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The Advanced [VAN to BON, Impreg?]

Started by TheVillain, December 29, 2009, 01:39:10 AM

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There is an idea floating around in scientific and philosophical circles that because of technology and the human drive to adapt it's environment to maximize human survival that evolution is, in effect, dead in the species Homo Sapians.

But there is a group of people who have decided to do something about that. It's not like there aren't mutations in the genome, it's just that natural pressure doesn't favor these changes anymore. Something must be done to prevent stagnation.

That something is now called The Advanced. A secret society dedicated to finding mutations in the human genome, determining which ones would be beneficial to mankind's survival, and ensuring that these genes are passed on to future generations.

Their methods are surrounded in mystery, ranging from being the truth behind alien abductions to it all being talk. But that man at the bar, the one with the handsome eyes whose been buying you drinks, knows the truth.

[Alright, well- The Incubus was way more popular then expected, 13 wonderful ladies from these boards and counting, so I thought of something that I hope will mostly be a slightly more consensual version of similar hanky panky. Seeking women right now because I'm a guy, your characters would be either:

A.) Evaluated to have genes beneficial to humanity and as such has, without her knowledge, been targeted by an international conspiracy that will do anything in it's power short of sexual assault to make sure your character gets pregnant- preferably by a male confirmed to have genes they deem beneficial. To which they've trained and supplied their own males for the task.


B.) Your character works for the international conspiracy. A male has been found with genes considered beneficial to humanity and your mission is to use the conspiracy's training and resources in order to seduce him into impregnating your character. Short of sexual assault.

My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Hmm. . .some PMs from interested parties have given me ideas.

1st, do to the fluid nature of the characters involved there can really be any number of threads and characters. A very loose group RP really, made up of a bunch of solo threads.

2nd, I don't have to be involved in a thread- as long as it's agreed that it happens in the same world there can be any number of groupings.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


I'd be happy to participate in that "loose group RP" ;), maybe I could still use my sub-story idea we've discussed earlier, with another fellow writer.
/Racing with time in order to give life is still on my mind.../
Cross fingers for your thread! ;)

Please, let me know where to post if there's a chance.
Thankie :)


Hear that boys? A request! You going to leave a lady hanging?
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Hehe :) Thank you *hugs*
I hang with pleasure if it's worth to wait! ;)


This is my variation for the theme:

It's about a woman who has something like a year left because of a disease -still her greatest wish is to give life to a child- and an impregnating agent... who finally falls in love with his "target" and decides to leave his past behind only to live for his new family that gave meaning to his life, no matter how bold and dangerous this step is.

Taken by CedarPearl.


Do you think perhaps the group would want to speed up the pregnancy process?  That way they could have the women they find produce multiple children in the normal time period.  Just a thought anyways.

Even if we don't go that way, I'd be interested.  What types of mutations are we looking for?
In the process of moving, so posts may be slow
Need an idea?        Ons and Offs


Right now, minor enough that 99 out of a 100 times it takes a geneticist to tell for sure. I'll PM you.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.