Fuzz Therapy

Started by Krysia, September 13, 2009, 05:12:11 PM

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For those of you who know me, when I joined E I was unemployed and soon after I gained employment at a local Chick-Fil-A that opened. I was part of the grand opening celebration. Everything was fine. It was then I realized I had a debilitating problem with my feet, not incurable, but still a very painful problem. I have plantar fasciitis in both of my feet. It hurts to stand on them more then a few hours. I’ve been fighting with this issue since sometime in July. It’s been in an out of the podiatrist office.

In the middle of this, because I had my hours cut and I felt useless to the company that hired me, I became depressed. I’m human after all. It had been 6 months since I was able to find employment and I could feel this job slipping through my fingers due to a medical condition. I talked to my boss and he said I could take a medical leave of absence. I didn’t want to do that because I have bills to pay and any little bit of money helps. After talking to the managers in the store they put me on a shorter schedule. I can work with this, but I had more time on my hands at home.

In the midst of this depression I wanted to bring home a new baby. I wanted a friend for my Oreo, she was getting older and the fact I won’t have her forever set in. I set out looking for new kittens. I went to Petco in the area, 80 bucks for 2 kittens. Not a bad deal. I could deal with 2 more babies. I brought the application home with me and talked to my husband. He was all for more fuzz therapy as he named it. It stems from when ever I’d get upset, Oreo would be right there on my lap so I could pet her and calm my nerves.

Now the problem I have is, we both live with his parents. It’s not my house. John posed the question to his parents about getting new baby. We weren’t surprised to hear the all mighty “No”. I’d go visit Petco, looking at the kittens they had, which weren’t really kittens; they were 4 months old and past the imprinting stage.

We got Oreo at 16 weeks, right when she was able to leave her mother. We had also been there when she was born. She imprinted on John and I, she doesn’t bite, and she doesn’t claw. Well at least she doesn’t do those things to John and me. She’s the best cat I’ve ever had.

I looked elsewhere for a new kitten still with the knowledge I wasn’t able to get one. I turned to the local SPCA, if anything I could still get information when the in-laws caved in and said yes. I looked at their web site; I looked at their cat gallery. They didn’t seem to have many kittens. We decided to go and visit their location. To my surprise they had more kittens then what their web site showed. Instantly I was attached to 2 of them there.

Little Marlin, a black and white very curious male kitten, he was instantly my favorite. And little Snapper, a grey and white kitten who had a very loving disposition, he was a climber but a very cuddly to be lap cat.

Marlin had the attention span of a goldfish, which made his personality even more inviting. Watching him try and chase the laser pointer I bought was the funniest thing; he was intent on catching it until something shiny caught his attention. He reminded me of Jeremy from the movie Secret of Nihm. I could just hear Marlin if he had a voice, “Oh! Sparkley!”

Snapper was my husband’s favorite. He’d come over to John and snuggle up to his leg just to attack his toes through his sandals just to fall asleep in his arms the next minute. They have an enclosed area that is outside for the cats. Snapper was out there one day and I looked out the window. He saw me and came running over to me. Several times he just crawled into our laps and fell asleep. He was so soft and cuddly.

I talked to the sheriff in charge of the cats; I asked him if they were looking for volunteers. I was informed they had something worked out with the inmates at the local prison. I wasn’t allowed to officially become a volunteer for them but I was allowed to come socialize with the cats at any time I wanted, with in the times they were open. I purchased a laser pointer which now sits down there for anyone to use.

I went on vacation for about 2 weeks then came back to work. I was tired from the time zone switches. Last Friday night I had a very disturbing nightmare that something had happened to the kitties at the SPCA. I wasn’t able to get to visit them until today. I went for about an hour before they closed. I was saddened to find out Marlin and Snapper were both adopted along with several other cats that were there. I’m happy both my little boys found homes; I hope they are happy and have loving owners now. Both of those kittens have perfect personalities for children. They’ll make someone happy for a very long time.

I’ve very happy to have found many of the cats that were there have found homes. I was a bit distressed to find new cats had come to the cat room, but it just means there are new cats for me to help socialize and get them ready to be adopted. It also makes me feel better to know I helped a bit with the animals. I have 2 new babies to play with and help watch over when I visit. Coral and Starfish, they are about a month old and were in a cage by themselves when I first visited the cat room. Now they’re old enough to be out and about with the rest of the cats.

Coral – a calico fuzz ball – seems to have attached him self to me. He thought it was the greatest thing in the world to play and nibble at my wedding ring on my neck. He’s adorable. I know I can’t bring him or her sister, Starfish – a completely black fuzz ball – home. I’m happy knowing that these little purr balls will be there next time I visit. It’s helped me get over my fit of depression from the job.

I’m happy knowing that I have as many cats as I want when I go to the SPCA to help out. The cats there are starving for human attention; I wish I could bring them all home. I like the fact that when I walk in the room they become happy and come over to you wanting a shoulder, a lap, or even sometimes your back (we have one cat Tom who jumps up onto your back if you bend over).

All SPCA shelters are in need of donations to help the animals. Even if you go down and socialize with them and spend time with the dogs or cats it is worth it to them. I purchased a 3 dollar laser pointer and it is the most fun the cats have. I’ve had up to 5 cats running around trying to catch the little red dot. It brightens not only my day but the cats involved as well.

As for the job, I’m still there; I’m still dealing with foot issues. I’ve already gotten the orthotics they wanted me to try. Didn’t work, next step is cortisone shots in both heels. Hopefully this will be what I need to take care of the issue at hand. They are waiting for me to be able to do the job full time so I can be placed in a Team Leader position.

The SPCA has helped me with not only solving the issue of wanting to get a new kitten, but also giving me the fuzz therapy I needed. I love my interaction with not only my own cat at home, but with the new babies in the cat room.

The following are a few snap shots I took with my crap cell phone camera. If staff does not want them shown please inform me so I can remove them.

Sky – Blue point Siamese – Very affectionate disposition once you get her out of hiding. Adopted

Onyx – Black and white – Friendly and Loving, meows when you ignore him.

Coral – Calico fuzz ball – Necklace nibbler and face nuzzler. He was in the process of going after the charm on my cell phone when I got this. This is right after I got the shot of him.

This is John playing with a bunch of the kitties. The little mostly white and black kitty with the yellow collar is Marlin. I’m slowly learning their names. Most of the cats in this picture have found homes.

If you’d like to visit the cat room via then net here is the link:

-Update on the Job- I was removed off the schedule until further notice until my problem with my heels are taken care of. Guess I'll have plenty of time to go visit the cats now.