun, explore some of my fantasies as well as others explore theirs, and if I can help in anyway, feel free to ask.

Likewise, I reiterate the thanks to Dreamshard as I've found many of the links enjoyable to read. It would have been a shame to lose those and Dreamshard's efforts have kept them available for perusal.

Heterosexual Male
Looking for RP partners


I'm so sorry Lilac.. -.-;  I really shouldn't have said anything. I'm just pretty frustrated, is. all. I loved what we had going on in RPOL.

I dont mean to bash christians. I hope you all know what I'm talking about, I'll drop it now.

It's strange how RPOL reacted to our situation, the decision they made, how can a lot of games even exist? I understand the risquè games... but a lot of good D&D stuff involves people wanting to get involved in somewhat nonconsentual scenes.. y'know.. it's a fantasy a lot of people have, to different levels.

I'd be more apt to concentrate on getting people to stop asking for people to rape the 13 year old than to make it a rape fantasy. O.o;  Y'know, it really should be up to a GM to regulate the content of thier games. I thought we were supposed to be adults? Y'know, don't like it.. leave? Or bring it up with the players and the GM in a civilized manner?   I swear I see children acting more maturely. ^.^;   


Sorry.. just got home. Some steam to blow off and I dont have my precious violent video games. T.T


*pat Lil* We're all frustrated. I enjoyed GMing M&M a lot, and worked hard on keeping the lamers out... I think the Elven Maiden people feel the same way, from what I saw on their OOC thread while moving stuff. Just have to be careful of how you say things for a bit, since about everyone who's going to read this has just been relocated from a site they liked a lot, for reasons they don't agree with, and I think everyone's a little irate when it comes to that. I know I've been touchy lately about RPoL in general. S'just how people react when they feel they've been treated unfairly. ^^

Happy gaming, all. Here's to a new start on our terms, eh?
