Got a Kink? Emily Sweet’s Forced Fem/Fetish Plot Cravings

Started by Emily sweet, May 22, 2024, 03:31:52 PM

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Emily sweet

Let me first start off by thanking you for stopping by.  I’ve been here at Elliquiy for some time now it’s time to update my “wish list.”  Hopefully, the reason you stopped by is that you are interested in writing some forced fem or other fetish type fiction.  If not, then you might want to ring someone else’s doorbell.
A Bit About Me
I won’t bore you with details. We’re here for the stories, right? If we hit it off, we can always chat OOC.
Suffice to say, I want the basics that everyone here at E requests when starting a story; regular posts, replies written with some detail and thought and an open line of communication for Ons/Offs and especially absences. If the story is fast-paced with frequent (every other day) posting, short replies are fine.  If you can only post once a week, I would expect a lengthy post of several paragraphs so I can return the same. If our story slows to short replies spaced a week apart, I’ll lose interest.  If for whatever reason you lose interest, drop me a line.  My feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t want to continue. Don’t just drop off the face of the earth!
I don’t take off points for spelling/grammar as long as I can understand what you’re trying to say.  After all, we’re here to ‘scratch that itch’ and have fun.   I don’t have a preference in terms of first person/third person.  Whatever floats your boat is fine with me.  I like to use images and gifs to help illustrate and elaborate the plot, in addition to a face claim for the characters.  It’s not a requirement on your part, but as they say ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ so plan on seeing them from me.
In terms of ‘Smut vs Story’, I do require a plot to move things along.  I also ask that there is some sort of ‘reality’ or reason for doing something.  Other than that, I don’t care about the ratio of one to the other.
My Characters
For the most part I will play a submissive.  I can play a Dominant (male or female) but right now my story quota for the ‘Yang’ side of me is full.   Since my main focus is to find forced-fem stories, my character would obviously be male, late teens to twenties.  Should you want to offer something other than a forced-fem plot I can also play female or male subs.  My subs will always offer some kind of resistance, whether it be physical or psychological, initially at least.  It’s no fun playing with a dead fish.
Now….. onto Ons/Offs.  It’s very simple: Ons = Yes and Offs = No.  To put it bluntly, I don’t allow my characters to have ANY hard limits.  I am looking to push the envelope and want to find a writing partner interested in pushing theirs as well.  Basically, if you can dream or fantasize about it, I probably will write it with you.  Again, that doesn’t mean my character won’t resist, try to cajole their way out of something or just attempt to run like hell.  There has to be some kind of drama/tension created.
As for settings and story lines, I prefer present, real-world settings. I imagine I would do something futuristic or SyFy if the story intrigues me. I did once do a post-apocalyptic tale that fizzled out.  While I love Zombies and Vampires, I don’t write them.  I don’t care for stories involving for Futas or Furries.  Using Anime face claims for a story is fine.  As for SyFy type plot devices for transformation, I have employed a bit of fictional technology in some stories.  I just wouldn’t want it to be too outlandish.  For example, let’s leave out any drug that can grow DD breasts overnight.  On the other hand, using some ‘advanced’ method of cryotherapy to quickly shrink a waistline into a more feminine figure ‘makes sense.’ Basically, it should be within a ‘fictional’ realm of possibility.  Use of machines is definitely acceptable. That’s something that can be negotiated.

As of right now, I have story openings and itches to be scratched. Below are a couple of story seedlings that I’d like to see bear some fruit.  Please note that I am willing to negotiating the various plots if you have a slight variant of my story.

“When Fiction becomes Fact”-Blackmail, Non-Con, Humiliation, Kinks/Fetishes to be discussed.
A young, aspiring “starving” author joins “E” in order to sharpen his/her skills writing Non-Adult stories.  After posting a role play request, the person is offered a paying gig to write in the Adult Forum.  Despite leading a very vanilla life, they need the cash and accept the job.  As it turns out, the story evolves into quite a kinky tale.  Once it does, the author is blackmailed into living the story they have been writing.
“The Heir”- Forced-Fem, Non-Con.
OK…. So, this one’s been done a million times.  A young man’s parents meet an unfortunate end, making him an orphan but leave their darling son a small fortune.  He winds up in his aunt’s custody and she wants the money.  Let’s assume the deceased parent’s will has some kind of morality clause, so it becomes the aunt’s goal to make sure the young man can’t fulfill his obligation when he reaches age 21.
”Young Muslimah”- Forced-Fem, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Kidnapping
So, given the current political climate, this one is sort of iffy.  I’m not looking for the story to include the Israel/Palestine conflict, but it could involve both politics and religion.  I was thinking MC might be a college exchange student attending an Arab nation University. Perhaps he has a yen for a political career and wants to learn about the culture and religion.  He meets a pretty young female student who strikes up a friendship with him.  He thinks it might lead to romance.  She, however, is part of a kidnapping ring whose captives are transformed and trained per a buyer’s request.  Eventual fates include marriage, slavery, domestic servitude, etc.
“A Mother’s Revenge”-Dark, Forced-Fem, Non-Con. Kidnapping, Drug Use, Degradation, Brainwashing, Age Regression.
This has to be a ‘no holds barred’ RP.  I really am looking for a writing partner who either has no offs or is looking to stretch their preferences way past their current tolerance level. 
This is the story of the youngest son of a Mob Boss who, in an attempt to keep his boy outside the family business, sends him to college in the US.  He’s barely begun his freshman semester when he accidentally runs over a young woman and kills her.  As fate would have it, the young lady is the daughter of a rival crime boss.  Once she discovers who the boy really is, she has him kidnapped to take revenge.  Since she’s lost a daughter, she decides to transform her rival’s son into her replacement.  Except, her plan is not to replace the hole in her heart with a new beloved.  Instead, she wants her rival to experience pain and anguish on two levels.  By kidnapping the boy, the father will have lost a son.  By taking things one step further and transforming him into a drug-addled shemale whore, he’ll have suffered personal shame as well.  And if the mother makes a few bucks off the whore, so much the better.
While the majority of the story should focus on the son’s transformation, it should also include interaction with the father.  His kidnappers would make an initial ransom demand, one they have no intention of keeping.  It’s only to keep the crime boss thinking he’s going to get his son back in one piece.  As the story proceeds, they’ll torment him with the progress they’ve made with his son.
The nationality/country of the crime lord is open to negotiation.
 ”Pysch Ward”-Dark, Forced-Fem, Non-Con, Cuckolding, Kidnapping, Psychotropic Drug use in conjunction w/brainwashing).
I have two plot lines for this story.
One- This scenario comes from another player.  We started it briefly and then the writer vanished.  After a night of partying, an 18-year-old male high school senior (MC) wakes up in a padded cell in a straight-jacket. Shortly thereafter, in walks a psychiatrist (YC-can be male or female).  When the groggy young man asks why he’s there, the doctor informs him he has been brought by the local authorities to the hospital for observation, because he’s committed acts of ‘sexual perversion.’   He won’t, of course, have any recollection of the alleged bizarre behavior, having been drugged the previous night.  In order to obtain his release, he signs an order of voluntary commitment so he can be ‘treated, cured and released.’  The treatment will result in his feminization.  Open for discussion is the who and why behind the student’s kidnapping.
Two- This version involves a newly married husband (MC) and wife (YC).  Unbeknownst to the wife at the time of the marriage, the husband has been left a large sum of money by his deceased parents.  The thing is, the wife wasn’t really ready to settle down.  About a year into the marriage, she meets a psychiatrist who works in a nearby asylum, and they start an affair.  Soon enough, the woman falls for the Doctor.  She goes to her husband to ask for a divorce.  He is naturally broken hearted by her request and the prospect of having to go through life without the woman of his dreams.  He flees the house and goes out on a week-long drunken bender.  As bad as she felt about giving him the news, the wife really was going to go through with the divorce. Then she discovers the bank account and changes her mind……. Sort of.  She decides instead of the divorce, she’ll get with her lover and have the man committed.  Once inside the mental hospital, the two hatch a plan to dispose of the husband by feminizing him and then getting hold of his money.
”The Bimbo”- Non-Con, Bimbofication, Body Modification, Fetish, Kidnapping, Humiliation, Interracial, etc.
This is just a general request to pull something out of the kitchen sink of fetishes; latex, rubber, body mod, appliances, toys, interracial, incest, you name it.  The exact plot is open for discussion on this one.
Since I am already engaged in stories where MC is a female, I would be looking to play a male who is forced to undergo transformation. Kidnapping isn’t necessarily the plot device required to get MC into the clutches of YC.   I’m just looking for a story to scratch the fetish itch.
”What Would You Do for a Green Card?”- Non-Con, Dub-Con, Blackmail, Forced-Fem
This would be the story of a young man whose Visa is about to expire and desperately wants to remain in the US.  He could be a student, a worker, someone here on vacation who falls in love with the US, etc.  His patron (employer, teacher or just some new acquaintance) offers him ‘help,’ explaining to the lad he has ‘connections’ that will lead to citizenship.  In reality, the patron is part of a ring that turns boys into girls and sells them off.  He tells the man that since the authorities will be looking for a male, all he needs to do is pose as a female until the necessary strings can be pulled.  Naturally, his disguise needs to be top-notch.  He can’t in any way look like the person he was.  As a result, he gets the makeover of a lifetime and unwittingly embarks on the road to feminization.
His eventual fate will depend on how well he behaves once he realizes he’s been suckered.  If he accepts his feminization he might simply be employed as a maid for some rich and connected couple. Of course, the job will involve so much more than just cleaning house.  If he resists, his fate will be far worse (open for negotiation).
”The Losing Jockey” – Non-Con, Kidnapping, Bestiality, Forced Milking. Pony Play
MC is an average jockey (can be male or female) who’s been in the pocket of the Mob for a few years now.  Never having been good enough to ride a top-notch horse, MC’s pay has always been on the low side, making MC an easy target to bribe. Finally, tired of ‘playing the game’ and acting on a hunch, MC is willing to take the gamble of a lifetime.  Enlisting the help of an accomplice, MC decides to place a big wager on his/her own nag to win.  If MC wins, he/she will be set for life.  To everyone’s surprise MC pulls off the upset and even escapes the track.  MC’s accomplice, however, takes all the money, disappears and tells the Mob where to find me.  MC is kidnapped and the Mob takes its revenge.   I’m thinking retribution comes in the form of MC being forced to become a pony and earn the Mob money via ‘alternative’ ways. 
”Crash Diet” – Non-Con, Dub-Con, Forced-Fem, Body-Mod
MC is a somewhat chubby twenty-something year old man, who considers himself ‘intellgent.’  He’s been at the same job for a few years but has yet to get a promotion, something he feels is overdue.  After a heart to heart with his female boss, he’s told one of the reasons behind his failure to advance has been his appearance.  While capable, the woman tells him he just doesn’t ‘look the part.’  Rather than rock the boat, go down to HR, complain and worry about filing some kind of long, drawn-out lawsuit, MC decides to take his supervisor’s advice to lose weight.  Eager to get started on the road to improvement, MC also takes the woman’s recommendation on a particular high-tech spa to enroll in; especially after hearing it uses the latest Cryotherapy methods.  MC thinks even more highly of the place when his boss mentions quite a few of the company execs are enrolled there.  After all, what better place to get noticed than at a facility where the people most responsible for promoting him attend. 
Once MC signs up and begins his Cryotherapy sessions he notices almost immediate improvement, losing an inch or two around the stomach.  As the weeks pass his tummy continues to shrink.  The thing is he’s not getting the same results in some of his other ‘problem’ areas, particularly his flabby chest and butt.  The fun part here will be the facility convincing the man to be patient, that eventually the other parts of his body will ‘catch up.’  Of course, by the time MC figures out what kind of transformation he’s really undergone, it will be too late.  Open for negotiation is what his eventual fate will be.
”The Twins”
MC and YC are a pair of mischievous Identical twins.  YC is the sister.  Throughout their childhood they had taken turns impersonating each other at the expense of teachers, friends and family.  As kids, most of what they did was considered harmless fun, as they got older, however, their escapades started taking more serious turns (details to be determined).  Whatever dilemma we decide eventually befalls the sister, she’ll look to get out of it at the expense of her twin brother.      
Got a Kink?
Do you have a special kink you’ve been dying to try?  Hit me up with an idea and see if I’m game.  Just bear in mind, I’ll look to be on the receiving end. 

If anything interests you, please send me a PM. Note that I prefer to play in the forums but do have a Discord server.