The Wretched Ones 1000AD Viking / Native American *male preferred*

Started by Valkyrie1066, December 29, 2009, 12:58:57 PM

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Historical RP

Looking for solo play with north east coast native american character of either gender.

Viking / Native American   1000 AD on the shores of the new world. (Maine-ish?)  A conflictual relationship warms between the two characters, a joining of culture. 

It is the year 1000 in the New World, the soon to be named Americas.  The Scandinavian explorers who land on the shores are looking for space to grow cabbages, onions and sheep, not gold.  They are part time farmers and part time sailors; Not quite the bloody eyed band they were rumored to be.  Still in all, their ways and the ways of the "skralings" were frequently in conflict.  The people who left the ship are desperate, holding everything they own in the world, having gamboled on a few acres to call their own.  They have vastly underestimated the presence, strength,  and organizationof native peoples.

The end of that story is well known; that most of the survivors make it to the ship, and they leave, never to return.  The end of the ones left behind are a story yet to be told.

This one is a grown man, having seen more than 20 summers.  He has no land, property, or living relatives.  He has little of their highly prized silver, but the tools with which he expects to scratch a living from the ground.  He is not a particularly skilled swordsman; he is far more familiar with an axe, and a bow.  Hunting and fishing he knows, but many of the plants and animals here are strange to him.

The rest of the details?  Let's work them out together.
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