Casualties of the Streets Rated MUL

Started by Gentle Eyes, May 01, 2009, 05:51:44 PM

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Gentle Eyes

I would like to play this out either in group roleplaying or in solo these charater here are what I like to use for the role playing so use different colors when choosing your charaters. Just tell me here which ones you would like.
I have choosen Melissa, Luna, Jason, and Razor but i'm willing to give one of my charaters up if you really want it you can choose the appearence of the charater or describe it in the rpg.

Plot:Your charater hearing rumors that a gang is now moving into the area raping women at night and becoming there toys of the night and every night at different location through out the city but know one knows why they find them again and again. All the local news knows that some big shoot above seems to know everything about the gang is ordering them to do so.


Name: Melissa
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Soulmate(s): Yuri
In Gang: No
Good or Evil: Good
History: Melissa is work long hours into the night at the local covinet store. She usually a hard worker. She doesn't see the wrong that goes around the city.

Name: Yuri
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Demonic Angel
In Gang: Yes
SoulMate(s): Melissa
Good or Evil: Both
History: **Explain his history in rpg**

Name: Talon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Soulmate(s): Melissa and Brandy
Good or Evil: EVIL
In Gang: YES
History: **Explain his history in the rpg**

Name: Jason
Age: 28
Gender: male
Race: Human
In Gang: No
Soulmate(s): Luna
Good or Evil: Good
History: Jason is a jockie of the local hockey team...He always looks for the girl of his dreams at his game that seeems to catch his attention the most.

Name: Razor
Age: 1000
Race: Were-Wolf
Gender: Male
In Gang: Yes
Good or Evil: Both
Soulmate(s): Brandy
History: **Explain his history in rpg**

Name: Brandy
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Good or Evil: Good
Soulmate(s): Razor
History: Works at the local veteranian clinc just down from the covinet store. Is normally very shy but loves spending time with animals.

Name: Luna
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Good or Evil: Evil now
Soulmate(s): Brandy and Jason
Race: Vampire
In gang: YES!
History: **You decide**

Name: Kerigen
Age: 45
Race: Human
Good or Evil: Extremly Evil
Soulmate(s): All the girls
Race: Unknown
In Gang: NO!
History: **You Explain in rpg**

Astrofig any chance, are you looking for someone to be a victim of the gang?


I think I'd like to be Brandy, then, if that's all right. It doesn't appear as if she is in, or knows about, the gang, but maybe Razor ataacks her first and then sees her later at the clinic or suchlike and starts falling for her?



Gentle Eyes