Interest Check: Dystopian Future [Ex]

Started by GloomCookie, April 27, 2010, 12:27:08 PM

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Note on Ex: This game will feature nudity, foul language, blood, gore, explosions, and many other elements.  Viewer discretion advised.


Population: 0

The year is 2844, and mankind has had to abandon the Earth.  For reasons lost to the mists of time, the Earth was rendered uninhabitable, and the surviving humans had to flee the planet aboard ships.  Some managed to make it to the fledgling colonies on Luna and Mars, but many were stuck in orbit, and had to link up permanently with the stations already there.  The largest of these, and home to most of the remaining human population, is Halifax Station.

Built almost 200 years ago, this aging station is now home to over 10,000 people, kept in orbit only by determination and stubborn pride.  The station has seen more than its fair share of abuse over the years, but it remains to this day a symbol of humanity's drive to stave off extinction.

The government of Halifax Station consists of three main branches: The Command and Control Initiate (CNC), the civilian council, and the mysterious Exogenesis research division.

The CNC serves as the security and military for Halifax station, with a presence on almost every level.  Their authority is absolute, and they have the right to search anywhere and anyone whenever they wish.  They inspect cargo and handle arrests of those who commit crimes aboard the station, as well as make sure that everyone gets along.  In a cramped station, tensions are usually always high.

Civilian Council
The civilian council works to bring together the various civilian aspects of the station, such as merchants and hydroponics, to ensure that the station can get what it needs when it needs it.  While membership on the council is not mandatory, many groups distrust those who do not have some sort of representative on the council, feeling they are sidestepping the authority of established businesses already on the station, while those who are not claim that the council charges outlandish fees to new members, making it difficult to pay for necessary goods and services.

The Exogenesis project was initially planned to try and restore the Earth to its former glory using the most advanced technology available.  Over time, the project took on a more R&D approach, and requested an entire wing of the station to be used for labs and research.  Since then, they've grown into a sort of entity all their own, controlling the birth and death rates on station, the fabrication of robots and AIs, and mandating that all station personnel have locatable beacons surgically implanted.  Anyone who attempts to sneak in to see what is going on, or get picked up by Exogen personnel, are almost never seen again.

Levels of Citizenship
Know your place! It is against the law to change positions here on Halifax station without approval.  You are assaigned the position you have based on performance and ability.  Do not attempt to change your position without permission or you will be terminated.
  • Councilman/General/Lead Researcher: The top of the social ladder, these are the major decision makers for all of Halifax Station.  The best accommodations, the best food and water, and even their own choice of birthing partner, make this the most coveted position to be in.

  • Merchant/Colonel/Researcher: Room enough for two and a choice of breeding partner, as well as being able to afford halfway decent rations, these positions are fought over frequently by underlings trying to work their way up the ranks.

  • Citizen/Lieutenant/Head Assistant: While not the most glamorous positions, these are positions filled by normal people every day.  A private room and decent rations make this position bearable while trying to work one's way up the ladder.

  • Denizen/Sergeant/Assistant: The endless toil of day after day working, usually accompanied by low pay and only decent rations, make this life one that most people try and get out of as soon as possible.  Living with a bunk mate or three makes this job seem like the pits.  And it is.

  • Slave/Private/Lab Subject: The lowest of the low, living as one of these miserable lot means you're lucky to own anything at all.  Four to a tiny room, hot bunking all the time, and terrible rations make this the most desperately hard ways to live.

Daily Life
Work Schedule
All personnel inside Halifax station have a job or duty to perform.  There are no exceptions.  These jobs are given to people straight out of the vat, and only with permission can they transfer to another position.  While citizens have the luxury of choosing jobs within the civilian field, they cannot transfer into a CNC or ExoGen position without authorization.  Anyone caught not working will face immediate termination.

Food & Drink
Food on Halifax station is grown within the hydroponics bays.  All food imported must be thoroughly inspected, and tested to ensure it will not cause harm to the citizenry.  For mass consumption, excess biological material is recycled into bars of condensed nutritional supplement, and distributed.  Water is recycled from common, everyday use, and some is obtained regularly from captured ice rocks floating in space.

For entertainment, level 3 and above citizens may obtain the services of a prostitute verified clean by the ExoGen labs, partake in sporting events, gamble, and watch electronic media.  For level 2 and below, entertainment is restricted to supervised events once every 10 day cycle, and no more.  These events may include but are not limited to: wrestling, sports, and other activities.

Law & Order
Level 3 and above citizenry have the option of requesting a hearing before the CNC Judge Advocate if they are accused of a crime.  The Judge Advocate and two officers appointed at random will review the case, and the accused may have access to a CNC approved law adviser.  For level 2 and below, their case is reviewed by officers on the scene.  For minor crimes, hard labor in the mines may be issued, but most crimes will result in death.

Travel without special permit to or from Halifax station is strictly illegal.  With a permit, those arriving on the station must undergo quarantine for no less than a 10 day cycle, before being released to the general station populous.

Due to the hazards of space, and the amount of radiation constantly bombarding the human population, genetic mutations are exceedingly common.  Every six months, all personnel must have a genetic sample taken to test for any defects.  If a defect is found, they are immediately sterilized.  If they are found to be defect free, they are required to give a biological sample.  Since females are especially at risk, when giving their sample, multiple eggs will be harvested.

Inside the ExoGen labs, technicians inspect the DNA of all genetic samples, and only match those that will ensure genetic diversity and avoid defects.  Upon combination, the fertilized egg will be placed in a birthing chamber, where it will be nurtured for 9 months, before being 'born'.  However, upon the artificial birth, the individual is tested for defects before being placed in a growth chamber, which greatly accelerates the natural growth rate, and also teaches the child about the law, behavior, and other important facts.

Upon being released from their cell, the new individual is implanted with a locatable chip, given their station ID, are allowed to pick a designation for themselves, and also given a set of clothes.  They are then tested for which tasks they would be best suited for, and then released.  They are now a level 1 person aboard Halifax station.

Important Natural birthing is illegal.  Upon discovery of a natural pregnancy, the mother and child, and father if found, will be immediately sentenced to death, regardless of their positions.

In the event a person dies a natural death, or one by accidental means, their body is moved to the morgue, where they are examined for any possible disease outbreak or other phenomena.  Once the body has been deemed clean, all clothing is removed, and the body is broken down into its constituent parts, forming an organic soup to feed the children growing in the birthing tanks, and also those in the maturation tanks.

In the event of being sentenced to death, the condemned will find their clothing removed and they will be given to the ExoGen labs.  Inside, the individual will either be used for dangerous experiments that are potentially fatal, or simply broken down alive for their organic material.  The process for breaking down bodies is long and very painful, and it is considered a horrible way to die, even for the technicians who must perform this grim duty.

Application for Halifax Station
Picture ID:
ID Number (Must be 7 digits):
Species (Human/Mechanoid/Gene Mod/AI):
Gender (Male/Female/Shemale/Herm/Neutral):
Sexual Orientation (Hetero/Bi/Homo sexual):
Apparent Age (All new citizens are fresh from the vats):
Field of Employment (CNC,CC,ExoGen):

By filling out this application, you are agreeing to obey all laws of Halifax station, and that violating these laws can and will result in your being forced to perform hard labor or the termination of your life my officers of the law or members of the ExoGenesis Research Labs.  Please insert a blood sample for DNA confirmation.

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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Application for Halifax Station
Picture ID:
ID Number (Must be 7 digits):9466134
Designation: Aki
Species (Human/Mechanoid/Gene Mod/AI): Human
Gender (Male/Female/Shemale/Herm/Neutral): Female
Sexual Orientation (Hetero/Bi/Homo sexual): Bisexual
Apparent Age (All new citizens are fresh from the vats): 18
Field of Employment (CNC,CC,ExoGen): ExoGen

By filling out this application, you are agreeing to obey all laws of Halifax station, and that violating these laws can and will result in your being forced to perform hard labor or the termination of your life my officers of the law or members of the ExoGenesis Research Labs.  Please insert a blood sample for DNA confirmation.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Picture ID: [CLICK]
ID Number: 0111366
Designation: Arbiter-01
Species: Artificial Intelligence
Gender: Neutral (Prefers Male Pronouns)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Apparent Age: 34
Field of Employment: ExoGen

Arbiter-01 is a highly advanced synthetic lifeform capable of independent thought and complex emotions, and possesses a unique personality like any other form of sentient organic life.  Though his body has been designed with numerous countermeasures to ensure his unwavering loyalty, the most extreme of which is a system of micro-explosives wired throughout his skeletal system, he is allowed almost total freedom of movement throughout the station.  His duties largely overlap with those of the CNC, rooting out those that prove themselves problematic to ExoGen interests and eradicating them with impunity.  Arbiter-01 was designed for a very specific purpose: to read the emotions and bodily signals of others, detect falsehoods, and act as judge, jury, and executioner for particularly dangerous criminals.  The CNC is certainly not undermanned by any means, but Arbiter-01 is as much a psychological weapon as he is a physical one, his mere presence enough to cow most citizens into submission.  Though he is but a mere puppet, his commanding stature gives him a very useful aura of power that ExoGen uses to their benefit. 

Arbiter-01 is barred from wielding guns of any kind, though his reflexes would make him a near-unstoppable force if this restriction were to be lifted.  Instead, he utilizes a short range Tesla Coil (in the guise of a highly dexterous and prehensile tail), and two experimental Sonic Cannons built into his forearms.  These weapons are capable of generating massive amounts of concussive force, but can also produce far more subtle tones that can render affected organics immobile or kill them outright.  These sounds can be directed with pinpoint precision, minimizing collateral damage to surrounding citizens and staff.

Picture ID: [CLICK] [Armor]
ID Number: 4891311
Designation: Colonel Olivier Miria Tringham
Species: Mechanoid
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Apparent Age: 26
Field of Employment: CNC

It goes without saying that anyone born on Halifax Station must struggle for dominance and survival, constantly seeking more power and more freedom while remaining warily aware of one's own boundaries.  None would know that better than Colonel Tringham, a fiercely dedicated woman that has had her fair share of setbacks over the course of her military career.  Physically adept and uncannily skilled at improvisation right out of the vats, Olivier rose through the ranks of the CNC through raw skill and sheer strength of will, embroiling herself in the work to such an extent that others considered her to be less a human being and more of a machine.  Though she sought to construct a sizable network of contacts from which to call upon when necessary, her social life was almost entirely nonexistent.  This only served to put her in the good graces of the command structure, who prized that sort of ruthless efficiency from their 'human resources'. 

But for all her mindless toil, the Colonel was not able to avoid her own genetics.  A flaw that had gone unchecked during her development cycle grew exponentially in a shockingly short period of time, mutated further by constant bombardment by radiation in the hostile parts of the Station that she most commonly frequented during her daily rounds.  This mutation was not readily negative: indeed, its regenerative properties were briefly of some interest to ExoGen researchers.  But ultimately it was concluded that Olivier's body was becoming increasingly destabilized because of it, and that the unmitigated cellular growth would eventually consume her body and render her as nothing more than a gelatinous mass.  Under normal conditions she would have been sterilized immediately, if not for the machinations of a certain third party.  Rather than dispose of her, Olivier was drastically augmented with cybernetic components designed to keep her own mutations in check, in addition to further reinforcing her physical abilities. 

This extreme transformation left her as a hollowed wreck; though she returned to her work without hesitation, there was a new weight bearing down upon her psyche.  Her own self-image shattered in an instant.  She no longer considers herself to be a human, let alone a female.  Due to certain enhancements, that latter point was quite literal; a request on her part, so that she might keep herself from focusing on her disfigured feminine attributes.  The other enhancements were far more practical, including a synthetic "core" meant to closely regulate her body's regenerative capabilities as well as increase oxygen flow to muscles, reinforced bones, a synthetic Kevlar mesh woven into her epidermis, and multiple sets of specialized prosthetic limbs.

Despite her wavering sanity regarding her new, unstable body, Colonel Olivier has become increasingly desperate for contact with others, rather than seeking to isolate herself even further.  Though it would certainly be easiest for her to consort with fellow CNC members, as of late she has found herself becoming increasingly interested in the Station itself, and the vast team of mechanical engineers required to keep it functioning smoothly.  This apparent need to separate her social ties from her job has not gone unnoticed by her peers, though the reasons behind her sudden modifications are strictly classified.


I hope those are both alright.  While I'm at it, I'd like to ask what your tentative plans are for the story here?  Is there a specific direction you wanted this roleplay to go in?


I am glad you asked!  Basically the storyline will start with investigating a derelict station that will pass by Halifax station.  The station appears at first to be the sister station to the Halifax, the Leeds.  Unlike the Halifax, the Leeds was mostly used for industrial purposes, and was decommissioned after an explosion about ten years after launch.  When most of humanity had to flee Earth, most of the records of the great Settlement stations was lost, and so being able to find one so close by is a major find.

The only problem is that the station wasn't entirely abandoned, and will be home to humans mutated by exposure to radiation, cannibals, rogue AI, and just lots of nasty surprises.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


This sounds really intriguing.  Two characters come to mind for me immediately, I'll write them both out and you can decide if one, both, or something else is needed for the roleplay.

Application for Halifax Station
Picture ID:
ID Number (Must be 7 digits): 5219043
Designation: Valen Tulanmoth
Species (Human/Mechanoid/Gene Mod/AI): Human
Gender (Male/Female/Shemale/Herm/Neutral): Male
Sexual Orientation (Hetero/Bi/Homo sexual): Hetero
Apparent Age (All new citizens are fresh from the vats): 23
Field of Employment (CNC,CC,ExoGen): ExoGen

'Frighteningly intelligent' best describes Valen Tulanmoth.  Assigned to ExoGen, his intelligence quickly began to shine.  It was not, however, the only trait within him that was unusual.  Cold and seemingly without morals, Valen performed any duty assigned with precision and efficiency, even breaking down living tissue.  Those who work with him have seen hints of emotion, small smiles of amusement, flashes of anger, but the research subjects and those outside of ExoGen are shown nothing but cold politeness at best.  His personality immediately raised red flags with the CNC, who had him immediately tested for behavioral defects that would present a danger.  Despite all of those tests returning negative, the CNC still maintains an active interest in Valen, but so far he has obeyed the law to the letter, and his contributions to ExoGen cannot be idly dismissed.

Valen research and work tends towards the fringes of ExoGen.  Long-shot hypothesis and unusual ideas are often the basis of his work, whether they are his own or he is assigned to them.  He shows no qualms with using live test subjects, but is also adamant about not wasting precious biological materials.

Application for Halifax Station
Picture ID:
ID Number (Must be 7 digits): 7222814
Designation: Liam Lacks
Species (Human/Mechanoid/Gene Mod/AI): Human
Gender (Male/Female/Shemale/Herm/Neutral): Male
Sexual Orientation (Hetero/Bi/Homo sexual): Hetero
Apparent Age (All new citizens are fresh from the vats): 18
Field of Employment (CNC,CC,ExoGen): CNC

Liam emerged as the only survivor of maturation batch which had been tragically exposed to an excessive amount of radiation.  ExoGen tested him extensively, and found no abnormal defects when he emerged.  Rather than sterilize him, it was decided that he would be released and his progress observed closely.  ExoGen continues to work on explaining how he survived, and there is hope that studying his progress under the harshest conditions of the station could lead to identifying a genetic way to increase resistance to radiation.  As such, it was decided that he would not advance beyond a level one citizen, and that ExoGen could recall him at any time.  He was then assigned to CNC to work repairing equipment, a job which often involves risk.

Liam himself seems more carefree and innocent than most level one citizens, perhaps because he already knows he can't advance.  He also seems to genuinely enjoy fixing machinery, and responds to all orders given to him by superiors.


I appreciate both applications.  I'll be starting a thread later on today, but for now let me say that ExoGen is only available with special permission.  I'm sorry, I should have said so sooner.  So since both of you have characters for the CNC, I'm approving those.  Later on as we get more people, we can add more ExoGen people.

Also, just to get people moved into the civilian field, CNC is temporarily closed until we get one or two civilian slots filled.  We will also be taking applications for radiated/cannibalistic survivor as well as rogue AI for the Leeds station.  Please specify at the top which station you are applying for.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Sounds good, I'll be happy to begin with the second character.  I can make another for a different sector if we need it to fill out the roleplay, but I'll stick with one for now.


I would be willing to join this, love the attention to detail you have put in, and the entire setting.
Application for Leeds Station
Picture ID: #Image to be inserted#
ID Number (Must be 7 digits): 1939561
Designation: CBS-17, aka "Cerberus"
Species: Artificial Intelligence
Gender: Male personality programming.
Sexual Orientation: A machine. Will follow orders from authorised personnel.
Apparent Age: Depends on rp author.
Field of Employment: Security and Combat Model. Stationed on Leeds.

#Warning, unauthorised access detected. Security alert activated#
#Security program override. Alert Cancelled.....#
#File CBS-17 access granted#
Model Overview: The CNC Battle and Security mechanoid, aka the CBS, was created for when extreme force is required to combat both external and internal threats. Several were built for the Halifax and Leeds stations. However, they have been pulled out of service on Halifax station due to personality malfunctions, fatal accidents and various glitches.
Design Information: The CBS was designed to be durable, relentless and terrifying. Its dark colour, menacing shape and red glowing sensors, combined with its fearsome weaponry should inspire fear into any troublemaker or malignant. It is a modular design, with hardpoints on its body and limbs where various weaponry and equipement can be attached. The CBS stands at an impressive 8 feet tall, and is bipedal. However, it is capable of quadrupedal locomotion for increased speed. It is also capable of interfacing with station security software.
CBS-17 Deactivation Report, Technician Tezo: It seems that we have lost another of the CBS drones to malfunctions. # 17 seems to have gone on a bit of a rampage, killing 3 citizens, and wounding several personell. I have run a full battery of tests, and cannot figure out what exactly has caused this glitch. Due to recent problems, I am recommending that this machine be shut down indefinatly, and that further investigation is carried out into the CBS line.

Alternitavely, he can be a software AI, a security program that has malfunctioned on Leeds.
I actually prefer this second option, but whatever works for you people. Will rewrite to fit this if needed.
What have I become?
My Sweetest Friend..
Everyone I know..
Goes Away in the End.
You Could have it All...
My Empire of Dirt
I will Let you down...
I will make you Hurt.


I'd be happy to play a mutated human on the Leeds station. For that to work, I wouldnt be completely mutated, appearances are important to me after all, but pehaps i live in a rare partly shielded area.

If that works for everyone, I'll put in a profile.


Quote from: playfullchick76 on April 29, 2010, 09:02:39 AM
I'd be happy to play a mutated human on the Leeds station. For that to work, I wouldnt be completely mutated, appearances are important to me after all, but pehaps i live in a rare partly shielded area.

If that works for everyone, I'll put in a profile.

As long as you're psychotic, you can be however mutated you want.  Cannibalism is a perk too.

oh and Sanai, your character is approved.  I'll be making a thread for Leeds station shortly.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Thanks for the approval. Which version? The original, or the software?
What have I become?
My Sweetest Friend..
Everyone I know..
Goes Away in the End.
You Could have it All...
My Empire of Dirt
I will Let you down...
I will make you Hurt.


Quote from: Sanai on April 29, 2010, 10:30:10 AM
Thanks for the approval. Which version? The original, or the software?

Both.  I imagine it'll be fun fighting off security and an AI.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Okay, I will make the physical form be a drone the computer controls and can vocalise through.
What have I become?
My Sweetest Friend..
Everyone I know..
Goes Away in the End.
You Could have it All...
My Empire of Dirt
I will Let you down...
I will make you Hurt.


Ok, that works. I'll just think of the denizens of Glasgow in the movie Doomsday, and theres my motivation. I'm thinking eyes that can see very very well in near darkness, claws that can be retracted, intense strength and speed. I would also be a cannibal, but only when there was nothing else to eat.

I could have pale skin, some rough patches on my skin, caused by the radiation that leaks into the section that I live in. If that works, I'll think up a detailed character and put it in here.