Funeral Homes Sued Over Brain in Bag

Started by Spookie Monster, February 07, 2010, 07:25:20 PM

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Spookie Monster

Wow.  Everyone makes mistakes, I guess.

A New Mexico family is suing two funeral homes over a gruesome incident in which members unwittingly accepted a bag containing a relative's brain and only became aware of it by the odor a day later.

Read the full article here.


Holy holy...
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Callie Del Noire

I cannot imagine what Saul the Shipping clerk will get for this snafu!

Still as least it's looking to be a mistake of some sort and not shady busienss like the guys at the crematorium hiding bodies in their back yard for years huh?


Hai'iro Karasu

WoW D: That's disturbing, sad, and just....down right wrong....


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