My Ideas for RP ^^ (D&D themes)

Started by jazyda, February 09, 2010, 02:04:41 PM

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Hmmm...So maybe I will show my idea for RP...:B
I am interested in fantasy RP in Dungeons&Dragons reality...
If you like magical themes (magic, wizard, elves, demons and other things like that), then you are welcome. Homever, you must have at least basic knoweledge about D&D 3.5 system

I like detailed answers, but please...not make posts too long. Also, don’t make them too short
One paragraph is better than 8 paragraph AND better than one paragraph with a little to read...
Try to find perfection between longness and shortness (Sorry for sound strange XD)

I like sexual RP very much, but I also like when characters show feelings (So romantic themes are also welcomed ^^ )

Talking about sexual RP – look on my On/Off’s ^^


1. Akordia is drow wizard on exile. Her house was crushed in noble houses war and she must escape to avoid death. Now she wanderer and seek for her place...
She seek for power...
She seek for acceptation in new world...
Homever she don’t mind to find good fun which satsfied her desires
And maybe one day, she will even find a love in this new world under sky

(Although Akordia is drow, she is not really evil. She is wizard not cleric. In her old house she was more interested in gaining magical power and knowledge, than in devotion to drow spider goddess)

I will try to write more about Akordia later ^^


Picture of Akordia by artist JokerkittieKLM from Hentai Foundry^^

Picture of Akordia by artist superiordragonlove from Hentai Foundry


I certainly like the idea, though it is very odd for a female drow not to be a Cleric. In Drow culture (more so in 3.5 in fact) all females are forced to become clerics of the Spider Queen. She favours females above all and there are never any male clerics since they are only ever used for procreation and not much else. Those things aside I find the idea very interesting and I am willing to roleplay it. She may not be evil though her family were more likely crushed because they didn't make a cleric out of her and everyone decided to kill her family and her, but she escaped. Doing this will suggest that perhaps some Drow will be sent to kill her, again this is you're rp though I'm just adding ideas.

Says you're male in real life, so am I. I was wondering who was gong to play who? Would you be the drow and if so what if your sexual preference? Shall my character be male or female and perhaps he comes across her unsure of what to do. I have a list of Faerun Gods so I could easily choose a cleric character who finds her, fresh from the under dark and bleeding horribly and decides to help her, maybe nurse her back to health. I am unsure how you would like to do this. Should they be at a certain level so we know what powers they have access too? Also I assume you want skills done in descriptions like for a heal check to write something like this:
He kneels down and checks her pulse and her wounds, she appeared to be very badly hurt, but he could save her if he acted now and healed her up. She was very beautiful, even though she did belong to a evil sadistic race, though he wasn't going to cast any judgement on her, now was not the time since she was bleeding out.

Since doing dice rolls would take us out of the rp a bit and then we'd have to go over character generation and ect just to start the rp. Anyway I have quite the knowledge of 3.5 I've been with a group for over 2 years and now I've joined a group that is now playing Pathfinder the unoffical 3.75.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:


Yes, I know that female drows are usually clerics. Akordia simply don’t had talents to priestcraft, but had talents to wizardry. Housemother saw the profits for her house from having wizard, who – because of her gender – will be treat better and have accsess to female privileges.

Idea of drow assasins sended after Akordia is good idea ^^ Assasins boss want to kill remnats of Akordia house

Yes...I am male. Hetero. But I don’t have anything against playing diffirent gender (I do this on other forums) and I don’t have anything against RP’ing with users of this same gender ^^

Hmm...Akordia is bi, but she prefer mens.  ^^
Her wizard level is something between 5 – 10, so 7 wizard level is perfect for Akordia

Yes, the example of RP which you show is good ^^ Dice rools only make RP more complicated lD

And idea of  Akordia being wounded and being find by good cleric is good too  :-)


glad you liked it. I was interested in playing the male cleric that finds her, if that's okey with you. I was thinking of one like my current D&D character, Chaotic Neutral cleric so he doesn't simply think that just because she's a drow she's not worth saving as he's broadminded to ideas of people doing stuff completely different to their race.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:


Quote from: overfiend87 on February 10, 2010, 09:03:06 AM
glad you liked it. I was interested in playing the male cleric that finds her, if that's okey with you. I was thinking of one like my current D&D character, Chaotic Neutral cleric so he doesn't simply think that just because she's a drow she's not worth saving as he's broadminded to ideas of people doing stuff completely different to their race.

No problem ^^ And it's ok =)
Heh...Akordia is CN too =D (In past I maked her many profiles ^^ ) - I read that CN drows are sometimes allowed to live in drow society, although they are rare...

Is there will be any certain deity which your cleric have? And how will be he look? =)

Another thing - since I cannot find your On/Off's section, then can I ask, what sexual level it will be: Light, Bondage or Extreme?


Unlike the character in my campaign he'll be human so there's already a big difference. Depending on his level I'll see what armour he has. Drow are ECL +2 so she'd be as powerful as a character at level 9 so my cleric will be levle 9 since he's just a human, bit if you don't want to faff around with ECL (cause I'm Anal retentive that way) then we can say he's 7th level too. He will be wearing fullplate, but it's just simple full plate not mith or magical same with his heavy steel sheild, large mace and huge sword strapped to his back, though the sword on his back looks like it's more for show than actual combat. He'll be about (rolls dice) 21 years old so he's young and has a lot ahead of his life and has a holy symbol hanging down from around his neck. Clean shaven with dark hair hidden under his helmit and bright blue eyes with the apparence of years of travelling. Standing at about (rolls more dice) 5" 9' weighting 175lbs though it seems to be little fat on his body.

The Deity on the holy symbol will be Shaundakul (Shawn-da-kul) a deity of travel and adventure. His influence was perhaps the reason that he ends up coming across her whilst she's wounded and saves her life. His deity is the same alignment too and woreship involved moving from place to place often so he does this and has been in many places helping groups as a mercanary by healing them up or using his powers to turn the undead into dust.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:


Quote from: overfiend87 on February 10, 2010, 09:29:40 AM
Unlike the character in my campaign he'll be human so there's already a big difference. Depending on his level I'll see what armour he has. Drow are ECL +2 so she'd be as powerful as a character at level 9 so my cleric will be levle 9 since he's just a human, bit if you don't want to faff around with ECL (cause I'm Anal retentive that way) then we can say he's 7th level too.

Well...It's better if he will be 7 level. In my opinion ELC + 2 was always too much for drow ^^** But of course it's your decission...
And thanks for description ^^ Hmm...His name? :V

You saw Akordia pics, so you should know how she looks, right? ^^

Another thing - since I cannot find your On/Off's section, then can I ask, what sexual part level of this RP  will be: Light, Bondage or Extreme?


oh I had a On/offs section...somewhere. Bah I don't really need it since I have almost no limits.

The name...err...Dante Karnak. Just made that up at the spur of the moment.

7th sounds good, good spells that get more powerful later on. Hmm...anyway with the sex I guess it depends on the characters but I see this as a much more romantic thing so it will most probably not have bondage in it (unless captured and forced into some kind of bondage by a evil Baroness or something) and detailed sex usually so shouldn't be that many tags.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:


Quote from: overfiend87 on February 10, 2010, 01:09:02 PM
oh I had a On/offs section...somewhere. Bah I don't really need it since I have almost no limits.

The name...err...Dante Karnak. Just made that up at the spur of the moment.

7th sounds good, good spells that get more powerful later on. Hmm...anyway with the sex I guess it depends on the characters but I see this as a much more romantic thing so it will most probably not have bondage in it (unless captured and forced into some kind of bondage by a evil Baroness or something) and detailed sex usually so shouldn't be that many tags. Ok.

Dante...hmm...sounds good =]

Yeah... 7th cleric is good in healing but can't ressurect yet.
7th wizard can bring ice storm, but can't contact with other planes yet...

Ok...But what type of RP'ing? Via forum or via PM's? ^^


I don't mind either, but I'll perfer fourms since I can keep a track of them much easier.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:



well you already said about her ending up outside. Perhaps your character since she has to end up somewhere for mine to find her afterall.
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:


Quote from: overfiend87 on February 11, 2010, 11:40:43 AM
well you already said about her ending up outside. Perhaps your character since she has to end up somewhere for mine to find her afterall.

Sorry for no answer eariel ^^***

Ok...I will make the topic


Here it is


Quote from: jazyda on February 13, 2010, 03:20:18 PM
Sorry for no answer eariel ^^***

Ok...I will make the topic


Here it is
I'm away on holiday buy I'll reply soon, promise :)
Here's my request thread. Dominant Sub, male or female, I don't mind:
