Brushing your teeth like a real spartan

Started by Chevalier des Poissons, November 08, 2009, 05:39:17 PM

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Chevalier des Poissons

Well, let's see.. This is a meaningless tutorial to teach you all how to brush your teeth in a creepy way. If you have the guts to do that, then you will be a winner in life.

Step one - Picking the correct toothpaste is essential, and don't forget a legitim spartan War Cry:

Step Two - Hold your toothbrush with ferocity [It is your war weapon], while taking a firm grasp at the toothpast [another war weapon]:

Step Three - Set your toothbrush ready for the incoming attack:

Step Four - Mediation time....the toothbrush is properly armed:

Step Five - ATTACK!!

Step Six - Winning the battle (the saliva is just for dramatic effect)

Step Seven - Victory! Now go get a good shower because simply washing your face won't work.

This is a tutorial made by the own person that is on the pictures. The posting of his pictures is properly authorized by him.
-I have Maro's heart, and I promise to take good care of it-

A & A


I am sorry.  Is this a tutorial about brushing your teeth or a picture of a mad dog?

Thanks for the laugh.





made me laugh.

Ons and Offs
The Doctor is out.

Screen images simulated. Not an actual physician. Professional driver on a closed course, do not attempt. If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, contact your significant other.


He looks at me and my heart starts skipping beats, my face starts to glow and my eyes start to twinkle.
Imagine what he would do to me if he smiled!

Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.

On's & Off's
The Oath of Drake for Group RP's


*chokes and splutters than bursts out laughing*