Friend Fiction [MxF]

Started by Toon, May 26, 2024, 09:55:56 AM

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Looking to set up a relatively long-term scene centered around cheating; namely one man going after his friend's wife and perhaps another friend's fiancee. I have two particular girls in mind and I'm way more inclined to play it with them if you're up for using them as reference. I'd love to talk more in private but if you're looking for some character hooks, the wife is the high school sweetheart to her hubby, but ten years out, she's starting to rethink her life choices, where the fiancee is a classic cold feet scenario. My guy hasn't really had a long-term relationship and is starting to look for something more stable, but unfortunately for his friends, he starts his hunt amongst their significant others, having seen what they look like in a long-term relationship.

Happy to expand or explore other ideas, too. Can go as hard or soft with the cheating aspect, or romance aspect as you'd like; a mix would be nice though. Another theme I like is exposing some pretty vanilla girls to larger and wilder things. Happy to work out something else along these lines.
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