Momo's Dark and Twisty MxM RP Search

Started by MomoPeach, October 12, 2023, 04:49:39 PM

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***Under Construction***

Heyo. There's not a ton to know about me. I write full time as a career so I go through ups and downs when it comes to rp. Sometimes it's what keeps me sane. Other times I have to take a week or two off while I pound out my next novel before deadline. There's no in between. I like messages, feel free to talk to me. I probably won't do it much in the beginning because I feel like I'm bugging people.

-Post length varies and matches yours. I prefer not to write novel-length anymore because I just want to have fun. I don't do one liners. Ever.

-I like dark stuff. I have no limits except scat. You can check my O/O's for more but my faves are non/dub con, incest (prefer related but step is fun too), taboo, power imbalance, and a ton more. I tend to play tops/dom, but I like playing both roles or switch/vers. (I write non super dark stuff too just ask. I like flexibility.)

-I love playing multiple characters! Seriously it's my favorite thing and fleshes out the world so much. Speaking of worlds, I adore worldbuilding too. It's so much fun.

-Don't control my character. I won't control yours.

-Move the story along instead of just replying. I want equal participation. It's more fun that way.


Picture Plots


Story Ideas

Bending The Rules

YC is a highschool/college teacher. He's a married man who's seen better days within his marriage, but refuses to give up on it. However, every once in a while he goes to a place and pays someone to sleep with him. He does just that. When he walks into class the next day he realizes that front and center is the new student who he met the night before. MC doesn't want things to end. So, he blackmails YC into keeping things going, dangling it over his head that he can tell his wife, the school, the world at any time.
(Possible themes include angst, hate sex, age gap, power dynamics shifted, omega/alpha, cheating, risky sex, dubcon, etc. Can be made taboo by it being father/son instead. I have a similar plot point for that.)

You And I

I really want to write something omegaverse where there's an arranged marriage or marriage of convenience. I have a few scenarios for this but I'd love something that's not all sunshine and rainbows. Both characters disliking each other, pregnancy difficulty, cheating, toxic relationship. ETC.

Love Is Blind

This is one I've wanted to play for a while now. MC is a serial killer, has been for years. He's engaged to YC who's a detective/cop/doctor etc. Whatever it is he's an upstanding member of the community. Everyone loves him. MC is a professor who keeps odd hours and indulges in his favorite pastime. Killing. He works in the basement, but tells YC that it's off limits to everyone but him because it holds delicate, precious books and art he's collected over the years. He can't stand the thought of anything being damaged. One day things turn upside down when YC comes home early/goes over to visit and finds MC in the basement with one of his victims. Can they get over this? Or will it end in blood? (Possible themes are dub/non con, forced killing, torture, degradation, humiliation, abuse, control, angst, etc.)


Currently Unavailable Plots
More Than Friends

They start off as unlikely friends, the bully and the boy that fell for him. For years they've been there for each other, but as they grew older, they drifted apart. Now MC is back after leaving for college. A lot has changed about him. He's more quiet now, reserved, and just a bit more cruel. Will YC stick around or decide to leave their unspoken attraction in the past?'
(Possible themes are non/dubcon, possessive/obsessive behavior, stalking, drug/alcohol use, abuse. Can be made taboo by switching it to brothers or step-brothers.)

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Always Watching You

YC lives a glamorous life. (Thinking actor, athlete, rock band member, politician, etc). He's used to being in the spotlight and having prying eyes on him wherever he goes. Lately however, things have started to get...strange. No matter where he goes or what he does he feels eyes on him. Watching, waiting, plotting. This can go one of two ways YC and MC his stalker which would include kidnapping, noncon, etc. YC and his bodyguard which wouldn't be as dark but more protective with forced proximity, dubcon maybe, etc.

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