Aced is in the mood for... [MUL][Updated 9/23]

Started by Aced, September 11, 2009, 04:33:50 PM

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**Updated 9/23/09**

I am finally back into the swing of things and am starting to put together new forum Roleplays. See below for games I am currently searching for. I am a very literate male who will try roleplaying anything at least once, and I fancy myself as a fairly creative writer.

I will be updating this thread with story ideas as often as I can come up with them, so check back often. In the mean time, feel free to send me a feeler PM to see if I fit into an idea you've had or into a game already in progress.

An Important Note - Please know that the stories and plots listed below are just starting ideas and that I am more than happy to adjust these ideas and include your ideas and preferences as well.

Another Important Note - I am getting a lot of views but not so many nibbles. If you pass through my thread and decide not to bite for whatever reason, I would very much like to hear suggestion and reccomendations on how to make this thread better. Thanks!

I'm going to sort my Roleplays as follows:

- Group Roleplays

- Long Term Roleplays

- Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

- Smut

- Roleplays in Process

- Seeking Substitutes


Group Roleplays

This section is reserved for Longterm Roleplays that have no perceivable end. Though these roleplays may start off as 1-on-1s, they should naturally evolve into involving more people to keep them fresh and entertaining.


Long Term Roleplays

This area is reserved for Roleplays that have no perceivable end. This means that when developing a plot, I don't know exactly where this is going to go or if it will ever truly end. Please note that to make these types of RPs work, there will have to be some adaptability to keep it interesting. Main characters will die, personalities will change, multiple genres will be explored (Consensual, Nonconsensual, Bondage), and other players may be invited to join.

Light Vs Dark: The relationship between good and evil has always been strained. Both sides have been locked against each other since the dawn of time, but somehow all out war has been avoided; until now. With consequences that have shattered the modern world, the forces of good and evil have only one goal: Annihilation. Caught in between these cataclysmic forces is the modern world where society starts to collapse in on itself desperately trying to defend itself. Races and monsters that are both non-human and sub-human have begun to surface in the wake of chaos. While some cities produce technology sophisticated enough to stem the tide of disaster, others are caught in a virtual dark age. All the forces on earth vie with one another for power and survival and no one knows who is going to win.

The way I am going to do this is a series of stories within the story; each sub-story will effect the future of the overall world and it will be based on my partners decisions based on what storyline they want to play, and each will culminate in a massive battle in the war.

The Battle for Loenstar - Hael Hoss, Prince of the Elves

Dark: Hael Hoss leaves the safety of his underground homeland in search of allies to the Elves, but when he makes it to the surface he is quickly embroiled in a world of sin. As the only royal heir, he is the only elf left that can wield the Loenstar, a sacred elven artifact of immense power, but when recruited to the head of an enemy force he could spell doom for the elven race.

Light: To keep the elves alive Hael Hoss knows that he needs allies. Knowing this, he arranges his own marriage to a powerful leader in the forces of good. With such a powerful alliance, however, and the control of the Loenstar, Hael and the elves quickly become a popular target by the forces of evil.

The Battle for Demonia - Arcadia the Harvester

Light: The demons of Demonia are anxious to be free to roam the surface of the world, but none are as eager to do so than Arcadia. A prince among demons, this red-skinned, ebony-horned massive demon has been condemned to a life as a Harvester. His only job is to collect the dead and dieing from the battle field and use their spare parts to create grisly golems of flesh to fight in the war. Desperate to be free he'll go so far as to seek solace in the arms of an Angel, allowing her light to change his very nature so that he may lead the forces of good against his own kind.

Dark: The demons of Demonia are anxious to be free to roam the surface of the world, but none are as eager to do so than Arcadia. A prince among demons, this red-skinned, ebony-horned massive demon has been condemned to a life as a Harvester. His only job is to collect the dead and dieing from the battle field and use their spare parts to create grisly golems of flesh to fight in the war. One day he finds his key to become a general in the demon armies. An injured angel has been left behind on the field of a massive and brutal battle and Arcadia takes her for his own, intent to subvert and manipulate her and making her the ultimate weapon in the war against good.

Longterm Roleplay Requests

I do take requests for longterm roleplays as well, within the requirements listed above and below. Please be sure to visit my Ons/Offs before making your requests.

Vampires: While vampires are always fun, I require something outside of the norm before accepting this type of role. I don't want to play another Vampire vs Hunter / Vampire vs Were-wolf longterm game (short term is quite different). If you want to request a Vampire longterm game, please provide me with a unique storyline. For an example of this see my ongoing RP "The Plague Runner" (Vampires and Pirates)


Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

Short term Roleplays are roleplays that should be designed to have clear beginnings, middles, and ends. Though I call them 'short term' roleplays, they may go on for many months or even longer, depending on the storyline. Because these roleplays are more traditional stories, I will roleplay a wider variety of characters and plots without as many limitations.

Posessed: The demon Arcadia is young. Because he is so young, he is shapeless and preys upon the feelings, desires, and sins of mortals. The more intense the emotion, the more powerful he becomes and the weaker the mortal, the easier they are to control. When you first encounter Arcadia, he has already possessed a mortal and uses that mortal to manipulate your emotions so that he can feed off of them. The stronger her gets, the more direct his attacks become. He will possess you if he can, and control you until he is destroyed, destroyed you and left you an empty shell of a mortal, or until he has achieved his own form.

   Possible genres:
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

Summoned Monster: For years, magic wielders and cultists have toyed with the dark rituals that were thought forgotten. With these dark rituals they summon monsters and demons into the world in an attempt to bend them to their will. Yet the nature of these monsters and demons are not to be underestimated and their motives for answering a magician's call are unknown. Slyphien is a beast with aspiration of moving his entire race of monsters to the land of mortals and when he answers the call of a young up and coming sorceress, he finds the perfect host to make his plans a reality.

   Possible genres:        
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

Biker Wars - A Post-Apocolyptic RP: The worst has happened and a global war has wiped out almost 80% of the worlds population. Biological and nuclear warfare has pushed the remaining population into the world's deserts, were the land is at least clean of contaminates. Corporations build and rule terraformed cities with iron fists, exiling anyone that does not conform with their strict rules and guidelines. The world outside these compounds is certain death for most. Yet some continue to live in these vast sprawling wastelands, refusing to live by the rules laid down by the privileged. Biker gangs rule these territories beyond what has become of civilization and often war among themselves for resources. But when a new threat faces the two largest gangs, they find they have to work together to survive and the only way to do that is to marry the two rival leaders in what can be a violent and tumultuous union.

   Possible genres:
      Unexpected Romance
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

The Spoils of War (Fantasy): Galin is a hired mercenary renowned for his renowned ferocity in battle. Invading armies high him to train and lead their soldiers into battle, a task that he zealously sets out to complete. His only payment is his pick of treasure from the cities he ransacks. In one of his various raids he comes across a beautiful girl, trained in the ways of war and desperately trying to lead her soldiers in defense. After defeating her in battle, he decided to take the woman as his prize. Little does the man realize that the girl is the very reason he was sent to sack the town and her enemies are now in the process of sending troops to kill her, and Galin himself should he resist. But once Galin has chosen a treasure, nothing can make him release it.

   Possible genres:
      Collar & Leash
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

World of Night (Fantasy): Traditionally it has been a Vampire queen that has ruled the children of the night, until a bloodthirsty Caleb drains the queen and takes her place as rule. Ambitions of casting the world into eternal night set his sights on a Human Princess and her army of mages. If he can turn them all, taking the princess as his new bride, he will have limitless arcane power to use in his battle against the sun. Now all he has to do is take the girl.

   Possible genres:
      Mind games
      Oral Sex/Masturbation
      Light blood play
      Orgasm denial
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

The Hitchhiker (Modern/Supernatural): A shaft of moonlight breaks through the cloudy night sky, suddenly illuminating the face of a young man you hadn't seen a moment earlier. It's cold out, and a shivering thumb is turned towards oncoming traffic as the man seeks a ride. You're not one to usually pick up hitchhikers, but something about this man makes you stop and let him into your car. You were right about him. He is sweet and kind, his voice full of longing. He whispers of forever and you can't help yourself. You both share a night of passion, drinking in each others vitality hungrily. Too soon it is over and the young man fades before your very eyes. Will you ever see him again?

   Possible genres:
      One Shot/Short term
      I am open to other suggestions or requests

Short Term/One Shot Roleplay Requests

Short term roleplay requests should adhere to the guidelines above and below.

Vampires: I am willing to play short term vampire roleplays, though if you want me to play through the common VampireXSlave, VampireXHunter type Roleplays I ask that we keep it to the shorter end of the spectrum.

Incest: I'd prefer not to play Incest in short term roleplays unless the story is very compelling. Incest type roleplays are best relegated to smut (See Below).



Smut is meant to be just a few scenes worth of the roleplaying of sexual acts for one of the following scenes:

Crestview Home for Troubled Girls and Runaways (Modern): Father Patrick is young and highly regarded in the community of Crestview due to his charity work. His convent is a shelter for any woman who needs it, so long as they attend their first confessional and swear to atone for their sins during their stay. What the community does not know, however, is that Father Patrick, and his staff of nuns that he has already broken, is a twisted and corrupt pervert. Using the confessional as his own personal peep-hole to the souls of the lost girls that wonder into the convent, he uses their secrets to seduce them making the girls pay for their sins in any manner of sexual act he chooses.

   Possible genres:
      Orgasm Denial
      I am open to other suggestions or requests




Cheating Husband/Cheating Wife


Smut Roleplay Request

Because smut is meant to be extremely limited in length, I will take any request that you may have. Go nuts.


Roleplays In Process

This section is meant to provide possible partners with ideas and examples of my writing style.

   The Plague Runner
      Light Bondage
      Vampires and Pirates


Seeking Substitutes

This section is for roleplays that were started but for partners that are lost and not returning. I will post them here for anyone who may want to pick up where we left off.


Now open for giving you the business!


Updates 9/22 

Biker Wars - Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

Summoned Monster - Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

The Battle for Demonia (Light Vs Dark) - Long Term Roleplays

Important Note - Main Post

Ons/Offs - Profile


Updates 9/23 - Now with pictures!

As an added bonus I am now starting to include pictures with me available plots. These are just suggestions, though if you don't like them please provide me with a picture to use in its place.

Spoils of War - Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

World of Night - Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

The Hitchhiker - Short Term/One Shot Roleplays

Crestview Home for Troubled Girls and Runaways - Smut/Short Term Roleplays

Another Important Note - Main Post



Quote from: Doomsday Jesus on September 23, 2009, 09:19:03 AM
Summoned Monster looks interesting.

Is that a statement of interest or just a passing remark Doomsday?



I'm not much a person for M/M roleplays Doomsday, but I will PM you to see if something can be worked out.


I'm not into M/M myself, my interest was more out if a want to play as a female.