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Forever Well.

Started by Chevalier des Poissons, February 23, 2010, 04:54:33 PM

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Chevalier des Poissons

In the lights of a brand new day
Losing track of everything I say
Oh, this feels so good, so perfect
Vowing to love you ever since we met

Everything could just be that way
You could just be with me as you say
Only true love is meant to be
Unafraid of having you without me


We are like moon and stars
I never thought we would go that far
Losing track of my heart's swell
Lost in time, I am forever well

You said to me all those words again
Old words that look just so vain
Unless you want to spare me from the pain

Lend me that jewel you call 'heart'
Only you can find my missing part
Vague words can't make my day
Epiphanies can't give our love that way

My soul will belong to you forever
Extinguish my vertical doubt, don't leave me...never

February 23rd, 2010
Original conception by me.

Post-Scriptum: The vertical doubt: Read only the capitalized letters in the beginning of the verses.
-I have Maro's heart, and I promise to take good care of it-

A & A


Is it still me who makes you sweat, am I the one you think about in bed. When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress.


<3<3<3 you know i love it ;) XD


He looks at me and my heart starts skipping beats, my face starts to glow and my eyes start to twinkle.
Imagine what he would do to me if he smiled!

Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.

On's & Off's
The Oath of Drake for Group RP's

Mistress Maro

Shammy~! That is such a pretty. Mew. <3
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Chevalier des Poissons

Oh, thank you very much, Tangi =D I am very glad you like it =3
-I have Maro's heart, and I promise to take good care of it-

A & A