Tribal RP (looking for female characters)

Started by King_Furby, March 11, 2006, 11:30:36 AM

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Hello, all I am looking for someone to RP with me. Below I have included a passage that will hopefully give you an idea of what I am looking for. I need someone to play a female character, many types are welcome and yes I do have example images that i would like someone to adapt a character too, though your own ideas are more than welcome. You can either play a tribe member, or a female who is captured. I have many ideas for this so don't be afraid to ask what they are. Ask for the website and it will be provided for you. The RP involves a tribe of people in a fantasy setting, though i try to keep it as fictionally realistic as I can (joke, joke.) I have to say my character is a little unique, details can be provided and I also have an image for him. Though i will say his name is Jelani, he is fifty years of age and is the tribe sorcerer / witch doctor / etc. They RP will contain adult elements, what RP here doesn't =). The main focus of this RP is to kind of explore a culture of people I am trying to create. Also creative talent is always welcome, as i do enjoy working together with people to improve on an idea. I have hopes to eventually turn my tribe idea into a group thing, but just am not ready for that yet. As for your char I would like her to be under 25 but at least 18, though exact age is up to you. Please PM me, AIM me at RamMcc, or e-mail me at We will discuss more if you are interested.

Few know where they came from, other then just somewhere far north. It’s known as the land of ice, and to this day it still remains largely unexplored. They had lived in the north for many hundreds of years until tragedy struck and they were forced to leave their main territory in search of females. Tribe legend has always been important to them, and the elders circle can often be found telling their stories. They say it was their fault for what happened to them, and now what was done can never been undone. The gods had granted this tribe some powerful gems which were supposed to be left untouched for 300 years. However, one tribe elder could no longer resist, he constantly talked about how they were calling to him. Temptation was too great for him, and this caused the village to suffer greatly. These gems the elders recovered had magical properties and allowed the tribe to destroy many of their enemies. Everything was fine until a few years later when a contagious disease ran rapid through the tribe; however, it only affected the females. In a process of 10 years every female in the tribe died and then the tribe started to fail. It took one young man to propose the solution and at first no one took him serious. It was decided that the tribe would explore outward in search of anything female to satisfy the need to keep the tribe alive. And to this day the search continues as they must find more females to expand. It’s not easy for a primitive tribe to survive, so it’s a constant struggle. (This is just kind of a basis of my idea, a little history of the tribe.)

Note: If you don't want to RP the idea but are interested in assisting me you are welcome to do so. Just PM me or e-mail me and we can talk, i enjoy hearing ideas and comments from others.



It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


It's in a pure fantasy setting, not really an era of earths real history. The goal is to kind of create my own world and my own culture of people. I do this through role-playing my idea as it helps with the creative process. Sadly I have already got three bites on this subject and can't really accept another RP at the moments or i will be making myself nuts trying to keep up. I am of course always looking for creative talent for assistance. I do have a document I am working on about the tribe but not nearly complete. Life keeps me busy enough that i can't work on it as much as I want.

I am no longer looking for more RP's on the subject. I do however have a website which i can give you if you want where you can join a mailing list, though updates on progress won't come often since i am working on creating a rather large document about the tribe.. I may want to try to open the RP for group play on here in the future, but I am not sure as of yet.

May the Furby be with you


I wasn't actually looking to join, I was showing an interest.
And by era I was thinking of technology levels etc.
Unfortunately, even in fantacy settings there has to be some equation to the real world.
It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building


Ok i get ya. As for technology level I was thinking mostly primitive. The tribe is very primitive, they don't speak english well, and reply on primitive weapons and tribal magic to defed themselves. I don't got everything worked out yet..curse me for that. See i know all this in my head but right now just having a hell of a time explaining it. Prob this brain of mine just being tired, but I am on spring break so that's good. Mostly the story revolves around primitive tribes, being invaded and such. I really want to keep it primitive but of course the whole fantasy world would not be all primitive. But a majority of play would be in an area where only primitive tribes are found.

I hope that helps.


It's been fun, but Elvi has now left the building