An Idea of Epic Proportions [MUL]

Started by MagicalPen, February 23, 2010, 01:28:09 PM

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This idea is so epic it deserves its very own thread (as opposed to sharing it with my other ideas).

As such, this might be a little confusing as I do some brainstorming.

The Life and Times of Richard Nailor

The Founding Years
(Age 16 - 18)
-The First Kiss and High-School Crush
-Seduced by Mrs. Robinson
-From Boy to Man

The Experimental Years
(Age 18 - 22)
-Sexual Experimentation
-A Teacher Affair
-College Life

The Office Years
(Age 22 - 28)
-Office Life
-Office Affair
-The Bosses Daughter

The Married Life
(Age 28+)
-The Loving Wife
-The Neighbors Wife
-The Open Relationship

I am thinking that this idea might be a little too ambitious, but thought that I would give it a shot. It chronicles the life of my main character, as he progresses through various stages in life, meeting an assortment of people. I am looking for people to play the female leads in this one and I am thinking it might take several female players to complete this game. For example, I will need a High School Crush and a 'Mrs. Robinson' type of character for the first 'Chapter' of Richards life. The Experimental Years, however, will probably need closer to a half-dozen varied characters to fill it out.

The above is just an outline, a basic shaping of the thought in my head. In essence, it combines several typical 'game types' found on E, only centered around 1 character at various points in his life. Its very focused on the character development of my character, but it would not be unheard of for (say, his high school first kiss) to show up later in his life. The details really depend on who shows interest in this one. Obviously, I want to start with The Founding Years and then move on from there. So, if there are equally ambitious people out there, let me know! Or you can apply for a 'specific' role you see listed.

Currently seeking:
-A High-School Sweet-Heart
-'Mrs Robinson'

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games