The Apocryphal

Started by Ramael, February 15, 2010, 03:15:00 PM

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Would you like to help me with my story?

I need character enhancement and would love some good writers to help me play around with some of my characters.I have this setting (the plot below has been stripped down to the bare bones, I have more narrative juice than this, if you'd like to know more about anything please ask, I love talking about this).

Michael, one of the seven archangels, acting on God's behalf, has instigated Armegeddon.

Heaven declares war on modern-day Earth, and starts with Michael himself dropping one of Earth's last nuclear warheads directly onto Jerusalem, in an ugly attempt to punish those there for their "crimes against God".

A very small group of angels, cast out of Heaven years prior but not damned enough to be sentenced to Hell, have been wandering the Earth and become enamoured with humanity. These few have taken up arms along with humanity against the invading hordes of angels. For different reasons, these angels have a love of humanity that replaces the love of the almighty in their hearts. Becoming the figureheads for humanity's resistance against the forces of Heaven, these few have been weighed with the responsibility of stemming the angelic tide, and are also the targets of a plot by the agents of Hell, whom look upon this new war as a business venture...

There are portents of a new figurehead coming, also. This person, according to all sources, is either the Antichrist or the second coming of Christ himself.

These are the characters I would like played out by skilled RPers. You can explore the character as much as you would like, I would like to see them stretched out and played with. Please bear in mind, the details listed below are the "bare bones" of the character, if you like, and if you feel anything naturally coming to you whilst RPing, please add it in.  :-)

I like to think there are openings for players of all orientations here. You will notice that next to Orientation in brackets, I have put a name. This is the name of that characters main love interest. This can be deviated from within reason. Also, for the two demons so far, "Deviant",as you can imagine, means they will do anything and everything with a hole or cock-like appendage.(is this pansexual??)

Ramael (me!)
Race: Angel (rebel)
Orientation: Straight (Lamia)
Appearance: Mixed race. Thick, brown messy hair and a deep brown trenchcoat.
I will fill in these details after I've posted initially.

Raguel Taken
Race: Angel (rebel)
Orientation: Homosexual.(Michael)
Appearance: Mid-thirties. Mixed race. Thick, black hair. Strong, proud, Roman features. When his wings are visible, they are jet black feathered. He wears a toga, underneath which is a set of black leather vest, gauntlets and shinguards. He is barefoot. When pushed in battle, or in extreme situations, a laurel wreath spiked with thorns crowns his head, sometimes spiking his flesh and causing him to bleed a little.

Personality: Raguel is the self-proclaimed "leader" of the rebel angels on Earth. He is a dreamer, and sees that humanities light will outshine the brightest star in Heaven. It is rumoured he was once one of the seven archangels...either way, he reserves a particular hatred when fighting angelic opponents. He has had a relationship with Michael that we on earth would call a homosexual relationship, but in Heaven would have been quite different. It's rumoured this got him kicked out of Heaven.

Race: Angel (rebel)
Orientation: Straight (Cate)
Appearance: Early 20's. Caucasian. Lean and young looking, Erelus wears a casual black suit and trousers, and Raybans, and wears his hair cut short. Doesn't have wings.

Personality: Youngest of the outcast angels, Erelus spent a lot of time in 50's America, and grew to love the "Apple Pie" vision of the country in its heyday. As the years went by, he eventually met Cate and eventually fell in love with her. The two became tied as the war unfolded, but due to the responsibilities put on both, their relationship is becoming strained.

Cate Mary Allister Taken
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight (Erelus...)
Appearance: Your typical American belle (feel free to colour her however you want within that guide).

Personality: Cate used to be an easy going, happy-go-lucky girl. She had a career in modelling, and was picked up by a men's lifestyle magazine called Sapiens for a two-year contract. She quickly became a "poster girl" appearing in adverts and in sexy calendars. She met Erelus and fell into a pure and incredibly romantic relationship with him.  When the invasion began, it triggered off a bizarre chain of events that led the poster girl to not only writing for Sapiens, but eventually becoming a partner of the media corporation that owned Sapiens. This corporation became the single largest pro-humanity media organisation on the planet, and wanted Cate as their figurehead. It carries a large responsibility of broadcasting hope to humanities forces, and keeping lines of communication open. Now Cate, gone from bubblegum poster girl to media partner, has at least part of the world's weight on her shoulders. Not to mention an angel for a boyfriend, and he's absent half the time...

Lamia Taken
Race: Demon (Succubus)
Orientation: Deviant (Ramael)
Appearance: Every definition of a Demoness you have ever heard. I leave Lamia's description completely within the player's hands, apart from one thing. She has to be hot. Smoking magma hot.

Personality: Serving demon Prince Ba'thekt, Lamia has, over the years, perverted the most stoic monks and seduced the purest of preists. She is a prized succubus, one of the best at what she does, and she knows it. She has been sent to Earth on seperate occasions over the planet's history, and it was one of these encounters she met Ramael. The succubus and the outcasted angel took an immediate disliking to each other, expressed in the only way two age-old enemies could-they fucked each other, literally, nearly to death. After that, despite having many demon lovers and several mortal ones, she always found herself interested in where Ramael was, and "accidentally" visited him many times. She's not in love with him, not by a long shot, but there is a bead of affection there, buried underneath the layers of perversity and bile. She has a freedom in Hell, but is still tied to her demon Prince, who uses her as he sees fit (literally). Since the outbreak of the war between Heaven and Earth, Lamia has been instructed by her Prince to observe the rebel angels closely, a task Lamia quietly jumped at, if only so she could tease Ramael again.

Prince Ba'thekt
Race: Demon (Prince)
Orientation: Deviant (Lamia)
Appearance: Again, I leave this to the player.

Personality: The outbreak of the war between Heaven and Earth has left those in Hell mildly confused. The humans seem to have taken the demon's place and are fighting back against angels...Ba'thekt has determined that there must be something to exploit here, and is determined that he, of all demon Princes (who are in direct and violent competition with each other on a regular basis in Hell) will be the one who gains. Despite his own perversities and wanton sexual rampages amongst his demon and demoness subjects, he gets possessive over Lamia and begrudges sending her to Earth, even though she is one of his most useful subjects.

Race: Archangel
Orientation: Non-sexual/homosexual (Raguel)

Appearance: Every description of a typical angel you have heard of. Whatever the player makes up for Michael, the one thing to make sure of is that he looks MORE of an angel than the other angels. He is not only an archangel, but Gods Right Hand.

Personality: Declaring war on humanity seemed to be the only choice. Another Noah's flood wouldn't work, because humans have the technology to save themselves from a flood now. Michael is a devout Heaven purist in the purest sense of the word. His past relationship with Raguel was one of beauty, but Michael is trying to strive past that now so he can summon the will to kill his former lover should the time come. He needs to defeat and kill Raguel to validate his entire crusade against Earth. In this sense, Michael may very well be quite the closet case.

Saul Johnson
Race: Human(+)
Orientation: Straight (Cate...)
Appearance: Mixed race. Saul is an incredibly good looking man. His beauty has only been enhanced by the Serum...(majoritively upto the player)

Pesonality: A basic soldier in humanities armies, Saul was always a dreamer and a thinker. Friends of his would often comment on how Saul would get into fights for seemingly offensive thinking out loud, only to talk his would-be opponent round, eventually have drinks with him, and end up becoming best friends. Before Saul enlisted, he spent a lot of time working in charity, and has a long list of ex-girlfriends. Now he has taken the Serum, he is a more advanced soldier and thinker-but also his other emotions and base feelings are enhanced, too. He was given an honourary promotion by Cate Allister herself, a treat for the soldiers on the front line. Saul instantly fell in love with her, and managed to find himself ways of working with her.

A rebel angel (by the name of Meltior) had approached Saul, and offered him a gift. This gift was a combined solution, apparantly made from fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and bark from the Tree of Life, in Eden. Meltior had made a successful venture to the Garden, and managed to salvage these things in order to bring humanity a compound(that Meltior is calling simply the Serum) that would enhance them and put them on equal terms with the angels.

For reasons best known to the rebel angels, they chose Saul to be the first to try it out.
Saul is, for the reasons of this story, either the Antichrist or the Second Coming of Christ, I will leave it to the player to see where they go with it.

Race: angel (rebel)
Orientation: Bisexual (Raguel...?)
Appearance: Swathed in robes or swaddles of many layers of silk.  A beautiful, dark skinned head with piercing grey eyes is usually the only thing visible. There is creative license here. Tempted as I am to give you my rendition of what is underneath Israfil's garments, I would rather the player who played her decide.

Known for casting of signals to other angels and to humans, Israfil, called the "hornblower" in some religeons, abused these powers and relayed information to mankind that they should not have heard. According to Heaven, that is. Metatron, the voice of god, cast her out. Unofficially, Metatron was always worried that her "voice" was stronger than his, but this is labelled as conspiracy by the legions of Heaven.
Due to this, Israfil's calm reserve is punctured with blotches of fierce anger and steely determination. Although enamoured of Raguel's "vision", she is more realistic about a war with Heaven.
It is rumoured that, before either angel fell, Israfil had a more than simply angelic affection for Raguel. Although torn that she secretly knew about his and Michael's relationship, she still harboured a flame for him many years on. She is worried this affection may be a weakness to her, but doesn't want to rule out her emotions and make her as indifferent and as anal as the angels she left in Heaven.

Original characters
If none of the player slots I've written seem popular, I will swap this for a setting of player-created OC's, with only vague guidelines, categories going thus:-
Angel (rebel)

And I may make another category for the Human+ if this OC option proves popular.

There is lots more to come....

Lady Kitsune

I do like the start of your story, and especially Lamia.  She sounds....delightful.
I am working on it, I swear!


You can have dibs if you'd like.

Added more stuff. also expanded on my character a bit.

Lady Kitsune

Then I call dibs!  One gorgeous, sexually charged seductress of dark desires coming up!
I am working on it, I swear!


"How are you portraying the angels? Is the setting fantastic, or simply biblical? Do the angels have jobs, powers? How would you handle fallen angels? What about angelic/demonic/human breeding?"
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


Quote from: Ryuka Tana on February 16, 2010, 05:31:27 PM
"How are you portraying the angels? Is the setting fantastic, or simply biblical? Do the angels have jobs, powers? How would you handle fallen angels? What about angelic/demonic/human breeding?"


Thanks for the interest and the questions.

Portrayal of the angels is very much upto the player, within the personality/appearance guidelines I have set down above. I would like to mention there is an idealogical difference (obviously) between Heaven's angels (at this point in time only Michael) and the rebel angels.

The setting is, as I mentioned at the top of my post, modern day. As in now, today, the current political and social climate. However, if the players feel that they would like a different setting, a "parallel" modern day, then I am more than happy to let everyone go with that.

The rebel angels have maybe had jobs in the past, but being angels they don't have the same human needs for food and warmth, so money would have meant very little-an amusing novelty. I leave this to the player to decide if they want a rebel angel to have had jobs-Erelus, for example, I always saw as working in either a coffee shop, bar, or garage in America. Raguel, I feel, would have been too noble to get "work". But again, I'm happy to let the player decide.

Powers-aha. I'm glad you asked, I've wanted an excuse to expand on this for a while.

The angels/rebel angels have high physical strength when they need it, can leap large distances, and are incredibly fast runners. Added to this, they have a high stamina and can take a large amount of punishment.

Raguel and Michael are more powerful then their cousins. I leave exactly how powerful to the player, but I always envisaged Michael having barely the edge over Raguel.

When he wants, Raguel can make his black feathered wings manifest (as can Michael, the only difference being his are golden/white feathered) and the both of them can fly when these wings are visible. These wings can also be used to block projectiles, like bullets, blasts from explosions, to an extent.
Ordinary angels and the other rebel angels cannot "fly" as such, but can jump very high and leap over large distances.

Individual powers-
I have a lot of ideas for this, but I was going to go with player creativity first. However, seeing as I'm talking about it now, why not expand huh?

I always thought he could slip in and out of people's shadows as a cool individual power, marking him as darker than his angel opponents (for examples it Psylocke from DC comics? And the skeleton good-guy from Skeleton Warriors!)

His black laurel wreath. Kind of like an extra reserve, if Raguel was thoroughly tested in battle, a black wreath would manifest across his crown (I mention it in his appearance above) and heighten his already impressive strength, speed, etc. The downside is that it is causing him long-term damage, and after every battle he uses it, he goes temporarily mad for a short time, declaring himself as an ordinary human being (thought it was a nice touch as we have humans who want to be as powerful as angels, yet their champion, in his innermost desires only wants to be human like the people he adores).

Many options here. I had steered away from the "traditional" succubus powers of "ooh look into my eyes and now you are under my spell ooh" and had thought about something more carnal. Maybe she can see into someone's soul after having sex with them, and usually uses this to her advantage. With Ramael however, she is horrified that after her violent bouts with him, she has a desire to snuggle instead.

(I have actually started a chapter on Lamia visiting Ramael at his European cottage hideout. They end up having sex, and their passions actually tear the cottage apart, the building crumbling down on them as they are in the throes of orgasm. Finishes with Ramael lying on top of Lamia, unconscious, the both of them bleeding and covered with bits of brick, plaster, wood. Lamia has her eyes open, finding herself putting an arm around Ramael's scarred back. She is looking up at the sky and for the first time in her demon existence, cries one fat, oily tear that oozes down the side of her cheek.
But that's just me. The players can take it wherever they want.)

Go crazy. Go dark, sexual crazy and take it wherever you want.

Now then. The prototype advanced human soldier (I was thinking of using Niezstche's term for the "superman" to give him/them a name) after taking the serum, he has, for all intents and purposes, the same power as an average angel. His human body is literally compounded with all the best things from humanities' genetic history, giving him strength, speed, immunities to nearly all forms of disease, clear thinking and intelligence....but there are downsides to the Serum.

Now being synthesized from the natural products in order to give to soldiers en masse, the Serum resembles a talcumy, powdery substance (remind anyone of anything?) that can be ingested in many ways. It is highly addictive, and encourages wild mood swings from the user.

Basically, the Serum encourages humans to be more human. Stronger, quicker, louder, more emotional, more intelligent, hungrier, need less sleep, and....hornier. The basic human need to reproduce is enhanced with users of the Serum, making Saul a beautiful, intelligent, fucking machine when he's not on the frontline fighting angels.

Yeah. The users of the Serum interest me a lot, and looking further down the line, I was looking at enough soldiers becoming addicted to the Serum to spark a civil war amongst humanities troops, obviously horrifiying the rebel angels who gave them the materials in the first place.


This seems interesting, I'm thinking over whether or not I should take a character or just see if I can shoot for an OC.

Erelus and Bha'thekt seem interesting to me but I can't decide whether to go ahead with that or not.

I do wanna ask about a question that was asked but I don't think it was answered.

How does breeding work here? Are Angels/Demon/Humans compatible for children? Cause  a good idea for an OC springs from that.


An Angel rp... oh, why must thou tempt me so?

I don't even know if I have time for another one...

I am intrigued. I really want to play a self-righteous (Fallen?) Angel, or one who is cynical and selfish.

I must think about it!

Oh, btw, the Orientations/Relationships, are they set in stone?
On & Offs | Looking For... | Apologies & Absences | Tumblr
Sparking angel, I couldn't see, your dark intentions, your feelings for me
Fallen Angel, tell me why? what is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels, I will lead them to your door

"Within Temptation - Angels"

Major Major

This could be interesting, yes.


Quote from: Kaiten on February 17, 2010, 01:00:37 PM
This seems interesting, I'm thinking over whether or not I should take a character or just see if I can shoot for an OC.

Erelus and Bha'thekt seem interesting to me but I can't decide whether to go ahead with that or not.

I do wanna ask about a question that was asked but I don't think it was answered.

How does breeding work here? Are Angels/Demon/Humans compatible for children? Cause  a good idea for an OC springs from that.

Sorry! You're absolutely right, it was asked and I didn't answer it, my apologies to the original poster, I did go off on a bit of a rant.

Breeding is something I hadn't thought about, being as I had originally planned that the plot would be resolved in these main protagonist's lifespans.

However, denying players that would corrupt the whole point of me bringing this here, so I put it to those who want to get involved-

What do you think?

My OWN personal thoughts went along the lines of angels and humans and demons not being able to conceive between them, which may be one of the reaons for the heavily put-upon Cate to eventually leave Erelus for Saul.

I hadn't thought about any other combinations. I know half-breeds make a very interesting potential character, but the main purpose of my setting is to test the human character, are we better than Heaven, what makes a human, does divine intervention help or hinder human progress, etc. Angel/demon half-breeds might water down these ideas.

Again though, that's just me. You can run with it if you'd like to set something interesting up.

One thing, though, I would like no one to create a half-breed OC to begin playing with straight away. In terms of morality checking (what I think the purpose of the Apocryphal is), humans are the grey between the traditionalist angel/demon black and white morality. I had always envisioned the human race to come out on top at the ultimate end, having half-breeds working for them (whilst I'm sure making things more interesting) would confuse things, I feel.

Having said that, I'm not opposed to people creating stories about offspring sprung from these characters, or angel/demon/human lovematches to happen in the future. Just so long as no one "is" one to begin with.

Was that too confusing an answer?!

Major Major

Is there a character template for us to work from?


Quote from: Samael on February 17, 2010, 02:18:26 PM
An Angel rp... oh, why must thou tempt me so?

I don't even know if I have time for another one...

I am intrigued. I really want to play a self-righteous (Fallen?) Angel, or one who is cynical and selfish.

I must think about it!

Oh, btw, the Orientations/Relationships, are they set in stone?

No, they are not, for the purposes of this RP/excersise. If you can dream up another pairing, or have a different spin, go ahead and put it out there.


Quote from: Major Major on February 17, 2010, 04:00:14 PM
Is there a character template for us to work from?

Oops, sorry to double post.

Do you mean in terms of creating an original character?

You can use the basic templates I've written for the mains, or this one I have bashed out.

Race: (rebel angel, angel, demon, human, human+)
Personality: (angels, whilst the "bad guys" of my piece, are still angels. They may have beautiful reasons for going along with Michael's plan. Maybe you think humanity has had it's time? Demons are still demons...they may do apparantly nice things, but it will usually be for the cause of themselves)
Powers: (You can stick something reasonable sounding here if you dream up any other powers beside the ones I have listed for angels/rebel angels. Humans are just human, and the human+ are restricted to the abilities I have listed for Saul,and expanded upon two posts ago).

Major Major

Fair enough. I do have a rather strange one in mind, I shouldd mention, so should I run it by you first?


"You sound very open to ideas, so I am absolutely in... Of course, I'll run any ideas by you, but I am definitely interested. I will take some time to think and maybe wait to see who else might be interested."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


Quote from: Major Major on February 17, 2010, 04:52:51 PM
Fair enough. I do have a rather strange one in mind, I shouldd mention, so should I run it by you first?

Sure, go for it  :-)

Failing any ladies creating any OC's, I might add in another main female character I had I've had in mind for a while.


Cate Mary Allister seems like she's be fun to try out. I've never done the "American Belle" before, but I feel like there a lot more subtlety to her character that I can possibly work with. Can I call dibs on her? ^^

Major Major

Name: Iruel / Hailey Coutts
Race: rebel angel/human
Appearance: Spikey black hair, solid-coloured eyes. Quite average in appearence, but understatedly pretty. Generally wears casual attire and sunglasses.
Personality: A tech geek through and through. Get's a thrill from hacking into computer systems.
Powers: ((Not sure about this part, though most likely should be fairly weak.))

Background: It is perhaps an amusing irony that Hideki Anno, the depressive creator of the infamous Neon Genesis Evangelion anime, was actually 100% right in his depiction of some of the "Angels"; in particular, Iruel, the Angel of Terror.

On Earth, Iruel is more of a cluster of microscopic entities in a group-mind than a discreet entity in her own right. Most of the time since she fled Heaven (about 20-ish years ago), she's been hiding in computers. But now that the balloon's gone up, she's had to get involved. Scouting around the A&E ward of a hospital one day, she discovered Hailey Coutts, a young woman who had been involved in a car crash, and was dying. Iruel took pity on her, and gave her an offer neither could refuse.

Now, Hailey is the Host body for Iruel, and her mind is now joined with that of the Angel of Terror...


"Are you particular about the name Meltior for the angel that came to Saul? If not, I think I might like to develop that character, if you don't mind."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


Quote from: Major Major on February 18, 2010, 04:00:56 PM
Name: Iruel / Hailey Coutts
Race: rebel angel/human
Appearance: Spikey black hair, solid-coloured eyes. Quite average in appearence, but understatedly pretty. Generally wears casual attire and sunglasses.
Personality: A tech geek through and through. Get's a thrill from hacking into computer systems.
Powers: ((Not sure about this part, though most likely should be fairly weak.))

Background: It is perhaps an amusing irony that Hideki Anno, the depressive creator of the infamous Neon Genesis Evangelion anime, was actually 100% right in his depiction of some of the "Angels"; in particular, Iruel, the Angel of Terror.

On Earth, Iruel is more of a cluster of microscopic entities in a group-mind than a discreet entity in her own right. Most of the time since she fled Heaven (about 20-ish years ago), she's been hiding in computers. But now that the balloon's gone up, she's had to get involved. Scouting around the A&E ward of a hospital one day, she discovered Hailey Coutts, a young woman who had been involved in a car crash, and was dying. Iruel took pity on her, and gave her an offer neither could refuse.

Now, Hailey is the Host body for Iruel, and her mind is now joined with that of the Angel of Terror...


When you were asking about hybrids I was thinking too traditionally!

Fair play. That's a cool idea. I fully endorse it.
How does your angel fit in with the war, the overall scheme of things? Another thing-people rarely leave Heaven, given the chance, it is Heaven, after all. What made Iruel "flee" it?

Major Major

As far as I see her, Iruel isn't a frontline fighter. She's more the type hanging in the background, hacking into security systems and maybe being a "Mission Control" type of entity.

I've note really had much luck thinking of the why she left Heaven, if I'm honest. Possibly she's a gentle entity, and Mikey's plans horrified her, particularly the part that "The Angel of Terror" would play in destroying humanity, or something.


Quote from: Ryuka Tana on February 18, 2010, 04:11:01 PM
"Are you particular about the name Meltior for the angel that came to Saul? If not, I think I might like to develop that character, if you don't mind."


I did have a rather large plan for Meltior, would you mind if I laid down some of what I had so you can either take all of it, only some of it, or none of it at all?

Meltior was, as you know, supposed to be the angel who made the trip to the garden of Eden (this is probably in another dimension and hard to get to) and brought back fruit from the tree of knowledge and bark from the tree of life for human consumption.
He was an angel who became fascinated with humanities capability for healing, not only physically. He saw humans suffer mental and physical traumas, only to turn these into anecdotes, books or plays, and otherwise similarly recover from them. He sees humanity as purifier, absorbing loads of pain and having the ability to turn it into something better. As such, he is primarily a "healer" type, and having a great knowledge of the human body, has the knowledge to make a human-compatible formula from divine gifts (the "Serum").

Note in this way he takes Lucifer's/Prometheus' role as the apple giver/fire bringer. Not looked upon kindly by the powers that be. At all.

His trip to Eden, I thought, was Meltior's spotlight scene. This journey alone could be a venture into a surreal, alice in wonderland-esque wonderland/nightmare, perverted since God kicked out its caretakers-Adam and Eve(yeah bet that came round to bite him in his omniprescent ass).

But that wouldn't make very good RP for just one person to do and for no one else to be able to participate in, so.

That's pretty much all I had for Meltior, other than I had him as more quiet than the other rebels, incredibly good looking (mostly in his bright blue eyes and unidentifiable racial origins).

So you can either take all of that, the bits of it that suit you, or none at all.

Upto you  ;D


Quote from: Watari on February 18, 2010, 12:06:04 PM
Cate Mary Allister seems like she's be fun to try out. I've never done the "American Belle" before, but I feel like there a lot more subtlety to her character that I can possibly work with. Can I call dibs on her? ^^

Unfortunately, Cate has been dibbed via PM a couple of days ago! Sorry. Feel free to write up an OC, or take the main character I am about to put up (see original post soon).

Lady Kitsune

I was wondering if you needed anything on Lamia from me, right now.  I'm still working out her powers.
I am working on it, I swear!


Quote from: Ramael on February 18, 2010, 06:36:00 PM

I did have a rather large plan for Meltior, would you mind if I laid down some of what I had so you can either take all of it, only some of it, or none of it at all?

Meltior was, as you know, supposed to be the angel who made the trip to the garden of Eden (this is probably in another dimension and hard to get to) and brought back fruit from the tree of knowledge and bark from the tree of life for human consumption.
He was an angel who became fascinated with humanities capability for healing, not only physically. He saw humans suffer mental and physical traumas, only to turn these into anecdotes, books or plays, and otherwise similarly recover from them. He sees humanity as purifier, absorbing loads of pain and having the ability to turn it into something better. As such, he is primarily a "healer" type, and having a great knowledge of the human body, has the knowledge to make a human-compatible formula from divine gifts (the "Serum").

Note in this way he takes Lucifer's/Prometheus' role as the apple giver/fire bringer. Not looked upon kindly by the powers that be. At all.

His trip to Eden, I thought, was Meltior's spotlight scene. This journey alone could be a venture into a surreal, alice in wonderland-esque wonderland/nightmare, perverted since God kicked out its caretakers-Adam and Eve(yeah bet that came round to bite him in his omniprescent ass).

But that wouldn't make very good RP for just one person to do and for no one else to be able to participate in, so.

That's pretty much all I had for Meltior, other than I had him as more quiet than the other rebels, incredibly good looking (mostly in his bright blue eyes and unidentifiable racial origins).

So you can either take all of that, the bits of it that suit you, or none at all.

Upto you  ;D

"Here's my thoughts, tell me if any don't mesh... Meltior (who I would name Sariel, if you don't mind) is a healr, and an angel of death. He is capable of travelling all realms safely, because of his duty to take spirits, though he rarely is called to do the job. He is technically a fallen angel, working for both sides of the field, taking souls in the name of both God and Lucifer."

"He has recently begun to have machinations of his own, and using his knowledge of magic and alchemy from both sides of the field ('Sariel' is not particularly powerful, but is sometimes seen that way because of his wide variety of knowledge and freedoms), he created the 'Serum'. Sariel is a neutral party, serving no means but his own, technically, so no one can be sure what his plans really are..."

"If this sounds good, I'll write up a final profile for him."

Quote from: Major Major on February 18, 2010, 06:20:09 PM
As far as I see her, Iruel isn't a frontline fighter. She's more the type hanging in the background, hacking into security systems and maybe being a "Mission Control" type of entity.

I've note really had much luck thinking of the why she left Heaven, if I'm honest. Possibly she's a gentle entity, and Mikey's plans horrified her, particularly the part that "The Angel of Terror" would play in destroying humanity, or something.

"If I may add my two cents, maybe Iruel is recent, due to her technological abilities. Maybe she's never been to Heaven, resigned to her home amongst computers, and as such, has become attached to humans."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.