Firescorpion's Interest Chack for a DragonBall Z-themed Roleplay

Started by Machete, May 20, 2010, 06:33:09 PM

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Out of character thread:

The Forgotten Saiyans -  {NC, Toys, F/F, M/M, M/F}

The stories of the trials and tribulations of the first Z Warriors have been circulating for several hundred years when the Saiyans Dai and Kannana arrive on a peaceful Earth.  Their arrival causes an uproar and gathering of descendants of the previous Z Warriors.  After three months of exploring, the Saiyans are confronted by the new Z Warriors and forced into a fight before being able to explain their arrival.  After the battle, the Saiyans explain that they are ambassadors who come in peace to announce that Saiyans have a new home planet and offer those with Saiyan blood the chance to see the planet.

Ten short years after the arrival of Dai and Kannana, who have since adapted to life on Earth, the hostile Saiyan warrior Koma arrives on and starts laying waste to the planet.  In this time, the female Saiyan, Kannana, has found a girlfriend.  A month into this unchecked rampage, he comes upon the home of Kannana and destroys it.  The Z Warriors, who hadn't been able to find Koma, confronted and fought him within days of this event.  This fight begins a search for the Dragon Balls.

Kannana: firescorpion121
Other Z Warriors
Other villains
Kannana's girlfriend:
Other supporting characters

Starting quota
Heroes (including Dai and Kannana): 3
Villains (including Koma): 3
Supporting characters (including Kannana's girlfriend): 2

There might be more Saiyans introduced later on.  Saiyans are usually. if not always, named with vegitable-based puns.  Thus, Dai's name comes from daikon, Kannana's comes from canna, and Koma's comes from komatsuna.

Major Major

An interesting concept. Do enlighten us further.