A World of Leagues

Started by Jag, January 16, 2010, 01:13:37 PM

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Exactly if this sounds acceptable I'll start work on his bio for this story.

Doktor Sleepless

Like Beast, exactly my thinking. Although I can't think why Tarzan would hang upside down...

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Doktor Sleepless on March 02, 2010, 09:26:09 PM
Like Beast, exactly my thinking. Although I can't think why Tarzan would hang upside down...

I could see him squating on tables (and Selene poking him with her staff)


I took a bit of liberty with Tarzan's history but the Character is pretty true to the original I think. How does he look? Does he meet with your approval?

Name: Tarzan Aka John Caldwell, John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke,
League: American
Played By:  Nos Corventius
Age:  24
Height: 6’ 8“
Weight: 260

Description: Though he is obviously Caucasian, he is deeply tanned, extremely athletic, tall and handsome, with grey eyes, long black slightly unkempt hair and overly long arms, has a tendency to bear his teeth when angry or upset.

Character Biography: Tarzan is the son of  Lord James The Viscount of Greystoke and Lady Emily the countess of Wessex. While on a expedition to inspect some of the viscounts holdings along the ivory coast the couple were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers, who spared the couple because Lady Emily was with child.. When Tarzan was a year old, his mother died of Malaria. Soon after his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe into which Tarzan would be adopted. Taken in by Kala the young Tarzan (White Skin in the Apes language) grew to be a fierce warrior and hunter often besting his Adopted brothers and protecting the Clan from outside dangers. At 18 Tarzan met Jane Porter an American Woman who with her father Professor Archimedes Porter has come to explore the jungle coast. The two fall deeply in love and in his haste to be with her he agrees to travel with the group. They immediately set off for England but are met with a cold reception upon what should be a happy homecoming for  Tarzan. Jack, Tarzan's younger brother, refuses to accept his savage brother as the rightful heir to land and title. Understanding only trail by combat Tarzan challenges Jack for what is rightfully his. While Tarzan wins easily the incident, which leaves Jack badly injured, proves that though Tarzan now speaks several languages and is rather more refined then when Jane first found him, He is not yet ready for Aristocratic society. Dejected Tarzan follows Jane one more this time to her home inside Fort Mudge, Georgia. While Tarzan, now using the name John Caldwell, is happy in his new home of swamps and jungle he still wishes for more challenge then the Gators and Mountain Lions that roam his new home, can give him. A challenge that the League just might provide.

Personality: He is gentle and protective towards women, Always sides with the underdog, Can be brash and unthinking, In dealing with other men Tarzan is firm and forceful. With male friends he is reserved but deeply loyal and generous. As a host he is likewise generous and gracious. Tarzan constantly battles with a duel nature Though he enjoys such civilized activities as reading or playing chess and is often brillant, well spoken, and articulate, he will often revert back to his more primal nature when angered, or involved in an overly physical activity. Once more becoming the Savage he used to be instead of the civilized gentleman he aspires to become. While this is somewhat an asset to the League it often gets him in trouble, usually through no real fault of his own, and leads to someone being carried off to the hospital. It can take Tarzan several minutes after calming down, to revert back to his gentlemanly self. Tarzan is also bit of a ladies man, though he's fiercely loyal to Jane he does not see that as a reason to be monogamous. Prefers his food raw even meat.

Equipment: A Ivory handled Mangbetu Knife  http://www.pbauctioneers.co.uk/images/recently_sold/469.151109.jpg Roughly 16 “ long used for fighting, throwing, and hunting, Specialized folding bow and quiver of arrows. Smoke bombs and flash grenades.

Edited to reflect personailty change

Callie Del Noire

Yup.. I can see Selene poking him with her staff to get off the furniture. :D

Callie Del Noire

Selene pokes the threads to see if they're still alive an twitching.


I'm just waiting for an nod of approval so I can find a way to force my way into the americian group. Not sure yet just how I'm going to do this now that I've read it but........ I'm sure I'll come up with something.


Sorry about the wait...I broke my laptop while trying to clean it...*Michi shouldn't be allowed to touch computers*...It looks good, Nos. I'll add it to the profiles.

And hopefully I can get both threads up to date some time today.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment

Callie Del Noire

I shudder to think how you break a laptop cleaning it. (Have literally taken apart every computer in my apartment)


I have too. I've taken apart dozens of Desktops and laptops...I fear telling you what I did would cause laughter in my direction. >.> It was a stupid mistake involving the keyboard.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment

Callie Del Noire

Just be lucky you don't have to work on the old keypads I have


English League is on hold till we get more players for it or till Tripp comes back to reclaim Orlando.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment

Callie Del Noire

Hope it starts up again soon.. I love the way TRipp plays Orlando..it's a hoot!


Okay I've thought over the problem for a bit now and still am not sure how to go about entering this. Here's my ideas: I can play out a late personal meeting with Alexander having come from Georgia all the way to DC and meet everyone at the train station. (You did mention a train didn't you?)

Or I can show up at the meeting place after everyones left, find the card Jack left on a table and bloodhound like, follow the trail to dinner. Which is better for you guys?

Callie Del Noire

Either works for me..

You come charging in.. Selene whaps you with the Staff of Solomon. LOL.. We get to prove magic to Abby as Selene smites you good!

Isn't it required for at least a couple Hero fight introductions in comics anyway? :D


Okay just remember you asked for it.  >:) I'll work on it so I can post right after Michi's next post. I think I'll drop in from a skylight. I have this picture of you all sitting in a glass domed library for some reason that I just can't shake.

Callie Del Noire

Rather you came in though the front window please.. it's open for 'night airing'.. Foggy bottom is so stuffy don't you know. :D


So nice of you to leave it open for me! Okay sounds like a plan.

Callie Del Noire

Well there would be a screen in place. Of course having him leap in during hr discussion on magic could lead to dire happenings. Problem is most of her magic is subtle. What could she do to escalate things?  Clout him with the staff and blow him back into her yard?   Hmm. Have to think and plot on this.


Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Okay I've posted it. I realized mid post though that i had his personailty wrong so I've changed my CS a bit to reflect the change, I hope that's okay. i think the way he's written now is much more compelling. Let me know what you think.


P.S. Tarzan is currently dressed in a dark suit including a grey vest and tie much like this one: http://www.sarasotatuxedo.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=popup_image&pID=152 his hair is tied back with a bit of ribbon though the suit and his hair are in no way orderly anymore.

P.P.S Thought about your issue of using only subtle magics and thought you might be able to use the staff to amplify kenetic energy. Basically where you would hit him with enough force to maybe sting a bit with a reguluar cane but the hit would cause him to fly back several feet instead. Thus it is still a subtle working even though it has a big effect. Just a thought.

Callie Del Noire

Pulls out a deck of cards and starts playing a strange game of cards. <hmmm sorceress and cards.. :D >


Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment

Callie Del Noire

Doktor Sleepless

Uh, I'm sorry, how would Tarzan move before Jack fired, and why is he hitting him a second time, when he didn't hit him a first one?!?!?