Hero's of the day (free form, fantasy, all welcome, seeking Co-GM)

Started by Chreestafer, April 11, 2024, 08:34:10 AM

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Quote from: Raven Rawne on April 17, 2024, 11:52:33 PMI'm slightly leaning towards a tiefling cleric, since an elf would be OP simply because of life experience. So I'd like to ask, what kind of power level or perhaps more specifically, spells could they have to fit the theme? I was thinking about a rough equivalent of a Light Domain cleric, serving Lathander, so besides, say, a single target touch range heal they could have like, a light spell that's a magic candle, brightness wise,  and maybe one more utility spell. For self defense they could have a knife and a quarterstaff, since a spear or my fave low tech polearm, the Goedendag are more soldier weapons whereas a staff is useful when travelling as a walking stick.

Maybe I’m speaking out of turn, but I think we’re making allowances for versatility sake.

If it helps thinking of things in a tabletop manner, I think those spells are fine (pending approval from the big guy) but I think it’s entirely reasonable to have a host of low level effects ala say Druidcraft / Thaumaturgy / Prestidigitation that suit you thematically.

It’s mostly freeform, so we want you to have a broad range of possibilities at your disposal while understanding we’re starting out relatively low power. Not going to stifle your creativity by saying you can cast candlelight for four turns at a diameter of eight feet three times a day.

We want everyone to have fun interacting and telling stories as an ensemble. If there’s something you want to do that you’re not sure of, just ask, but I think we can trust everyone’s better judgement.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...


Raven Rawne

Thanks for the reply, I'm trying to use DnD terms since most people will get what I mean by it.

And really, I am looking for an avenue to provide appropriately scaled support so that the characters can for instance have their injuries treated if they occur, possibly add some other beneficial abilities that will be nice, but won't buff the party too much.


I'm leaning towards a druid or a shaman at the moment. 

Got some questions too : )

What kind of smut/story ratio there is going to be? What pace you are aiming for the game?


Quote from: Raven Rawne on April 17, 2024, 11:52:33 PMI'm slightly leaning towards a tiefling cleric, since an elf would be OP simply because of life experience. So I'd like to ask, what kind of power level or perhaps more specifically, spells could they have to fit the theme? I was thinking about a rough equivalent of a Light Domain cleric, serving Lathander, so besides, say, a single target touch range heal they could have like, a light spell that's a magic candle, brightness wise,  and maybe one more utility spell. For self defense they could have a knife and a quarterstaff, since a spear or my fave low tech polearm, the Goedendag are more soldier weapons whereas a staff is useful when travelling as a walking stick.

Play what you'd like how you'd like.  You don't have to get that formal on details. There are many just starting out elven warriors in the world.  That said, a tiefling does tickle my fancy hahaha.  As for spells think of what your character would have prepared for her everyday life.  Most likely you were just a temple cleric offering simple heals for tithings for the church.  You just go your clerichood when all of a sudden, you're thrusted into the situation at hand.

Quote from: Opale on April 17, 2024, 09:37:28 PMHeya  :)
Tempted aswell.
What would be the lewdness  proportion ?

I'd propose a character like this :
Adventurer Info
Name: Phoebe Nyx
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/Rogue/Submissive slut
Why Risk This?: Because finding trouble is always preferable to live a peaceful life.
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Anything strong enough to get me drunk and wet
Interested In: Kinky bets, tedious situations, forced sex, bondage, sexual humiliation, brainwashing, drugs& aphrodisiacs, streching my limits to the point I become a nympho sexdoll
Brief Description: Phoebe was born the seventh daughter of a moderately wealthy merchant. She lacked little in the ways of needs but egeregiously in the form of any supervision. By the time she had reached adolescence she had discovered a nose for finding trouble and a bad habit on relying on her family to come to her rescue when that trouble exploded around her.
Phoebe's quick wit and quicker fingers blossomed as she grew to womanhood, a good thing as her familily's fortune took a turn for the worse. Bad investments and banditry had left them on the wrong side of debts to powerful individuals. Tired of her antics making matters worse, they split ways with their troublesome daughter in hopes she'd find respectability on her owns.

What do you mean by Lewdness Proportions?
I like the concept so far! if you can, please put it in the format that my Co-Gm, Brittlby, has so graciously posted for us.  :)

Ill have a CS up soon too for examples.
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Quote from: Kissa on April 18, 2024, 08:34:54 AMI'm leaning towards a druid or a shaman at the moment.

Got some questions too : )

What kind of smut/story ratio there is going to be? What pace you are aiming for the game?

Id like for the story to keep a steady pace, at about 1 to 2 posts per week.  That said, trust me, i know how the real world can get with everyone.  Just keep the group up to date on what's going on.  

Ratio wise, im ok for 50/50 or 60/40 leaning more towards story over smut. 

and i love the druid idea! 
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs

Raven Rawne

Still working on the character sheet. Main points are that it's a tiefling female cleric of Lathander who does the heals. I plan to give her a knife and a quarterstaff for weapons so it's kinda basic and realistic for someone leaving a temple.

Now one thing I want to ask. Can a character be simply not interested in sex? Or is that part mandatory? She can be later but at the start she'd be interested in her quest, not sex.


Quote from: Raven Rawne on April 19, 2024, 05:19:28 AMStill working on the character sheet. Main points are that it's a tiefling female cleric of Lathander who does the heals. I plan to give her a knife and a quarterstaff for weapons so it's kinda basic and realistic for someone leaving a temple.

Now one thing I want to ask. Can a character be simply not interested in sex? Or is that part mandatory? She can be later but at the start she'd be interested in her quest, not sex.
I like the concept :)

As for the no sex, I'm not against it, but I don't want it to get boring for you either.  The story itself is geared more towards story than smut. But there will be sex scenes, and even open to group sex scenes should the party be on board for it.  So maybe play someone who is nieve at first then opens to it?
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs

Raven Rawne

Let's see how the GM's like my first draft:

Heroes of the Day Character Sheet

Zarith - Virtue Name "Redemption"

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Uncertain (got no time for it!)

Background: The story begins with a Pact, between an ambitious man and a devil. Said man became a successful warlock, and earned a reputation, as well as riches from the benefits of his Pact. He had a son, four in fact but only one survived long enough to marry and have a kid of his own. That would be Zarith, born a tiefling due to her grandfather's deal with the Hells. Her name was a suggestion from the very devil who struck the deal, as he tended to appear every now and then, seemingly when in passing to the warlock. He was present on the day Zarith was born. Zarith's father had no intent of following his own father and turned to the Gods, rather than devils. Lathander was the main deity of the house, much to the devil's displeasure.

Due to the admittedly harder time a tiefling had in the world, mostly due to prejudice, Zarith knew she would have a hard time getting a good job. Her family, at least her parents that is - her grandfather was reasonably rich - would be considered as doing well with their little cloth store, but she was suggested not to rely on this business for her future, as it was rather fragile. Eventually, mostly due to the way she was treated in the temple, the young tiefling decided to join the ranks of Lathandarean novitiates. Her parents were proud, and relieved - her only child (they were weary of the risk of bringing in another tiefling, and thus making another of their own blood to have a hard existence) seemed to have a place to belong in the world.

Donning the robes around her 16'th birthday, Zarith enjoyed her life in the temple, even if it took some time for others to adjust. She went through several Virtue Names over the course of her time as a novice, trying to do her best in every aspect of life. Eventually, a half elf cleric Aurice, one of the more respected in the monastery, took notice of a spark of divinity in the young girl. With proper training, Zarith became able to cast simple spells for the glory of the Morninglord. Eventually able to heal, she earned money for the temple this way - taking what was offered, but never refusing to tend to someone who couldn't pay.

A year prior to current events, Aurice was called to join the fight against the Evil in the mountains, among a few others. He left the temple, but never returned. Zarith - who by now have settled on the Virtue Name "Redemption", grew restless from the long absence, to the point of asking for permission to find her mentor, and if he fell, to properly bury him. She wanted closure, bad.

Occupation: Ceric of Lathander
Tools of the Trade: Holy Symbol (brass Radiant Sun medallion on a chain), bag with simple medicines and bandages
Spoken Languages: Common, Infernal

<——————-* ——————->

Appearance: Five foot seven inches / 170 cm in height, Zarith stands out with her charcoal, black-ish curved horns, akin to a ram. They are sturdy enough to headbutt without risk of damage. Face framed by shoulderblade, very dark brown hair tied into side braids, her skin is slightly brown with a smallest hint of dark red. Comapred to the dark pallet of her body, she has bright eyes, like honey, although unusual looking as she has no pupils. Full lips tend to pout a lot, hiding pointed teeth. When she feels secure, a semi preehensile tail with a spade at the tip makes an appearance. Otherwise it's tucked under her cloak or a longer garment. Her figure is usually obscured by a cloak, but it is an hourglass, and upon closer look one might notice toned muscles as well. Lathander encourages his followers to be physically active and strong, after all. Zarith is able, but not super strong.

Nowadays she usually wears a simple set of clothing, consisting of a pair of dark green pants and knee length boots, a blue long sleeved tunic, and a brown woolen cloak that reach past her knees. She has a belt with a big knife, a separate eating set consisting of a knife, prick and a spoon, some smaller pouches with coin and whatnot. Over her shoulder, she tends to carry a bag with more supplies, and medicinal items. Rarely is she seen without a quarterstaff, both tips encased in iron. She tends to clutch to it. Hanging fronm her neck is a brass medallion, her Holy Symbol.

<——————-* ——————->

Personality: Slow to trust, but once she trusts, she does so fully | Studious and meticulous, also with her appearance | Interested in wellbeing of others | Not very interested in hierarchical structures, she's rather withdrawn around those in power | Explosive temper when she gets emotionally invested into something | On the fence when it comes to showing or recieving intimacy, usually withdawn |

Likes: Sunrises, Sun in general, warmth, comfortable fabrics, bright colors, snakes and other "undesirable" creatures, sweet drinks
Dislikes: darkness, cold bitter food, stronger alcohol, cats (they remind her of Bephegor),
Fears: Necromantic magic, the undead, having no way of leaving a place, being surrounded in a new place by strangers, to an extent - the dark
On/Offs: Lacking in romantic experience, Zarith doesn't really concern herself with the idea of being with someone. If somehow she doesn't brush the topic of relationships completely aside, she reveals that she hopes for a mutual understanding and safety the most.

<——————-* ——————->


The devil she knows calls himself Bephegor. A charming fellow.
Her parents live in the same city and they often visit ach other, keeping in touch.
She knows her warlock grandfather, who took interest in her, but thanks to her father's influence, she didn't get to know her grandfather much. Not enough to become a part of some kind of infernal deal for sure.
In the temple of Lathander, Zarith befriended a half elf paladin Aurice. He was her sort of mentor and helped to smoothe the waters around a tiefling being allowed into the clergy. He's been a role model and a confidant ever since, till he left to join the fight against the evil in the mountains. Never to return.


Hey everyone, just giving a quick update on the concept. The story hasn't started yet and we're still accepting characters.  It won't be first come first serve.  Brittlby and I will look through the Character Sheets and dm those we'd like to join us.  We're still in the preliminary stages of starting the story.  I'll have my personal Character Sheet up this evening for everyone to have another concept to possibly work off of :)
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs

Raven Rawne

I was thinking, are racial features a thing? Like Darkvision, or Reverie for elves? Personally I like to write tieflings as not only horny, but also hot. Meaning high body temperature, cuz Hellish influence. 


Quote from: Raven Rawne on April 30, 2024, 06:38:34 AMI was thinking, are racial features a thing? Like Darkvision, or Reverie for elves? Personally I like to write tieflings as not only horny, but also hot. Meaning high body temperature, cuz Hellish influence.
We don't really have to worry about those particulars. Meaning, we can reference our characters are going to bed for the night.  What they do during those times of rest is a miniscule detail not really necessary, unless players want to write that out. 
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs

Raven Rawne

Yeah but being able to see in the dark is a big deal, actually.  Most fantasy settings give such abilities to certain races, hence my question whether you allow such racial perks.


Quote from: Raven Rawne on May 03, 2024, 12:32:53 PMYeah but being able to see in the dark is a big deal, actually.  Most fantasy settings give such abilities to certain races, hence my question whether you allow such racial perks.
Yes, teiflings would have darkvision
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs